Read a file and do a copy - batch-file

The following script runs fine at CMD prompt
FOR /F "delims=" %R IN (C:\Test01.txt) DO IF Ready == %R COPY /y C:\Test01.txt "D:\Ready.txt"
File is copied succesfully to D drive if the text01 file as 'Ready' as one of the line,
But create a BAT file with the same script its failing with the following error
R was unexpected at this time.
Any idea to fix the bat file?

You need to use double % (e.g. %%R) notation in bat files for variables.
Correct command is,
FOR /F "delims=" %%R IN (C:\Test01.txt) DO IF Ready == %%R COPY /y C:\Test01.txt "D:\Ready.txt"
For Syntax

NOTE: %R can be used only in command line. In a batch file, variables have to be %%R.
Please read this for more info


Apply batch OCR through command line

I am totally new to batch scripting for cmd (Windows).
I have installed tesseract to work as a command line OCR tool.
Now I would like to run OCR on 100 images that I have stored in a folder.
How can I do it with batch ?
The command to run tesseract on an image and return the OCR text in a text file is:
"C:\OCR\tesseract" "C:\Image_to_OCR.jpg" "C:\out"
More information:
As you can see, I would probably need to make a for loop whith automatically iterates through the number of pictures and changes the name of the picture in the command accordingly and of course also the output name of the text file... but I don't know how to do it.
Any help would be very appreciated !
As suggested in the answer by Stephan, I could write:
for %%A in (C:\*.jpg) do "C:\OCR\tesseract.exe" "%%~fA" "C:\out"
However, the command line (cmd) only apears quickly and closes imidiatley and nothing happens.
My files are not directly in C:\ but in "C:\Users\James\Desktop\", therefore I wrote the command as such:
for %%A in (C:\Users\James\Desktop\*.jpg) do "C:\OCR\tesseract.exe" "%%~fA" "C:\out"
...but as said before, it does not work somehow.
Also, can I change the output txt name to be the same as the input image name, like so ?
for %%A in (C:\Users\James\Desktop\*.jpg) do "C:\OCR\tesseract.exe" "%%~fA" "%%~fA"
This worked :
I got two great answers! Thanks a lot. The final thing that worked was a mix between both answers:
#Echo off
PushD C:\Program Files (x86)\Tesseract-OCR || (Echo couldn't pushd C:\OCR & Exit /B 1)
for %%A in ("C:\Users\EPFL\Google Drive\EDx PDF Maker\Cellular Mechanisms of Brain Functions\Slides\1\*.jpg") do tesseract.exe "%%~fA" "%%~dpnxA"
I don't know your program C:\OCR\tesseract.exe but I assume it needs supporting tools/files present in the C:\OCR folder, so either you have to set that folder as the current one or have it contained in your path variable.
#Echo off
PushD "C:\OCR" || (Echo couldn't pushd C:\OCR & Exit /B 1)
for %%A in ("C:\Users\James\Desktop\*.jpg") do tesseract.exe "%%~fA" "%%~dpnA.txt"
The "%%~dpnA.txt" will save the text with same drive/path/filename and extension .txt
Use a for loop to iterate over the files:
for %%A in (C:\*.jpg) do "C:\OCR\tesseract.exe" "%%~fA" "C:\out"
%%A is the filenames (one at each run of the loop),
%%~fA is the fully qualified filename (just to be sure).
Read the output of for /? to learn more about those modifiers.
Note: this is batchfile syntax. To use it directly on command line, replace every %% with a single %

How to create empty files in a loop with batch?

I am having a problem on running a script to create empty files in a loop.
This is what have done so far:
#echo off
for /l %%a (1;1;20) do (echo m> ".mp4" c:\test)
Basically I have twenty names in a file on my desktop and I intend to create them as empty *.mp4 files in folder c:\test with the command echo m> .mp4. When I run the code above, it does not seem to work.
The following FOR loop can be used in the batch file to create empty files 1.mp4, 2.mp4, 3.mp4, ..., 20.mp4 in directory C:\test as suggested by rojo:
for /L %%I in (1,1,20) do type NUL >"C:\test\%%I.mp4"
And the next FOR loop can be used in the batch file to read the file names for the empty *.mp4 files to create from a list file on Windows desktop of current user as also suggested by rojo:
for /F "usebackq delims=" %%I in ("%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\List of Names.txt") do type NUL >"C:\test\%%I.mp4"
For understanding the used commands and how they work, open a command prompt window, execute there the following commands, and read entirely all help pages displayed for each command very carefully.
for /?
type /?
Further the Microsoft article Using command redirection operators should be read explaining the redirection operator > and the SS64 page about NUL (null device).

About Copying Files

I want to copy some files to same destination.
Files which will be copied are listed in a text file.
So, how to read file list from text file and copy via using cmd
I tried this command:
for /f "delims=" %%L in (foo.txt) do copy "%%L" new_folder
Similar question was asked in this website, I know that. When I use this command, files will be copied; but folders which include these files won't be copied.
I want to copy files with their directories.
What should I do? (Sorry for my awful English.)
You use %%L in a batchfile and %L when typing interactivly.
Your command, depending on other factors, should have a path specified for new_folder.
& seperates commands on a line.
&& executes this command only if previous command's errorlevel is 0.
|| (not used above) executes this command only if previous command's errorlevel is NOT 0
> output to a file
>> append output to a file
< input from a file
| output of one command into the input of another command
^ escapes any of the above, including itself, if needed to be passed to a program
" parameters with spaces must be enclosed in quotes
+ used with copy to concatinate files. E.G. copy file1+file2 newfile
, used with copy to indicate missing parameters. This updates the files modified date. E.G. copy /b file1,,
%variablename% a inbuilt or user set environmental variable
!variablename! a user set environmental variable expanded at execution time, turned with SelLocal EnableDelayedExpansion command
%<number> (%1) the nth command line parameter passed to a batch file. %0 is the batchfile's name.
%* (%*) the entire command line.
%<a letter> or %%<a letter> (%A or %%A) the variable in a for loop. Single % sign at command prompt and double % sign in a batch file.
Ok ,I have solved my problem via searching another cmd command:
for /f "delims=" %%i in (filelist.txt) do echo F|xcopy "-Source root folder-\%%i" "-Destination folder-\%%i" /i /z /y
In spite of the fact that I have solved my problem myself, thanks guys for your helps.
I appreciate it too much!

SQL LOADER - How to pass data file as a variable?

I have a SQL loader command which I am calling from a batch script. The data filename is not constant. We have a timestamp appended to it each time the file is generated and populated. So my batch file gets this data file in a variable Fname.
SET Fname=dir C:\Temp\TEST_*.dat /b
Now, when the Sqlldr commmand runs from the batch file
sqlldr USERID=xyz/xyz#db CONTROL='C:\Temp\TEST.ctl' LOG='C:\Temp\TEST.log' DATA= %Fname%
I get the error
LRM-00112: multiple values not allowed for parameter 'data'
I cannot enclose the variable Fname in single quotes. That does not work.
I checked How can I use a variable in batch script at sqlldr?
If I use the method specified in the discussion above and include it in the ctl file as infile %Fname% I still get the error as the variable Fname appears as dir C:\Temp\TEST_*.dat /b and I get error saying file not found.
How do I resolve this?
The simple solution below executes the command always with first TEST_*.dat file found in folder C:\Temp.
#echo off
for %%F in ("C:\Temp\TEST_*.dat") do (
sqlldr USERID=xyz/xyz#db CONTROL='C:\Temp\TEST.ctl' LOG='C:\Temp\TEST.log' "DATA=%%F"
goto AfterLoop
A perhaps better solution is executing the command always with newest TEST_*.dat file found in folder C:\Temp according to last modification date.
#echo off
for /F "delims=" %%F in ('dir "C:\Temp\TEST_*.dat" /B /O-D /TW 2^>nul') do (
sqlldr USERID=xyz/xyz#db CONTROL='C:\Temp\TEST.ctl' LOG='C:\Temp\TEST.log' "DATA=%%F"
goto AfterLoop
It would be possible to assign the name of the found file to an environment variable inside the FOR loop and run the command below AfterLoop. But this requires additional code to check if at least 1 file was found in the folder.
Those batch code snippets were developed using the help information output by running in a command prompt window for /? and dir /?.
2^>nul is redirecting the error output of command dir to device NUL if no file is found in folder to suppress the unwanted error message for this special use case.
My last hint:
In batch files always specify applications to run with full path and file extension (in double quotes if space in path/file name) to avoid being dependent on directories in environment variable PATH, except this is not possible as storage location of application executable is not known on batch execution.
I used the for loop code
#echo off
for %%F in ("C:\Temp\TEST_*.dat") do (
sqlldr USERID=xyz/xyz#db CONTROL='C:\Temp\TEST.ctl' LOG='C:\Temp\TEST.log' "DATA=%%F"
goto AfterLoop
and this worked.
I do not have the problem of multiple files as after I load it everytime, I move the file to a different folder. So at any given point I expect only one file.

Saving multiple files through xcopy in a batch file

When I use the following code in command prompt, it works fine. But when I use the same code in a batch file, nothing happens. My batch file simply consists of:
for %f in (D:\flexcube1,D:\flexcube2,D:\flexcube3) do xcopy %f D:\o\ /e
but it does not work. I don't understand it and I have to use a batch file to copy multiple files. Any help would be really appreciated.
You need to use two % signs in for commands in a batch script (I know, who would have thought?)
for %%f in (D:\flexcube1,D:\flexcube2,D:\flexcube3) do xcopy %%f D:\o\ /e
