Silverlight redirecting between project pages - silverlight

I am having a my problem is I can not redirect my page in silverlight like most of people who are not familiar with this technology .
I design a login page first and if password is correct I want it to direct to MainPage.xaml
as you can see I tried methods which are commented already it did not work . I searched in this web page there are some posts about this problem but I could not solve please help me .
when i try that one;
Uri target = new Uri("MainPage",UriKind.Relative);
error message : Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
actually we found a solution with my friend ;
instead of directing a web page , when code goes into if block we are changing the content of page with {this.Content = new MainPage() ; } method and it is working .But System.Windows.Browser.HtmlPage.Window.Navigate(target) this one is directing us same login page or pages like outside normal html pages .

Normally you need to use the NavigationService to do this:
NavigationService.Navigate(new Uri("/MainPage", UriKind.Relative));
The NavigationService is a property on the Page object so it will be available in the Login code-behind.
However, after you mentioned that you've "already done this" I realized the issue. Silverlight Navigation uses a Frame control. This Frame control lives in MainPage.xaml for the default project. So you're not navigating inside the frame, but you want to change the entire screen to a different one and do so without the Navigation services built into Silverlight.
I'd suggest you either (a) have the Login run as a page inside of the Frame on MainPage (you can load or unload the links on the top based on if the user is authenticated) or (b) don't use the Navigation for the remainder of the application and use a framework like Caliburn.Micro to handle all the Navigation between views.


How do I get my button to redirect to a web page within the app?

So far, I have it so that when a user presses a button, a browser opens and redirects the user to my desired url. However, I want this to happen within the app instead of a web tab. How can I do this?
Use the BrowserComponent, just add it to the center of a border layout form and set the URL for that component. Check out the list of main components in Codename One within the developer guide.
Define a xml layout containing a widget called webview. Then in your activity you implement a listener to your button which invokes that xml with the desired page to load inside your webview. Google to find some code and return here with your code problems, if you find some. If this will be the case, open new questions provinding detailed info about your matters then we can help more. Best.
EDIT: Excuse me, just now, re-reading your question I think I really understand it, and the solution is very simple, just a line of code (to instruct your app to open a webpage inside your webview, and not the regular browser, outside your app). Try this:
wv = (WebView) findViewById(;
wv.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient()); // needed to open url inside our webview, otherwise it will open at the default browser

WPF WebBrowser : get Navigation error

I have a WPF application with a WebBrowser control inside.
When I navigate to a website, I would like to know if the page is online or not. I the page is not accessible, I would like to navigate to a local html error page...
How can I do it ?
The first solution I found is to do a WebRequest before navigating, but it require a additional website call... I would like to find an other solution.
I wanted to get the HTTP Status code of the page in the "navigated" event of the WebBrowser, but I found here that it's not possible qith a WebBrowser control because the WebResponse is always null...
Is there an other solution?
This seems a common question, I added a solution here using the .Net NavigationService. Alternatives are also discussed.

A Link Inside an iFrame That Pops Up "Photo Theater"

I have a tab with an iframe external web page that loads... I would love a hyperlink inside that web page to link one of my photo albums in "theater" mode so you don't leave the page. However, any link I program inside that web page just brings in that photo album inside (not popped up and not in theater mode no matter if I have the &theater in the url).
Can I get some help on how to do this? Thanks!
this is a limitation of iframes in general. Less of a limitation and more of a security issue. As you said.. the iframe loads and external page - a page that could essentially come from anywhere. To protect the integrity of the site displaying this external page, the iframe can not access the page that contains it.
You might want to try opening a new window using javascript : ("{path_to_image}","title","menubar=1,resizable=1,width=350,height=250");
as you can see there are several options that you can set to customize the popup window.
Here is another link with some info about iframes

Windows Phone 7 - Using the Application bar and Prism (or MVVM)

I am playing around with the WP7 SDK and the Prism for WP7 beta and have come across a problem I can't figure out (or even a workaround for).
First of all, I'm new into WPF/Silverlight/WP7 and Prism, so I could be overlooking something very obvious.
So I have a Shell page that has my region that is used to hold my content pages, and all of this is working great! Now my problem is that I have a settings control that will allow the users to edit the settings of the application (names, locations, etc). Now I can get this page to work with no problems by having a button on one of my controls that will transition the region manager to the control.
However, I would like to use the application bar on the phone to have the button, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get access to my model object from within the page that is opened by the Application bar click. I can only do a NavigationService.Navigate() to a settings page, but the PhoneApplicationPage objects in WP7 do not allow injection on the constructors (the constructors must be parameterless) so I cannot pass in the object instance in that way.
So my question is, how can I access (or pass) objects between pages or controls?
In the examples they use this technique to set the data context of a form after it is navigated to from another form:
NavigationService.Navigate(new Uri("/Page2.xaml", UriKind.Relative));
FrameworkElement root = Application.Current.RootVisual as FrameworkElement;
root.DataContext = some_object;

Issues w/ Silverlight Navigation Page + window.location.hash

I have silverlight navigation pages (with NavigationCacheMode="Required").
When i normally navigate to these pages (via mouse clicks) the pages get loaded as expected (they are only created once due to the cache attribute).
However, I have a need to update the url in the browser address bar.
When I update this via javascript ("window.location.hash=#...") the address and page gets displayed, BUT the page gets re-created - which is causing other issues.
In particular the issue that this is causing is that the page has a Prism.regions defined in the xaml. So it throws an error complaining about a region that has already been registered.
Has anyone tried something similar to this?
I dont think there is a way to update the url in the address bar without the browser navigating to it. Note that the url that im trying to update to includes query string paramters, which is not directly "known" by the silverlight navigation framework.
The last resort that i havent tried is to register all the unique Urls with the navigation framework.
I found an hack. simply cancel the frame_navigating event when ever the url is being updated manually. works great.
