macports: list out my own ports - macports

Over time, I have customized quite a number of ports and place them in my /Users/calvin/ports directory tree.
Is there a convenience command to list out all these personalized ports?

port installed
From the help:
port help installed
Usage: installed
List installed versions of the given port, or all installed ports if no port is given

Tried ls /Users/calvin/ports/?


VSCode SSH connection can't see the program but remote terminal can

I work on an HPC cluster. I added my cluster .bashrc ml load git.2.foobar. When I connect to the host on VSCode, it tells me to update my git1.8.
But when I open a terminal on Vscode, git --version returns the one on bashrc.
What is going on?
I also tried adding the ml command to .bash_profile, which didn't fix the issue. I also closed and reopended the host connection to re-source it.

Ubuntu 18.04 Apache2.4.29 not able to open ports other than 80

As stated in title, I have LAMP configuration with Apache2.4.29, the problem is when I open a new port other than 80(in this case, port 12743), it could not be accessed through edge browser as port 80 does.
I added a line here under /etc/apache2/ports.conf:
appended a paragraph under /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf
after that I used the following command to restart Apache2:
all these shows no warning nor error messages.
The Ubuntu currently has ufw inactive, and used iptables and fail2ban instead:
however, attempts to access the website via new port failed returning the following page:
I wonder what might be the problem.
Problem solved, what I needed was just a sudo reboot.
It turned out that adding ports shall require not only an Apache2 restart but also a server reboot.

how can i establish bgp connection using opendaylight nitrogen version (karaf-0.7.1) and my router

I need to establish bgp session between my router and odl. I have installed nitrogen version (karaf-0.7.1) and installed bgp feature using command feature:install odl-bgpcep-bgp.
After googling i found that in order to establish setup i need to edit a file (41-bgp-example.xml) which will be generated after installing bgp feature mentioned above, but i couldn't find the file in (\etc\opendaylight\karaf) and not seen in other locations. There is a file 31-bgp-example.xml and some other bmp file.
I am also not able to install feature (odl-bgpcep-bgp all).
What steps should be followed to do it via rest?
I installed the feature odl-restconf.
How can i proceed further? which file should i edit and how to run?
odl version: karaf(0.7.1)
The feature naming convention changed between Carbon and Nitrogen. To install the relevant bgpcep features, install "odl-bgpcep-bgp" instead of "odl-bgpcep-bgp-all".
Managed to configure using advanced rest client (use this -localhost:8181/url).
Changed content type to application/xml.still open and notification packet(bgp) is only flowing and session is not established,ODL is sending tcp packet with reset flag set.

Setup Solr for ezPublish

I am using eZPublis(4.6.0). I have set solr folder folder in my xampp folder and activated the eZFind extension in \settings\override\site.ini.append.php.
My solr is runing on port 8080 (""). when I run "", it loads fine.
However, when I try to run command : php extension/ezfind/bin/php/updatesearchindexsolr.php -s
it shows following error “Please, ensure the server is started and the configuration of eZ Find is correct”. I am following
Can anyone suggest what wrong I may be doing or any other solution?
If you are sure that solr is running then you might need to edit solr.ini (or one of its overrides) and use instead of localhost. I've faced this issue sometimes.
The default Solr port is 8983, so eZ Find out of the box is set up to look at that port. If you are sure that Solr is up and running on port 8080 then look in your solr.ini to verify you have eZ Find pointed at the right Solr port.

Why does macports list multiple installed ports of the same version, and how do I fix it?

Specifically, the command:
sudo port list installed
Shows doubles of packages, like this:
apache2 #2.2.21 www/apache2
apache2 #2.2.21 www/apache2
ncurses #5.9 devel/ncurses
ncurses #5.9 devel/ncurses
php5-iconv #5.3.8 php/php5-iconv
php5-iconv #5.3.8 php/php5-iconv
php5-intl #5.3.8 php/php5-intl
php5-intl #5.3.8 php/php5-intl
Why is this?
How did it happen and how do I fix it?
From macports bug list
"port list installed" does not do what you think it does. "port list installed" gets the list of names of all the installed ports, and for each one, shows you the current version, regardless of what version is installed.
To see the versions that are installed, you want to use "port installed".
The inactive versions are older ports that have been replaced by newer ones that are active.
port list inactive shows the ports that are not used any more and in your case should show one of each duplicate (or 2 or triplets etc)
port uninstall inactive will remove the inactive ports and leave you with just one.
