run c program - stdio.h where do i get it? - c

Looking into learning C. As I understand it when I say #include <stdio.h> it grabs stdio.h from the default location...usually a directory inside your working directory called include. How do I actually get the file stdio.h? Do I need to download a bunch of .h files and move them from project to project inside the include directory? I did the following in a test.c file. I then ran make test and it outputted a binary. When I ran ./test I did not see hello print onto my screen. I thought I wasn't seeing output maybe because it doesn't find the stdio.h library. But then again if I remove the greater than or less than signs in stdio the compiler gives me an error. Any ideas?
I'm on a Mac running this from the command line. I am using: GNU Make 3.81. This program built for i386-apple-darwin10.0
#include <stdio.h>
Edit: I have updated my code to include a datatype for the main function and to return 0. I still get the same result...compiles without error and when I run the file ./test it doesn't print anything on screen.
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
return 0;
If I add a \n inside of the printf it works! so this will work:
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
return 0;

Your code should have preferably
If you want to know where does the standard header file <stdio.h> comes from, you could run your compiler with appropriate flags. If it is gcc, try compiling with
gcc -H -v -Wall hello.c -o hello
Pedantically, a standard header file is even not required to exist as a file; the standard permits an implementation which would process the #include <stdio.h> without accessing the file system (but e.g. by retrieving internal resources inside the compiler, or from a database...). Few compilers behave that way, most really access something in the file system.

If you didn't have the file, you'd get a compilation error.
My guess is the text was printed, but the console closed before you got the chance to see it.
Also, main returns an int, and you should return 0; to signal successful completion.

#include <header.h>, with angle brackets, searches in standard system locations, known to the compiler-- not in your project's subdirectories. In Unix systems (including your Mac, I believe), stdio.h is typically in /usr/include. If you use #include "header.h", you're searching subdirectories first and then the same places as with <header.h>.
But you don't need to find or copy the header to run your program. It is read at compilation time, so your ./test doesn't need it at all. Your program looks like it should have worked. Is it possible that you just typed "test", not "./test", and got the system command "test"? (Suggestion: Don't name your programs "test".)

Just going to leave this here : STILL! in 2018, December... Linux Mint 18.3
has no support for C development.
innocent / # cc ThoseSorts.c
ThoseSorts.c:1:19: fatal error: stdio.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
innocent / # gcc ThoseSorts.c
ThoseSorts.c:1:19: fatal error: stdio.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
innocent / # apt show libc6
Package: libc6
Version: 2.23-0ubuntu10
Priority: required
Section: libs
Source: glibc
Origin: Ubuntu
Installed-Size: 11.2 MB
Depends: libgcc1
Description: GNU C Library: Shared libraries
Contains the standard libraries that are used by nearly all programs on
the system. This package includes shared versions of the standard C library
and the standard math library, as well as many others.
innocent / # apt-get install libc6-dev libc-dev
So, magic... and a minute later they are all installed on the
computer and then things work as they should.
Not all distros bundle up all the C support libs in each ISO.
hardlyinnocent / # gcc ThoseSorts.c
hardlyinnocent / # ./a.out
... ... ...


What is the correct method to include "<uapi/..>" directory in ArchLinux?

My OS is ArchLinux, and write a simple program which just includes <uapi/linux/ptrace.h>:
#include <uapi/linux/ptrace.h>
void main(void) {}
The compilation complains:
test.c:1:10: fatal error: uapi/linux/ptrace.h: No such file or directory
#include <uapi/linux/ptrace.h>
compilation terminated.
I check /ust/include/uapi directory, and find it is empty. Finally, I find the correct uapi position is /usr/lib/modules/4.11.9-1-ARCH/build/include/uapi. So what is the canonical way of using <uapi/linux/..> in ArchLinux? Create a new link which points to /usr/lib/modules/4.11.9-1-ARCH/build/include/uapi or put the path into C_INCLUDE_PATH? They all seem a little weird.
TL;DR: pacman -S linux-api-headers and #include <linux/ptrace.h>
UAPI stands for User API and is the name of a folder in the kernel sources that is intended to be copied to an installation as part of the user-accessible kernel headers. In the case of Arch, some of these headers are copied to /usr/include/linux/ (plus some generated files on kernel compilation). But this is not part of the default install, it is actually separated in a different package: linux-api-headers (after installing, you can use #include <linux/ptrace.h>).
There is no /usr/include/uapi and this is by design, the contents of the original uapi folder are directly copied into /usr/include.
So, unless you are programming a kernel module, what you are probably looking for is #include <linux/ptrace.h>.

extract library version from binary with CMake

I am writing a FindXXX.cmake script for an external C library. I would like my script to provide information about the library version. However, the library only provides this information in the form of a function that returns the version number as a string.
I thought I could extract the version number by having FindXXX.cmake compile the following C program on the fly:
#include <stdio.h>
#include "library.h"
int main() {
char version[256];
return 0;
In order for this to work, CMake should compile and run the program above at configure time, and use the information it prints as the version identifier. I know how to do the latter (execute_process), and I almost know how to do the former: CheckCSourceRuns comes to mind, but I do not know how to capture the stdout of the generated executable.
TL;DR: is there a way to compile a program, run it and capture its stdout from CMake at generation time?
You may use try_run for that purpose (it is assumed that your source file is named as foo_get_version.c):
try_run(foo_run_result foo_compile_result
foo_try_run ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/foo_get_version.c
RUN_OUTPUT_VARIABLE foo_run_output)
if(NOT foo_compile_result)
# ... Failed to compile
if(NOT foo_run_result EQUAL "0")
# ... Failed to run
# Now 'foo_run_output' variable contains output of your program.
Note, that try_run isn't executed when cross-compiling. Instead, CMake expects that the user will set cache variables foo_run_result and foo_run_result__TRYRUN_OUTPUT.

Problems with linking a library with a c program in linux

I want to run serial commands from a Bealgebone to a 4Dsystems display. Therefore I copied the c library found here into a directory and created a test program main.c:
#include "Picaso_const4D.h"
#include "Picaso_Serial_4DLibrary.h"
int main(int argc,char *argv[])
OpenComm("/dev/ttyUSB0", B115200); // Matches with the display "Comms" rate
while (1) {}
Now when I do gcc -o main main.c its says
main.c:2:37: fatal error: Picaso_Serial_4DLibrary.h: No such file or
So I try linking it:
which gives me the same error. Then I tried to create a static library:
which gives me this:
PICASO_SERIAL_4DLIBRARY.C:1:21: fatal error: windows.h: No such file
or directory compilation terminated.
What am I doing wrong? the git page clearly says this library is created for people who do not run windows.
Thanks in advance!
You're not getting a linker error; you're getting a preprocessor error. Specifically, your preprocessor can't find Picaso_Serial_4DLibrary.h. Make sure that it's in your include path; you can add directories to your include path using the -I argument to gcc.
You've had two problems. First was the picaso_whatever.h file that couldn't be found. You fixed that with the -I you added. But, now, the picaso.h wants windows.h
What are you building on? WinX or BSD/Linux?
If you're compiling on WinX, you need to install the "platform sdk" for visual studio.
If you're using mingw or cygwin, you need to do something else.
If on WinX, cd to the C: directory. Do find . -type f -name windows.h and add a -I for the containing directory.
If under Linux, repeat the find at the source tree top level. Otherwise, there is probably some compatibility cross-build library that you need to install.
Or, you'll have to find WinX that has it as Picaso clearly includes it. You could try commenting out one or more of the #include's for it and see if things are better or worse.
If you can't find a real one, create an empty windows.h and add -I to it and see how bad [or good] things are.
You may need the mingw cross-compiler. See
Okay ... Wow ... You are on the right track and close, but this is, IMO, ugly WinX stuff.
The primary need of Picaso is getting a serial comm port connection, so the need from within windows.h is [thankfully] minimal. It needs basic boilerplate definitions for WORD, DWORD, etc.
mingw or cygwin will provide their own copies of windows.h. These are "clean room" reimplementations, so no copyright issues.
mingw is a collection of compile/build tools that let you use gcc/ld/make build utilities.
cygwin is more like: I'd like a complete shell-like environment similar to BSD/Linux. You get bash, ls, gcc, tar, and just about any GNU utility you want.
Caveat: I use cygwin, but have never used mingw. The mingw version of windows.h [and a suite of .h files that it includes underneath], being open source, can be reused by other projects (e.g. cygwin, wine).
Under Linux, wine (windows emulator) is a program/suite that attempts to allow you to run WinX binaries under Linux (e.g. wine mywinpgm).
I git cloned the Picaso library and after some fiddling, I was able to get it to compile after pointing it to wine's version of windows.h
Picaso's OpenComm is doing CreateFile [a win32 API call]. So, you'll probably need cygwin. You're opening /dev/ttyUSB0. /dev/* implies cygwin. But, /dev/ttyUSB0 is a Linux-like name. You may need some WinX-style name like "COM:" or whatever. Under the cygwin terminal [which gives you a bash prompt], do ls /dev and see what's available.
You can get cygwin from: If you have a 64 bit system, be sure to use the 64 bit version of the installer: setup-x86_64.exe It's semi-graphical and will want two directories, one for the "root" FS and one to store packages. On my system, I use C:\cygwin64 and C:\cygwin64_packages--YMMV.
Note that the installer won't install gcc by default. You can [graphically] select which packages to install. You may also need some "devel" packages. They have libraries and .h files that a non-developer wouldn't need. As, docs mention, you can rerun the installer as often as you need. You can add packages that you forgot to specify or even remove ones that you installed that you don't need anymore.
Remember that you'll need to adjust makefile -I and/or -L option appropriately. Also, when building the picaso library, gcc generated a ton of warnings about overflow of a "large integer". The code was doing:
#define control_code -279
unsigned char buf[2];
buf[0] = control_code >> 8;
buf[1] = control_code;
The code is okay, and the warning is correct [because the code is sloppy]. If the code had done:
#define control_code -279
unsigned char buf[2];
buf[0] = (unsigned) control_code >> 8;
buf[1] = (unsigned) control_code;
it probably would have been silent. Use -Wno-overflow in your Makefile to get rid of the warnings rather that edit 50 or so lines

How to include libssh to my project

I've installed libssh following the instructions and even though everything seems to be OK my compiler still returns the error "file not found" in the line "#include ". I guess it has something to do with directories or links (I have "make install" in the same folder where I downloaded it) but I don't know where should I put it so I can #include it in any project.
This is how I installed it:
I downloaded it and unzip it into the folder "libssh" on my Desktop (Mac).
Then I did
and finally:
sudo make install
Then in my program I have:
#include <libssh/sftp.h>
And XCode returns: "libssh/sftp.h file not found". I tried adding the libssh folder in the Desktop to the project, but I still have similar problems.
I guess I should install it (somehow) to the /usr/include folder, so that any project can use it (like pthread or many others), but I don't know how to do this.
If I include any other file in /usr/include it works fine (like ) but when I #include it returns file not found, even though if I cd to /usr/include/libssh the file libssh.h does exist.
This is the very simple sample code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <pthread.h> //OK
#include <libssh/libssh.h> //Not OK, file not found.
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
printf("Hello World!");
return 0;
In the tutorial is described how you have to link the library
You have two possibilities here:
As described you have to add those two lines to your code
#include <libssh/libssh.h>
You compile your code with the LIBSSH_STATIC flag.
gcc -DLIBSSH_STATIC test.c -o test.o
I thought that if you have the library in /usr/include the compiler will automatically link it. For instance, the pthread.h file is included properly without doing anything.
This is a system library which gets linked automatically most of the time. libssh is not. Thats why you have to be more specific on how to compile/link it.
Ive had a very similar problem several times and I have solved it by removing the ≤ ≥ symbols from around my header files and using ""s and the absolute path to the header file you're including. Now this doesn't solve your libssh install problems but it will allow you to compile just the way you have it as long as you know the absolute path of your header file and all of your header's dependencies are in the respective locations that they were inteded to look for them in. Hope this helps.

gcc on Windows: generated "a.exe" file vanishes

I'm using GCC version 4.7.1, but I've also tried this on GCC 4.8. Here is the code I'm trying to compile:
#include <stdio.h>
void print(int amount) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
printf("%d", i);
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
return 0;
It looks like it should work, and when I compile with...
gcc main.c
It takes a while to compile, produces an a.exe file and the the a.exe file disappears. It isn't giving me any errors with my code.
Here's a gif of proof, as some people are misinterpreting this:
(Since ahoffer's deleted answer isn't quite correct, I'll post this, based on information in the comments.)
On Windows, gcc generates an executable named a.exe by default. (On UNIX-like systems, the default name, for historical reasons, is a.out.) Normally you'd specify a name using the -o option.
Apparently the generated a.exe file generates a false positive match in your antivirus software, so the file is automatically deleted shortly after it's created. I see you've already contacted the developers of Avast about this false positive.
Note that antivirus programs typically check the contents of a file, not its name, so generating the file with a name other than a.exe won't help. Making some changes to the program might change the contents of the executable enough to avoid the problem, though.
You might try compiling a simple "hello, world" program to see if the same thing happens.
Thanks to Chrono Kitsune for linking to this relevant Mingw-users discussion in a comment.
This is not relevant to your problem, but you should print a newline ('\n') at the end of your program's output. It probably doesn't matter much in your Windows environment, but in general a program's standard output should (almost) always have a newline character at the end of its last line.
Try to compile with gcc but without all standard libraries using a command like this:
gcc -nostdlib -c test.c -o test.o; gcc test.o -lgcc -o test.exe
One of the mingw libraries binary must generate a false positive, knowing which library would be useful.
There is no issue with your code it is just exiting properly.
You have to run it in the command line which will show you all the info.
start->run->cmd, then cd to your directory. then a.exe. If you don't want to do that you can add a sleep() before the return in main.
More over, in your code when you pass print(5) to your function it's not being used.
I confirm is due to Antivirus.
I did this test:
compile helloworld.c at t=0;
within 1 second tell McAfee not consider helloworld.exe a threat. >> the file is still there
If I am too slow, the file will be deleted.
If suppose you get the error near a.exe while running the file ,
Theen follow the below steps: virus & threat protection
2.there select manage settings in virus & threat protection settings
3.there is real time protection and cloud delivered protection is in ON then OFF the real time protection and cloud delivered protection.!
a.exe is also the name of a virus. I suspect your computer's security software is deleting or quarantining the file because it believes it is a virus. Use redFIVE's suggestion to rename your output file to "print.exe" so that the virus scanner does not delete it.
You try:
gcc -o YOUR_PROGRAM.exe main.c
You can stop your antivirus software from deleting your .exe by specifying the full file path (for eg: c:\MyProject) in the 'paths to be excluded from scanning' section of the antivirus software.
