I have a project called "Buta".It is like a little operation system.And apps of my project must be in UserControlLibrary and I must attach it with code.When I click button, my usercontrol must be found in path and must be added to my project.That is all.
You're trying to build a plugin based architecture for your application? Then you might take a look at MEF. You can find more information at http://mef.codeplex.com/ and an overview at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd460648.aspx
I am wanting to rewrite one of my Revit Add ins so that it utilizes WPF with MVVM because I like the look and functionality of WPF better than Windows Forms.
I have used the Revit Template Wizzard from Jeremy Tammik for the Form based add in, but adding a WPF user control seems not to work (a run time error that the xaml resource cannot be found).
I found a WPF MVVM revit add in example (AddMaterials, here is the github link, which will add materials from an Excel spreadsheet) but it does not follow what I am expecting to see at the top level.
Revit Add ins have an app.cs file which tells Revit how to register and access the DLL (ribbon panel buttons etc).
A windows WPF app will have app.xaml as the top level entry point.
The Add Materials project has neither which tells me that it must be
a class library, however the views are not using UserControls
rather they are Windows which I prefer. However Visual Studio does not
let you add a Window for a Class Library type project.
The third issue is easily solved by simply copying windows from a WPF application project into a class library project. But I don't really understand how the class library will instantiate in Revit without following the app.cs code from the template. Is anyone else creating add-ins this way, and if so can you let me in on any tricks or discussions that will help? Has anyone created a WPF Revit addin template for Visual Studio?
When I add a WPF window and try to instantiate it I get an error that it cannot find the xaml resource (System.IO.IOException: Cannot locate resource 'xxxx.xaml'). I have tried to fix this according to advice found when googling for this error, but to no avail. I am thinking it comes from being in a form based project, and that I may have to just start with a new project without the form stuff.
I have now verified that indeed you can start with the Revit AddIn Wizzard and use WPF . . . I started from scratch and copied in a window created in another project and got it to run (after adding the various references, namespaces, etc). So my problem seems to just be with the original project which already had a bunch of form stuff added.
Yes, I'm using WPF to create Revit Addins. It works well. You can easily create your own WPF template from the SDK samples:
Start with one of the Autodesk-provided SDK samples. I used the "DockableDialogs" sample. I know this one works, your mileage may vary with the others. If you're looking for windows rather than docked panes in the UI, another sample (perhaps the AddMaterials sample) is probably simpler.
I used Visual Studio to turn the sample into a template. File - Export Template -> select "DockableDialogs" or other WPF sample project.
Create a new project based on the template you just created. This was the easiest method I could find to get the WPF internal bits wired up correctly.
I'm not specifically familiar with the AddMaterials project, but to clarify your bullet points.
Revit Addins - It's not the file name (app.cs) but rather they must extend IExternalApplication or IExternalCommand. If you are creating a xaml interface (rather than just running a command from a ribbon button) you'll use 'IExternalApplication' as your entry point. Look for something like this in the sample:
public class ThisApplication : IExternalApplication ...
I don't used a top level app.xaml, but instead have page.xaml pages which are called by the Revit app. In my case these are Pages rather than Windows, which extend the IDockablePaneProvider class. These must be registered with the application which can then can be show, hide, etc your Panes. I imagine this is simpler with Windows, but haven't done it myself. For the dockable panes, your xaml.cs should start out something like:
public partial class MainPage : Page, Autodesk.Revit.UI.IDockablePaneProvider ...
Yes, the project is a class library in the sense that it is a collection of classes, at least one of which extends IExternalApplication or IExternalCommand. Remember that you're not creating a standalone application, but adding functionality to an existing Windows application (Revit). Revit will instantiate the ThisApplication class and then call its .OnStartup() method when the Revit application starts. This shouldn't stop you from adding .xaml or .cs files to the project, though. I can do it using VS Community 2015 using Ctrl-Shift-A.
Hopefully this gets you started - I've been able to implement a WPF UI in Revit without any prior WPF experience, and I'm not even a real programmer, so it's definitely possible. Good Luck!
If you want to add WPF elements to an existing revit addin, you can follow the instructions here: How can I connect xaml and xaml.cs files
Ultimately I found it easier to migrate my addin code into a template made from a working sample, you may want to try this approach as well.
I've been creating a WPF application that initially loads as a task bar icon and then when clicked opens an appropriate window. This was a prototype and I want to move over to Prism and having watched the (superb) videos by Mike Taulty (channel9.msdn.com/niners/mtaulty) I have the feeling that what I need to do is create an application with a custom bootstrapper that does all the service registration but does not create an initial shell but instead simply loads the modules and perhaps identifies a module to Run. Has anyone anyone done something similar, if so how much work am I in for?
OK I bit the bullet and just tried it. I should first state that I was using the Autofac version of the Bootstrapper.
I returned null to CreateShell
I marked the apps ShutdownMode="OnExplicitShutdown" in the declaration at the top of App.Xaml (important otherwise it closes the application when you close the last window)
I created a module (IModule derived) that loaded the WPF notify icon by Philipp Summi (http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/36468/WPF-NotifyIcon)
In response to a command from the context menu on this icon I simply create the window and it's view model and show it.
This all works just as I had hoped. The only thing I have yet to do is see how to use regions with these temporary windows although other articles appear to have this covered. I'm not convinced the Autofac bootstrapper gives me any great advantages but I had developed a very early prototype using Autofac and stuck with it because it went smoothly. I will probably go with Unity or MEF in the long run just to avoid compatibility problems and to allow dynamic module loading from external plugins.
I'm working on an application using Prism 4.0, WPF and MEF framework. We've different modules in the application and all the modules are dynamically loading on demand in a tab control.
Now the problem is in module to module communication. Lets take an example, I've a module say Module A which is showing some information of Module B. I've a Project No. field of module B in module A. I'm displaying this Project No. field in Module A along with a NEW Command button and EDIT Command button. Now I want to open Module B in tab control when user clicked the New or Edit command button of Module A.
I'm not able to figure out how to do this. I've tried different solutions but didn't get any success so far.
Could you please explain how to do this using a sample application in Prism 4.0, WPF and MEF framework.
I'm waiting for your replies.
Sumeet Sharma
If you provide what you've tried so far, we can help in code or teaching specific ideas. To get you started on some code, please review Developer's Guide to Microsoft Prism: Navigation and also Prism v4 Region Navigation Pipeline to get you started. You can also find many examples already out there for the concept you're trying to accomplish here on StackOverflow, at Codeplex and at MSDN.
I have a simple Silverlight app that I want to run on Windows Phone 7 almost exactly as is. I've created a new Windows Phone 7 project and when I reference the Silverlight app I get a warning that says "Adding a reference to a Silverlight project might not work properly. Do you want to continue?".
If I continue and try to run anyway, the WP7 project never starts or sometimes I get "AG_E_PARSER_BAD_TYPE error" and it points to the line in the xaml I used a control from the Silverlight project .
The code between these two projects is about 99% the same. Is there another way to reuse code then what I am trying? Or how can I get this to work?
I'm not that familiar with the difference between the two platforms, but you can link the code files into a different project without duplicating them. Add existing item, and click on the down arrow next to the 'Add' or OK button. Choose Link.
The typical way of achieving this is by using a pattern like MVVM which will allow you to define a common model and viewmodel layer (perhaps in a separate project) the defining a different view layer that references that common project.
You said it yourself, you will only share MOST of the code, not all of it, so you will, at least at some time, need to create device/front-end specific logic and layout.
Rather than add a Silverlight [presumably class library] project to your WP7 app, try creating a WP7 class library and then link the files from the silverlight library. You will still only have one copy of each file but all your libraries will be built appropraitely for the platform they are running on.
This may also help you identify the cause of the problem. The error AG_E_PARSER_BAD_TYPE suggests that you have a type in the XAML in your Silverlight project which isn't supported on the phone.
I'm writing a prism application and would like to integrate Ribbon library in it. I want a Ribbon Window that would be used as a Shell with office-like tabs and tab groups. The modules should be loaded on demand depending on the tab selected by user. I don't want the tabs to be located in a region if this is avoidable. So I created a Ribbon window and some regions and get all kind of errors (cannot resolve dependency object, etc.). Is there somewhere a good example of such application or a tutorial? How to load the modules depending on the user's choice?
I started this thread but I didn't get an answer that could help me.
Thanks for any help and suggestions.
Have you implemented a RegionAdapter for the Ribbon? (I'm guessing you're trying to fill the Ribbon dynamically with a Region attached property)
See this link for details.
Make your shell a RibbonWindow and if you need commands over the whole application you can create applicationcommands.