[AS3]Randomly do something without repeat - arrays

I've 3 movieclip on stage which is mc1,mc2,mc3
at first they are alpha=0
What I want is when i click on revealBtn, 1 of them will show up as alpha=1.
But with my code below, sometimes I need to click about 5 times or more only can make all those mc show up.
Is there any solution for what I wanted? I've try splice but it's still not working well.
var mcArray:Array = [mc1,mc2,mc3];
for (var j:int = 0; j < mcArray.length; j++)
mcArray[j].alpha = 0;
revealBtn.buttonMode = true;
revealBtn.useHandCursor = false;
revealBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, revealClick);
function revealClick(event:MouseEvent):void
var i:Number = Math.floor(Math.random() * mcArray.length);
var movieClipToEdit:MovieClip = mcArray[i] as MovieClip;
movieClipToEdit.alpha = 1;

Here's one of the many possible solutions. It destroys the initial array though. If you don't want to change the initial array, the rest depends on what you actually want to achieve.
var invisibleList:Array = [mc1,mc2,mc3];
for (var j:int = 0; j < invisibleList.length; j++)
invisibleList[j].alpha = 0;
revealBtn.buttonMode = true;
revealBtn.useHandCursor = false;
revealBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, revealClick);
function revealClick(event:MouseEvent):void
if (invisibleList.length == 0) {
var i:Number = Math.floor(Math.random() * invisibleList.length);
var movieClipToEdit:MovieClip = invisibleList[i] as MovieClip;
invisibleList.splice(i, 1);
movieClipToEdit.alpha = 1;

Make a second array to use as your selection source. Every time you pick an item, Splice it from the second array. Also, since all your items are MovieClips you should use a Vector instead.
var mcVector:Vector.<MovieClip> = [mc1,mc2,mc3];
var vector2:Vector.<MovieClip> = mcVector.Slice(0); // This just copies the Vector
for (var j:int = 0; j < mcVector.length; j++)
mcVector[j].alpha = 0;
revealBtn.buttonMode = true;
revealBtn.useHandCursor = false;
revealBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, revealClick);
function revealClick(event:MouseEvent):void
var i:Number = Math.floor(Math.random() * mcVector.length);
// Retrieves and deletes the item in one step:
var movieClipToEdit:MovieClip = vector2.Splice(i, 1);
movieClipToEdit.alpha = 1;


My for loop won't display my object, but no errors show up

For some reason my for loop isn't working, the enemies won't spawn and nothing appears in the Output when I used trace. However, there also is no error, so I'm wondering what the issue is.
Here is my code:
var playerX = 0;
var playerY = 0;
var mapWidth = 5000;
var mapHeight = 5000;
var myEnemies:Array = new Array();
var enemySprite:Sprite;
var Enemy:enemy;
var enemyCount:int = 0;
//event listeners
stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, spawnEnemies);
//spawn enemies
function spawnEnemies(spawn:Event) {
if (enemyCount < 20) {
for (var i = 0; i < myEnemies.length; i++) {
enemySprite = new Sprite();
Enemy = new enemy();
Enemy.x = (Math.random() * this.width);
Enemy.y = (Math.random() * this.height);
myEnemies[enemyCount] = enemySprite;
stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveEnemy);
//move the enemies
function moveEnemy(enemyMovement:Event){
for (var k = 0; k < myEnemies.length; k++) {
trace("move enemy");
if (myEnemies[k].y > playerY) {
myEnemies[k].y -= 1;
myEnemies[k].rotation = 0;
else if (myEnemies[k].x < playerX) {
myEnemies[k].x += 1;
myEnemies[k].rotation = 90;
else if (myEnemies[k].y < playerY) {
myEnemies[k].y += 1;
myEnemies[k].rotation = 180;
else {
myEnemies[k].x -= 1;
myEnemies[k].rotation = 270;
Thank you for your help!
OK, I did not work with AS3 for a long time, but... Why do you expect new enemies to be created if myEnemies length is 0?
Also, you created two different ENTER_FRAME functions and there is no need to do that. Create only one function and call it for exmaple update:
private function update(e:event)
stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, update);
You should not create new sprites using for loop inside ENTER_FRAME function, because this function runs 30 or more times in a second.
Create for loop inside "init" or "create" function, unless you want to update code on each frame.
Add 10 enemies:
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
Enemy = new enemy();
Enemy.x = (Math.random() * this.width);
Enemy.y = (Math.random() * this.height);
// add it to array
You cannot use myEnemies to create new Enemy sprite because it's empty, so you create 0 enemies. If you want to create 10 enemies use this code, or simple change number 10 to any number you want.

AS3 - Auto refreshing display after updating array

So, basically I'm reinventing the wheel by trying to make a sort of spreadsheet in flash for tracking member growth in a game. In this one section I'm adding member names to an array and then placing the names into dynamically created tiles with text fields attached to display the name.
I have a save button which saves the array, and if I save, close, and reopen, then I can see the members I have added. However, I would like it to refresh the stage as soon as the array is changed to reflect the changes made (update the spreadsheet). I will also be adding and removing other tiles dynamically, but I can extrapolate the solution to this problem to all of those later.
Here's the code I have to add members and create the display:
public var mainArray:Array = new Array;
public var i1:Number = 0;
public var memberBox:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
public var MAX_ROWS = 0;
public var MAX_COLS = 0;
public function Tracker() {
MAX_COLS = mainArray.length - 1;
addBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, addFun); //atchaed to button on stage
public function addFun($e:MouseEvent):void{
mainArray[i1] = [];
mainArray[i1][0] = addNameTxt.text //attached to textfield on stage
public function loadMembers():void{
var multiDimensionalArray:Array = new Array();
//initalize the arrays
for (var row = 0; row <= MAX_ROWS; row++)
var boolArray:Array = new Array();
for (var col = 0; col <= MAX_COLS; col++){
//now we can set the values of the array as usual
for (var row = 0; row <= MAX_ROWS; row++)
for (var col = 0; col <= MAX_COLS; col++){
multiDimensionalArray.push(1); ;
//create a column of tiles based on mainArray length with a textfield attached to each
public function buildLevel(s:Array){
var txtArray:Array = new Array();
memberBox.name = "tileHolder";
for(var i=0; i < MAX_ROWS + 1; i++){
for(var o=0; o < MAX_COLS + 1; o++){
var currentTile:MemberBox = new MemberBox();
currentTile.x = i*150;
currentTile.y = o*25;
currentTile.name = "b"+o;
var memberTxt:TextField=new TextField();
memberTxt.width = 150;
memberTxt.height = 25;
txtArray[o] = memberTxt;
txtArray[o].text = mainArray[o][0];
memberBox.x = 60;
memberBox.y = 170;
The ideal solution would be to attach event listeners to the Array, however, Arrays don't fire events.
Solution #1: Managed Updates
Rather than allowing any piece of code to modify your array directly, write a function that handles updating your array. This way, you can know when to update the display at the same time.
public var mainArray:Array = new Array;
public var i1:Number = 0;
public var memberBox:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
public var MAX_ROWS = 0;
public var MAX_COLS = 0;
public function Tracker() {
MAX_COLS = mainArray.length - 1;
addBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, addFun); //attached to button on stage
public function addFun(e:MouseEvent):void {
mainArray[i1] = [];
mainArray[i1][0] = addNameTxt.text //attached to textfield on stage
public function loadMembers():void {
var multiDimensionalArray:Array = new Array();
//initalize the arrays
for (var row = 0; row <= MAX_ROWS; row++) {
var boolArray:Array = new Array();
for (var col = 0; col <= MAX_COLS; col++) {
//now we can set the values of the array as usual
for (var row = 0; row <= MAX_ROWS; row++) {
for (var col = 0; col <= MAX_COLS; col++) {
multiDimensionalArray.push(1); ;
//create a column of tiles based on mainArray length with a textfield attached to each
public function buildLevel(s:Array) {
var txtArray:Array = new Array();
memberBox.name = "tileHolder";
for (var i:int = 0; i < MAX_ROWS + 1; i++) {
for(var o=0; o < MAX_COLS + 1; o++) {
var currentTile:MemberBox = new MemberBox();
currentTile.name = i + "_" + o;
currentTile.x = i*150;
currentTile.y = o*25;
var memberTxt:TextField=new TextField();
memberTxt.width = 150;
memberTxt.height = 25;
txtArray[o] = memberTxt;
txtArray[o].text = mainArray[o][0];
memberBox.x = 60;
memberBox.y = 170;
public function modifyArray(row:int, col:int, value:*):void {
// Update our array.
mainArray[row][col] = value;
// Update our tile.
var tile:MemberBox = memberBox.getChildByName(row + "_" + col);
tile.getChildAt(0).text = value;
When you actually modified your array, you'd do that with your function, rather than a direct mainArray[o][i] approach.
// Instead of this
mainArray[o][i] = "foo";
// You'd do this
modifyArray(o, i, "foo");
Update: I'm not sure how better to explain this, so I've posted working example that you can view. It contains the class, and the document code, the fla, and the swf with working updates to the spreadsheet. Let me know if that resolves the issue: SpreadSheet Test # Dropbox
Solution #2: Poll for Changes
Hold two versions of your array in memory. The first is the one you're actively editing, the second is an untouched duplicate to compare against the first. Every so often (once per second?) you iterate over the entire dataset and look for differences. When one is found, update the duplicate array and the displayed spreadsheet.
Here's an example of how you'd do that:
import flash.utils.*;
var last:Number = flash.utils.getTimer();
this.addEventListener("enterFrame", checkData);
var foo:Array = ["a", "b", "c"];
var fooBackup:Array = [];
function update():void {
var txt:TextField;
for (var i:int = 0; i < foo.length; i++) {
// If we don't have a representation of this index, create one.
if (!this.getChildByName("tile"+i)) {
txt = new TextField();
txt.name = "tile" + i;
txt.text = foo[i];
this[txt.name] = txt;
txt.y = i * 20;
// Update the data if inconsistent.
txt = this.getChildByName("tile"+i) as TextField;
if (fooBackup.hasOwnProperty(i) == false || foo[i] != fooBackup[i]) {
fooBackup[i] = foo[i]
txt.text = foo[i];
trace("Index " + i + " changed. Updated backup, and display.");
function checkData(e:Event):void {
var now:Number = flash.utils.getTimer();
// If the last time we checked is greater than a second, run the check again.
if (now - last > 1000) {
// Update last checked index;
last += 1000;
// For the sake of argument, let's randomly change an index to a random value.
foo[random(0, foo.length-1)] = random(-1000, 1000);
function random(low:Number=0, high:Number=1):Number {
/* Returns a random number between the low and high values given. */
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (1+high-low)) + low;
Solution #3: Roll your own Array
As outlined by Adobe's Extending the Array class, you can subclass Arrays and from there add your own event dispatches when you add/remove entries. This is the more adventurous solution, and (in my humble opinion) the best as it maintains code consistency, while giving broad and efficient powers.

as3 how to remove/ move position of graphics from reset array

I am trying to reset a scene an move every thing to its original position the reset function resets the array adds the nape bodies back to the stage and attaches the graphics but the original graphics still are on the stage in whatever position they were in when reset was called
private var brickGraphic:MovieClip = new Brick();
private var brick:Body;
private var brickArray:Array;
private function setUp():void
brickArray = new Array ;
for (var i:int = 0; i < 10; i++)
var brick:Body = new Body(BodyType.DYNAMIC);
var brickShape:Polygon = new Polygon(Polygon.box(10,25));
var brickGraphic = new Brick();
brickGraphic.width = 10;
brickGraphic.height = 25;
brickGraphic.cacheAsBitmap = true;
brick.position.setxy(450, ((ag ) - 30 * (i + 0.5)));
brick.angularVel = 0;
brick.shapes.at(0).material.elasticity = .5;
brick.shapes.at(0).material.density = 150;
brick.space = space;
brick.userData.sprite = brickGraphic;
brick.userData.sprite.x = brick.position.x;
private function reset():void
if (contains(brickGraphic)) removeChild(brickGraphic);
this is the final issue i am having on this app and your help would be greatly appreciated
That's because you are not removing them with removeChild.
You need to call removeChild for each brickGraphic object you add to the stage.
Something like :
private function setUp():void
brickArray = [];
for (var i:int = 0; i < 10; i++)
var brick:Body = new Body(BodyType.DYNAMIC);
var brickShape:Polygon = new Polygon(Polygon.box(10,25));
var brickGraphic = new Brick();
brickGraphic.width = 10;
brickGraphic.height = 25;
brickGraphic.cacheAsBitmap = true;
brick.position.setxy(450, ((ag ) - 30 * (i + 0.5)));
brick.angularVel = 0;
brick.shapes.at(0).material.elasticity = .5;
brick.shapes.at(0).material.density = 150;
brick.space = space;
brick.userData.sprite = brickGraphic;
brick.userData.sprite.x = brick.position.x;
private function removeAllBricks():void
for(var i:int=0; i<brickArray.length; i++)
var dp:DisplayObject = brickArray[i].userData.sprite as DisplayObject;
if(dp && dp.parent)
private function reset():void

Actionscript 3: Trying to create a randomized array

im trying to create a randomized array that will change the position of my pictures(in the tilelist) each time the application is launched. Hope you understand what im looking for, and i dont really understand how to link code correctly here :/
I think its easier simply copying into flash and view from there
thanks :)
Here's my code:
btn_back.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, ftilbake);
function ftilbake(evt:MouseEvent)
var heroArray:Array = new Array();
var randomizeArray:Array = new Array();
function createArrays()
heroArray[0] = new Array("Rumble","Garen","Lulu","Corki","Warwick");
heroArray[1] = new Array("Bilder/Champions/Rumble.jpg","Bilder/Champions/Garen.jpg","Bilder/Champions/Lulu.jpg","Bilder/Champions/Corki.jpg","Bilder/Champions/Warwick.jpg");
heroArray[2] = new Array("Bilder/Champions/Rumble1.jpg","Bilder/Champions/Garen1.jpg","Bilder/Champions/Lulu1.jpg","Bilder/Champions/Corki1.jpg","Bilder/Champions/Warwick1.jpg");
heroArray[3] = new Array("the Mechanized Menace","the Might of Demacia","the Fae Sorceress","the Daring Bombardier","the Blood Hunter");
heroArray[4] = new Array(0,0,0,0,0);
heroArray[5] = new Array("Rumble.wav","Garen.wav","Lulu.wav","Corki.wav","Warwick.wav");
randomizeArray[0] = new Array();
randomizeArray[1] = new Array();
randomizeArray[2] = new Array();
randomizeArray[3] = new Array();
randomizeArray[4] = new Array();
//randomizing the positions in the array(?)
var randomPos:int = 0;
for (var i:int = 0; i < heroArray.length; i++)
randomPos = int(Math.random() * heroArray[0].length);
while (randomizeArray[randomPos][0] != null)
randomPos = int(Math.random() * heroArray.length);
var totalKlikk:int = 0;
for (var teller1:int = 0; teller1 <heroArray[0].length; teller1++)
leagueChamps.addItem({label:heroArray[0][teller1], source:heroArray[1][teller1]});
leagueChamps.columnWidth = 80;
leagueChamps.rowHeight = 80;
leagueChamps.columnCount = 5;
leagueChamps.rowCount = 1;
leagueChamps.direction = "horizontal";
leagueChamps.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, bildeKlikk);
function bildeKlikk(evt:MouseEvent)
var element:Object = leagueChamps.selectedItem;
var fil:String = element.source;
txtChHero.visible = false;
if (totalKlikk <11)
for (teller1 = 0; teller1 <heroArray[0].length; teller1++)
if (heroArray[1][teller1] == fil)
if (heroArray[4][teller1] == 1)
txtBox1.visible = true;
txtBox2.visible = true;
leagueShow.source = heroArray[2][teller1];
txtBox1.text = heroArray[0][teller1];
txtBox2.text = heroArray[3][teller1];
if (heroArray[4][teller1] == 2)
txtBox1.visible = true;
txtBox2.visible = true;
leagueShow.source = heroArray[2][teller1];
txtBox1.text = heroArray[0][teller1];
txtBox2.text = heroArray[3][teller1];
if (heroArray[4][teller1] == 3)
txtChHero.visible = true;
txtChHero.text = "Du har klikket følgende mange ganger på de forskjellige bildene:";
txtH1.text = heroArray[4][0]
txtH2.text = heroArray[4][1]
txtH3.text = heroArray[4][2]
txtH4.text = heroArray[4][3]
txtH5.text = heroArray[4][4]
txtBox1.visible = false;
txtBox2.visible = false;
leagueShow.visible = false;
function bildeKlikk3()
txtBox1.visible = true;
txtBox2.visible = true;
leagueShow.source = heroArray[2][teller1];
txtBox2.text = "Ikke mer informasjon";
txtBox2.visible = false;
txtBox1.visible = false;
Array randomization is something which comes up very frequently in all my projects so I ended up creating a static method in my Array utility class for it.
It uses the Fisher–Yates shuffle which is supposed to be the most unbiased (and efficient?) algorithm for shuffling the content of an array. There could be faster ways of doing it (like using the array.sortOn() method, but I am not sure how unbiased a result they get compared to this one.)
The shuffle method:
* shuffle the given array
* #param array
* #return
public static function shuffle(array:Array):Array
var index :int;
var item :*;
var limit :int = array.length as int;
for (var i:int = limit-1; i >= 0 ; --i)
index = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
item = array[index];
array[index] = array[i];
array[i] = item;
return array;
var myArray:Array = new Array("Red","Orange","Yellow","Green","Blue");
myArray = ArrayUtils.shuffle(myArray);
where ArrayUtils is the name of the Array Utility class I use. You can simply use the function directly if you don't want to use a utility class of course.
Try this
while (heroArray.length > 0) {
randomizeArray.push(heroArray.splice(Math.round(Math.random() * (heroArray.length - 1)), 1)[0]);
Just instatiate randomizeArray though, and don't fill it with empty Arrays like in ur source!
I recommend creating a single object to hold related data, and using a single Array/Vector of that object type.
To answer your question, randomizing an array is fairly easy to do with array.sort() and a random selection function. This method can also be used to randomize any array. you don't need to splice arrays or iterate either.
function sortOnRandom(a:Object, b:Object):Number{
if(Math.random() > 0.5){
return 1;
return -1;

AS3 Array object showing up by ordering

I have 3 MC on stage which are all alpha=0
var mcArray:Array = [mc1,mc2,mc3];
for (var j:int = 0; j < mcArray.length; j++)
mcArray[j].alpha = 0;
I have one button which once I click then it will make 1 of the MC become alpha=1
revealBtn.buttonMode = true;
revealBtn.useHandCursor = false;
revealBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, revealClick);
function revealClick(event:MouseEvent):void
for (var j:int = 0; j < mcArray.length; j++)
mcArray[j].alpha = 1;
But with the script above it will makes all 3 MC become alpha=1.
I know that this can achieve by using below code:
this code will give what I want to achieve but if there is more than 3 MC the lines of script will be longer.
revealBtn.buttonMode = true;
revealBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, revealClick);
var mcArray:Array = [mc0,mc1,mc2];
function revealClick(event:MouseEvent):void
for(var i:uint = 0; i<mcArray.length; i++){
if(this['mc'+i].alpha !== 1){
this['mc'+i].alpha = 1;
No that if statement would still turn all three to alpha 1.
Which of the three do you want to set to alpha = 1 when the click is made?
You could use something like this to set alpha = 1 on the first mc in the array which does NOT have alpha = 1
function revealClick(event:MouseEvent):void {
for (var j:int = 0; j < mcArray.length; j++){
if ( mcArray[j].alpha != 1 ){
mcArray[j].alpha = 1;
Just use a counter.
var cnt : int = -1;
function revealClick(event:MouseEvent):void
if(++cnt < mcArray.length) mcArray[cnt].alpha = 1;
