How to add Custom Template in Telerik MVC combobox? - combobox

Is there a way to add custom template inside Telerik MVC Combobox.?
I have a need to add checkboxes and images for each options inside combobox.
Telerik have this feature for Rad control for combobox.
How to do it in MVC control?
Thanks in advance.

I think this is not possible now with Telerik MVC extensions but it is with KendoUI. Since the next release of KendoUI will include MVC extensions you may want to check it that works for you


Create FileManager (FileBrowser, ImageBrowser) with Telerik Kendo UI for ASP.NET MVC

I was waiting Telerik along time to create this control, now I created it on my own with Telerik Kendo UI and sharing for everyone. I think many peoples need this so much.
Please see bellow
Happy coding
I Created project at:
And this is demo in image

How can I get the default XAML style for the WPF DatePicker control in .net 4?

I am trying to find the default control template for the WPF DatePicker control in .NET 4. I have tried the MSDN page, but the "link" to the DatePicker control is just text. I have tried StyleSnooper, but it has an error when loading PresentationFramework.dll.
Is there any way other than Expression Blend to get the default template?
You can download them from this page, or more specifically here.
FYI you can also used Blend to extract a style for any control.

Implementing Telerik MVC TabStrip with inner Menus

I am currently using the Telerik MVC TabStrip for navigation in my application. However, the navigation requirements have become more involved and I now need to implement a sub-menu potentially under each tab option (by using the Telerik MVC Menu).
Does anybody have a working example of this?
Secondly, I would ideally like to bind the whole navigation setup to a sitemap file. Any help on this would be appreciated.
You can define the menu in each partial view which is displayed by the tabstrip. Unfortunately you cannot use the same sitemap to bind both the tabstrip and the menus.

how to use gridview control in silverlight

how to use gridview control in my silverlight xaml page in &
Checkout official site
Check this tutorial which demonstrates DataGrid in silverlight...

Navigate from datagrid to dataform in silverlight

I have a datagrid in my Silverlight-3 application.
When I select a row in the datagrid, I need to able to go to a new page which contains a dataform having a detailed view of that particular row.
I dont want to use "RowDetailsTemplate" property in datagrid.
I want to navigate to a new page which contains my dataform.
How can I achieve that?
There are MANY ways to achieve what you want to do.
If you are looking for a deep-linking approach, you can look into the Silverlight Navigation Framework which is shipped with Silverlight 3.
You might also look into using a ChildWindow as a modal dialog to display the page.
For displaying the data item, you might consider using the DataForm control.
