ExtJS4: this.ownerCt in initComponent function - extjs

Is there any way to access the parent component (via this.ownerCt) in the initComponent function?
While trying to access it via this.ownerCt, i found out that the ownerCt attribute is set after initComponent. So I do not know how i can hook in the initialization process of my component where i can change some parent's attributes.

I know this doesn't answer the question directly. I would have placed this in the comments to your question but I'm not allowed yet it would appear. If you are building breadcrumbs. I would look at extending the tab panel and creating a plugin for the Tab Bar that creates the kinda of navigation you want.
Ext.define('HOD.plugins.Breadcrumbs', {
// private
init : function(tabBar) {
tabBar.on('beforeadd', this.addIcons, this);
tabBar.on('beforeremove', this.handleTabRemove, this);
addIcons: function(tabBar, newTab, index, options) {
if (index > 0) {
newTab.iconCls = 'icon-arrow';
tabBar.items.each(function(tab) {
if (tab != newTab) {
tab.overCls = 'breadcrumbs-over'
handleTabRemove: function(tabBar, oldTab, options) {
var count = tabBar.items.getCount();
if (count > 1) {
var newTab = tabBar.items.getAt(count-2);
newTab.overCls = '';
Then extend the tab panel so it uses the above plugin to style the tabs correctly.
Ext.define('HOD.view.GlobalNavigation', {
extend: 'Ext.tab.Panel',
border: false,
alias: 'widget.content',
requires: ['HOD.plugins.Breadcrumbs'],
tabBar: {
cls: 'breadcrumbs',
plugins: ['tabbarbreadcrumbs']
initComponent: function() {
this.on('tabchange', this.handleTabChange, this);
push: function(tab) {
pop: function() {
// Get the current cards;
var cards = this.getLayout().getLayoutItems();
if (cards.length > 1) {
handleTabChange: function (tabPanel, newCard, oldCard, options) {
var cards = tabPanel.getLayout().getLayoutItems();
for (var i = (cards.length - 1); i > 0; i--) {
if (cards[i] !== newCard) {
} else {
I've written up post about it here if you need more detail.

I would not recommend changing anything in the container from the inside element functions. Instead I would create an event in the element, fire that event and listen for it in the container.
This way your component will notify the container to do something, and container will do it itself.


ExtJS Maximum call stack size exceeded when reordering tree

I'm reordering the hierarchy of a tree with drag and drop. After moving multiple nodes I get the error Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded. The error appears in NodeInterface.js. The updateInfo function crashes in the following line
for (i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
children[i].updateInfo(commit, childInfo);
What could cause this problem?
The following code shows how I implemnted the drag and drop and reordering in ExtJS 6.5.2. Maybe you can find what's causing the problem.
Ext.define('test.component.plugin.TreeDragger', {
extend: 'Ext.AbstractPlugin',
alias: 'plugin.treedrag',
mixins: ['Ext.mixin.Observable'],
constructor: function (config) {
this.mixins.observable.constructor.call(this, config);
init: function (component) {
var me = this;
this.source = new Ext.drag.Source({
element: component.element,
handle: '.x-gridrow',
constrain: {
element: true,
vertical: true
describe: function (info) {
var row = Ext.Component.from(info.eventTarget, component);
info.row = row;
info.record = row.getRecord();
proxy: {
type: 'placeholder',
getElement: function (info) {
console.log('proxy: getElement');
var el = Ext.getBody().createChild({
style: 'padding: 10px; width: 100px; border: 1px solid gray; color: red;',
return el;
// autoDestroy: false,
listeners: {
scope: me,
beforedragstart: me.makeRelayer('beforedragstart'),
dragstart: me.makeRelayer('dragstart'),
dragmove: me.makeRelayer('dragmove'),
dragend: me.makeRelayer('dragend')
disable: function () {
enable: function () {
doDestroy: function () {
makeRelayer: function (name) {
var me = this;
return function (source, info) {
return me.fireEvent(name, me, info);
xtype: 'tree',
hideHeaders: true,
plugins: {
treedrag: {
type: 'treedrag',
listeners: {
beforedragstart: function (plugin, info) {
console.log('listeners: beforedragstart');
columns: [{
xtype: 'treecolumn',
flex: 1,
afterLoadApportionmentObjectsForTree: function (succes) {
if (succes) {
tree = this.getView().down('tree');
if (tree) {
var store = tree.getStore();
store.remoteFilter = false;
store.filterer = 'bottomup';
createDropTargets: function () {
var me = this,
rows = tree.innerItems;
Ext.each(rows, function (el) {
var target = new Ext.drag.Target({
element: el.element,
listeners: {
scope: me,
drop: me.onDrop
onDrop: function (target, info, eOpts) {
var source = info.record,
row = Ext.Component.from(target.getElement(), tree),
destination = row.getRecord(),
parentNode = source.parentNode;
if (!parentNode.hasChildNodes()) {
parentNode.set('leaf', true);
It seems that updateInfo is called recursive, but I can't figure out why or how I could prevent it.
I could find the mistake by myself. It was possible to drag nodes on their own children which relates to an recursive adding and removing of the same nodes over and over again. To prevent the user from doing this, I added an listener for the beforeDrop event to my Ext.drag.Target. There it returns false, if the target node is the same as the source node and it returns false if the target node is a child node of the source node.
onBeforeDrop: function (target, info, eOpts) {
var source = info.record,
row = Ext.Component.from(target.getElement(), tree),
destination = row.getRecord();
if (source == destination) {
return false;
if (source.findChild('number', destination.get('number'), true) != null) {
return false;
return true;
I also used the beforedragstart event to prevent moving the root node.
Maybe this is helpful for someone else.

ExtJS Drag and Drop in tree on modern toolkit

Actually I'm going to implement a tree view, where the user should have the option to reorder the structure with drag and drop. Actually I can't figure out how to enable drag and drop. I found a lot of examples using the 'treeviewdragdrop' plugin, which is just working with the classic toolkit.
The following Code made me move the first node but not more.
this.toParentSource = new Ext.drag.Source({
element: this.getView().element.down('.x-gridcell'),
constrain: {
element: this.getView().body,
vertical: true
Can you help me with this problem? I'm using ExtJS 6.5.2 modern toolkit.
This is how I enabled drag and drop for trees in modern Ext JS:
First I've written a plugin which creates the sources that should be draggable.
Ext.define('test.component.plugin.TreeDragger', {
extend: 'Ext.AbstractPlugin',
alias: 'plugin.treedrag',
mixins: ['Ext.mixin.Observable'],
constructor: function (config) {
this.mixins.observable.constructor.call(this, config);
init: function (component) {
var me = this;
this.source = new Ext.drag.Source({
element: component.element,
handle: '.x-gridrow',
constrain: {
element: true,
vertical: true
describe: function (info) {
var row = Ext.Component.from(info.eventTarget, component);
info.row = row;
info.record = row.getRecord();
proxy: {
type: 'placeholder',
getElement: function (info) {
console.log('proxy: getElement');
var el = Ext.getBody().createChild({
style: 'padding: 10px; width: 100px; border: 1px solid gray; color: red;',
return el;
// autoDestroy: false,
listeners: {
scope: me,
beforedragstart: me.makeRelayer('beforedragstart'),
dragstart: me.makeRelayer('dragstart'),
dragmove: me.makeRelayer('dragmove'),
dragend: me.makeRelayer('dragend')
disable: function () {
enable: function () {
doDestroy: function () {
makeRelayer: function (name) {
var me = this;
return function (source, info) {
return me.fireEvent(name, me, info);
Next I used this plugin inside my tree.
xtype: 'tree',
hideHeaders: true,
plugins: {
treedrag: {
type: 'treedrag',
listeners: {
beforedragstart: function (plugin, info) {
// logic to identify the root and prevent it from being moved
console.log('listeners: beforedragstart');
columns: [{
xtype: 'treecolumn',
flex: 1,
Then I defined the drop targets inside the controller.
afterLoadApportionmentObjectsForTree: function (succes) {
if (succes) {
tree = this.getView().down('tree');
if (tree) {
var store = tree.getStore();
store.remoteFilter = false;
store.filterer = 'bottomup';
createDropTargets: function () {
var me = this,
rows = tree.innerItems;
Ext.each(rows, function (el) {
var target = new Ext.drag.Target({
element: el.element,
listeners: {
scope: me,
drop: me.onDrop,
beforeDrop: me.onBeforeDrop
onDrop: function (target, info, eOpts) {
var source = info.record,
row = Ext.Component.from(target.getElement(), tree),
destination = row.getRecord(),
parentNode = source.parentNode;
if (!parentNode.hasChildNodes()) {
parentNode.set('leaf', true);
onBeforeDrop: function (target, info, eOpts) {
var source = info.record,
row = Ext.Component.from(target.getElement(), tree),
destination = row.getRecord();
// prevent the user to drop the node on itself
// this would lead to an error caused by recursive method calls
if (source == destination) {
return false;
// prevent the user to drop a node on it's children
// this would lead to an error caused by recursive method calls
if (source.findChild('number', destination.get('number'), true) != null) {
return false;
return true;

Sencha Touch - How to dynamically change the row color of a grid?

I have a grid component with store in my view page.
xtype: 'grid',
store : { xclass : 'ABC.Store.MyStoreItem'},
I would like to change the row color depends on the value in the store.
Unfortunately, I only found the solution for ExtJS , but not for Sencha Touch.
In ExtJs, the row color can be change in this way: Styling row in ExtJS
viewConfig: {
stripeRows: false,
getRowClass: function(record) {
return record.get('age') < 18 ? 'child-row' : 'adult-row';
I want to have the exactly same thing in Sencha Touch, but I can't find the same method in the Sencha Touch API document, it only available in ExJs.
Does anyone have any other idea on how this feature can be done in Sencha Touch ?
Updated: Tried JChap' answer
I'm using sencha touch 2.3
According to JChap's answer. I had override the Grid class in this way.
The location of the file is
app > override > grid > Grid.js, with the code:
Ext.define('ABC.override.grid.Grid', {
override: 'Ext.grid.Grid',
updateListItem: function(item, index, info) {
var me = this,
record = info.store.getAt(index);
if (me.getItemClass) {
var handler = me.getItemClass(),
scope = me;
if (!handler) {
if (typeof handler == 'string') {
handler = scope[handler];
cls = handler.apply(scope, [record, index, info.store]);
if(item.appliedCls) {
if (cls) {
item.appliedCls = cls;
And my way of using it is different from JChap, below is my view page
Ext.define('ABC.view.Upload', {
extend: 'Ext.Container',
xtype: 'uploadList',
config: {
id: 'upload_view_id',
items: [
xtype: 'container',
layout: 'vbox',
xtype: 'grid',
itemId : 'gridUpload',
store : { xclass : 'ABC.store.MyStoreItem'},
config: {
itemClass: function(record, index) {
var cls = null;
if(record.get('status') === 'new') {
cls = 'redRow';
else {
cls = 'greenRow';
return cls;
columns: [ ....]
I think I'm not using the override class corretly, can anyone point out my mistake ? Thanks.
There is no such option available in sencha touch. But we can add one by overriding List class. Here is how i overwritten the List class.
Ext.define('MyApp.overrides.dataview.List', {
override: 'Ext.dataview.List',
updateListItem: function(item, index, info) {
var me = this,
record = info.store.getAt(index);
if (me.getItemClass) {
var handler = me.getItemClass(),
scope = me;
if (!handler) {
if (typeof handler == 'string') {
handler = scope[handler];
cls = handler.apply(scope, [record, index, info.store]);
if(item.appliedCls) {
if (cls) {
item.appliedCls = cls;
And here is how to use it
Ext.define('MyApp.view.ProductList', {
extend: 'Ext.List',
xtype: 'productList',
config: {
itemClass: function(record, index) {
var cls = null;
if(record.get('status') === 'new') {
cls = 'x-item-new';
else if(record.get('status') === 'deleted') {
cls = 'x-item-dropped';
return cls;
Note: In my case i'm using List, since Grid extends from List this should work for you.

Customizing shared component

Ext.define('RevenuePanel', { extend: 'Ext.panel.Panel',
items: [
Ext.create('Ext.button.Button', {text: 'Button'}) ]
In this case,I believe the items property is copied to the class's prototype.
What is the good programming practice/s to allow the panel to have custom behaviour for its items at multiple containers which would use it within the application?
We are on Ext3.4x
I assume that you just want to add more items, without overriding the predefined.
Ext.define('RevenuePanel', {
extend: 'Ext.panel.Panel',
initComponent: function(){
var me = this,
newItems = me.items,
defaultItems, items;
// apply your default items
defaultItems = [{xtype:'button', text:'Button'}];
// check if there are new items defined for this instance
if(typeof newItems != 'undefined') {
items = defaultItems.concat((newItems instanceof Array ) ? newItems : [newItems]);
} else {
items = defaultItems;
// override the items
me.items = items;

How to get `scroll at bottom` and `scroll at top` of a list view of a Sencha Touch list view?

I want to code lazy loading for the list view so that I need to add the action for my controller that fired when user scrolls down to bottom of the list and when scrolls up to the top of the list.
How can I do that using Sencha Architect?
I do not use Architect, but what you need is get a ref of your list in controller, and attach an handler for the scroll event of the scroller object in the initialize event of the list:
config: {
refs: {
list: '...',
control: {
list: {
initialize: 'onListInit'
onListInit: function() {
var scroller = this.getScrollable().getScroller();
scroller.on('scrollstart', this.onNnListScrollStart, this);
scroller.on('scrollend', this.onNnListScrollEnd, this);
onNnListScrollStart: function(scroller, x, y) {
console.log('START SCROLL');
onNnListScrollEnd: function(scroller, x, y) {
console.log('scroll x:'+x);
console.log('scroll y:'+y);
var bottom = scroller.maxPosition.y;
var top = scroller.minPosition.y;
var isScrollUp = scroller.dragDirection.y === -1;
var isScrollDown = scroller.dragDirection.y === 1;
if (bottom === y && isScrollDown) {
if (top === y && isScrollUp) {
console.log('END SCROLL');
A Sencha Architect sample project implementing this guide can be downloaded here
