cakephp 2.1 black hole in google chrome - cakephp

I am working on a plugin for cakephp 2.1
all things are working fine on localhost on all browsers
But this plugin is not working on google chrome on server however it is working fine on Firefox
I am getting Error: The requested address '/login' was not found on this server when I submit the form.
For ex.
Please check this on google chrome as well as Firefox. Can somebody help me out??

I can reach that site in both Google Chrome and Firefox, using Chrome 18.0.1025.151


Safari Issue with Single Page Application React with AWS (Cloudfront/S3)

I am hosting a single page application based in React in S3 and served up in a CloudFront distribution (AWS). Everything works fine in production and The CloudFront error handling is setup correctly like shown below:
I did this for 404 and 403 responses. When I attempt open a link to a non root path (e.g. /settings), it works fine in Chrome and Firefox. However, in Safari I get redirected to the root path. I don't know how to resolve this Safari specific issue, any help is appreciated, thank you.
Similar problem without an answer here Safari Issue with Single Page Application AngularJS in HTML5mode with AWS (Cloudfront/S3)

CEF Sharp remote debugging with chrome not working after chrome update(80.0.3987.116)

My Hybrid application created using WPF, CEFShaprp, and VueJS.
The CEF remote debugging was working correctly till chrome version 79.0.3945.130.
Upgraded to new chrome version (80.0.3987.116).
Once we do remote debugging when we hit URL in the browser it's identifying the web apps.
but on selection, it's redirecting to a blank page and in the console, we can see the below error.
Uncaught TypeError: document.registerElement is not a function at Object.UI.registerCustomElement
Please let me know anyone faced this issue?
any workaround to fix this issue?
any help will be appreciated.

Angularjs - My App does't work on safari browser

Hello I have an issue when I run my code on safari browser
and here are error logs
I think this problem in $cookies if you have any solution, please help me to solve it.

Firefox is not loading my7 angularjs bower_components

I'm creating a site with AngularJS that is working fine on every single browser, except for Firefox.
When I use firebug, the console shows "400 Bad Request" errors while trying to get the bower_components for the modal and ui-router services.
Could you help me?
Already solved it, it was a problem of Firefox not reconizing / instead of .

Website not running on Chrome and Firefox

I use data from localhost and REST API in my website. My website run properly on IE but in Chrome and Firefox CROS origin related problem occurs. I use Angular.js to create website. Please suggest how to solve these problem.
In Chrome above problem is solved by adding "allow cross origin *" extension.
