set APPDATA=whatever does not work? - batch-file

Got a exe that saves it's data in AppData.
I want it to save in my own folder eg, /data
I have this:
set APPDATA=%cd%\data
Not working for some reason :(
Anyone know why?
Thank you.

The application will be getting hold of the APPDATA path via one of the system APIs, e.g. SHGetFolderPath, rather than reading the environment variable. There's nothing simple that you can do to change its behaviour.


Unable to .show scores in Music21

I'm working in Jupyter Notebook. I've installed music21, musescore, set the xml path as below:
us = environment.UserSettings()
us['musicxmlPath'] ='Applications/'
I've also run config, and see that musescore is being detected by music21. However, when I use the show method, I get the following error:
SubConverterFileIOException: png file of xml not found. Or file >999 pages?
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
An .app file is a directory. Inside the directory is a bin directory and a file called mscore -- that's the actual name in the path. It'd be much easier to run python -m music21.configure and let the automatic configuration program take care of it.
Are you sure that file is exist?
try changing 'Applications/' to '/Applications/'
Hope that helps
I found a answer from here wrote by GaetanBaert,It works well and now I can use show method.
He said that "you should change os.system(musescoreRun) line 891 of by You need also to import subprocess at the start of"

Batch: Relative directory/path

I created a small harmless batch virus (a prank), it is finished (on a USB) but I don't want to manually copy it and then I ran to a problem...
Is there a way to copy files relatively, from where the actual batch file is?
Something like this maybe:
copy "~Virus.bat" "%appdata%/microsoft/windows/start menu/programs/startup"
instead of
copy "G:\Files\Folder1\Folder2\Virus.bat" "%appdata%/microsoft/windows/start menu/programs/startup"
If somebody can help please do... Thanks!
This question may solve your problem, but a short answer for copying your file is using %~dp0. As said in this answer, this will give you the current path.
Try this:
copy "%~dp0Virus.bat" "%appdata%/microsoft/windows/start menu/programs/startup"

Using %~dp0 for MSIExec Logfile Output

I'm trying to output my logfiles to a subfolder relative to my install script, and MSIExec doesn't seem to like it when used with the "/l*v" command. I've tried variations of %~dp0Logs (with and without quotes, etc.). If I manually enter the full path like: /l*v c:\scripts\logs\%computername%.txt" it works fine, but the script is always going to be in different locations (USB, network, etc.).
I see references online to using the %temp% system variable which I guess works, but not the parent lookup folder variable of %dp0. And I'm using the same variable elsewhere in my script for other things, like running the MSI and file copy commands (copy "%~dp0Files\Images\%LogonBackgroundWinXP%"...). I've even tried setting a variable like: Set LogFolder=%dp0\logs, but that doesn't seem to work either.
Am I missing something or am I just going to have to find another folder lookup method just for my log files?
I guess all I needed was a few hours away from this and lunch! Works perfectly fine, not sure what I was doing wrong before. I was going to do a copy command afterwards, but now I don't have to.

Using a .bat file for integration to client

I was trying to put together a .bat file program that presents readable information. Basically, we have a application called vSphere that reads custom scripts directly from a xml file. So there are xml elements that are passed into the the client. Now, I have a similar situation where we are doing the same thing with vCloud. The difference is that vCloud only reads data from a .bat file instead of a xml file.. If I wanted to do such a thing what would that look like.. Below is my psuedo code as I'm not completely familiar with .bat file syntax. Is this how I can present the information to be read by the vCloud client? The client already knows how to read the .bat file, I just need help with a control structure example of a .bat file to tackle this problem.
xml version:
.bat file version:
#echo off
SET ChangeExample=1341932956
if changeExample==""(
echo changeExample==ChangeExample
Thank you!
this code may work for you
#echo off
set changeExample=1341932956
echo %changeExample%
This will display the value of changeExample 1341932956 on the cmd screen if you run the batch file is this what you wanted...
Your almost there, just a couple of things.
To access a variable after setting it, without any special circumstances, you need to put %'s at each side of it to tell cmd that you want the value contained in it.
By default if is case sensitive, so you must first make sure that your variables are spelt
correctly, also you need a space between the end of the if condition and the bracket.
Provided that this is the correct format for the batch (I don't have a clue what it actually wants to read) then this is the correct syntax
#echo off
SET ChangeExample=1341932956
if %ChangeExample%=="" (
echo changeExample==%ChangeExample%
I presumed you wanted to echo the variable contents rather than the string ChangeExample, if you just want the string remove the %'s.

What is the *.cf7 file extension?

At work we have been given a .cf7 file from a client and been expected to know how to access it's contents. We suspect it is some sort of database or accounting records file, most probably propriety, as it was contained in a folder called "books and records".
Has anyone dealt with .cf7 files before? Does anyone know how to use one such file? Opening it in a text editor reveals it is of a binary nature. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
Try a product called Cashflow Manager. It also uses the .cf7 extension.
