Drupal 7.12 Captcha module 7.x-1.0-beta2 - drupal-7

As mentioned in the title I'm running Drupal 7.12. I'm having a little trouble with the Captcha module however. I can install and enable it without any problems. However when I go to "admin/config/people/captcha" the setting for the captcha module don't show up. Instead it shows the menu for "admin/config/people". If I go to my modules page to look at my installed modules it shows that captcha is installed. However if I click on the configure link associated with the captcha module it takes me to "admin/config/people". I've cleared my drupal and browser cache. Still nothing. I'm at my wits end what to do. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Try disabling the module then uninstalling/re-enabling (Do not just disable it UNINSTALL it) the module. If that doesn't work it must be an issue with some other module or code. Make sure you run update.php as well.

Thanks for responding. I tried all that. I finally figured it out though. It was a database issue. I deleted all my modules. Then I had to run this: drupal.org/project/registry_rebuild. Then I reinstalled all my modules. After I did that everything worked fine!


Unable to Add React to existing Rails app

I've setup a rails app all good, server runs fine etc, now I need to add React to it.
I see the command
rails webpack:install:react
appears to be the way everyone recommends but when I run this I get the following error:
rails aborted!
Don't know how to build task 'webpacker:install:react' (See the list of available
tasks with `rails --tasks`)
Did you mean? webpacker:install
So I run webpacker:install, alls good then try with :react again and the same errors generated, I've got react added in the package.json file and react-rails in the gem file. I've also run bundled since adding these.
I cant find an answer anywhere so whatever you've got I'll take.
Thank you.
Found the issue, the problem was that webpacker:install:react was removed from webpacker v6, moved to version 5.4.3 and the issues resolved.
More info here:
As the above answer states, this was removed. If you see a tutorial telling you to run rails webpack:install:react you can simply skip it if you've already run rails webpack:install. React now works "out of the box" and so you don't need to specify it.

Using create-react-app's npm startwith AWS Cloud9

I am attempting to use create-react-app in AWS Cloud9. While I have no problems creating the app, when I try to run npm start I just get this screen. When I clicked on "Why am I seeing this?" I was taken to this page, which led me to turn on HTTPS. While HTTPS was enabled, it did not fix the issue. create-react-app's Github page suggested that CHOKIDAR_USEPOLLING=true is required for virtual machines, but that also did not fix the issue: it now creates a blank page, as shown here. Finally, thinking that perhaps the issue was due to some accidental change, I deleted the directory and made a fresh one, but the issue persisted.
Any insight on how this can be resolved would be appreciated.
I had a similar issue. For me I was just going about it the wrong way and I can preview my application by going to Preview at the top of the IDE and then Preview Running Application.

install DOTNETNUKE form error

I'm trying to install Dontnetnuke but I've got problem at Install Page. It looks like i'm losing all css styles and images. I cannot even change language. Cannot proceed anything. Please help me this, Thanks in advance....
Here's the screen image:
i have also faced similar issue i have resolved by replacing web.config with new web.config or you can replace whole dnn setup . i prefer Dnn Source package to install Dnn

AngularJS plugin for Webstorm not sticking

I have installed WebStorm 7 for Windows successfully, and have been playing with Angularjs projects. I wanted to install the AngularJS plugin. I opened File/Settings/Plugins, and the AngularJS plugin was not listed, so I pressed Browse Repositories, found it, and installed it. It then showed up in my list, highlighted in green. When I hit OK WebStorm asks if I want to restart to integrate the plugin, and I do. But when I open WebStorm again, the plugin is no longer listed. I tried once more, same result. Any idea what incantation I need to do? ;)
Please refer to the installing plugins document.
There could be some issue with installing the plugin, check idea.log for possible errors.
As a workaround you can download plugin zip manually and unpack it into the plugins directory.
I've verified that on my system this plugin appears in the list of installed plugins after IDE restart.

DNN error while adding DNN module on the page

I am getting dotnet nuke error whenver i try to add a module on my page. It works well on my local system but gives me dotnet nuke error on the server. Any help will be appreciated.
Are you running any custom URL providers, such as Ifinity's URLMaster? If so, be sure to upgrade to the latest release.
If not, what specifically is the error you are receiving?
Also check your \Portals_default\Logs\ folder for any logs that might give you a clue about the error
