Mounting HFS+ and UDF from a Hybrid Video-DVD - filesystems

I have developed a Mac software (using DiscRecordingFramework and IOKit) that creates hybrid Video-DVD. The resulting DVD is fully compatible with Video-DVD specifications. The hybrid disc hosts HFS+, UDF and ISO filesystems. Now the problem is Mac system automatically mounts HFS+ filesystem but default DVD Player on Mac cannot play a CSS protected movie from HFS+ filesystem. As a workaround I developed a script which mounts UDF filesystem along with HFS+ filesystem. This script actually load UDF2.1 kernel extension and mounts UDF filesystem. This solution worked but it's not desirable as it requires root passwords.
Is it possible to develop a solution which auto detects the hybrid disc and mounts both HFS+ and UDF filesystems? This solution should not compromise the system security. If it requires root passwords once in a lifetime that is OK but if it requires root passwords every time disc is used is not desirable.
Any help would be highly appreciated.

Summary of the comment thread:
diskutil mount doesn't require root permissions, so it's preferable to use that if possible
The Disk Arbitration framework can be used to prevent filesystems being mounted, if necessary.
If you need to repeatedly perform an action as root and don't want to keep asking for the password, you can put the commands in a script, mark it as owned by root and set the setuid bit. You'll only need root permissions once for this.
For serious filesystem and disk trickery, you sometimes can't avoid dropping to the kernel level. An advantage of an installed kext is that it's the earliest possible way to respond to an inserted disk.


mkstemp and hard disk stress

Are temporary files created with mkstemp synced to disk?
Here is what I have:
Program creates temporary file using mkstemp and sends fd to another program.
This temporary file is mmap-ped by both programs and used heavily (up to 400 MB/sec of writes and 400 MB/sec of reads; up to 60 reads and writes per second).
I can't use memfd_create (may not be supported on target devices).
Lets also assume (and this is almost true) that I can't create this file on tmpfs (like in /tmp).
What I need is guarantee that such file will not stress hard disk. I can't allow it to be written to disk even if this only happens once every 5 seconds. If I can't get such guarantee, I will look for another way.
Additional info (not important):
I am writing wayland compositor for Android devices. Currently temporary files (wayland surfaces actually) are created on tmpfs. And everything works fine as long as SELinux is not enabled. But if I enable SELinux, it prevents fd's from being transferred from client to compositor. Only solution I currently know is to create temporary files in app's home dir. But if such way is dangerous, I will find another.
Are temporary files created with mkstemp synced to disk?
The mkstemp function does not impart any special properties to files it opens that would prevent them from being synced to disk. The filesystem on which they are created might have such a property, but that's independent of file creation. In particular, files created via mkstemp() will persist indefinitely if not removed.
What I need is guarantee that such file will not stress hard disk. I can't allow it to be written to disk even if this only happens once every 5 seconds. If I can't get such guarantee, I will look for another way.
As far as I am aware, even tmpfs filesystems do not guarantee that their contents will remain locked in memory, as opposed to being paged out. They are backed by virtual memory. But if the actual file is comparatively small and all its pages are hot, then they are likely to remain in memory only.
With regard to the larger problem,
everything works fine as long as SELinux is not enabled. But if I
enable SELinux, it prevents fd's from being transferred from client to
compositor. Only solution I currently know is to create temporary
files in app's home dir.
By default, newly-created files inherit the SELinux type of their parent directory. Your Wayland clients presumably do not have sufficient privilege to modify the SELinux labels of the files they create, but you should be able to administratively create a directory wherever you like with a label conducive to your needs. For example, you could cause a subdirectory of /dev/shm to be created for the purpose (at every boot), and chconned to have an appropriate label. If the clients create their temp files there then they should inherit the SELinux type you choose.

Adding Capability to NFS Server - Compressing/Decompressing Stored/Retrieved Files

I need to build a custom Suse Linux NFS Server that does compression on certain files that are stored on the disk, and decompresses files as they are read from the disk. This needs to be transparent to the remote users of the file system, meaning that if a user saves a 10MB file named XYZZY.tif on /archiveDirectoryOnNFSServer, that when they do a ls -l on that mounted directory, they will see a 10MB file called XYZZY.tif, even though the actual file stored on the disk on the NFS server will be XYZZY.tif.compressed, and it will be 2MB in size.
I'm expecting that I need to build this as a driver that sits below the NFS Server software stack, but, I'm having difficulty finding where to start. Are there existing NFS Servers that provide this level of customization through APIs? Will I need to modify source of an open source NFS Server, and, if so, is there one that would be easiest to start with, and are they modularly structured such that this will be straight forward? I'm having difficult locating relevant content on the internet, and any pointers will be greatly appreciated.
IMO that kind of functionality is absolutely not the NFS server's responsibility (an nfs server should, well, serve files over nfs), but the underlying filesystem's. However, there's not that much choice in Linuxland but you could start by checking out fusecompress and btrfs.
This post is a bit old so you may already be aware of some options here, but there are a couple others (both for server side).
zfs filesystem has built-in compression. I typically use lzjb as it is the fastest compression algorithm and does a reasonable job (MySQL DB's get 2-4x compression, filesystems with non-compressed data get around 4). you have a choice of algorithm depending on how much CPU time you wish to offer the compression.
if you want different file types compressed then you may consider laying gluster on top of a set of zfs filesystems.
gluster will allow you to store certain file types (by extension) on different underlying filesystems.
in this case, you specify the underlying filesystem as a zfs volume with the particular options you need (for example, .zip and .png go on an uncompressed filesystem, while things you write once and read many like static html files might go on a higher compression--you'll pay once when it's written but reads should be really fast since it scans fewer disk blocks and decompression is very fast)
zfs will manage the nfs mounts if you use it as your nfs server--you wont want this if you lay gluster on top.
it's easy to specify dynamically other attributes per filesystem (atime/noatime, # of copies if you want redundancy other than your normal raid, you can add SSD's as cache devices to get more performance).
in these solutions, you still send the full uncompressed files over the wire, so it doesn't make up for network performance but gives a lot of options if you're trying to speed up Disk IO or get more utilization out of your drives.

Prevent unauthorised write access to a part of filesystem or partition

Hello all I have some very important system files which I want to protect from accidental deletion even by root user. I can create a new partition for that and mount it with readonly access but the problem is that I want my application which handles those system files to have write access to that part and be able to modify them. Is that possible using VFS? As VFS handles access to the files I could have a module inserted in the VFS layer which can see if there is a write access to that part then see the authorization and allow it or otherwise reject it.
If not please provide me suggestions regarding how can such a system be implemented what would I need in that case.
If there exists a system like this please suggest about them also.
I am using linux and want to implement this in C, I think it would be possible in C only.
Edit: There are such kind of programs implemented in windows which can restrict access to administrator even, to some important folders, would that be possible in linux?
My application is a system backup and restore program which needs to keep its backup information safe and secure. So I would like to have a secured part of a partition which could not be accidently deleted in any way. There are methods of locking a flashdrive can we use some of those methods for locking a partition in linux also ? so that mount is password protected ? I am not writing a virus application, my application would give user option to delete the backups but I don't wanna allow them to be deleted by any other application.
Edit: I am writing a system restore and backup program for ubuntu, I am a computer engineering student.
Edit: As I have got opinion from Basile Starynkevitch that I would be committing worst sin of programming if I do anything like this, but you could provide me suggestions considering this as a experimental project, I could make some changes in the VFS layer so that this could work.
You could use chattr, e.g.
chattr +i yourfile
But I don't think it is a good thing to do that. People using root access are expected to be careful. Those having root access can still issue the command undoing the above.
There is no way to forbid people having root access, or people having physical access to the computer, to access, remove, change your file, if they really want to (they could update & hack the kernel, for instance). Read more about trusted compute base
And I believe it is even unethical (and perhaps illegal, in some countries) to want to do that. I own my PC, and I don't understand why you should disallow me to change some data on it, because I happened to install some software.
By definition of root on Linux, it can do anything... You won't be able to prohibit him to erase or alter data... People with root access can write arbitrary bytes at arbitrary places on the disk.
And on a machine that I own (or perhaps just have physical access to), I will, thanks God, always be able to remove a file (even under Windows: I could for example boot a Linux CDROM and remove the file from Linux accessing an NTFS, and then reboot the Windows...).
So I think you should not bother and take even a minute to find out how to make root altering your precious files more difficult. Leave them as other root files...
The unix philosophy has always been to trust the system administrator (while protecting newbie users from mistakes), that is the root user. The root is able to do anything (this is why people avoid being root, even on a personal machine). There have never been strong features to prohibit root doing mistakes, because the system administrator is expected to know well the system, and is trusted.
And Unix sysadmins understand this fact: it is part of their culture. (This is probably in contrast with Windows administration culture). They know when to be careful, they don't expect software to prevent mistakes as root.
In order to use root squashing (which makes it so that root can't even see files for a local user) you can set up a local nfs. This forum page explains how to mount an nfs locally. The command is:
mount -t nfs nameofcomputer:/directory_on_that_machine /directory_you_should_have_already_created
nfs has root squashing enabled by default, which should solve your problem. From there, you just make sure your program stores its files on the nfs mount.
Sounds to me like you're trying to write a virus.
No doubt you will disagree.
But I'm willing to bet the poor people that install your software will feel like it's a virus, because it will be behaving like one by making itself hard to remove.
Simply setting r/w flags should suffice for anything else.

Does anyone know of an easy way to programatically mount a file as a "disk" (FAT32) in Windows 7?

I have some automated test (using CUnit) which require a "disk-image"-file (raw copy of a disk) to be "mounted" in windows and explored. I have previously used a tool/library called "FileDisk-17" , but this doesn't seem to work on my Windows 7 (64bit).
I should point out, that changing the image-format (to say VHD) is not at option.
Any suggestions as to other (perhaps better supported) tools or libraries for mouting the file? The project is coded in ANSI C and compiled using MinGW.
Best regards!
Edit: Searching Bing for +filedisk 64 brings up a 64bit build of FileDisk, the utility you refer to:
And FileDisk-15 signed for 64bit here:
I can't vouch for it as I have never used it and am not familiar with the author.
If you have a VHD, you can mount that in windows easily:
See also:
Since you have a raw DD image not a VHD, you will need to convert it first:
Or qemu-img.exe can also do this:
qemu-img.exe convert -f raw rawdisk.img -O vpc rawdisk.vhd
Alternatively, you can create an empty VHD, and use DD to copy the raw image to the VHD, by opening the VHD as a raw device.
I faced this problem recently and found ImDisk to be an extremely nice solution:
Free, with source available and a very flexible open source license
Trivial setup (I have seen filedisk64 (in the accepted answer) described as having a "technical" setup)
Straightforward GUI and command-line access
Worked on Windows 7 64-bit
Seems to happily mount any kind of filesystem recognised by Windows (in my case, FAT16)
Works with files containing
Raw partitions
Entire raw disks (i.e. including the MBR and one or more partitions; which partition to mount can be selected)
VHD files (which it turns out are just raw partitions or disks with a 512-byte footer appended!)
Also can create RAM drives -- either initially empty or based on an existing disk image! (Very neat I must say!)
I did encounter minor issues trying to unmount drives. I was unable to unmount a drive from the GUI right-click context menu as the drive appeared to be "in use" by the explorer.exe process. Closing the Explorer window and using imdisk -d -m X: also didn't work; however imdisk -D -m X: (-D "forces" an unmount, whatever that means) did. This worked even if the drive was visible in an open Explorer window, without appearing to create any problems. However even after the drive appeared to have fully unmounted, an imdisk -l to list all available devices would still report that \Device\ImDisk0 exists, and if you remount the drive later, both that and \Device\ImDisk1 will appear in the output of imdisk -l (and so on with more unmount/remount cycles). This didn't create any problems with actually using the mounted drive when I tried a few unmount/remount cycles, though it theoretically might if you perform this many times between reboots.
ImDisk was invaluable for transferring the contents of a 1.5Gb disk drive with one FAT16 DOS partition from an ancient 486 machine.

Use libfuse in a project, without root access (for installation)? FTP mounts & inotify/kqueue/FSEvents

I'd like my application to be able to show a directory listing from a remote FTP (or SFTP etc) location. When a file/directory changes in the remote directory tree, the application should update its view with the relevant changes.
Because traversing the entire tree is slow and wasteful, I'd like to use something along the lines of FSEvents (inotify/kqueues on Linux), but obviously these libraries are filesystem-based, and a connection to an FTP server is not the same as a mounted filesystem.
In order to make these libraries work, I'd need to actually mount a filesystem backed by FTP/SFTP on the local machine, then attach an FSEventStream (or kqueue etc) to this local mount. I know FUSE can do this, but is there any way I can use FUSE without the user having to first install it? I mean, can I bundle it with my (Mac) application and create mounts without having to put the user through the process of actually running an installer package to copy libfuse and the kernel modules into the system? Does it assume /dev/fuse exists, or can this live outside the /dev/ path, inside my application directory?
Nice Mac applications are installed with a simple drag & drop and I'd like to keep mine this way if possible. I'm unclear on if it's possible to use libfuse directly (provided the files are included with the app), without installing it in the system paths.
Alternatively, does anyone have any other suggestions for monitoring for changes over FTP, without polling?
Unfortunately FTP and SFTP do not support any form of client notification.
Much like HTTP they are based on a request/response scheme, where each data transfer is initiated by the client. What makes things worse is that, contrary to HTTP, there is no way to ask the server to inform the client of any changes since a specific date.
This means that not only you have to use polling, but also that said polling will by no means be lightweight.
As far as FUSE is related, most FTP and SFTP modules that are available only update their view of the filesystem when the userspace applications ask for a directory listing (e.g. hitting Refresh in a file browser window). They do not perform polling on their own. Your userspace application will have to initiate the refresh by polling the directory itself.
To clarify a couple of things, recent versions of FUSE do support notification events. They
simply pass through the events from the modules to the kernel. The modules still have to generate them and in the case of an FTP/SFTP client module that is impossible without polling the server.
Also keep in mind that many current NFS implementations do not support change notifications either, despite the fact that NFSv4.1 has the necessary provisions. Many SMB/CIFS servers (esp. those in cheap Network-Attached-Storage embedded systems) also have limited to no support.
