Creating cursor to loop over some fields in SQL server 2008 r2 - cursor

Can anyone help me with
How to declare a cursor that contains some values and then cursor should loop over the values. And for each value: i) Have to execute the procedure and insert the data into the table variable ii)And select particular columns from the table variable+timestamp and then inserting them into the another table.

It's not clear why you'd want to do this using cursors. If you can explain what you're trying to achieve there will no doubt be a way to achieve the desired outcome without using cursors.
Cursors conflict with the main premise of the relational model. Using cursors, you apply procedural logic and iterate through individual rows, as opposed to applying set-based logic, where you handle whole sets of rows. With cursors, you end up writing a lot of code with iterations, where you mainly focus on how to deal with data. When you apply set-based logic, you typically write substantially less code, as you focus on what you want and not how to get it.


use same table multiple times in SP performance

I have a very long lines of code in SP that performs poorly. This sp requires me to validate data from multiple select statement with the same table multiple times.
Is it a good idea to dump data from physical table into temp table first or is it ok to reference it multiple times in multiple select statement within the same SP?
Per your description , you would like to improve the performance. Could you please show us your script of your SP and your execution plan? So that we have a right direction and make some test.
There are some simple yet useful tips and optimization to improve stored procedure performance.
Use fully qualified procedure name
sp_executesql instead of Execute for dynamic queries
Avoid naming user stored procedure as sp_procedurename.
Use set based queries wherever possible.
Keep transaction short and crisp
For more details , you can refer to it :
If you think it does not satisfy your requirement, please share us more information.
Best Regards,
Is it a good idea to dump data from physical table into temp table first or is it ok to reference it multiple times in multiple select statement within the same SP?
If it is a local temp table, each session using this stored procedure will create a separate temp table for themselves, although it will reduce the weight on original table, but it will increase the usage of memory and tempdb.
If it is a global temp table, we can only create one for all session, then we will need to create one manually before someone using it and then delete it if it is useless.
For me, I will use the Indexed Views,
It's hard to answer without the detail. However with such a large SP and such a small table it is likely that a particular select or join is slow rather than just repeatedly hitting the table (SQL server is perfectly happy to cache bits of tables or indexes in memory).
If possible can you get the execution plan of each part of the SP? or log some timings? or run each bit with statistics on?
That will tell you which bit is slow and we can help you fix it.

one simple query written in store procedure and same written as inline query which will execute fast.?

one simple query written in store procedure and same written as inline query which will execute fast in SQL server.
someone from interview panel asked this question from me i said store procedure reason being procedure is compiled but he said i am wrong.
please explain.?
I suppose, that a simple query is some read-only code.
A VIEW is fully inlineable and precompiled. The biggest advantage is, that you can bind this into bigger statement with joins and filters and this will - in most cases - be able to use indexes and statistics.
A table valued function (TVF) in the "new" syntax (without BEGIN and END is very similar to a VIEW but the parameters and there handling are precompiled too. The advantages of the VIEW are the same here.
An UDF returning a table ("old" syntax") is in most cases something one should not do. The biggest disadvantage is the fact, that the optimizer cannot pre-estimate the result and will handle this as one-row-table which is - in most cases - really bad...
A StoredProcedure which does nothing more than a VIEW or a TVF could do as well, is a pain in the neck - at least in my eyes. I know, that there are other opinions... The biggest draw back is: Whenever you want to continue with the returned result set, you have to insert it into a table (or declared table variable). Further joins or filters against this new table will miss indexes and statistics. Might be that a simple Hey SP give me your result! is fast, but everything after this call is absolutely down.
So my facit: Use SPs when there is something to do and use VIEW or TVF when there is something to read

Optimization problems with View using Clustered Index Insert on tempdb on SQL Server 2008

I am creating a Java function that needs to use a SQL query with a lot of joins before doing a full scan of its result. Instead of hard-coding a lot of joins I decided to create a view with this complex query. Then the Java function just uses the following query to get this result:
So the program is working fine but I want to make it faster since this SELECT command is taking a lot of time. After taking a look on its plan execution plan I created some indexes and made it +-30% faster but I want to make it faster.
The problem is that every operation in the execution plan have cost between 0% and 4% except one operation, a clustered-index insert that has +-50% of the execution cost. I think that the system is using a temporary table to store the view's data, but an index in this view isn't useful for me because I need all rows from it.
So what can I do to optimize that insert in the CWT_PrimaryKey? I think that I can't turn off that index because it seems to be part of the SQL Server's internals. I read somewhere that this operation could appear when you use cursors but I think that I am not using (or does the view use it?).
The command to create the view is something simple (no T-SQL, no OPTION, etc) like:
create view VW_#### as SELECTS AND JOINS HERE
And here is a picture of the problematic part from the execution plan:
EDIT: More details:
Well the query to create the problematic view is a big query that join a lot of tables. Based on a single parameter the Java-Client modifies the query string before creating it. This view represents a "data unit" from a legacy Database migrated to the SQLServer that didn't had any Foreign or Primary Key, so our team choose to follow this strategy. Because of that the view have more than 50 columns and it is made from the join of other seven views.
Main view's query (with a lot of Portuguese words):
The other views (from VW_Sintese1 until VW_Sintese7) are created like this one but without using extra views, they just use joins with the tables that contain the data requested by the main view.
Then the Java Client create a prepared Statement with the query "Select * from VW_Sintese####" and execute it using the function "ExecuteQuery", something like:
String query = "Select * from VW_Sintese####";
PreparedStatement ps = myConn.prepareStatement(query,ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);
ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();
And then the program goes on until the end.
Thanks for the attention.
First: you should post the code of the view along with whatever is using the views because of the rest of this answer.
Second: the definition of a view in SQL Server is later used to substitute in querying. In other words, you created a view, but since (I'm assuming) it isn't an indexed view, it is the same as writing the original, long SELECT statement. SQL Server kind of just swaps it out in the DML statement.
From Microsoft's 'Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2012': T-SQL supports the following table expressions: derived tables, common table expressions (CTEs), views, inline table-valued functions.
And a direct quote:
It’s important to note that, from a performance standpoint, when SQL Server optimizes
queries involving table expressions, it first unnests the table expression’s logic, and therefore interacts with the underlying tables directly. It does not somehow persist the table expression’s result in an internal work table and then interact with that work table. This means that table expressions don’t have a performance side to them—neither good nor
bad—just no side.
This is a long way of reinforcing the first statement: please include the SQL code in the view and what you're actually using as the SELECT statement. Otherwise, we can't help much :) Cheers!
Edit: Okay, so you've created a view (no performance gain there) that does 4-5 LEFT JOIN on to the main view (again, you're not helping yourself out much here by eliminating rows, etc.). If there are search arguments you can use to filter down the resultset to fewer rows, you should have those in here. And lastly, you're ordering all of this at the top, so your query engine will have to get those views, join them up to a massive SELECT statement, figure out the correct order, and (I'm guessing here) the result count is HUGE and SQL's db engine is ordering it in some kind of temporary table.
The short answer: get less data (fewer columns and only the rows you need); don't order the results if the resultset is very large, just get the data to the client and then sort it there.
Again, if you want more help, you'll need to post table schemas and index strategies for all tables that are in the query (including the views that are joined) and you'll need to include all view definitions (including the views that are joined).

T-SQL Update Table using current columns as input parameters of function

I am trying to update table columns using a function. The input parameters of the function are data fields from the table that I want to update.
Let's say I have table with two columns ("Country" and "Capital"). The "Capital" is entered and I am using a function that returns a county name by capital name as input parameter. So, my update code is something like this:
UPDATE #TableName
SET Country=(SELECT Country FROM dbo.fn_GetCountryByCapital(Capital))
There is no error generated by IntelliSence,but on F5 press it say:
Incorrect syntax near 'Capital'.
Please, note that this is just a example (because it may looks to you silly). I give it sample in order to describe my problem. My real situation includes the use of several functions in the update statement.
Thank you in advance for the help.
Possible Solution:
I have found other way to do this. It does not look so good, but it works:
I have added index in my temp table in order to use while statement
For each record in the table (using while statement) I have used temp variables to store the field information I have need
Then I have passed this information to my functions and the outcome I have used to update the table
My guess is that the brackets '( )' that surrounded the select statement and the function do not allowed the function to use the correct values from the table.
learn the right way (most efficient) to build SQL:
SET Country=b.Country
FROM #TableName a
INNER JOIN YourCountryCapitalTable b ON a.Capital=b.Capital
you can not code SQL like an application program, you need to use set logic and NOT per row logic. When you throw a bunch of functions into a SQL statement they most likely will need to be run per row, slowing down your queries (unless they are table functions in your FROM clause). If just incorporate the function into the query you can most likely see massive performance improvements because of index usage and operations occur on the complete and not row per row.
it is sad to have to very sql code that isn't elegant and often repeats itself all over the place. however, your main sql goal is fast data retrieval (index usage and set operations) and not some fancy coding beauty contest.
I have found other way to do this. yuck yuck yuck, sounds like a future question here on SO when the next person needs to maintain this code. You don't need an index to use a WHILE. If you have so many rows in your temp table that you need an index, a WHILE is the LAST thing you should be doing!

Why is it considered bad practice to use cursors in SQL Server?

I knew of some performance reasons back in the SQL 7 days, but do the same issues still exist in SQL Server 2005? If I have a resultset in a stored procedure that I want to act upon individually, are cursors still a bad choice? If so, why?
Because cursors take up memory and create locks.
What you are really doing is attempting to force set-based technology into non-set based functionality. And, in all fairness, I should point out that cursors do have a use, but they are frowned upon because many folks who are not used to using set-based solutions use cursors instead of figuring out the set-based solution.
But, when you open a cursor, you are basically loading those rows into memory and locking them, creating potential blocks. Then, as you cycle through the cursor, you are making changes to other tables and still keeping all of the memory and locks of the cursor open.
All of which has the potential to cause performance issues for other users.
So, as a general rule, cursors are frowned upon. Especially if that's the first solution arrived at in solving a problem.
The above comments about SQL being a set-based environment are all true. However there are times when row-by-row operations are useful. Consider a combination of metadata and dynamic-sql.
As a very simple example, say I have 100+ records in a table that define the names of tables that I want to copy/truncate/whatever. Which is best? Hardcoding the SQL to do what I need to? Or iterate through this resultset and use dynamic-SQL (sp_executesql) to perform the operations?
There is no way to achieve the above objective using set-based SQL.
So, to use cursors or a while loop (pseudo-cursors)?
SQL Cursors are fine as long as you use the correct options:
INSENSITIVE will make a temporary copy of your result set (saving you from having to do this yourself for your pseudo-cursor).
READ_ONLY will make sure no locks are held on the underlying result set. Changes in the underlying result set will be reflected in subsequent fetches (same as if getting TOP 1 from your pseudo-cursor).
FAST_FORWARD will create an optimised forward-only, read-only cursor.
Read about the available options before ruling all cursors as evil.
There is a work around about cursors that I use every time I need one.
I create a table variable with an identity column in it.
insert all the data i need to work with in it.
Then make a while block with a counter variable and select the data I want from the table variable with a select statement where the identity column matches the counter.
This way i dont lock anything and use alot less memory and its safe, i will not lose anything with a memory corruption or something like that.
And the block code is easy to see and handle.
This is a simple example:
I think cursors get a bad name because SQL newbies discover them and think "Hey a for loop! I know how to use those!" and then they continue to use them for everything.
If you use them for what they're designed for, I can't find fault with that.
SQL is a set based language--that's what it does best.
I think cursors are still a bad choice unless you understand enough about them to justify their use in limited circumstances.
Another reason I don't like cursors is clarity. The cursor block is so ugly that it's difficult to use in a clear and effective way.
All that having been said, there are some cases where a cursor really is best--they just aren't usually the cases that beginners want to use them for.
Cursors are usually not the disease, but a symptom of it: not using the set-based approach (as mentioned in the other answers).
Not understanding this problem, and simply believing that avoiding the "evil" cursor will solve it, can make things worse.
For example, replacing cursor iteration by other iterative code, such as moving data to temporary tables or table variables, to loop over the rows in a way like:
SELECT * FROM #temptable WHERE Id=#counter
SELECT TOP 1 * FROM #temptable WHERE Id>#lastId
Such an approach, as shown in the code of another answer, makes things much worse and doesn't fix the original problem. It's an anti-pattern called cargo cult programming: not knowing WHY something is bad and thus implementing something worse to avoid it! I recently changed such code (using a #temptable and no index on identity/PK) back to a cursor, and updating slightly more than 10000 rows took only 1 second instead of almost 3 minutes. Still lacking set-based approach (being the lesser evil), but the best I could do that moment.
Another symptom of this lack of understanding can be what I sometimes call "one object disease": database applications which handle single objects through data access layers or object-relational mappers. Typically code like:
var items = new List<Item>();
foreach(int oneId in itemIds)
instead of
var items = dataAccess.GetItemsByIds(itemIds);
The first will usually flood the database with tons of SELECTs, one round trip for each, especially when object trees/graphs come into play and the infamous SELECT N+1 problem strikes.
This is the application side of not understanding relational databases and set based approach, just the same way cursors are when using procedural database code, like T-SQL or PL/SQL!
Sometimes the nature of the processing you need to perform requires cursors, though for performance reasons it's always better to write the operation(s) using set-based logic if possible.
I wouldn't call it "bad practice" to use cursors, but they do consume more resources on the server (than an equivalent set-based approach) and more often than not they aren't necessary. Given that, my advice would be to consider other options before resorting to a cursor.
There are several types of cursors (forward-only, static, keyset, dynamic). Each one has different performance characteristics and associated overhead. Make sure you use the correct cursor type for your operation. Forward-only is the default.
One argument for using a cursor is when you need to process and update individual rows, especially for a dataset that doesn't have a good unique key. In that case you can use the FOR UPDATE clause when declaring the cursor and process updates with UPDATE ... WHERE CURRENT OF.
Note that "server-side" cursors used to be popular (from ODBC and OLE DB), but ADO.NET does not support them, and AFAIK never will.
There are very, very few cases where the use of a cursor is justified. There are almost no cases where it will outperform a relational, set-based query. Sometimes it is easier for a programmer to think in terms of loops, but the use of set logic, for example to update a large number of rows in a table, will result in a solution that is not only many less lines of SQL code, but that runs much faster, often several orders of magnitude faster.
Even the fast forward cursor in Sql Server 2005 can't compete with set-based queries. The graph of performance degradation often starts to look like an n^2 operation compared to set-based, which tends to be more linear as the data set grows very large.
# Daniel P -> you don't need to use a cursor to do it. You can easily use set based theory to do it. Eg: with Sql 2008
DECLARE #commandname NVARCHAR(1000) = '';
SELECT #commandname += 'truncate table ' + tablename + '; ';
FROM tableNames;
EXEC sp_executesql #commandname;
will simply do what you have said above. And you can do the same with Sql 2000 but the syntax of query would be different.
However, my advice is to avoid cursors as much as possible.
Cursors do have their place, however I think it's mainly because they are often used when a single select statement would suffice to provide aggregation and filtering of results.
Avoiding cursors allows SQL Server to more fully optimize the performance of the query, very important in larger systems.
The basic issue, I think, is that databases are designed and tuned for set-based operations -- selects, updates, and deletes of large amounts of data in a single quick step based on relations in the data.
In-memory software, on the other hand, is designed for individual operations, so looping over a set of data and potentially performing different operations on each item serially is what it is best at.
Looping is not what the database or storage architecture are designed for, and even in SQL Server 2005, you are not going to get performance anywhere close to you get if you pull the basic data set out into a custom program and do the looping in memory, using data objects/structures that are as lightweight as possible.
