Database "Identity" field and auto-increment - database

I'm writing my first database application and I've got an ambiguity I can't seem to find an answer for. I have an id field that is the identity set to auto-increment. My issue is trying to determine when the field is incremented. Is the field incremented when I call an instance of the object, when I call the AddObject method of the ObjectContext class, or when I call the SaveChanges method from an Entity model.
In my relational database each table has both a unique ID for that table and one that represents a group of users. After I create an instance of an object for that table I want to run a query (LINQ) that searches two tables to match two records and from one of those tables copy that group ID back to the individual user.
That or it is blatently obvious I know nothing about how relational databases work,

The identity field is handled by the database. It is created by the database when the row is inserted. The generated id is read back by SaveChanges and the entity object is updated.

WHen you add a new row to the database the counter is incremented.
If you have an ambiguity, this usually means that two tables fields are the same name, and your query doesn't know which one you want. Can be solved by defning which table the column is ment for.
I don't know LINQ, so hopefully someone can give you a more direct answer.


Asp.Net core Deleting an entry from table in database: what is the outcome

I have a database with table Photos and table Categories. Each photo is related to one category by categoryId field.
What happens when I delete one category from Categories table? Will the photos with that category be updated with a null value in the categoryID? Or how will entity-framework react to this change?
Another question can I then reset with a mass-change the values of those categories in the photos table? And how can I do that?
hi if you have created relationship between table(using foreign key) then only the deletion of parent table will affect deletion of child table. if you just created table separately and managing relationship with your code then it will not affect the child table. if you are creating using model first approach in entity framework with specifying relation then relationship will be automatically created in backend.
their are four options available in sql on deletion of parent entity
1)No Action
4)SET Default
to know how it will affect check this article
That would depend completely on how the ORM that is used defines the database model.
Assuming you use Entity Framework then you can define exactly how EF should react to that situation. In the DbContext you should find a OnModelCreating method in wich you can specify per table what restrictions you want on the table. There you can also define the behaviour of the OnDelete of a foreign key.
If you are not using EF but have your own or a different ORM then again, it depends on how that ORM is configured.
Simple check if you dont know about the used ORM is this: Does the field in the database have a foreign key and how is that configured? Also, is the field categoryID (as defined in the database) nullable? if so, then it apparently doesnt need the relation and shouldnt result in related deletes.

Event Sourcing SQL Populate Parent and Child Table

Following up from question
CQRS Read Model Design when Event Sourcing with a Parent-Child-GrandChild… relationship:
We utilize Event sourcing with SQL Server 2016 at Example: furniture company.
(1) We have a Parent and Child table. Say a FurnitureDescriptionTable, (Parent table- description of all furniture Items) and FurnitureOrders(Child - multiple customers orders, refers to FurnitureDescription table). Should the join column between these be Guid or Integer Identity in SQL?
(2) If Guid, who generates the Guid, API or SQL? any reason?
Choosing what kind of type you need for for primary/foreign keys is a known problem in RDBMS world. Simple googling will help. But still:
Guids are usually done on the application side. This option is popular (since you are referring to CQRS) when command handlers can generate complete domain objects, including the identity. Otherwise, you need to have a unique identity generator, which might be non-trivial, but still feasible in some databases, like using Oracle sequences.
Numbers are usually chosen for database-generated ids. Then, new id will only be known when the row is inserted to a table. For event-sourcing scenario this is not an option, since you will only insert on the read side, but objects are created on the write side.

Is using multiple tables an advisable solution to dealing with user defined fields?

I am looking at a problem which would involve users uploading lists of records with various field structures into an application. The 2nd part of this would be to also allow the users to specify fields to capture information.
This is a step beyond anything ive done up to this point where i would have designed a static RDMS structure myself. In some respects all records will be treated the same so there will be some common fields required for each. Almost all queries will be run on these common fields.
My first thought would be to dynamically generate a new table for each import and another for each data capture field spec.Then have a master table with a guid for every record in the application along with the common fields and then fields that specify the name of the table the data was imported to and name of table with the data capture fields.
Further information (metadata?) about the fields in the dynamically generated tables could be stored in xml or in a 'property' table.
This would mean as users log into the application i would be dynamically choosing which table of data to presented to the user, and there would be a large number of tables in the database if it was say not only multiuser but then multitennant.
My question is are there other methods to solving this kind of varaible field issue, im i going down an unadvised path here?
I believe that EAV would require me to have a table defining the fields for each import / data capture spec and then another table with the import - field - values data and that seems impracticle.
I hate storing XML in the database, but this is a perfect example of when it makes sense. Store the user imports in XML initially. As your data schema matures, you can later decide which tables to persist for your larger clients. When the users pick which fields they want to query, that's when you come back and build a solid schema.
What kind is each field? Could the type of field be different for each record?
I am working on a program now that does this sorta and the way we handle it is basically a record table which points to a recordfield table. the recordfield table contains all of the fields along with the field name of the actual field in the database(the column name). We then have a recorddata table which is where all the data goes for each record. We also store a record_id telling it which record it is holding.
This is how we do it where if each column for the record is the same type, then we don't need to add new columns to the table, and if it has more fields or fields of a different type, then we add fields as appropriate to the data table.
I think this is what you are talking about.. correct me if I'm wrong.
I think that one additional table for each type of user defined field for the table that the user can add the fields to is a good way to go.
Say you load your records into user_records(id), that table would have an id column which is a foreign key in the user defined fields tables.
user defined string fields would go in user_records_string(id, name), where id is a foreign key to user_records(id), and name is a string, or a foreign key to a list of user defined string fields.
Searching on them requires joining them in to the base table, probably with a sub-select to filter down to one field based on the user meta-data, so that the right field can be added to the query.
To simulate the user creating multiple tables, you can have a foreign key in the user_records table that points at a table list, and filter on that when querying for a single table.
This would allow your schema to be static while allowing the user to arbitrarily add fields and tables.

inserting into a view in SQL server

I have a SQL Server as backend and use ms access as frontend.
I have two tables (persons and managers), manager is derived from persons (a 1:1 relation), thus i created a view managersFull which is basically a:
FROM `managers` `m`
INNER JOIN `persons` `p`
ON `m`.`id` = `p`.`id`
id in persons is autoincrementing and the primary key, id in managers is the primary key and a foreign key, referencing
now i want to be able to insert a new dataset with a form in ms access, but i can’t get it to work. no error message, no status line, nothing. the new rows aren’t inserted, and i have to press escape to cancel my changes to get back to design view in ms access.
i’m talking about a managers form and i want to be able to enter manager AND person information at the same time in a single form
my question is now: is it possible what i want to do here? if not, is there a “simple” workaround using after insert triggers or some lines of vba code?
thanks in advance
The problem is that your view is across several tables. If you access multiple tables you could update or insert in only one of them.
Please also check the MSDN for more detailed information on restrictions and on proper strategies for view updates
Assuming ODBC, some things to consider:
make sure you have a timestamp field in the person table, and that it is returned in your managers view. You also probably need the real PK of the person table in the manager view (I'm assuming your view takes the FK used for the self-join and aliases it as the ID field -- I wouldn't do that myself, as it is confusing. Instead, I'd use the real foreign key name in the managers view, and let the PK stand on its own with its real name).
try the Jet/ACE-specific DISTINCTROW predicate in your recordsource. With Jet/ACE back ends, this often makes it possible to insert into both tables when it's otherwise impossible. I don't know for certain if Jet will be smart enough to tell SQL Server to do the right thing, though.
if neither of those things works, change your form to use a recordsource based on your person table, and use a combo box based on the managers view as the control with which you edit the record to relate the person to a manager.
Ilya Kochetov pointed out that you can only update one table, but the work-around would be to apply the updates to the fields on one table and then the other. This solution assumes that the only access you have to these two tables is through this view and that you are not allowed to create a stored procedure to take care of this.
To model and maintain two related tables in access you don’t use a query or view that is a join of both tables. What you do is use a main form, and drop in a sub-form that is based on the child table. If the link master and child setting in the sub-form is set correctly, then you not need to write any code and access will insert the person’s id in the link field.
So, don’t use a joined table here. Simply use a form + sub-form setup and you be able to edit and maintain the data and the data in the related child table.
This means you base the form on the table, and not a view. And you base the sub-form on the child table. So, don't use a view here.

trigger insertions into same table

I have many tables in my database which are interrelated. I have a table (table one) which has had data inserted and the id auto increments. Once that row has an ID i want to insert this into a table (table three) with another set of ID's which comes from a form(this data will also be going into a table, so it could from from that table), the same form as the data which went into the first table came from.
The two ID's together make the primary key of the third table.
How can I do this, its to show that more than one ID is joined to a single ID for something else.
You can't do that through a trigger as the trigger only has available to it the data that you already inserted not data that is currenlty only residing in your user interface.
Normally how you handle this situation is that you write a stored proc that inserts the meeting, returns the id value (using scope_identity() in SQL Server, but I'm sure other databases would have method to return the auto-generated id as well). Then you would use that value to insert to the other table with the other values you need for that table. You would of course want to wrap the whole thing in a transaction.
I think you can probably do what you're describing (just write the INSERTs to table 3) in the table 1 trigger) but you'll have to put the additional info for the table 3 rows into your table 1 row, which isn't very smart.
I can't see why you would do that instead of writing the INSERTs in your code, where someone reading it can see what's happening.
The trouble with triggers is that they make it easy to hide business logic in the database. I think (and I believe I'm in the majority here) that it's easier to understand, manage, maintain and generally all-round deal with an application where all the business rules exist in the same general area.
There are reasons to use triggers (for propagating denormalised values, for example) just as there are reasons for useing stored procedures. I'm going to assert that they are largely related to performance-critical areas. Or should be.
