Extended WPF Toolkit RichTextBox display text vertically - wpf

I'm trying to bind a rich content (RTF format) to a rich text box (of Extended WPF Toolkit) via its Text property like this
<extToolkit:RichTextBox x:Name="rtbKIContent" Margin="8,8,8,8"
IsEnabled="{Binding IsEditable}"
Text="{Binding Content}">
<extToolkit:RichTextBoxFormatBar />
Sometimes it works just fine, but there are circumstances that they just display the text vertically like this.
I don't know what's wrong with it...What should I do to make it display text from left to right like normal?

If you add a width to the RichTextBox, it should fix it.
I did this so it binds to the parent.
Width="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType=Grid, AncestorLevel=1}, Path=ActualWidth}"
Note you will have to determine AncestorType for you. But you can do this too. Width="100"

Agree with "jmogera".
Need to set width for this issue.
HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" MinWidth="100"
You can set MinWidth to 100 and keep HorizontalAlign to streach if you want control to resize.


WPF - Show a tooltip if the length of the content of datagrid column is too long to fit in

I have a Data grid and I display some data in it. I want a tooltip to be displayed if the data that I want to fit in the column of the data grid is too long. All the solutions I found use a separate class to achieve that.
Is there a way to achieve the same thing with the help of a method only ?
I found the following solution in the link given.
Show WPF Tooltip if needed
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Text}">
DataContext="{Binding Path=PlacementTarget, RelativeSource={x:Static RelativeSource.Self}}"
Visibility="{Binding Converter={StaticResource toolVisConverter}}">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Text}"/> <!-- tooltip content -->
But it talks about a converter. Should I include that converter in view model or code behind file of .xaml file ?
at the same time, it says ti change the text block width in that converter. I don't know how to access Text block width in view model.
I am totally new to WPF. Can someone help pls ?

Binding collection of objects on a tooltip

Can someone tell me how to bind the tooltip of a StackPanel with its children?
Here's some code I used:
... (some UI like grid, textblock, border, ...)
<ToolTip Placement="RelativePoint" Padding="0" HasDropShadow="False">
<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType=StackPanel, AncestorLevel=3}, Path=Children}"
Width="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType=StackPanel, AncestorLevel=3}, Path=ActualWidth}"
I first tried with VisualBrush that was binded on a ToolTip, but this shows only the non-hidden controls, so when a child was hidden (invisible for the eye, not for the PC) in the StackPanel, then that child was also invisible in the ToolTip.
Also want to say that the binding with ActualWidth works. Now i have a tooltip that has the right measures, but there is no content in it (it's just a filled white space rectangle).
Someone please help me?? :)
FYI, what i want is the same like you bind on the Content property of a Textblock with his tooltip. The only difference is that i want to bind on a collection of objects instead of a string value.
The problem is probably caused by the fact the ToolTip is not part of the StackPanel's visual tree.
Therefore the StackPanel is not an Ancestor of the ToolTip -> hence why the RelativeSource binding wont work.
In WPF you are supposed to use MVVM, because it will allow you to bind always to data, instead of other controls. You have to think about WPF controls as data visualizers, not as data containers.
So, if you are using MVVM, just bind the Tooltip ItemsControl to your (observable?)collection of items.

Is it possible to bind to a control's property from a datatemplate?

Ok, sounds odd, and there's likely a better way, but I haven't seen it yet.
What I'm trying to do is restyle a ListPicker under Windows Phone 7.
What I need is to
get rid of the header (that's easy, just define a null ListPicker.HeaderTemplate).
Force the picker to always go to full mode when clicked (again, easy, just set the ItemCountThreshold to 1).
Restyle the itemtemplate used when in FullMode (again, easy, just define a FullModeItemTemplate)
Incorporate the ListPicker's "HEADER" property value into the ItemTemplate (since only one item will ever show, i need the header text "embedded" within the one item).
It's that number 4 that I can't seem to get.
I've defined a listpicker like so (i'm directly defining the templates inline instead of in resources for now, just to keep things simple).
<phonekit:ListPicker Header="Header Text" x:Name="ListOfSounds"
SelectedItem="{Binding Path=DepartureChime, Mode=TwoWay, Converter={StaticResource EnumDescriptionToStringConverter}}"
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Background="Transparent">
<TextBlock Text="{TemplateBinding Header}" />
<TextBlock Text="{Binding}" />
<TextBlock Text=">" />
Ignoring all the obvious formatting bits for now, the problem I'm having is that I can't use {TemplateBinding Header} from within a datatemplate. I've used it from a ControlTemplate no problem.
The result of this ItemTemplate should be an item displayed such as
{TextOfHeader}{Content of selected Item}>
I'm just not sure how to go about getting at a property of the templated control (the listpicker in this case).
Any ideas?
Take advantages of RelativeSource:
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=Header, RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType={x:Type phonekit:ListPicker}}}" />

WPF : Is it possible to adapt a path size to the layout size, but still stretching it?

I'm trying to style a TabItem Header, using a path to define the shape of the header.
I'm stuck in a problem that I can't seem to resolve :
If I set the path Stretch property to "None", it won't scale if the text in my TabItem Header is long.
If I set the path Stretch property to "Fill", it will stretch so much that each TabItem Header will be the same width as the TabControl - which mean only one very wide TabItem Header per line...
Do you know a way to stretch the path to the layout (depending on the TabItemHeader Content), but not more?
I would be very pleased if somebody can help me on this... it's been an annoying while I'm looking for a solution.
Thank you :-)
It's hard when you don't add any sample code but say that your HeaderTemplate looks like below then you can bind the Width of the Path to the ActualWidth of the TextBlock.
<Border x:Name="grid">
<Path Data="..."
Width="{Binding ElementName=grid, Path=ActualWidth}" />
<TextBlock Name="textBlock"
But be aware of rendering performance! Binding to ActualWidth and ActualHeight will result in binding errors as long as the UI hasn't been rendered enterly. And binding errors are expensive...The best way to avoid this, is to set up the binding in code when SizeChanged is called. That's the first moment after measuring and sizing has been finished.

WPF: Expand the validation rectangle

This is my current XAML.
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Grid.Column="3" Grid.Row="1">
<Label Content="Allocated:" FontSize="14"/>
<Label Content="{Binding AllocatedUnits, Mode=OneWay, ValidatesOnDataErrors=True}" ContentStringFormat="N0" FontSize="14"/>
How would I change this so that the red validation rectangle is around the whole text instead of just the number. (I will accept throwing away the stack panel entirely and doing something else.
A string-formatted binding would probably do the trick in this case, but that wasn't available in .NET 3.0 (in case you're still using that version!). If you can use it, you'd only need a single label control (so you can ditch both the other label and the stackpanel, and your validation border will wrap all the text in the remaining label).
EDIT: as per Jonathan's comment, it seems you need two attributes to do this on a content control...
Use something like this for your binding:
Content="{Binding AllocatedUnits, ValidatesOnDataErrors=true}" ContentStringFormat="Allocated: {0}"
MSDN documentation is here.
