EXT js grid having one column of radio buttons - extjs

I have an ext js grid like below:
var grid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({
columns: [
{header: 'Account Id',dataIndex:'accountId' },
{header: 'Account NUmber',dataIndex:'accountNumber' }
Now I need to show Account Id column as a column of radio buttons. So from the grid user can select one Account Id and submit. When the user reloads the page, that account id should be preselected.
I need some help on how to proceed on this. Do I need to write a renderer on Account Id column? Or is there an easier way.
EDIT: I did like this:
{header: 'Account Id',dataIndex:'accountId',renderer: function(value) {
return "<input type='radio' name = 'primaryRadio' " + (value ? "checked='checked'" : "") + ">";
What is the syntax to add an onclick event or onchange event to the radio group?

Building off the previous answer, yes, I think using a renderer for your column is the correct solution. I think you should go about the click event differently than J. Bruni suggested though. I'd recommend a click listener on your grid panel that checks if you clicked a radio button, and delegates to a method in your GridPanel.
Something like this:
MyRadioGrid = Ext.extend(Ext.grid.GridPanel, {
columns: [
{header: 'Account Id',dataIndex:'accountId', renderer: function(value) {
return "<input type='radio' name = 'primaryRadio' " + (value ? "checked='checked'" : "") + ">";
{header: 'Account NUmber',dataIndex:'accountNumber' }
afterRender: function() {
MyRadioGrid.superclass.afterRender.apply(this, arguments);
this.el.on('click', this.checkRadioClick, this);
checkRadioClick: function(event) {
if (event.getTarget('input[type="radio"]')) {
//radio clicked... do something

You did well on showing Account Id column as a column of radio buttons, by using a renderer function.
Regarding the onclick event for these, you may simply add the onclick attribute in the HTML tag:
return "<input onclick='my_function()' type='radio' name = 'primaryRadio' " + (value ? "checked='checked'" : "") + ">";


Extjs - How to add space between checkbox and field label?

How to add space between checkbox and text (fieldLabel)?
I tried adding width: 200, but it's not working
var delete = Ext.create('Ext.form.field.Checkbox', {
itemId : 'deleteMICR',
name: 'deleteMICRDataID',
fieldLabel : 'Delete MICR Data ?' + '<span id = "deleteMICRHelpIconId" ><img src="../static/images/help_icon.png" height="18" class="icon"/></span>',
hidden : true,
width: 500,
listeners: {
render: function(c) {
new Ext.ToolTip({
target: Ext.get('deleteMICRHelpIconId'),
html: 'This is applicable only XXXXXX'
You need to use labelWidth.
Here's the fiddle: FIDDLE
Also, if you want label to be on the right side of checkbox use 'boxLabel' property.

Kendo grid with dropdown action command

I have a KendoUI Grid bound using Angular and I'd like to implement a custom action dropdown command or template column on each row. I need to track the dropdown change event for any of the rows when the grid is in display mode, not edit mode. The dropdown is effectively just a list of all of the name properties of the grid rows that I want to user to be able to select to move the row after another existing row.
For instance, say I have this data:
Id Name Position
A Red 1
B Blue 2
C White 3
I'd like each row to display a dropdown column while in display mode (so it acts like a row command). The dropdown would contain the names Red,Blue,White with corresponding values. When a user picks one of those colors, I will change the position of that row to the row position after the color selected. It's basically a row reorder dropdown instead of using drag and drop.
My other option is to show a couple of template columns with a move up/move down metaphor to do the switch but that gets a little cumbersome when you want to move a row more than a couple of positions.
Any ideas?
Ok, I did some more searching and found out a way to do this although it's not 100% of the way there yet. I also found a way to bind the dropdown to the data that populates the grid
The other thing I found when doing it this way is it is painfully slow in rendering the grid now.
<div id="mainGrid" kendo-grid="mainGrid" k-options="mainGridOptions"></div>
//grid columns
$scope.mainGridOptions = {
dataSource: {
transport: {
read: function (e) {
gridcolumnService.getGridColumns().success(function (data) {
columns: [
{ field: "Name" },
{ field: "ColumnSettings.Type", title: "Type" },
{ field: "ColumnSettings.PrimaryKey", title: "Primary Key", template: '<input type="checkbox" #= ColumnSettings.PrimaryKey ? "checked=checked" : "" # disabled="disabled" ></input>' },
{ field: "ColumnSettings.Title", title: "Title" },
{ field: "ColumnSettings.Editable", title: "Editable", template: '<input type="checkbox" #= ColumnSettings.Editable ? "checked=checked" : "" # disabled="disabled" ></input>' },
{ field: "ColumnSettings.Visible", title: "Visible", template: '<input type="checkbox" #= ColumnSettings.Visible ? "checked=checked" : "" # disabled="disabled" ></input>' },
{ field: "LookupDataCommandId", title: "Lookup", template: '#= LookupDataCommandId ? "Yes" : "" #' },
{ template: '<select id="reorder-dropdown" kendo-drop-down-list k-on-change="exchangeRows(dataItem, kendoEvent)" k-data-source="reorderData()" k-data-text-field="\'Name\'" k-data-value-field="\'GridColumnId\'"></select>' },
{ template: '<a kendo-button k-icon="\'pencil\'" ng-click="editGridColumn(dataItem.GridColumnId)">Edit</a>', width: 100 }
$scope.reorderData = function() {
return $scope.mainGrid.dataSource.data();
$scope.exchangeRows = function (fromRow, e) {
$log.log(fromRow.GridColumnId, e.sender.dataItem().GridColumnId);

ExtJs - Textfield rendered via renderer doesn't get click focus?

I'm using a propertyGrid for building a tabular from. When I use a renderer to return a textfield, I can't click and type in that textfield. It doesn't get any focus. Any way to fix it? Also, is there a way to render an ExtJs element instead of a raw HTML element from a renderer?
In grid,column renderers only return HTML text, so it's not possible to return components directly. The only thing is assign a unique id to the cell and defer the actual component creation.
header: 'Row7',
align: 'center',
renderer: renderCmp,
dataIndex: 'cmpname',
width: 100
// Renderer function
function renderCmp(value, id, r)
var id = Ext.id();
if (r.data.cmpname )
createGridButton.defer(10, this, ['One', id, r]);
return('<div id="' + id + '"></div>');
createGridButton.defer(10, this, ['Two', id, r]);
return('<div id="' + id + '"></div>');
function createGridButton(value, id, record) {
new Ext.Button({
text: value,
iconCls: 'my-icon',
handler : function(btn, e) {
alert('Componet in Row');
}).render(document.body, id);
Hope it helps you..

how to hide column in fuelux datagrid

I am trying to create a hidden column which will contain the unique "id" of the row as an attribute in say a "data-id" one. Because i can't seem to work out how to retrieve the data model behind the row. I'm using server-side datasource.
columns: [{
property: 'hiddencolumn',
label: '',
hidden: true <-- ?????
} .. .. ],
In the formatter i use some placeholder tag, could be a span
$.each(items, function(index, item) {
item.hiddencolumn = '<span data-id="' + item.id + '"</span>';
then i add a click handler to the row and then get the data-id column:
$('#MyGrid').on('loaded', function() {
$('#MyGrid > tbody > tr').click(function() {
console.log($(this).find('> td > span').attr('data-id'));
Is this correct? Or should I attempt to add data-id to the tr tag/row itself? The above concept works, but i just need to know how to hide the column :)
EDIT 14th Apr - here's what I did to solve this. Use data-id and hide the span in an existing column. For me, I had a "date" and "id" field in my model. I choise to tag id onto the date field.
formatter: function(items) {
$.each(items, function(index, item) {
item.date = item.date + '<span style="visibility: hidden;" data-id="' + item.id + '"/>';
Then retrieve the id like so (using jquery)
$('#MyGrid').on('loaded', function() {
$('#MyGrid > tbody > tr').click(function() {
console.log($(this).find('> td > span').attr('data-id')); // value is here
The columns property is just for visible columns. So, it sounds like you'll want to remove that and in your formatter create a span with a data-id attribute for one of your other (visible) columns. I usually do this in the final column if there are any buttons or other controls for acting on the item in the row.

Ext.js Combox keydown triggers select event with no selection

I am trying to make a live search combo box and everything is working great except for one small detail. I want to call a search method as the user presses the down and up keys through the combo box. This does trigger a select event but the piker has no selection. When I select a combobox item with my mouse or by pressing enter the select event does get a selection. I want to launch queries using the value selected with the down and up keys while navigating the box.
Combo code
searchField = new Ext.form.ComboBox({
store: queryCacheStore,
width: 780,
loadingText: 'Searching...',
// Custom rendering template for each item
getInnerTpl: function() {
return '<div class="search-item">' +
'{query}' +
listeners: {
specialkey:function (field, e) {
if (e.getKey() == e.UP || e.getKey() == e.DOWN) {
select:function (combo, selection) {
var post = selection[0];
focus:function (combo, event, opts) {
combo.store.proxy.extraParams = {
So when
select:function (combo, selection) {
gets called with down arrow key or up arrow key then selection is null. When it gets called with enter key or mouse click it has the highlighted combobox selection. So the question is how can I get the value of the combo box from arrow key events?
OK I figured this out myself. You have to override the highlight event of the BoundListKeyNav
highlightAt:function (index) {
// this.callOverridden(index); For some reason this does not work
var boundList = this.boundList,
item = boundList.all.item(index);
if (item) {
item = item.dom;
boundList.getTargetEl().scrollChildIntoView(item, true);
I added the following listConfig to a combobox to accomplish something similar:
listConfig: {
listeners: {
highlightitem: function(view, node, eOpts) {
It updates the combo box text field value on mouse over and key up/down.
