Debug silverlight out of browser apps by pressing play - silverlight

I want to make my startup app the silverlight application and make it run by pressing play.
The problem i have is that I use https and I need the web services to use IIS.
How can i do this?


Can I use Ionic without node.js to build a hosted web app?

I am interested in using Ionic to build a web app. The tabs, form stuff, integration with angular.js... everything looks like it should work great.
However, Ionic also looks to be geared towards creating native apps for Android and IOS. It relies on node.js for services. I'll just be hosting it on my client's shared hosting account - I won't be able to get node.js working for it. I don't intend to develop the app to use any services, so I don't think I need node.js. I'll plan to communicate with my DB via http post.
I am interested to know - is there any reason I wouldn't do this? If I am not using any other means of communicating with a server, will I be okay without node.js? Is there a better option for creating an html5 mobile 1 page web app?
I also don't intend to access the camera, accelerometer, or any of that kind of thing, so I don't think I'll need cordova, either.
ionic uses node.js only for development, things like build, test and deploy
not necessarily for back-end proposes

Recommended development environment for Cordova / AngularJS / Ionic

I am getting started with building "hybrid" mobile apps using Cordova and AngularJS with Ionic. I am able to build out a sample app by creating the html, js and css files locally and running these in a browser using file:// url's. This works fine, and when ready I can run the cordova build process and run the app in the android emulator or deploy the apk to my device. This all works fine for my simple demo apps. But now as I start to build out an app which will use an Angular service to either load JSON from local storage (if offline), or load the JSON from a remote REST API, I am running into problems. As I am developing, opening the app from a file url (file://myapp/index.html) will result in the browser not being able to make an http call to the REST service (different origins, etc).
This seems to be a very basic issue - so my question is, how do others develop and test Cordova apps in general? Do you always develop with the "www" files on a web server, like Node? If so, does the issue of http:// requests from file:// url's become a problem when you use those files in the Cordova app?
CORRECTION: I am able to access remote REST services from a page on the local file system, as long as the remote service includes "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" header. So, I think that answers my question. I can develop with all of my html and js on local file system, have the JS make remote calls, and test by running in a browser using file:// url's. But is this generally the development environment in which you would develop a Cordova/PhoneGap app?
I can recommed Intel XDK ( fromer app mobi)
It has a good emulator(s) on desktop and can
It works fine with ionic framework and angular extensions ( just comment out the cordova.js
script and add intelxdk.js
<!--<script src="cordova.js"></script>-->
<script src='intelxdk.js'></script>
It can also cloud test with a wrapper app and cloud build for appstores
Works fine so far so I can recommend this
I like AppGyvers ( sterois) platform too but it does not work so good on android yet
For Cordova apps, I start development locally on my machine with Chrome. I have to run Chrome with disabled security (allowing cross origin).
On OSX, you can run Chrome with security disabled by running the following terminal command (make sure Chrome is fully closed first).
/Applications/Google\\ Chrome --disable-web-security --allow-file-access-from-files
Once I get to a point where I need to start integrating Cordova Plugins, I then build out the Cordova project and test with an Android tablet (the Android emulator is horrible). For remote web debugging on Android, I use weinre.
I never personally build out or test my code on a web server, it's always local on my desktop or mobile device. I make all web service calls via jQuery's Ajax.
There are many hybrid app development tools out there. However, if you are looking for developing a hybrid app (phonegap + angularJS + backend), I would like to recommend Monaca. I've just recently discover it. It is very cool since it has phonegap inside its framework and its own backend. Moreover, it also has a UI framework called OnsenUI which is based on Topcoat and AngularJS.
It also provides native components to use in your hybrid apps. What is impressive about it, you don't even need to build and install your app to your device everytime during development. That's what I love the most about this.
I hope it helps since I think it is just like what you are asking for. I'm just a novice developer and I find it is very easy to use.
take a look to visual studio tools for cordova cordova-vs, it include ripple emulator and a lot of good stuf
i recently found this ide neodym , it looks promising

Silverlight: How to deploy a Silverlight app?

I've just written a Silverlight app and want to deploy it. This app is NOT to be hosted at a website. It is supposed to be a standalone app, just like a standalone WPF app for Windows, but (if I understand Silverlight correctly) it can run on both Windows and Mac.
I've created a .xap file. What do I do with this file to get the app installed? Thanks.
You do need to install it from a website as it still requires the Silverlight environment provided by the browser plugin.
It is the browser plugin that provides the OOB (Out Of Browser) mode.
I gather Adobe Air has the same requirements for apps.
In addition to what #HiTech Magic stated, you can also create a standalone installer for silverlight OOB apps using SLLauncher.exe.

how do you shut down a silverlight out of browser app?

I'm running a Silverlight 4 app with elevated trust out of browser and cannot rely on the DOM or host web page to shut down Silverlight. There is no App.Current.Shutdown() method. How do I shut down a Silverlight app programmatically?
try App.Current.MainWindow.Close();

Silverlight Out of Browser Application making Http Requests through a proxy

When running Silverlight 3.0 in OOB mode, you don't have to worry about any proxy authentication as the browser normally takes care of this.
If I've installed a Silverlight app in OOB mode, is there any way to authenticate against a proxy?
This might be of help:
This doesn't look like it is possible in SL3
