Can nonvisual WinForms controls be used from WPF? - wpf

Can nonvisual WinForms controls be used from WPF, as long as they are instantiated programmatically? I am comparing two sets of components that are only available for WinForms, yet we want to create WPF apps "going forward."

Yes. If you reference the the correct dll any object from any assembly and namespace can be used. The big question is whether that is the right thing to do.
It would help tremendously if you mentioned which two sets of components you are referencing as we may know of a WPF only solution, hence saving you from having to reference WinForms.


Silverlight custom controls

are there good books on developing custom controls for silverlight?
What I want is to create a grid-control that can also act as TreeList-control. Can you tell me what is a good base-class for such a control?
And another question: If I develop a control in Silverlight, how can I reuse my code for the same controls as WPF?
Do have to duplicate the code? I hope not...
What I want is to create a grid-control that can also act as TreeList-control. Can you tell me what is a good base-class for such a control?
Basically, it depends on several factor and you have more options. In my opinion, I would choose to go with Panel, incase if I need more control during layout and arrange process.
Or else, you could simply extend from the ItemsControl and write you own control. But if you are planning for much bigger implementation, then I would highly suggest you to read the implementation of GridControl available in the WPF Toolkit.
Tree List Control On Code Project
And another question: If I develop a control in Silverlight, how can I reuse my code for the same controls as WPF?
Sharing Code Between WPF and Silverlight From MSDN

Best way to set CurrentCulture so it applies to all WPF components

I've just learnt to my surprise that WPF doesn't use the CurrentCulture for bindings, instead defaulting to en-US.
In a pure WPF application, this can be fixed in one place by setting the language globally once in the App class.
However I have a WinForms application that is being progressively migrated to WPF, and contains several WPF UserControls. What's the best/simplest way to ensure the CurrentCulture is used for all UserControls? Do I really have to make all my UserControls inherit from a base class that does this, or is there some way to set it globally?
You can use a slightly different approach and derive once from ElementHost and manipulate your WPF UserControl instances as they are instantiated. For example, you can create a LocalizingElementHost with a ChildChanged event handler that does to the child what you would have done in a base class.
You can still use the same approach with LanguageProperty.OverrideMetadata, just put it at the beginning of your program (Main method).

WinForm User Controls and WPF

I've spent some time working on WinForm user and custom controls. However, in the back of my mind are the increasingly loud voices saying that WinForm technology is obsolete, and that WPF is the future on the desktop.
I've only looked superficially at WPF. Can anyone comment about if WinForm user controls can be used at all on WPF, and how different WinForm user controls are from WPF user controls?
Most of the controls I'm working on do some type of owner-draw as opposed to child controls being dropped onto the control. I'm just wondering how much of this code will be reusable under WPF.
It is certainly possible to use WinForms controls in a WPF application using the WindowsFormHost control. As usual, there are a few caveats. In particular, the two control types don't overlap well.
However, doing so seems that it would prevent you from taking advantage of many (if not nearly all) of the benefits of switching to WPF in the first place. If you have a large code base that's working for you, I'm not sure why you feel you need to migrate. There will always be something newer that comes along. The real battle is figuring out whether it's really better, at least for your particular situation.
Mandatory disclaimer: I'm far from an expert on WPF and apparently quite a bit less jaded on WinForms than many developers are. So perhaps my advice should be taken with a grain of salt, but I think it's worth considering nevertheless.
Your controls will be reusable (through WindowsFormHost, as Cody suggested). However, I'd not bank on being able to port your code across to WPF. The fundamental programming model is quite different (WPF relies heavily on data binding and thus benefits from very different code-behind), as is the rendering model (WPF doesn't use GDI+). The best way to approach most controls in WPF is to use the built-in templating; other than custom layout panels (which isn't really "drawing"), I've found nothing so far that requires custom draw methods in controls.
It'd certainly be a waste to create a WPF application just to host your WinForms controls. WPF may (or may not!) be "the future" but that doesn't mean you should throw away what you've got on a whim.
You say you've only looked superficially. If you think it might be worth investment, why not do an R&D project to prove how the integration might work on a small part of the system?

Difference in creating Application object in WPF and WinForms

Why is there a difference in the way the Application object is created in WinForms and WPF?
-> In WinForms we never created the Application object. It was always available (I believe it was Singleton pattern). In WPF, although hidden in App.g.cs we need to instantiate one.
-> In WinForms it was a sealed class, but in WPF the way to go is to inherit it.
Is this done:
to be able to define the application in Xaml (App.xaml)
due to introduction xbap/navigation projects?
What benefits does it really provide?
I don't know that the design decision is entirely motivated by the desire to be able to define the Application object in XAML. But that's reason enough, it seems to me.

HTML layout for winforms

Instead of arranging controls on a winform form by specifying pixel locations, I'd like to lay it out similar to the way you'd layout a form in html. This would make it scale better (for larger fonts etc).
Does anyone know of a layout library that allows you to define the form in xml and lay it out similar to html?
Have you checked out the TableLayoutPanel and FlowLayoutPanel in the .NET framework? It might be what you are looking for.
Yeah, it's called WPF :)
Seriously, there are some newer panel types in WinForms 2.0 that will let you place controls without setting Location and Size. They are FlowLayoutPanel and TableLayoutPanel.
You should also look into the AutoSize property. It takes care of sizing when the value of the label, say, changes. Also, don't forget about Docking and Anchoring.
Once you master those concepts, writing a little parser that converts from XML to controls shouldn't be that hard if you feel you really need it.
Not sure there is anything perfect for this.
MyXAML was kicking about a few years ago that enabled you to add forms in XML as opposed to embedding them into the binary. Not sure if that project is dead or not.
WinForm does have the flow layout control already
However if you want to do this kind of thing properly I think the only answer is to move to WPF.
You may also want to consider using Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) instead of WinForms - WPF has an XML declarative markup language (XAML) that works well for defining scalable UI.
I've already got something like MyXAML - my screens are loaded from xml files already. It suffers the same problem as MyXAML which is that you still have to position the controls with pixel positions whereas I want something like html with the automatic flow and tables and such.
I think TableLayoutPanel might be what I'm looking for.
The only one I know of is a 3rd party from DevExpress called the LayoutControl..
