openlayers: get length of selected feature - extjs

i'm using openlayers and geoExt.
what i have is this:
var options = {
hover : true,
box : true,
onSelect : saveToJ
var select = new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature(vecLayer, options);
now in saveToJ function i want to get length of selected feature (let's say feature = lineString):
function saveToJ(feature) {
gives an error TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'getLength', but from this
i thought i can use it.
So: how can i get a length of selected feature?

getLength is a method of Geometry, not Feature.
So you should write feature.geometry.getLength(), see


ExtJS Component Query

I am looking to use the component query function to find components not by attribute value, but by attribute name where the attribute name itself should be a wildcard.
So I have a component with the following config:
var component = Ext.create({
xtype: 'container',
foobar: 'something',
foobar2: 'something else'
I want to be able to do find all elements that have the attribute starting with foobar. Something like
var els = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('[foobar*]');
How would I go about achieving that? Is this an option?
I didn't find a default way in the documentation. What would a possible solution is a custom matcher function that checks each component for properties that start with given parameter. You could then make an override for all ext components to have this matcher function. (If you're already using custom components you could make a mixin)
For Example:
Ext.override(Ext.Component, {
insensetivePropQuery: function(prop) {
var matched = false;
Ext.Object.each(this, function(key, value, myself) {
if(Ext.String.startsWith(key, prop) === true) {
matched = true;
return false;
return matched;
Query example:
Here is a working sencha fiddle example (using ExtJS 7.3.x Material): example

Add custom message (not error) under under combobox/text field

I'm new to extjs and I'm looking for a way to add some custom message under my combobox field.
Depending on some conditions (eg. value selected) the message needs to have different text and/or style.
I could play with errorEl associated with my combobox and change it's message/style depending on the state, but this doesnt look like a good approach.
Are you aware of any plugin allowing to add such a message, or is there a shorter way to do this?
Thank you for your suggestions. I ended up writing my own plugin, which then I attached to combobox.
I added new element after error element and I changed messages based on proper combobox events.
afterCmpRender : function() {
var me = this, cmp = me.getCmp();
var messageWrapper = {
tag : 'div'
var messageEl = cmp.errorEl.insertSibling(messageWrapper, "after");
cmp.messageEl = messageEl;
Ext.Array.each(me.messages, function(message) {
var messageConfig = {
tag : 'div',
style : {
display : 'none'
var newElement = messageEl.insertSibling(messageConfig, "after");
me.registerMessageEvents(me, cmp, message, newElement);
I almost always use multiple elements for this, and would not make an attempt to change the field.
Depending on your context, which you didn't provide, I'd say you could have a look at:
I'd work with the class Ext.tip.Tip.
You can create
Ext.create('Ext.tip.Tip', {
id: 'myTip',
header: false
and then
var tip = Ext.getCmp('myTip');
tip.update('your custom tip message');
You could also use showAt(..) instead of showBy.
For more information look into the Docu
Here is a Fiddle link to an example.

How can I grab all the content/text on a page inside a protractor test?

I want to set a variable based on whether some text is present on the current page or not.
And then run a protractor test that depends on that variable. I can't do $(':contains') because there's $ != jQuery in this context and i can't see a simple way to do it with getText() which returns a promise. Is there a matcher like expect.toContain? and a way to run some code after that matcher is run? Or is there some other strategy i can use.
if i think i understand you correctly you could use these following lines :
this will give all the text from the page :
and then you could use a regex to check for your text like this :
var res = patt.test(str);
this is sort of what you get :
for this example i am searching for the text "status": "ok"
var str = window.document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0].innerText;
var patt = /"status": "ok"/;
var res = patt.test(str);
if(res){console.log(text is present!)}
you want something a bit like this:
// utility to test expection of an element to match a regex:
var expectByCssToMatch = function(css, pattern) {
by.css(css)).getText().then(function(text) {
describe('Logging in, function() {
it('should work', function() {
var namePattern = new RegExp(, i');
expectByCssToMatch('.messages', /log\s?in successful/i);
expectByCssToMatch('body', namePattern);
to achieve what you're asking you'd want to replace the expect() call with a callback of your own choice

How to test if an element has class using Protractor?

I'm trying out Protractor to e2e test Angular app and haven't figured out how to detect if an element has a specific class or not.
In my case, the test clicks on submit button and now I want to know if form[name="getoffer"] has class .ngDirty. What may be the solutions?
describe('Contact form', function() {
element(by.linkText('Contact me')).click();
it('should fail form validation, all fields pristine', function() {
element(by.css('.form[name="getoffer"] input[type="submit"]')).click();
expect(element('getoffer'))).toHaveClass('ngDirty'); // <-- This line
One gotcha you have to look out for with using toMatch(), as in the accepted answer, is partial matches. For instance, let's say you have an element that might have the classes correct and incorrect, and you want to test that it has the class correct. If you were to use expect(element.getAttribute('class')).toMatch('correct'), that will return true even if the element has the incorrect class.
My suggestion:
If you want to only accept exact matches, you can create a helper method for it:
var hasClass = function (element, cls) {
return element.getAttribute('class').then(function (classes) {
return classes.split(' ').indexOf(cls) !== -1;
You can use it like this (taking advantage of the fact that expect automatically resolves promises in Protractor):
expect(hasClass(element('getoffer')), 'ngDirty')).toBe(true);
If you're using Protractor with Jasmine, you could use toMatch to match as a regular expression...
Also, note that toContain will match list items, if you need that.
Simplest is:
Based on the answer from Sergey K, you could also add a custom matcher to do this:
toHaveClass: (expected)->
#message = ()->
"Expected #{#actual.locator_.value} to have class '#{expected}'"
classes.split(' ').indexOf(expected) isnt -1
Then you can use it in tests like this:
And you'll get the following error if it doesn't:
Expected div#ugly to have class beautiful
Error: Expected div#ugly to have class 'beautiful'
Have you tried this?
const el = element('getoffer'));
or a variation of the above...
I made this matcher, I had to wrap it in a promise and use 2 returns
toHaveClass: function(a) {
return this.actual.getAttribute('class').then(function(cls){
var patt = new RegExp('(^|\\s)' + a + '(\\s|$)');
return patt.test(cls);
in my test i can now do stuf like this:
var myDivs = element.all(by.css('div.myClass'));
// test for class
this also works when an element has multiple classes or when an element has no class attribute at all.
function checkHasClass (selector, class_name) {
// custom function returns true/false depending if selector has class name
// split classes for selector into a list
return $(selector).getAttribute('class').then(function(classes){
var classes = classes.split(' ');
if (classes.indexOf(class_name) > -1) return true;
return false;
This is how I do it at least, without the need to use the expect function. This function simply returns true if the class is inside the element and false if not. This also uses promises so you would use it like:
checkHasClass('#your-element', 'your-class').then(function(class_found){
if (class_found) console.log("Your element has that class");
Edit: I just realized this is essentially the same as the top answer
Here a Jasmine 1.3.x custom toHaveClass matcher with negation .not support plus wait up to 5 seconds (or whatever you specify).
Find the full custom matcher to be added on your onPrepare block in this gist
Sample usage:
it('test the class finder custom matcher', function() {
// These guys should pass OK given your user input
// element starts with an ng-invalid class:
// These guys should each fail:
One way to achieve this would be to use xpath and use contains()
var expectElementToHaveClass = function (className) {
var path = by.xpath("//div[contains(#class,'"+ className +"')]");
You can use the CSS parser to handle this by checking if an element with the given class exists:
Essentially, you're solving a few problems:
how to get class. class is an html attribute and thus can be retrieved by this command (await is the recommended way these days)
let class = await element.getAttribute('class')
Once you got the value of a class, you want to assert it
// for exact value
// for partial match
// or
// BUT, keep in mind
// BOTH pass

Add class to elements for values of attribute with Backbone.ModelBinder

I'm using Backbone.ModelBinder in a Backbone.js Marionette project. I've a scenario which I can't work out how to use ModelBinder to automatically update my model/UI.
My model has a 'status' string attribute, with multiple states. In this example I'll show the code for two: 'soon', 'someday'
In my UI I have a list on which I use click events to set the model status, and update classes to highlight the relevant link in the UI.
<dd id="status-soon"><a>Soon</a></dd>
<dd id="status-someday" class="active"><a>Someday</a></dd>
events: {
'click #status-soon': 'setStatusSoon',
'click #status-someday': 'setStatusSomeday'
setStatusSoon: function () {
this.model.set('status', 'soon');
this.$el.find('.status dd').removeClass('active');
... etc
It feels like I doing this a long-winded and clunky way! The code bloat increases with the number of states I need to support. What's the best way of achieving the same outcome with ModelBinder?
You could probably simplify things with a data attribute, something like this:
<dd data-status="soon" class="set-status"><a>Soon</a></dd>
<dd data-status="someday" class="set-status active"><a>Someday</a></dd>
and then:
events: {
'click .set-status': 'setStatus'
setStatus: function(ev) {
var $target = $(;
var status = $'status');
this.model.set('status', status);
this.$el.find('.status dd.set-status').removeClass('active');
You might not need the set-status class, just keying things on the <dd>s might be sufficient; I prefer separating my event handling from the nitty gritty element details though.
Unfortunately, it is going to be pretty difficult to do exactly what you want with ModelBinder. The main reason being that ModelBinder wants to provide the same value for all elements that are part of a single selector. So doing this with ModelBinder, while possible, is going to be pretty verbose as well.
The cleanup offered by mu is likely to be better than trying to use ModelBinder. 1) because you need a click handler to do the this.model.set no matter what and 2) you would need individual bindings for ModelBinder because the converter function is called once for a single selector and then the value is set on all matching elements (rather than looping through each one).
But if you do want to try and do something with ModelBinder it would look something like this:
onRender : function () {
var converter = function (direction, value) {
return (value == "soon" ? "active" : "");
var bindings = {
status : {selector : "#status-soon", elAttribute : "class", converter : converter}
this.modelBinder.bind(this.model, this.el, bindings);
This would do what you want. Of course the down side as I said above is that you will need multiple selector bindings. You could generalize the converter using this.boundEls[0] but you will still need the separate bindings for it to work.
In case you want to access to the bound element, it is possible to declare 'html' as elAttrbute, modify the element and return its html with converter function:
onRender : function () {
var converter = function (direction, value, attribute, model, els) {
return $(els[0]).toggleClass('active', value === 'soon').html();
var bindings = {
status : {
selector : "#status-soon",
elAttribute : "html",
converter : converter
this.modelBinder.bind(this.model, this.el, bindings);
