lpNumberOfBytesRead and lpNumberOfBytesWritten using Sockets - c

I am learning C and I am wondering what I need to add for those values in my WriteFile and ReadFile methods
lpNumberOfBytesRead and lpNumberOfBytesWritten
WriteFile((HANDLE)sock, "\x05\x01\x00", 3, NULL, NULL);
ReadFile((HANDLE)sock, buf, 1024, NULL, NULL);
it says in the documentation one of the two NULL values can't be NULL as my friend pointed out...
Any ideas *cheers

Assuming that you are not going to use overlapped I/O, (and from your question, I get a strong feeling that you are not), you need to pass a pointer to a DWORD variable that will receive the values:
DWORD NumberOfBytesWritten;
WriteFile((HANDLE)sock, "\x05\x01\x00", 3, &NumberOfBytesWritten, NULL);
If the function returns successfully (and you should check its return value to determine that), NumberOfBytesWritten will be set to the number of bytes that were actually written to the file.


How to get buffer into CompletionROUTINE as apart of WSARecvFrom call?

I'm working on a UDP server, and am trying to use overlapped IO. I've been trying to use MSDN examples and documentation for research but haven't found use of the lpCompletionRoutine argument of the function.
I notice you pass a PWSAOVERLAPPED to WSARecvFrom, and it contains a LPVOID Pointer member. Would I create my own user-data structure that contains a reference to the buffer and pass it as a pointer inside this Pointer member of PWSAOVERLAPPED?
I thought it was a bit redundant though that the received bytes were available in two places:
WSARecvFrom's lpNumberOfBytesRecvd argument, and lpCompletionRoutine's cbTransferred parameter.
Example of my current completion routine:
void CALLBACK CompletionROUTINE(
DWORD dwError,
DWORD cbTransferred,
DWORD dwFlags
) {
/* Best way to get the bytes read here? */
Printf(L"Recieved %d bytes\n", cbTransferred);
and my call to WSARecvFrom:
iResult = WSARecvFrom(
From the WSAOVERLAPPED structure documentation:
hEvent Type: HANDLE
If an overlapped I/O operation is issued without an I/O completion routine (the operation's lpCompletionRoutine parameter is
set to null), then this parameter should either contain a valid handle
to a WSAEVENT object or be null. If the lpCompletionRoutine parameter
of the call is non-null then applications are free to use this
parameter as necessary.
So since I am providing a lpCompletionRoutine parameter, I can use WSAEvent as a pointer to my user defined data.
Thank you to the commenter that lead me to this finding.

C - RegQueryValueEx sometimes in Release build

This is driving me crazy. I'm compiling my project on Visual Studio 2012. I want to read a REG_BINARY registry entry using RegOpenKeyEx and RegQueryValueEx calls. In Debug (Multi-Threaded Debug) mode, everything works perfectly. However, in Release (Multi-Threaded) mode, RegQueryValueEx will VERY often fail with error code ERROR_MORE_DATA. Here is the code I am using:
HKEY keyHandle;
TCHAR lpData[1024];
DWORD lpcbData;
if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion", 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE | KEY_WOW64_64KEY, &keyHandle) != ERROR_SUCCESS){
MessageBox(NULL, L"fail", L"title", MB_OK);
return NULL;
} else if (RegQueryValueEx(keyHandle, L"DigitalProductId", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)lpData, &lpcbData) != ERROR_SUCCESS){
MessageBox(NULL, L"fail!", L"title", MB_OK);
return NULL;
MessageBox(NULL, L"success", L"title", MB_OK);
By the definition of RegQueryValueEx, lpcbData is both an In and Out parameter. That is, RegQueryValueEx both reads it and writes to it. It complains because you are passing it without initializing it first with the size of the buffer, which in your case is 1024 (also I recommend that you change TCHAR to BYTE as required by the API; You can convert it to a Unicode string later on).
Try setting it to 1024 before calling the function. If then it fails with ERROR_MORE_DATA, then your buffer is not big enough - in other words, the registry key string is too long - you can either define it to contain more characters, or, better yet, call the function first with a NULL parameter instead of the buffer, and you will get back in lpcbData the required size of the buffer. You can then allocate the required buffer on the heap. Hope this helps!
You are not initializing lpcbData before calling RegQueryValueEx(). You have to tell it how large lpData is, in bytes, so it knows how many bytes it can retreive.
DWORD lpcbData = sizeof(lpData);
Read the documentation:
lpcbData [in, out, optional]
A pointer to a variable that specifies the size of the buffer pointed to by the lpData parameter, in bytes. When the function returns, this variable contains the size of the data copied to lpData.
A better option is to ask the Registry how large the data is, then (re)allocate the buffer as needed. The example in the documentation shows you how to do that.
You should set the lpcbData to size of your buffer before passing it to RegQueryValueEx().
Sample code:
HKEY keyHandle;
TCHAR lpData[1024];
DWORD lpcbData= sizeof(lpData); //set size.
if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion", 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE | KEY_WOW64_64KEY, &keyHandle) != ERROR_SUCCESS){
MessageBox(NULL, L"fail", L"title", MB_OK);
return NULL;
} else if (RegQueryValueEx(keyHandle, L"DigitalProductId", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)lpData, &lpcbData) != ERROR_SUCCESS){
MessageBox(NULL, L"fail!", L"title", MB_OK);
return NULL;
Its working by chance so that lpcData contains some random value which is higher than the actual size of data. And probably your data is not more than 1024.
Moreover, if you get ERROR_MORE_DATA error, the lpcData will indicate how much size is required to read the data. So you should update your buffer accordingly and retry.

Why does MapViewOfFile fail with ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED?

I came across this situation with WinAPI's MapViewOfFile function. An Internet search didn't turn up any apparent fixes, so I will share my problem and solution here.
Consider the following snippet:
const char *name = "Global\\Object_Name";
unsigned long size = get_object_size();
HANDLE handle = CreateFileMapping(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE,
if (!handle || handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
bool created = GetLastError() == 0;
void *block = MapViewOfFile( handle,
if (block == NULL)
In one particular case, CreateFileMapping was successfully returning a handle. GetLastError was returning ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS, so created == false. Now, the call to MapViewOfFile, using the same size that I passed to CreateFileMapping, returns NULL and GetLastError returns 0x05: ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED. The process was running with administrator privileges.
The MSDN documentation doesn't really mention any reason why this situation would occur. So why does CreateFileMapping succeed, but MapViewOfFile fail?
After a lot of suffer, I finally found what was causing this error in my application, in case someone else is struggling with the same, the problem is not with the MapViewOfFile method, but with the CreateFileMapping, the size of the createFileMapping should be the size of the file, not the size of the element to read, if you don't know the size then it should be 0, this does not apply to the MapViewOfFile as the value to pass as size is the length of the block you want to read/write.
Your code working will look like this:
const char *name = "Global\\Object_Name";
unsigned long size = get_object_size();
HANDLE handle = CreateFileMapping(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE,
if (!handle || handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
bool created = GetLastError() == 0;
void *block = MapViewOfFile( handle,
if (block == NULL)
A just putting this here to document what I found, unfortunately is hard to search for this error when you don't know what is causing it. I hope this saves a couple of hours to someone else.
I'm sure there are many reasons why ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED could occur from a call to MapViewOfFile. In my particular situation, it was due to the size argument.
The hint is in the fact that created == false. It shows that the object "Global\\Object_Name" has already been created. For whatever reason, the creating call initialised the section with a smaller size. For what seems like an oversight, the second call to CreateFileMapping will happily give you a handle to the already-existing object, even if you asked for a bigger mapping.
The call to MapViewOfFile now fails, because it's requesting a view that is bigger than the actual section.
So, if you're in a similar situation where the second call to MapViewOfFile fails, check the size that you're trying to map to.
It could be that the second project is compiling with a different structure alignment, resulting in the sizeof() operator determining different values, or some other size-determining function is not behaving as expected.

My first windows named pipe, not sure what is wrong

Edit: Here is the entire code, ignore Romanian comments. Also 2 or 3 names are untranslated from Romanian: http://pastebin.com/JjtayvXX
I am trying to learn the basics of OS, now I'm working with named pipes under windows and I can't tell what's wrong.
Honestly I'm working off an example a friend did, but he's just as bad as me if not worse. While hi's program works (albeit it does something else), he can't explain anything, most likely just copied from somewhere, still ... not important, what I was trying to say I'm learning from examples, and not professional ones.
Server receives a message from the client, returns max and min numbers.
#include "windows.h"
#include "stdio.h"
struct Msg {
int numbers[20];
int length;
int main () {
HANDLE inputPipe, outputPipe;
Msg msg;
while (true) {
inputPipe = CreateNamedPipe ("\\\\.\\pipe\\Client2Server",
0, //Numb of output bytes
sizeof(Msg), // Numb of input bytes
0, // Wait forever
NULL); // Don't know how to use security
ConnectNamedPipe (inputPipe,NULL);
// Here is where the server dies
ReadFile (inputPipe, &msg,sizeof(Msg),NULL,NULL);
Now Client.c:
struct Msg {
int numbers[20];
int length;
int main () {
HANDLE outputPipe, inputPipe;
Msg msg;
// #misc: read data from keyboard, create msg
outputPipe = CreateFile ("\\\\.\\pipe\\Client2Server",
FILE_SHARE_READ, // * comment after code
NULL, // again, I know nothing about security attributes
CREATE_ALWAYS, // either create or overwrite
// Here is where it dies
WriteFile (outputPipe, &msg, sizeof(Msg), NULL, NULL);
I get Access violation writing location 0x00000000. No idea why.
I would like that this process only writes, and another process (server) only reads. Is FILE_SHARE_READ OK ?
Also I don't know how to mess with CreationDisposition / FlagsAndAttributes (last 2 parameters at CreateFile), are they OK ?
Edit: Added actual answer, reference to other topic, tried it myself
WriteFile()'s fourth parameter (pointer to variable that will store number of bytes) should not be null. Based on the API description, this parameter can ONLY be NULL if the fifth param, lpOverlapped, is NOT null.
See similar topic here:
Why does WriteFile crash when writing to the standard output?
Can you check/printf the return values of ReadFile() (failed if return = 0 or FALSE) and client.c CreateFile() (failed if returns INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) to see if they succeed?
If failed, can you print the value returned by GetLastError() immediately after the call so that we can see the specific error?

PeekNamedPipe always returns 0 for totalBytesAvailable

tmp_pipe, // __in HANDLE hNamedPipe,
NULL, // __out_opt LPVOID lpBuffer,
0, // __in DWORD nBufferSize,
NULL, // __out_opt LPDWORD lpBytesRead,
&totalBytesAvailable, // __out_opt LPDWORD lpTotalBytesAvail,
NULL // __out_opt LPDWORD lpBytesLeftThisMessage
I have written bytes to the pipe somewhere else,but totalBytesAvailable is always 0,why?
I have found that in Windows, if you call PeekNamedPipe before calling ReadFile, it will always return zero bytes, even if there are in fact bytes to be read. You have to call ReadFile, followed by PeekNamedPipe, and keep looping until PeekNamedPipe returns zero bytes.
I have noticed that even under these circumstances, sometimes PeekNamedPipe returns zero bytes even though there are bytes left to be gotten. Must be a timing thing. The sender is going to have to preface each message with a byte count. Sigh...
It's an old question but I haven't found the answer online so I figured I'd answer it anyway. You have to loop until the pipe reads, here's my working code:
DWORD bytesAvail = 0;
if( !PeekNamedPipe(pipeHandle, NULL, 0, NULL, &bytesAvail, NULL) ){
printf("PeekNamedPipe error %d.\n", GetLastError()); //error check
printf("Bytes available: %d\n", bytesAvail);
Of course, this only works if you are sure there is data waiting to be read, otherwise you will be stuck in an endless loop because there isn't actually data to be read, so it will always be 0.
