Compiler gcc required when installing perl modules for Bugzilla - bugzilla

I encountered the following error when attemtping to install the perl modules for Bugzilla in a Solaris 10 server. You can see that i have already set the path for gcc and make already.
Can anyone advise?
export PATH
/usr/bin/perl --all
ERROR: Using requires that you install a compiler,
such as gcc.

I had the same problem in Cygwin, but it was fixed after I installed gcc4 (I had only gcc3 before).

Please refer to below msg: Hope it helpful to you! Good luck!
Ivan R. Says:
July 30th, 2006 at 12:01 am
You should checkout perlgcc(1), which is specifically for dealing with the situation. You’ll need /usr/perl5/bin in PATH ( and /usr/perl5/man in MANPATH ).
cos Says:
July 30th, 2006 at 12:30 am
See also the “Solaris-PerlGcc” module - you end up with a “perlgcc” command you use when you run CPAN. a tiny bit more fiddly perhaps, but works just as well.
Andrew Gallagher Says:
August 1st, 2006 at 5:25 pm
The perlgcc module will not work with perl 5.8.4. See the README for Solaris-PerlGcc.
Andrew Gallagher Says:
August 1st, 2006 at 5:30 pm
perlgcc is included in solaris 10. /usr/perl5/bin/perlgcc
David Says:
April 5th, 2007 at 7:37 pm
perlgcc failed to install PathTools-3.24 on my sparc Solaris 10 system.
I also got make errors when I tried matty’s edits in Gonna try installing Sun Studio, see how that works.
Tmack Says:
January 9th, 2008 at 7:53 pm
You might also need to edit (in the same dir as the to edit the flags and make happy, since it is req’d in Another flag that might need removal is -xarch=386, it still complains with that present on an x2200.
Tmack Says:
January 9th, 2008 at 8:37 pm
wrt previous comment, the perl version I used requiring the extra steps is not the one installed w/solaris, but a blastwave package, which does things a little different (thus the extra files and flags) and uses perl 5.8.8 .


cant find libl on centos 9 - /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -ll

Brand new install of centos 9. (mostly minimal)
I did a find and there is no on my machine.
sudo yum install bison
Last metadata expiration check: 1:52:29 ago on Wed 23 Feb 2022 01:25:31 PM EST.
Package bison-3.7.4-5.el9.x86_64 is already installed.
sudo yum install flex
Last metadata expiration check: 1:52:25 ago on Wed 23 Feb 2022 01:25:31 PM EST.
Package flex-2.6.4-9.el9.x86_64 is already installed.
sudo yum install flex-devel
Last metadata expiration check: 1:52:35 ago on Wed 23 Feb 2022 01:25:31 PM EST.
No match for argument: flex-devel
I tried installing sudo yum groupinstall 'Development Tools'
nothing works, any ideas?
The static libraries (libfl.a and libl.a), which is what were provided before in the package flex-devel, have been moved to the package libfl-static. I don't know if RedHat ever provided shared objects; there's a note in the libfl-static ChangeLog that seems to be saying that there is a new package called libfl2 with shared objects, but I don't see it in the package repo. Anyway, static libraries should be fine. There's hardly anything there.
If you're using libl, that means that:
you aren't using %option noyywrap, which will remove the call to yywrap (and if you're using the version of yywrap in libl, then you don't need it to call the function, since that version unconditionally returns 1), and/or
you haven't provided your own main function.
I strongly recommend including the following options in all flex files, unless you have a clear need for the suppressed features:
%option noinput nounput noyywrap nodefault
The main function in libl is also trivial. It can be replaced with:
int main(void) {
while (yylex() != 0) { }
return 0;
As you pointed out in the question - flex-devel is not found.
It's in the PowerTools repo.
The 'official' way to enable the repo is to use the yum config-manager command line:
yum config-manager --set-enabled powertools
This may give an error about being missing the config-manager command:
No such command: config-manager
If this happens, then you can install the dnf-plugins-core package:
yum install -y dnf-plugins-core
and then enable the powertools repo, and then you should be able to yum install flex-devel, which provides:
$ rpmquery --list flex-devel

Is there any way for translating to another language month and day names in angularJS?

I need to know is there any package or framework or built in support available for this.
I use moment in my projects. I really like it.
And it's easy to use.
Install moment package:
npm install moment --save
After installation, you can:
moment().format('LLLL'); // Sexta-feira, 25 de setembro de 2020 12:24
moment().format('LLLL') // Friday, September 25, 2020 12:25 PM
You can check their website:

Install GAP Packages in SAGE 8.9

I'm running SageMath 8.9 on Windows 10. I'd like to run the following code:
gap.eval("n := 5")
gap.eval("grp := Group([ (1,2,3,4,5), (1,2,4,3) ])")
gap.eval("Der := []; for x in grp do if NrMovedPoints(x)=n then AddSet(Der,x); fi; od;")
gap.eval("Cay := CayleyGraph(grp, Der)")
This raises a RuntimeError. When I run:
from import GapPackage
GapPackage("grape", spkg="gap_packages").is_present()
It indicates that 'grape' is not available. So I'd like to install it; however, with some searching online I encounter commands like:
sage -i gap_packages
But this does not work as 'sage' is not added to PATH (and I don't know how to do that).
Now I have GAP 4.10.2 installed independently of Sage, which does have 'grape' installed. If I can't install grape into sage, how can I direct Sage to look at another installation of GAP? I tried this (from here):
import = "/usr/local/bin/gap"
Where I changed "/usr/local/bin/gap" to "C:/gap-4.10.2/bin/gap.bat", which is how I normally launch GAP. It did not work.
Note: I've read the solutions here, but it doesn't work for me (as I mentioned above). That user seems to have been running OSX, where I'm running Windows 10. Also, the question is 7 years old, and perhaps the method is obsolete. Other methods online (such as found here) seem to have become obsolete. I can't find anything recent (regarding Sage version 8.9 on Windows).
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated!
If you can get a terminal prompt, you might be able to run ./sage -i gap_packages while in the sage root directory (this preempts the need to add sage to your PATH). I don't use Sage on Windows though, so I'm not sure if this will work.
Another approach is that you can copy folders from the package folder of a functional gap installation into the appropriate place in your sage installation. You should copy the grape folder from $GAP_ROOT/pkg to $SAGE_ROOT/local/lib/gap/pkg/.

Getting Undefined subroutine utf8::SWASHNEW called at Bugzilla/ line 109

I am trying to install Bugzilla. For that Strawberry perl, Microsoft IIS, MySQL are installed with latest versions. Followed guidelines given on Bugzilla installation page for windows.
Whenever I run, all necessary perl modules related to Bugzilla are installed correctly. Only three optional modules were not installed (perl-ldap, mod_perl and Apache-SizeLimit). And then it is showing an error:
Undefined subroutine utf8::SWASHNEW called at Bugzilla/ line 109.
Move back to Strawberry Perl from
I had same problem. This fixed.
I managed to fix this by applying the first of the following patch
to find the offending file)
Perl on github, patch for bug 17291

How to make check-outs be unreserved by default using ClearCase command line tools

Is there a way to make cleartool checkouts unreserved by default? Perhaps a ~/.cleartool file or some environment variable? I understand the default can be set on the VOB (or all VOBs), but that option is beyond my control.
The ClearCase version I'm using is:
$ ct -version ClearCase version 7.0.1 (Wed May 30 17:04:58 EDT 2007) (Wed Sep 19 16:08:10 EDT 2007) #(#) MVFS version (Thu Sep 6 20:09:08 2007) built at $Date: 2009-12-08.14:59:16 (UTC) $ cleartool (Thu Aug 9 20:20:45 EDT 2007) db_server (Fri Sep 14 20:23:09 EDT 2007) VOB database schema version: 54
You may ask "why in world would the default ever be set to -reserved?" A fair question. However, the matter is beyond my control.
Update: I neglected to mention the environment is Linux.
In the ClearCase Explorer, menu:
Tool / Options / button ClearCase Options / Tab "Operations"
Unchecked "reserved" in the "Check out" section.
However, this is for one user, not a global setting for all users...
On Windows, this is stored in the registry at:
Reserved 0
So if you can add that as a post-install setting, you could generalize that behavior to all users using your custom setup.
alt text
See also this IBM technote.
The OP unhillbilly comments rightly about the command cleartool unres (unreserve), which:
changes the checkout status of a checked-out version of an element to unreserved.
A temporary unreserve checkout of version event record is written to the VOB database.
I know this is an old post, but in case anyone in the future comes along with the same question, here's my answer.
If you want to set up a trigger so that everyone performs UNRESERVED checkouts then use the following command:
cleartool mktrtype -element -all -post checkout -exec '/opt/rational/clearcase/bin/cleartool unreserve -nc '$CLEARCASE_PN' TRIGGERNAME
The command I posed above should have another single quote so that it is '$CLEARCASE_PN' TRIGGERNAME
