Which modules are required to make yellowpage in Drupal? - drupal-7

I am learning Drupal. I want to create a yellowpage in Drupal 7.
The site will have following main features :
Different business Category
Registered User will create business linting. Each business category will have different form fields for creating business listing.
Rating on business listing.
Map of business listing.
Third party Ads on a Page.
Search based on business category,location,keyword,business name etc .
Share to social websites like FB, Twitter.
Email to friend.
Which modules do I require to make a yellowpage?

You will need the following modules in addition to core taxonomy module to create your content types.
Different business Category
Registered user will create business listing. Each business category
will have different
form fields for creating business listing.
Drupal's core field modules will allow you to build out your business content type.
Rating on business listing.
Provides base voting architecture, required by fivestar.
Provides rating widgets for nodes.
Map of business listing.
Allows you to attach a location to a node.
Allows you to make google maps with Drupal Views, and attach maps to nodes.
Third party Ads on a Page.
Not enough info. You could use standard nodes, or a standard block with google ads or some other ad provider's code inside of it.
Search based on business category, location, keyword, business name etc .
You could achieve this with Views or you may want to look into Solr search and Solr views.
Share to social websites like FB, Twitter.
Share This
Email to friend.


how to serve users different react application depends on the user type?

I am working on a web application by react and php (for api services). after users login, my application will give users access to different parts of react application. for example, an admin will see the features of management, sellers will see a seller panel of uploading products, buyers can browse the products.
I understand there are different ways to achieve this, but I am hoping to find the most popular or the best way considering performance, bundle size, safety, etc
currently, I am thinking about
for different type of users, create different bundles by webpack which only includes the code needed for that user. after logs in, give the user the right bundle.
Not sure if this is a good way to go. I am hoping to get some more inputs from others, and it will be better if you can also show me an example on how to implement. thanks!

How would one let a user point their custom domain to a specific route in a client-side react app?

I have a simple react app with a firebase backend. My app lets people create profile pages. I want to let people point their domain to their profile page. I don't even know where to start or what to search for. How would one let users point their custom domain to a specific route in a client-side react app?
There's a lot involved here, so I'm just going explain a very first basic step here.
One of the first things is that you'll need to be able to point multiple domains to the same back-end code, and then service different content based on the incoming domain. So that www.joshpittman.mytld will serve different content than www.frankvanpuffelen.mytld. This typically requires that you can programmatically map new domains to the existing backend code, which then serves different content based on the requested domain.
Firebase Hosting does allow you to mapping multiple domains to a single project, but there is no API to add new domains. You'd have to manually add each user's domain in the Firebase console, which seems unfeasible at any reasonable scale.
So if you want to implement this functionality, you might want to consider other options for hosting, specifically ones that have an API to add domain mappings, or that allow wildcard mappings. Since recommending specific ones is off topic on Stack Overflow, I recommend you do some searches with those specific terms to find good options.

Drupal 7 One admin, multisite, multiuser, same structure what is best configuration?

I am developing a web site with drupal that has lot of instances. My case is
Every site same structure but different content. Websites made by drupal multisite conf. Same codebase, different database.
Only me user 1 every sites. Client is owner of the site, only add and view contents of their website.
The problem is I will keep developing web site and change structure and configurations. For example new or updated content types, new fields, new or updated views, rules etc. When I updated 1 sample web site, what is the best approach update all current websites?
Is it possible managing views, contetnt types, field, rules, enabled modules on one site. By the time maybe over 1000 website will added to system. and it is hard to update 1 by 1 features modules. (Also features modules doesnt carry some confs.)

What are the limit of Drupal or any CMS in general?

Drupal is a CMS, not a web framework.
Does this mean it should only be used for publishing posts, blogs, graphs or what ever content you can think of or can it be used for more sophisticated applications with 'true' business logic behind the scenes ?
Can it be used for developing a resource management application? Can we extend the Drupal database with our own tables that represent business objects?
You should be able to extend Drupal with custom modules to achieve your business goals. I wouldn't add onto the Drupal database adjusting it's schema since that would make patching and upgrading difficult to say the least. You could use an additional database if needed if the existing Drupal database API doesn't meet your needs. There is also a Drupal services module available (https://drupal.org/project/Services) that you could use for a web API interface between your app and Drupal to access it's objects.
This Stackoverflow post also may provide some answers, Web application integration with Drupal -- I have been involved with successful back-office business applications that utilize a CMS such as Drupal extending it using custom modules and an additional database for custom data objects.

ruby on rails models

I am writting social network.
I have group's blog and user's blog, then I have group's photos and user's photos
How I must design models? all posts(photos) in one db table or in different?
It is preferable to have a single table only for photos, especially if you have multiple photos for each group or user. You could use Single Table Inheritance or Polymorphic Associations to store photos from groups and users in it. I would recommend to read some good books about the topic, Practical Rails Social Networking Sites and RailsSpace: Building a Social Networking Website with Ruby on Rails. Both are recommendable.
