how to share common definition between c and tcl - c

For testing purposes, I need to share some definitions between Tcl and C. Is it possible to include C style include file in Tcl scripts? Any alternative suggestion will be welcomed, but I prefer not to write a parser for C header file.

SWIG supports Tcl so possibly you can make use of that. Also I remember seeing some code to parse C headers on the Tcl wiki - so you might try looking at the Parsing C page there. That should save you writing one from scratch.

If you're doing a full API of any complexity, you'd be best off using SWIG (or critcl†) to do the binding. SWIG can do a binding between a C API and Tcl with very little user input (often almost none). It should be noted though that the APIs it produces are not very natural from a Tcl perspective (because Tcl isn't C and has different idioms).
Yet if you are instead after some way of handling just the simplest parts of definitions — just the #defines of numeric constants — then the simplest way to deal with that is via a bit of regular expression parsing:
proc getDefsFromIncludeFile {filename} {
set defs {}
set f [open $filename]
foreach line [split [read $f] "\n"] {
# Doesn't handle all edge cases, but does do a decent job
if {[regexp {^\s*#\s*define\s+(\w+)\s+([^\s\\]+)} $line -> def val]} {
lappend defs $def [string trim $val "()"]
close $f
return $defs
It does a reasonably creditable job on Tcl's own headers. (Handling conditional definitions and nested #include statements is left as an exercise; I suggest you try to arrange your C headers so as to make that exercise unnecessary.) When I do that, the first few definitions extracted are:
† Critcl is a different way of doing Tcl/C bindings, and it works by embedding the C language inside Tcl. It can produce very natural-working Tcl interfaces to C code; I think it's great. However, I don't think it's likely to be useful for what you are trying to do.


Support for compiling ASN1 file to C with CONTAINING keyword

I'm using ESNACC for compiling multiple ASN source files to C code. For ease of understanding, I will explain the scenario here as succintly as possible:-
FileA.asn1 contains the following:-
FileB.asn1 contains the following:-
BElem1 [0] INTEGER,
BElem2 [1] INTEGER
I used ESNACC to compile both files in one command. Upon analysing the C source files generated, I observed that the AContent field will be decoded as a constructed OCTET STRING (the data being received in the application guarantees that the field will be specified as constructed) with its contents being filled into a simple string. This means that FileB does not come into the picture at all. I was hoping that AContent would be further decoded with a structure of FileB being filled, so that I can easily access the elements within. This does not seem to be the case.
I'm fairly new with ASN1, so please let me know if my understanding is wrong in any way.
Is ESNACC not capable of generating code for supporting CONTAINING keyword properly?
Are there other compilers that are able to do this?
Can this be done by using ESNACC in any way?
If this cannot be done using ESNACC, and I don't want to use any other compiler, how would I access the contents within AContent at runtime easily?
I am not sure of the capabilities of ESNACC, but there are many other compilers that support the CONTAINING keyword. An excellent list of compilers can be found at which is part of the ITU-T ASN.1 Project.
Heimdal's ASN.1 compiler (lib/asn1/) has support for the funky Information Object System syntax extensions that allow you to declare things like what all goes into Certificate Extensions (for example), and the generated code will decode everything recursively in one go.

How to find all C functions starting with a prefix in a library

For a small test framework, I want to do automatic test discovery. Right now, my plan is that all tests just have a prefix, which could basically be implemented like this
#define TEST(name) void TEST_##name(void)
And be used like this (in different c files)
TEST(one_eq_one) { assert(1 == 1); }
The ugly part is that you would need to list all test-names again in the main function.
Instead of doing that, I want to collect all tests in a library (say and generate the main function automatically, and then just link the generated main function against the library. All of this internal action can be hidden nicely with cmake.
So, I need a script that does:
1. Write "int main(void) {"
2. For all functions $f starting with 'TEST_' in do
a) write "extern void $f(void);"
b) write "$f();
3. Write "}"
Most parts of that script are easy, but I am unsure how to reliably get a list of all functions starting with the prefix.
On POSIX systems, I can try to parse the output of nm. But here, I am not sure if the names will always be the same (on my MacBook, all names start with an additional '_'). To me, it looks like it might be OS/architecture-dependent which names will be generated for the binary. For windows, I do not yet have an idea on how to do that.
So, my questions are:
Is there a better way to implement test-discovery in C? (maybe something like dlsym)
How do I reliably get a list of all function-names starting with a certain prefix on a MacOS/Linux/Windows
A partial solution for the problem is parsing nm with a regex:
for line in $(nm $1) ; do
# Finds all functions starting with "TEST_" or "_TEST_"
if [[ $line =~ ^_?(TEST_.*)$ ]] ; then
echo "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"
And then a second script consumes this output to generate a c file that calls these functions. Then, cmake calls the second script to create the test executable
add_executable(test-executable generated_source.c)
target_link_libraries(test-executable PRIVATE library_with_test_functions)
OUTPUT generated_source.c
COMMAND > generated_source.c
DEPENDS library_with_test_functions)
I think this works on POSIX systems, but I don't know how to solve it for Windows
You can write a shell script using the nm or objdump utilities to list the symbols, pipe through awk to select the appropriate name and output the desired source lines.

"Use" the Perl file that h2ph generated from a C header?

The h2ph utility generates a .ph "Perl header" file from a C header file, but what is the best way to use this file? Like, should it be require or use?:
require '';
# OR
use myconstants; # after mv
# OR, something else?
Right now, I am doing the use version shown above, because with that one I never need to type parentheses after the constant. I want to type MY_CONSTANT and not MY_CONSTANT(), and I have use strict and use warnings in effect in the Perl files where I need the constants.
It's a bit strange though to do a use with this file since it doesn't have a module name declared, and it doesn't seem to be particularly intended to be a module.
I have just one file I am running through h2ph, not a hundred or anything.
I've looked at perldoc h2ph, but it didn't mention the subject of the intended mechanism of import at all.
Example input and output: For further background, here's an example input file and what h2ph generates from it:
// File myconstants.h
#define MY_CONSTANT 42
# File - generated via h2ph -d . myconstants.h
require '';
no warnings qw(redefine misc);
eval 'sub MY_CONSTANT () {42;}' unless defined(&MY_CONSTANT);
Problem example: Here's an example of "the problem," where I need to use parentheses to get the code to compile with use strict:
use strict;
use warnings;
require '';
sub main {
print "Hello world " . MY_CONSTANT; # error until parentheses are added
which produces the following error:
Bareword "MY_CONSTANT" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at line 7.
Execution of aborted due to compilation errors.
Conclusion: So is there a better or more typical way that this is used, as far as following best practices for importing a file like How would Larry Wall do it?
You should require your file. As you have discovered, use accepts only a bareword module name, and it is wrong to rename to have a .pm suffix just so that use works.
The choice of use or require makes no difference to whether parentheses are needed when you use a constant in your code. The resulting .ph file defines constants in the same way as the constant module, and all you need in the huge majority of cases is the bare identifier. One exception to this is when you are using the constant as a hash key, when
my %hash = { CONSTANT => 99 }
my $val = $hash{CONSTANT}
doesn't work, as you are using the string CONSTANT as a key. Instead, you must write
my %hash = { CONSTANT() => 99 }
my $val = $hash{CONSTANT()}
You may also want to wrap your require inside a BEGIN block, like this
require '';
to make sure that the values are available to all other parts of your code, including anything in subsequent BEGIN blocks.
The problem does somewhat lie in the require.
Since require is a statement that will be evaluated at run-time, it cannot have any effect on the parsing of the latter part of the script. So when perl reads through the MY_CONSTANT in the print statement, it does not even know the existence of the subroutine, and will parse it as a bareword.
It is the same for eval.
One solution, as mentioned by others, is to put it into a BEGIN block. Alternatively, you may forward-delcare it by yourself:
require 'some-file';
print 'some text' . MY_CONSTANT;
Finally, from my perspective, I have not ever used any ph files in my Perl programming.

Pattern matching in C , Alternative to pcre

I am trying to write a C code that will find hyperlinks in a mail and replace them.
Is using a pcre library a good thing to do ?
Since pcre is ,allegedly, too slow is there an alternative ?
C is the last language I would choose to do this. Firstly, if you want to do this with high accuracy - use a MIME parser to get the HTML body out. Java has mime4j, Perl has MIME::Parser, Python has email, etc. This isn't too hard and I'm willing to help with this step in any of these languages if you'd like. Secondly, use an HTML parser to isolate the links.
If you're ok with some mistakes then just write a one-line program in Perl or PHP. Or sed even. Really. If you are replacing with a fixed URL, use sed. If you are modifying the URL, the only reason this won't work as-is is you'll probably have to url_encode it which a P-language can handle in one line.

How can I cleanly include Ruby code to be written to git's post-commit hook within C code?

I have some C code which writes Ruby code into Git's post-commit hook. The way this is currently being pulled off is by embedding the Ruby code directly in a C string like so...
char * post_commit_hook = <<Ruby code here>>
It's then written directly to .git/hooks/post-commit by way of fprintf.
This is somewhat ugly and difficult to maintain IMO, and I was wondering if there was some way to move the Ruby code into its own file. I tried looking for ways to have GNU make to do text replacement on the fly, but somehow that still feels like a hack. Anyone have any ideas?
Put your code into its own file and generate a C header from that via make and a scripting language of your choice.
For example, the following make rule
hook.h : hook.rb
./rb2h POST_COMMIT_HOOK < $< > $#
together with this Perl script rb2h
#!perl -w
print "#define $ARGV[0] \\\n";
chomp, s/\\/\\\\/g, s/"/\\"/g, print "\t\"$_\" \\\n" for <STDIN>;
print "\t\"\"\n"
will generate a file hook.h which defines the macro POST_COMMIT_HOOK containing your code.
