XQuery/XPath uses sql parameter? - sql-server

I am try to implement the following code.
declare #para varchar(10) = 'b';
declare #x xml = '
select #x.query('/x/sql:variable("#para")');
The above code should get the node of <b>2222</b>. However, it get the following error
Msg 9335, Level 16, State 1, Line 8
XQuery [query()]: The XQuery syntax '/function()' is not supported.

declare #para varchar(10) = 'b';
declare #x xml = '
select #x.query('/x/*[local-name()=sql:variable("#para")]');


Reading specific value with Openrowset in SQL Server 2016

The aim here is to read a specific value from a different server and store the return value in a local parameter for use later.
Here is the error code:
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 3
Incorrect syntax near 'Alarm'.
Here is the code I have tried:
declare #sql_string nvarchar(400);
declare #inhostnamn nvarchar(100) = 'BLUE65\SQLEXPRESS'
declare #inuser nvarchar(50) = 'dev1'
declare #password1 nvarchar(50) = 'dev1'
declare #database nvarchar(100) = 'Test_destroy'
declare #count_posts varchar(10)
declare #tabellnamn varchar(50) = 'Alarms'
declare #last_read_alarm varchar(30)
set #tabellnamn = 'Logg'
set #sql_string = N'set #last_read_alarm1 = cast(last_read as nvarchar(30)) select * from openrowset (''SQLNCLI'', ''Server='+#inhostnamn+';UID='+#inuser+';Pwd='+#password1+';Database='+#database+';Persist Security Info=True'',''select Last_ID FROM '+#database +'.dbo.Logg where Tables_sql=''Alarm'' '')';
print 'string =' + #sql_string;
exec sp_executesql #sql_string, N'#last_read_alarm1 varchar(30) OUTPUT', #last_read_alarm1=#last_read_alarm OUTPUT;
select #last_read_alarm
print #last_read_alarm;
Now I am stuck. I cannot see the error I have made, and am hoping for a couple of different eyes.
Thanks to Andrei Odegov for great assistance. It helped putting 4 ' on each side.
The correct code would be in my case now:
set #sql_string = N'select #last_read_alarm= (select * from openrowset (''SQLNCLI'', ''Server='+#inhostnamn+';UID='+#inuser+';Pwd='+#password1+';Database='+#database+';Persist Security Info=True'',''select Last_ID FROM '+#database +'.dbo.Logg where Tables_sql='''''+#tmp_str+''''' ''))';
So the answer from the query will now end up in local variable #last_read_alarm.

SQL Server: how to delete xml node by sql variable?

My first question on Stack Overflow :)
I have XML:
DECLARE #xml XML = '<root><tag1 /><tag2 /></root>';
I need to remove node, but, path to node is variable "#path".
DECLARE #path XML = '/root/tag2';
My query is:
SET #xml.[modify]('delete sql:variable("#path")');
But, I get error:
Msg 9342, Level 16, State 1, Line 9
XQuery [modify()]: An XML instance is only supported as the direct source of an insert using sql:column/sql:variable.
So my question is: how can I delete xml node by sql parameter?
There is no general recipie...
Just some ideas:
If you know the node's name
DECLARE #xml XML = '<root><tag1 /><tag2 /></root>';
DECLARE #nodeToDelete VARCHAR(100)='tag2';
SET #xml.modify('delete (/root/*[local-name()=sql:variable("#nodeToDelete")])[1]');
SELECT #xml;
If you know the node's name with FLWOR-query
DECLARE #xml XML = '<root><tag1 /><tag2 /></root>';
DECLARE #nodeToDelete VARCHAR(100)='tag2';
SET #xml=#xml.query('<root>
for $nd in /root/*[local-name()!=sql:variable("#nodeToDelete")]
return $nd
SELECT #xml;
dynamically created
DECLARE #xpath VARCHAR(100)='/root/tag2';
'DECLARE #xml XML = ''<root><tag1 /><tag2 /></root>'';
SELECT #xml;
SET #xml.modify(''delete ' + #xpath + ''');
SELECT #xml';
PRINT #command;

Did not find exact example

I am getting this error:
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 9 Incorrect syntax near '+'.
When executing the following code:
set #source = 'Srce.srce'
select #Source
--drop table #temp1
select 'xx' col1
INTO #temp
from #Source + .dbo.table1
You can not pass the name of database through variable.
If you want to forward the name of the database using the variable you have to use dynamic SQL.

Dynamical ms sql query

I have problems with my dynamical ms sql query. Can someone help me. Here is my code. Problem is inside the OPENQUERY, near '1033'
DECLARE #sql nvarchar(max);
DECLARE #server nvarchar(255) = (SELECT [Value] FROM [WarehouseMgmt].[SyncConfig] WHERE [Key] = 'ReportServerLinkedServer')
DECLARE #database nvarchar(255) = (SELECT [Value] FROM [WarehouseMgmt].[SyncConfig] WHERE [Key] = 'ReportServerDatabase')
SET #sql = 'MERGE [WarehouseMgmt].[DimReportServerReports] AS DRSR
USING (SELECT ItemId,Name FROM OPENQUERY('+#server+',''SELECT ItemId,Name FROM '+#database+'.[dbo].[Catalog] WHERE Type=2 AND Name NOT LIKE ''1033%'' AND Path NOT LIKE ''/Reports/%Subs'')
ON (DRSR.[SourceOrigId] = [Catalog].[ItemId])
INTO #NewReportServerReports;'
EXEC sp_executesql #sql,N'#SyncExecId int',#SyncExecId
Error code is:
Msg 50000, Level 11, State 1, Procedure WriteJobLog, Line 101 Error
writing job log: Line #90: [ERR] #2: Incorrect syntax near '1033'.
Added few quotes. Try this.
SET #sql = 'MERGE [WarehouseMgmt].[DimReportServerReports] AS DRSR
USING (SELECT ItemId,Name FROM OPENQUERY('+#server+',''SELECT ItemId,Name FROM '+#database+'.[dbo].[Catalog] WHERE
Type=2 AND Name NOT LIKE ''''1033%'''' AND Path NOT LIKE ''''/Reports/%Subs'''''')
ON (DRSR.[SourceOrigId] = [Catalog].[ItemId])
INTO #NewReportServerReports;'
--print #sql
EXEC sp_executesql #sql,N'#SyncExecId int',#SyncExecId

EXEC select query not working with temp table SQL Server 2005

I have this SQL Server 2005 Puzzle
The following code doesn't work
DECLARE #tmp TABLE (ID int IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY , strDateTime varchar(50))
INSERT INTO #tmp VALUES('1/2/13')
DECLARE #x varchar(1000)
SET #x = 'SELECT * FROM ' + #tmp ;
EXEC (#x)
I get the following error
Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Line 5
Must declare the scalar variable "#tmp".
If I do this
SET #x = 'SELECT * FROM #tmp ' ;
I get this error
Msg 1087, Level 15, State 2, Line 1
Must declare the table variable "#tmp".
Well what I was really trying to do is passing dynamic column name to a select statement and I found that I didn't like that either
Can someone guide me what I'm doing wrong
A table variable is only valid in the scope within which it is created:
A table variable behaves like a local variable. It has a well-defined
scope. This is the function, stored procedure, or batch that it is
declared in.
To do this, you'll need to use a temporary table:
CREATE TABLE #tmp (ID int IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY , strDateTime varchar(50))
INSERT INTO #tmp VALUES('1/2/13')
DECLARE #x varchar(1000)
SET #x = 'SELECT * FROM #tmp';
EXEC (#x)
