retrieving multiple rows from database and display using struts2 - database

I am developing a photo album web application in which I am using two tables USER_INFORMATION and USER_PHOTO. USER_INFORMATION contains only user record which is one record, USER_PHOTO contains more than one photo form a single user. I want to get the number of user information along with their userimage path and store it in to a Java Pojo variable like a list so that I can display it using display tag in struts 2.
The table goes like this.
======================= =================================
======================= =================================
|xyz | 1 | | abs | 34 | sdas | 1 |
|sdas | 1 | | asddd | 22 | asda | 2 |
|qwewq | 2 | | sadl | 121 | asd | 3 |
| asaa | 1 | ==================================
| 121 | 3 |
i some what manage to get the user information correctly by using HashSet and display tag the code goes like this...
public ArrayList loadData() throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException {
ArrayList<UserData> userList = new ArrayList<UserData>();
try {
String name;
String fatherName;
int Id;
int age;
String address;
ps = con.prepareStatement(query);
ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();
while ( {
name = rs.getString(1);
fatherName = rs.getString(2);
age = rs.getInt(3);
address = rs.getString(4);
//Id = rs.getInt(5);
UserData list = new UserData();
} catch (Exception e) {
ArrayList al = new ArrayList();
HashSet hs = new HashSet();
//return (userList);
return al;
and my display tag goes like this in jsp...
<display:table id="data" name="sessionScope.UserForm.userList" requestURI="/" pagesize="15" >
<display:column property="name" title="NAME" sortable="true" />
<display:column property="fatherName" title="User Name" sortable="true" />
<display:column property="age" title="AGE" sortable="true" />
<display:column property="address" title="ADDRESS" sortable="true" />
as u can see i am displaying only user information not his photo uploaded i want to display his uploaded filename also. i some what created another table to store his photo information. if i include Imagepath attribute in my sql query than their will be duplicate rows means if user have uploaded 5 photos than display tag will display five records with same information with different ImagePath.
so any can tell me hoe make it to display only one record of user information with his multiple ImagePath so that it not display user information repeatedly.
Thanks In Advance


flink table API not processing records

I read json data from Kafka and tried to process the data with flink table API.
StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
StreamTableEnvironment tEnv = StreamTableEnvironment.create(env);
"create table inputTable(" +
"`src_ip` STRING," +
"`src_port` STRING," +
"`bytes_from_src` BIGINT," +
"`pkts_from_src` BIGINT," +
"`ts` TIMESTAMP(2) METADATA FROM 'timestamp'," +
") WITH (" +
"'connector' = 'kafka'," +
"'topic' = 'test'," +
"'properties.bootstrap.servers' = 'localhost:9092'," +
"'' = 'testGroup'," +
"'scan.startup.mode' = 'earliest-offset'," +
"'format' = 'json'," +
"'' = 'true'," +
"'json.ignore-parse-errors' = 'false'" +
Table inputTable = tEnv.from("inputTable");
Table windowedTable = inputTable
.groupBy($("w"), $("src_ip"))
There are 4 records in Kafka. The flink program prints out the schema info and the inputTable as the following:
Connected to the target VM, address: '', transport: 'socket'
`src_ip` STRING,
`src_port` STRING,
`bytes_from_src` BIGINT,
`pkts_from_src` BIGINT,
| op | src_ip | src_port | bytes_from_src | pkts_from_src | ts |
| +I | | 53159 | 120 | 3 | 2021-08-13 14:59:56.00 |
| +I | | 39409 | 100 | 2 | 2021-08-13 14:58:11.00 |
| +I | | 56758 | 336 | 6 | 2021-08-13 14:59:14.00 |
| +I | | 40001 | 80 | 2 | 2021-08-13 14:57:04.00 |
After that, nothing is printed out. The program did not exit. I am running the flink within IDEA. At this point, it seems like a black box. There is no output, and I do not know how to trace a flink program.
If I commented out the line inputTable.execute().print();, the schema info is printed out, but nothing after that and the program does not exit.
The flink version used is 1.14.2.
I believe those records are being processed, and are being added to the window. But event time windows are triggered by watermarks, and the watermark isn't becoming large enough to trigger the window. To get this to work you need to process an event with a timestamp past the end of the window -- i.e., 2021-08-13 15:00:00.00 or larger.
For debugging, the Flink web dashboard is helpful in situations like this. You can see if events are being processed, examine the watermarks, etc. See Flink webui when running from IDE for help in setting it up.

Create a list of lists from two columns in a data frame - Scala

I have a data frame where passengerId and path are Strings. The path represents the flight path of the passenger so passenger 10096 started in country CO and traveled to country BM. I need to find out the longest amount of flights each passenger has without traveling to the UK.
|passengerId| path|
| 10096| co,bm|
| 10351| pk,uk|
| 10436| co,co,cn,tj,us,ir|
| 1090| dk,tj,jo,jo,ch,cn|
| 11078| pk,no,fr,no|
| 11332|sg,cn,co,bm,sg,jo...|
| 11563|us,sg,th,cn,il,uk...|
| 1159| ca,cl,il,sg,il|
| 11722| dk,dk,pk,sg,cn|
| 11888|au,se,ca,tj,th,be...|
| 12394| dk,nl,th|
| 12529| no,be,au|
| 12847| cn,cg|
| 13192| cn,tk,cg,uk,uk|
| 13282| co,us,iq,iq|
| 13442| cn,pk,jo,us,ch,cg|
| 13610| be,ar,tj,no,ch,no|
| 13772| be,at,iq|
| 13865| be,th,cn,il|
| 14157| sg,dk|
I need to get it like this.
val data = List(
I'm trying to use this solution but I can't make this list of lists. It also seems like the input used in the solution has each country code as a separate item in the list, while my path column has the country codes listed as a single element to describe the flight path.
If the goal is just to generate the list of destinations from a string, you can simply use split:
df.withColumn("path", split('path, ","))
If the goal is to compute the maximum number of steps without going to the UK, you could do something like this:
// split the string on 'uk' and generate one row per sub journey
.withColumn("path", explode(split('path, ",?uk,?")))
// compute the size of each sub journey
.withColumn("path_size", size(split('path, ",")))
// retrieve the longest one
.agg(max('path_size) as "max_path_size")

Calculate total number of orders in different statuses

I want to create simple dashboard where I want to show the number of orders in different statuses. The statuses can be New/Cancelled/Finished/etc
Where should I implement these criteria? If I add filter in the Cube Browser then it applies for the whole dashboard. Should I do that in KPI? Or should I add calculated column with 1/0 values?
My expected output is something like:
| Total | New | Finished | Cancelled |
| 1000 | 100 | 800 | 100 |
I'd use measures for that, something like:
CountTotal = COUNT('Orders'[OrderID])
CountNew = CALCULATE(COUNT('Orders'[OrderID]), 'Orders'[Status] = "New")
CountFinished = CALCULATE(COUNT('Orders'[OrderID]), 'Orders'[Status] = "Finished")
CountCancelled = CALCULATE(COUNT('Orders'[OrderID]), 'Orders'[Status] = "Cancelled")

Display Multiple appointement per day from database in html table

I use Codeigniter 3 and bootstrap 3, i have a table RDV (Doctor Appointment) in database i want to display doctor appointment in a view from data base.
i want the output should look like this:
|2016-06-13 | 03:28 |Consultation |IHAB BARI |
| | 05:00 |Viste |ISSHAK KOMA |
| | 06:15 |Esthetique |ABASS DOSSO |
|2016-07-17 | 08:10 |Visite |KOKO TASSI |
the table in database : ID | DATE | HEURE_RDV | MOTIF_RDV | PATIENT | DETAIL_RDV
in a model i have this code :
public function rdv_selectAll_mdl()
$query = $this->db->get('rdv');
return $query;
in controller :
public function rdv_selectAll()
$query = $this->calender_model->rdv_selectAll_mdl();
$data = array();
foreach ($query->result() as $row) {
$data[$row->dateRdv][] = $row->heureRdv;
$data[$row->dateRdv][] = $row->patientRdv;
$data[$row->dateRdv][] = $row->motifRdv;
$data[$row->dateRdv][] = $row->detailRdv;
with this controller i tried to put the time and event and patient and detail in one date im not sure if it is correct or not , im think about a multidimentionnel array to put multi rows in one row and use the rowspan in html table,if its correct how can loop in view any one can help me with a solution please.
Why don't you do :
$data['rdv'] = $query->result_array();
and then inside of view
foreach($rdv as $r){
//echo your columns for every row
or if you want this to be even better, you can use table library, check it here:
with table library you would do something like :
//add bootstrap class to table
$tmpl = array ( 'table_open' => '<table class="table">' );
//get your table
$data['rdv'] = $query->result_array();
//add table th
//loop inside of results
foreach($data['rdv'] as $t){
//generate table and pass it to view
$data['table'] = $this->table->generate();
and then inside of view just do
echo $table;
edit for question inside of comment :
//loop inside of results
foreach($data['rdv'] as $t){
if($daterd == $t['dateRdv']){
$t['dateRdv'] = "";
else {$daterd = $t['dateRdv'];}

Count unique rows of column in Array of object

Ruby 1.9.3-p194
Rails 3.2.8
Here's what I need.
Count the different human resources (human_resource_id) and divide this by the total number of assignments (assignment_id).
So, the answer for the dummy-data as given below should be:
1.5 assignments per human resource
But I just don't know where to go anymore.
Here's what I tried:
Table name: Assignments
id | human_resource_id | assignment_id | assignment_start_date | assignment_expected_end_date
80101780 | 20200132 | 80101780 | 2012-10-25 | 2012-10-31
80101300 | 20200132 | 80101300 | 2012-07-07 | 2012-07-31
80101308 | 21100066 | 80101308 | 2012-07-09 | 2012-07-17
At first I need to make a selection for the period I need to 'look' at. This is always from max a year ago.
a = Assignment.find(:all, :conditions => { :assignment_expected_end_date => ( - 1.year)..DateTimenow })
=> [
#<Assignment id: 80101780, human_resource_id: "20200132", assignment_id: "80101780", assignment_start_date: "2012-10-25", assignment_expected_end_date: "2012-10-31">,
#<Assignment id: 80101300, human_resource_id: "20200132", assignment_id: "80101300", assignment_start_date: "2012-07-07", assignment_expected_end_date: "2012-07-31">,
#<Assignment id: 80101308, human_resource_id: "21100066", assignment_id: "80101308", assignment_start_date: "2012-07-09", assignment_expected_end_date: "2012-07-17">
foo = a.group_by(&:human_resource_id)
Now I got a beautiful 'Array of hash of object' and I just don't know what to do next.
Can someone help me?
You can try to execute the request in SQL :
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_value('SELECT count(distinct human_resource_id) / count(distinct assignment_id) AS ratio FROM assignments');
You could do something like
human_resource_count = assignments.collect{|a| a.human_resource_id}.uniq.count
assignment_count = assignments.collect{|a| a.assignment_id}.uniq.count
result = human_resource_count/assignment_count
