Initialize an array from XAML at runtime - silverlight

I'd like to initialize an array from XAML in runtime, sort of like on Android.
I've tried doing it like this:
<coll:ArrayList x:Key="Hello"></coll:ArrayList>
But when I try to load it from XAML like this
new ResourceDictionary { Source = new Uri("Commands/MPC/resources.xaml", UriKind.Relative) }
I get an exception. Not sure if I'm doing that right.

You can't use System.Collections.ArrayList in Silverlight, because Silverlight doesn't have it. See the MSDN documentation for the System.Collections namespace.
One thing you can do is create a subclass of System.Collections.Generic.List<T> that does nothing more than fill in a value for the generic type parameter:
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class MyList : List<object>
// Class has empty body
Then you can use it in XAML:
<mycoll:MyList x:Key="Hello"></mycoll:MyList>
If you know you're only going to be using this class with objects of type SomeType, you can subclass List<SomeType> instead of List<object>.


Get ResourceDictionary source from static member with design-time support

My basic goal is to have a ResourceDictionary in a dll which I can use in another WPF project via ResourceDictionary.MergedDictionaries. But I don't want to reference the ResourceDictionary by hard-coding the URI in the XAML of the referencing application, I want to instead reference some static member which will provide the URI.
I have some simplified code which is "working", but only at runtime. At design-time it throws errors and I get no IntelliSense support. For this simplified example, everything is in one assembly (no separate dll).
Dic.xaml (the resource dictionary I want to reference):
<ResourceDictionary xmlns=""
<SolidColorBrush Color="Blue" x:Key="BlueBrush"/>
Foo (the module to hold the static member with the URI):
(VB.NET version)
Public Module Foo
'[VBTest] is the name of assembly
Public ReadOnly Property URI As New Uri("pack://application:,,,/VBTest;component/Dic.xaml")
End Module
(C# version)
public static class Foo
//[VBTest] is the name of assembly
public static Uri URI { get; } = new Uri("pack://application:,,,/VBTest;component/Dic.xaml");
And then finally, the place in the application where I want to reference the ResourceDictionary:
<Window x:Class="MainWindow"
<ResourceDictionary Source="{x:Static local:Foo.URI}"/>
<Border Width="100" Height="100" Background="{StaticResource BlueBrush}"/>
At design-time, I get two errors:
XDG0062 An error occurred while finding the resource dictionary "".
XDG0062 The resource "BlueBrush" could not be resolved.
However, the project will build and run just fine. And will show the intended blue square.
The question is, how can I get this to work at design-time?
I found a thankfully easy workaround. Maybe not the prettiest, but it is elegant. I took inspiration from this answer to a somewhat related question.
By creating my own class inheriting from ResourceDictionary, I can better control the loading behavior. That sounds like it would be complicated, but really all I had to do was set Source as part of the constructor and everything just worked.
The below is added to the code file (outsite of Module/static class Foo):
Public Class StylesResourceDictionary
Inherits ResourceDictionary
Public Sub New()
Source = URI
End Sub
End Class
Note that Source = URI is referencing Foo.URI from the question code.
And then the XAML file becomes:
<Window x:Class="MainWindow"
<Border Width="100" Height="100" Background="{StaticResource BlueBrush}"/>
And bam, full design-time support without hard-coding the URI into the referencing application. Control of the ResourceDictionary and its URI is now in the domain of the dll, and can be referenced in a (kinda) static fashion using the dedicated class.

In XAML, specify an Icon from another assembly

I'm new to WPF and XAML. I have the following solution which WORKS using codebehind. But it seems to me to be something that should be easier to specify in XAML.
I want to set the Icon to a resource in another assembly (specifically, so the "FlowDecisionIcon" in System.Activities.Presentation). The following code works, when added to the constructor in the codebehind:
InitializeComponent(); // This was already there
ResourceDictionary dict = new ResourceDictionary { Source = new Uri("pack://application:,,,/System.Activities.Presentation;V4.0.0.0;31bf3856ad364e35;component/themes/icons.xaml") };
Icon = this.Resources["FlowDecisionIcon"] as DrawingBrush;
I was hoping there would be a nice way for me to specify this either in the XAML as something like:
<Window xmlns:sap="clr-namespace:System.Activities.Presentation;assembly=System.Activities.Presentation"
Icon="sap:FlowDecisionIcon"> ...
Or, just specify it in Visual Studio in the Properties panel for the Icon property. But I've been unsuccessful in figuring out the syntax to do either.
It seems that you're in a Window control.
<Window Icon="{DynamicReosurce FlowDecisionIcon}"
<ReosurceDictionary Source="pack://application:,,,/System.Activities.Presentation;V4.0.0.0;31bf3856ad364e35;component/themes/icons.xaml" />
But, it's advised to move the merging of the resources to the App.xaml file.

Define a string as a static resource

IS there a way to define a constant string to be used as a static resource across the whole application?
I am running a Wpf application but there is no main xaml form. The application is a collection of xaml controls handled by a single classic .cs form.
You can define it as an application resource:
<Application x:Class="xxxxxx"
<clr:String x:Key="MyConstString">My string</clr:String>
Supplemantary to the answer by #FelicePollano - for code indentation to work I put this as a separate 'answer'.
If you happen to have your original constant defined in a .cs-file you can avoid duplicating its value in <Application.Resources> by this:
<x:Static x:Key="MyConstString" Member="local:Constants.MyString" />
For the reference local above to work you need to include the namespace xmlns:local="clr-namespace:Utils" in the tag <Application>.
The cs-class could then look like this:
namespace Utils
public class Constants
public const string MyString = "My string";
An example on usage in the xaml-code could then be:
<TextBlock Text="{StaticResource MyConstString}" />
Just add a resource dictionary XAML file, let's say it's named Dictionary.xaml (Visual Studio can create you one automatically)
Then, add your static resource in this dictionary.
To finish, reference the dictionary in all your XAML controls:
<ResourceDictionary Source="Dictionary.xaml"/>
You can use like this:
First, sample constant variable:
namespace Constants
public class ControlNames
public const string WrapperGridName = "WrapperGrid";
And second XAML using:
<TextBlock Text="{x:Static Member=Constants:ControlNames.WrapperGridName}"

Error when adding code behind for Silverlight resource dictionary: AG_E_PARSER_BAD_TYPE

It should be possible to add a code behind file for a resource dictionary in Silverlight, but I keep getting the same error, thrown from the InitializeComponent method of my App.xaml constructor: XamlParseException: AG_E_PARSER_BAD_TYPE.
The resource dictionary xaml file looks like this:
If I remove the x:Class attribute everything works fine again (of course, I double-checked the class name and it's correct). My App.xaml file isn't really exciting and just contains a reference to the resource dictionary:
<Application xmlns=""
<ResourceDictionary Source="ProvisiorResourceDictionary.xaml"/>
What am I doing wrong?
Kind regards,
Ronald Wildenberg
Silverlight does not support the x:ClassModifier thats only supported in WPF.
In addition x:Class isn't valid in a Resource dictionary. Certainly when trying to include the Xaml from the resource dictionary as a merged dictionary Silverlight wouldn't know what to do with the x:Class at that point.
Actually the above isn't strictly true x:Class is valid but the way you are including the dictionary in the application dictionary needs tweaking. Let me first just state that there is the assumption here that you actually need to sub-class ResourceDictionary (if not just drop the x:Class).
I'm also going to go out on a limb based on your inclusion of x:ClassModifier that you actually don't have a ProvisiorResourceDictionary.xaml.cs file in your project. Since SL always creates a public partial you need this file to contain at least:-
public partial class ProvisiorResourceDictionary
public ProvisiorResourceDictionary()
That said if don't have something like this already then you may as well just drop x:Class altogether.
Now your app.xaml needs to look like this:-
<common:ProvisiorResourceDictionary />
Instead of trying to import the XAML file as resource via the Source property you now include an instance of the specialised ResourceDictionary.
Is the ProvisiorResourceDictionary class public? If not, maybe you need to specify the x:ClassModifier attribute as well.

Overspecified Namespace in UserControl fails WPF Build

I have a very simple user control, and I'm trying to instantiate it in XAML. I find that when I go a bit overzealous with the namespacing, I run into problems with x:Name.
Here is my UserControl:
<UserControl x:Class="UserControlTest.UserControl1"
xmlns:x="" Width="300" Height="300">
<Label Name="Label1">Label</Label>
Here is the code-behind for the UserControl:
Namespace UserControlTest
Partial Public Class UserControl1
End Class
End Namespace
Now, note that I have the root namespace of my VB.Net project set to "UserControlTest". Knowing that, have a look at my main window:
Here is my main window:
<Window x:Class="Window1"
Title="Window1" Height="300" Width="300">
<control:UserControl1 />
See how the control alias needs to have "UserControlTest.UserControlTest"? That's because I have the root namespace of my project set to UserControlTest, and I have defined the namespace of the UserControl to be UserControlTest, also. If I don't use a namespace for the UserControl, I don't have any troubles.
However, because I have done this, the build fails should I try to apply an x:Name to the UserControl, as follows:
<control:UserControl1 x:Name="test"/>
That will fail the build, with this error:
Type 'UserControlTest.UserControlTest.UserControl1' is not defined.
Can anybody explain why? Do I need to avoid putting my UserControls into namespaces just so I can give them x:Name values? I'd like to manipulate my UserControls from code-behind, and without an x:Name, I'm up the creek. But I don't want to sacrifice namespace usage just to get it!
Thanks very much.
I had the same problem (after rebuilding the project, first it worked fine...). I put UserControl into separate namespace.
What is the namespace defined as in the code-behind of your user control?
If your project was called Foo and you had a folder called Controls inside that project, any new user control added to that folder would be given the namespace Foo.Controls.
Then in your XAML you can reference it like so:
<Controls:UserControl1 x:Name="uc1"/>
It seems like you have a naming issue.
Here's how I'm doing it in a project of mine.
namespace Client.Controls.UserControls
public partial class StatusBar : UserControl
<UserControl x:Class="Client.Controls.UserControls.StatusBar">
using Client.Controls.UserControls;
namespace Client
public partial class Main : Window
<Window x:Class="Client.Main"
<UserControls:StatusBar x:Name="mainStatusBar" />
I encountered the same problem in a project, and despite trying the suggestions here and elsewhere, could not solve the issue. In fact, I was able to take the exact same code out of our project to a new project, and it worked just fine (as far as I could determine all the configuration in the new project was identical). In the solution provided by David, I notice he is using c# - I am wondering if this is some weirdness associated with
In the end, the user control I needed to use was quite simple and I implemented it as a resource ControlTemplate to get around the issue. Sorry I don't have a better answer, I am really not happy wih my findings...
