C function call and parameter tracing - test case and mock generation - c

I have a large code base of quite old C code on an embedded system and unfortunately there are no automated test cases/suites. This makes restructuring and refactoring code a dangerous task.
Manually writing test cases is very time consuming, so I thought that it should be possible to automate at least some part of this process for instance by tracing all the function calls and recording of the input and output values. I could then use these values in the test cases (this would not work for all but at least for some functions). It would probably also be possible to create mock functions based on the gathered data.
Having such test cases would make refactoring a less dangerous activity.
Are there any solutions that already can do this? What would be the easiest way to get this to work if I had to code it myself?
I thought about using ctags to find the function definitions, and wrapping them in a function that records the parameter values. Another possibility would probably be a gcc compiler plugin.

There is a gcc option "-finstrument-functions", which mechanism you can use to define your own callbacks for each funtion's entry/exit.
Google it and you can find many good examples.
[Edit] with this gcc option's call back you can only track the function's entry/exit,not the params. but with some tricks you may also track the params. (walk through the current frame pointer to get the param on the stack).
Here is an article talk about the idea of the implementation:
Furthermore, depends on your embedded system, on linux you can try something like ltrace to show the params(like the strace way). There are many tools do the function trace work either in userspace or kernelspace on linux, ftrace/ust/ltrace/utrace/strace/systemtap/. Anyway, if you do not add any hard debugging code, it's not possible to display the params in the correct way. If you accept the efforts to add entry/exit debugging infomation, then it's much easier.
Also here is a similar thread talk about this problem.
Tool to trace local function calls in Linux


Enable mocking for unit testing a library in C

In our environment we're encountering a problem regarding mocking functions for our library unit tests.
The thing is that instead of mocking whole modules (.c files) we would like to mock single functions.
The library is compiled to an archive file and linked statically to the unit test. Without mocking there isn't any issue.
Now when trying to mock single functions of the library we would get multiple definitions obviously.
My approach now is to use the weak function attribute when compiling/linking the library so that the linker takes the mocked (non-weak) function when linking against the unit test. I already tested it and it seems to work as expected.
The downside of this is that we need many attribute declarations in the code.
My final approach would be to pass some compile or link arguments to the compiler, that every function is automatically declared as a weak symbol.
The question now is: Is there anything to do this in a nice way?
btw: We use clang 8 as a compiler.
James Grenning describes several options to solve this problem (http://blog.wingman-sw.com/linker-substitution-in-c-limitations-and-workarounds). The option "function pointer substitution" gives a high degree of freedom. It works as follows: Replace functions by pointers to functions. The function pointers are initialized to point to the original function, but each pointer can be redirected individually to a test double.
This approach allows to have one single test executable where you can still decide for each test case individually for which function you use a test double and for which you use the original function.
It certainly also comes at a price:
One indirection for each call. But, if you use link-time-optimization the optimizer will most likely eliminate that indirection again, so this may not be an issue.
You make it possible to redirect function calls also in production code. This would certainly be a misuse of the concept, however.
I would suggest using VectorCAST
I've used, unity/cmock and others for unit testing C in the past, but after a while its vary tedious to manually create these for a language that isnt really built around that concept and is very much a heres a Hammer and Chissel the world is yours approach.
VectorCAST abstracts majority of the manual work that is required with tools like Unity/Cmock, we can get results across a project/module sooner and quicker than we did in the past with the other tools.
Is vectorCAST expensive and very much an enterprise level tool? yes... but its defiantly worth its weight in gold. And thats coming from someone who is very old school, manual approach to software development... just text editors, terminals and commandline debuggers.
VetorCAST handles function pointers and pointers extremely well, stubbing functions is easy as two clicks away. It saved our team alot of time... allowing us to focus on results and reducing the feedback loop of development.

Is there a reliable way to get the call location of a wrapped function in a Valgrind tool?

I'm writing a valgrind tool which as part of it's instrumentation, replaces certain function calls using the function replacement mechanism valgrind supplies. The replacement function immediately finesses the arguments and calls into the tool code using the client request mechanism. The thing is, once I'm in the tool I want to know the location where the replacement function was called, so I can use it to accurately report results to the user. But I can't find a reliable, cross-platform way to do this. So far I've gotten it working on Linux by instrumenting every AbiHint to store it's address in tool memory if it appears to be in a user code location, and then picking up that address once we're in the tool code called by the replacement function. But from what I've read, I won't be able to rely on these AbiHints cross-platform, and it seems like a hacky, brittle solution anyway. Is there a good way to do this?
A tool reports errors to user use the functions available in pub_tool_errormgr.h
These will report the guest stack trace, which should give the location at which
the replaced function was called.
You can also if needed directly get a guest stack trace using functions from pub_tool_execontext.h.

How to automatically call all functions in C source code

have you ever heard about automatic C code generators?
I have to do a kind of strange API functionality research which includes at least one attempt of every function execution. It may lead to crushes, segmentation faults - no matter. I just need to register every function call.
So i got a long list (several hundreds) of functions from sources using
ctags -x --c-kinds=f *.c
Can i use any tool to generate code calling every of them? Thanks a lot.
UPD: thanks for all your answers.
You could also consider customizing the GCC compiler, e.g. with a MELT extension (which e.g. would generate the testing during some customized compilation). Then you might even define your own #pragma or __attribute__ to parameterize these functions (enabling their auto-testing, giving default arguments for testing, etc etc).
However, I'm not sure it is the right approach for unit testing. There are many unit testing frameworks (but I am not very familiar with them).
Maybe something like autoconf could help you with that: as described here. In particular check for AC_CHECK_FUNCS. Autoconf creates small programs to test the existence of registered functions.

Is there an easy way to find which other functions can call a certain function from the source code?

I have a function which is called explicitly by 4 other functions in my code base. Then in turn each of these functions is called by at least 10 other functions throughout my code. I know that I could, by hand, trace one of these function calls to the main function of my program (which has 30 function calls) but it seems like this would be a better job for the computer. I just want to know which of the functions in main() is calling this buried function.
Does anyone know of any software that could help?
Also, using a debugger is out of the question. That would have been too easy. The software only runs on a hand held device.
doxygen, correctly configured, is able to output an HTML document with navigable caller list and called-by list for every function in your code. You can generate call graphs as well.
Comment it out (or better, comment out its prototype) and try to compile your program. You should see, where it is referenced.
If your platform has an API to capture backtraces, I would just instrument up the function to use those and log them to a file for later analysis. There's no guarantee that this will find all callers (or callers-of-...-of-callers), but if you exercise all of the programs features while logging like this, you should find "most" of them. For relatively simple programs, it is possible to find all callers this way.
Alternatively, many sampling tools can get you this information.
However, I have a suspicion that you may be on a platform that doesn't have a lot of these features, so a static source-analysis tool (like mouviciel suggested) is likely your best option. Assuming that you can make it work for you, this has the added benefit that it should find all callers, not just most of them.
http://cscope.sourceforge.net/ I think this also can be useful.
I second mouviciel's suggestion of using doxygen for getting this info. The downside is that doxygen is working on the source code. You can only see what functions CAN POTENTIALLY call your function, not the ones that are ACTUALLY CALLING your function. If you are using Linux and you can change the source code of the function in question, you can obtain this info using the backtrace() and the backtrace_symbols() functions.

Optimized code on Unix?

What is the best and easiest method to debug optimized code on Unix which is written in C?
Sometimes we also don't have the code for building an unoptimized library.
This is a very good question. I had similar difficulties in the past where I had to integrate 3rd party tools inside my application. From my experience, you need to have at least meaningful callstacks in the associated symbol files. This is merely a list of addresses and associated function names. These are usually stripped away and from the binary alone you won't get them... If you have these symbol files you can load them while starting gdb or afterward by adding them. If not, you are stuck at the assembly level...
One weird behavior: even if you have the source code, it'll jump forth and back at places where you would not expect (statements may be re-ordered for better performance) or variables don't exist anymore (optimized away!), setting breakpoints in inlined functions is pointless (they are not there but part of the place where they are inlined). So even with source code, watch out these pitfalls.
I forgot to mention, the symbol files usually have the extension .gdb, but it can be different...
This question is not unlike "what is the best way to fix a passenger car?"
The best way to debug optimized code on UNIX depends on exactly which UNIX you have, what tools you have available, and what kind of problem you are trying to debug.
Debugging a crash in malloc is very different from debugging an unresolved symbol at runtime.
For general debugging techniques, I recommend this book.
Several things will make it easier to debug at the "assembly level":
You should know the calling
convention for your platform, so you
can tell what values are being passed
in and returned, where to find the
this pointer, which registers are "caller saved" and which are "callee saved", etc.
You should know your OS "calling convention" -- what a system call looks like, which register a syscall number goes into, the first parameter, etc.
You should
"master" the debugger: know how to
find threads, how to stop individual
threads, how to set a conditional
breakpoint on individual instruction, single-step, step into or skip over function calls,
It often helps to debug a working program and a broken program "in parallel". If version 1.1 works and version 1.2 doesn't, where do they diverge with respect to a particular API? Start both programs under debugger, set breakpoints on the same set of functions, run both programs and observe differences in which breakpoints are hit, and what parameters are passed.
Write small code samples by the same interfaces (something in its header), and call your samples instead of that optimized code, say simulation, to narrow down the code scope which you debug. Furthermore you are able to do error enjection in your samples.
