fixed point fx notation and converting - c

I have a fx1.15 notation. The underlying integer value is 63183 (register value).
Now, according to wikipedia the the complete length is 15 bits. The value does not fit inside, right?
So assuming it is a fx1.16 value, how do I convert it to a human readable value?

To convert a fixed-point value into something human-readable, do a floating-point divide by 2 to the number of fractional bits. For example, if there are 15 fractional bits, 2^15 = 32768, so you would use something like this:
int x = <fixed-point-value-in-1.15-format>
printf("x = %g\n", x / 32768.0);
Now converting fixed-point numbers to floating-point and invoking printf() are expensive operations, and they usually destroy any performance gained by using fixed-point. I presume you are only doing this for diagnostic purposes.
Also, note that if your platform is doing fixed-point because floating-point operations are forbidden or not available, then you'll have to do something different, along the lines of manually doing the decimal conversion. Model the integer as the underlying floating-point value multiplied by 32768 and go from there. There's some useful fixed-point code here.
p.s. I'm not sure you're still interested in this answer, ashirk, (I wrote it more for others), but if you are, welcome to Stack Overflow!


Matlab "single" precision vs C floating point?

My Matlab script reads a string value "0.001044397222448" from a file, and after parsing the file, this value printed in the console shows as double precision:
value_double =
After I convert this number to singe using value_float = single(value_double), the value shows as:
value_float =
What is the real value of this variable, that I later use in my Simulink simulation? Is it really truncated/rounded to 0.0010444?
My problem is that later on, after I compare this with analogous C code, I get differences. In the C code the value is read as float gf = 0.001044397222448f; and it prints out as 0.001044397242367267608642578125000. So the C code keeps good precision. But, does Matlab?
The number 0.001044397222448 (like the vast majority of decimal fractions) cannot be exactly represented in binary floating point.
As a single-precision float, it's most closely represented as (hex) 0x0.88e428 × 2-9, which in decimal is 0.001044397242367267608642578125.
In double precision, it's most closely represented as 0x0.88e427d4327300 × 2-9, which in decimal is 0.001044397222447999984407118745366460643708705902099609375.
Those are what the numbers are, internally, in both C and Matlab.
Everything else you see is an artifact of how the numbers are printed back out, possibly rounded and/or truncated.
When I said that the single-precision representation "in decimal is 0.001044397242367267608642578125", that's mildly misleading, because it makes it look like there are 28 or more digits' worth of precision. Most of those digits, however, are an artifact of the conversion from base 2 back to base 10. As other answers have noted, single-precision floating point actually gives you only about 7 decimal digits of precision, as you can see if you notice where the single- and double-precision equivalents start to diverge:
Similarly, double precision gives you roughly 16 decimal digits worth of precision, as you can see if you compare the results of converting a few previous and next mantissa values:
0x0.88e427d43272f8 0.00104439722244799976756668424826557384221814572811126708984375
0x0.88e427d4327300 0.001044397222447999984407118745366460643708705902099609375
0x0.88e427d4327308 0.00104439722244800020124755324246734744519926607608795166015625
0x0.88e427d4327310 0.0010443972224480004180879877395682342466898262500762939453125
This also demonstrates why you can never exactly represent your original value 0.001044397222448 in binary. If you're using double, you can have 0.00104439722244799998, or you can have 0.0010443972224480002, but you can't have anything in between. (You'd get a little less close with float, and you could get considerably closer with long double, but you'll never get your exact value.)
In C, and whether you're using float or double, you can ask for as little or as much precision as you want when printing things with %f, and under a high-quality implementation you'll always get properly-rounded results. (Of course the results you get will always be the result of rounding the actual, internal value, not necessarily the decimal value you started with.) For example, if I run this code:
printf("%.5f\n", 0.001044397222448);
printf("%.10f\n", 0.001044397222448);
printf("%.15f\n", 0.001044397222448);
printf("%.20f\n", 0.001044397222448);
printf("%.30f\n", 0.001044397222448);
printf("%.40f\n", 0.001044397222448);
printf("%.50f\n", 0.001044397222448);
printf("%.60f\n", 0.001044397222448);
printf("%.70f\n", 0.001044397222448);
I see these results, which as you can see match the analysis above.
(Note that this particular example is using double, not float.)
I'm not sure how Matlab prints things.
In answer to your specific questions:
What is the real value of this variable, that I later use in my Simulink simulation? Is it really truncated/rounded to 0.0010444?
As a float, it is really "truncated" to a number which, converted back to decimal, is exactly 0.001044397242367267608642578125. But as we've seen, most of those digits are essentially meaningless, and the result can more properly thought of as being about 0.0010443972.
In the C code the value is read as float gf = 0.001044397222448f; and it prints out as 0.001044397242367267608642578125000
So C got the same answer I did -- but, again, most of those digits are not meaningful.
So the C code keeps good precision. But, does Matlab?
I'd be willing to bet that Matlab keeps the same internal precision for ordinary floats and doubles.
MATLAB uses IEEE-754 binary64 for its double-precision type and binary32 for single-precision. When 0.001044397222448 is rounded to the nearest value representable in binary64, the result is 4816432068447840•2−62 = 0.001044397222447999984407118745366460643708705902099609375.
When that is rounded to the nearest value representable in binary32, the result is 8971304•2−33 = 0.001044397242367267608642578125.
Various software (C, Matlab, others) displays floating-point numbers in diverse ways, with more or fewer digits. The above values are the exact numbers represented by the floating-point data, per the IEEE 754 specification, and they are the values the data has when used in arithmetic operations.
All single precisions should be the same
So here is the thing. According to documentation, both matlab and C comply with the IEEE 754 standard. Which means that there should not be any difference between what is actually stored in memory.
You could compute the binary representation by hand but according to this(thanks #Danijel) handy website, the representation of 0.001044397222448 should be 0x3a88e428.
The question is how precise is your representation? It is a bit tricky with floating point but the short answer is your number is accurate up to the 9th decimal and has decimal represented up to the 33rd decimal. If you want the long answer see the tow paragraphs at the end of this post.
A display issue
The fact that you are not seeing the same thing when you print does not mean that you don't have the same bits in memory (and you should have the exact same bytes in memory in C and MATLAB). The only reason you see a difference on your display is because the print functions truncate your number. If you print the 33 decimals in each language you should not have any difference.
To do so in matlab use: fprintf('%.33f', value_float);
To do so in c use printf('%.33f\n', gf);
About floating point precision
Now in more details, the question was: how precise is this representation? Well the tricky thing with floating point is that the precision of the representation depends on what number you are representing. The representation is over 32 bits and is divide with 1 bit for the sign, 8 for the exponent and 23 for the fraction.
The number can be computed as sign * 2^(exponent-127) * 1.fraction. This basically means that the maximal error/precision (depending on how you want to call it) is basically 2^(exponent-127-23), the 23 is here to represent the 23 bytes of the fraction. (There are a few edge cases, I won't elaborate on it). In our case the exponent is 117, which means your precision is 2^(117-127-23) = 1.16415321826934814453125e-10. That means that your single precision float should represent your number accurately up to the 9th decimal, after that it is up to luck.
Further details
I know this is a rather short explanation. For more details, this post explains the floating point imprecision more precisely and this website gives you some useful info and allows you to play visually with the representation.

Trying to recreate printf's behaviour with doubles and given precisions (rounding) and have a question about handling big numbers

I'm trying to recreate printf and I'm currently trying to find a way to handle the conversion specifiers that deal with floats. More specifically: I'm trying to round doubles at a specific decimal place. Now I have the following code:
double ft_round(double value, int precision)
long long int power;
long long int result;
power = ft_power(10, precision);
result = (long long int) (value * power);
return ((double)result / power);
Which works for relatively small numbers (I haven't quite figured out whether printf compensates for truncation and rounding errors caused by it but that's another story). However, if I try a large number like
I get -922337203685.4775391 as output, whereas printf itself gives me
-154584942443242560.0000000 (precision for both outputs is 7).
Both aren't exactly the output I was expecting but I'm wondering if you can help me figure out how I can make my idea for rounding work with larger numbers.
My question is basically twofold:
What exactly is happening in this case, both with my code and printf itself, that causes this output? (I'm pretty new to programming, sorry if it's a dumb question)
Do you guys have any tips on how to make my code capable of handling these bigger numbers?
P.S. I know there are libraries and such to do the rounding but I'm looking for a reinventing-the-wheel type of answer here, just FYI!
You can't round to a particular decimal precision with binary floating point arithmetic. It's not just possible. At small magnitudes, the errors are small enough that you can still get the right answer, but in general it doesn't work.
The only way to round a floating point number as decimal is to do all the arithmetic in decimal. Basically you start with the mantissa, converting it to decimal like an integer, then scale it by powers of 2 (the exponent) using decimal arithmetic. The amount of (decimal) precision you need to keep at each step is roughly (just a bit over) the final decimal precision you want. If you want an exact result, though, it's on the order of the base-2 exponent range (i.e. very large).
Typically rather than using base 10, implementations will use a base that's some large power of 10, since it's equivalent to work with but much faster. 1000000000 is a nice base because it fits in 32 bits and lets you treat your decimal representation as an array of 32-bit ints (comparable to how BCD lets you treat decimal representations as arrays of 4-bit nibbles).
My implementation in musl is dense but demonstrates this approach near-optimally and may be informative.
What exactly is happening in this case, both with my code and printf itself, that causes this output?
Overflow. Either ft_power(10, precision) exceeds LLONG_MAX and/or value * power > LLONG_MAX.
Do you guys have any tips on how to make my code capable of handling these bigger numbers?
Set aside various int types to do rounding/truncation. Use FP routines like round(), nearby(), etc.
double ft_round(double value, int precision) {
// Use a re-coded `ft_power()` that computes/returns `double`
double pwr = ft_power(10, precision);
return round(value * pwr)/pwr;
As well mentioned in this answer, floating point numbers have binary characteristics as well as finite precision. Using only double will extend the range of acceptable behavior. With extreme precision, the value computed with this code be close yet potentially only near the desired result.
Using temporary wider math will extend the acceptable range.
double ft_round(double value, int precision) {
double pwr = ft_power(10, precision);
return (double) (roundl((long double) value * pwr)/pwr);
I haven't quite figured out whether printf compensates for truncation and rounding errors caused by it but that's another story
See Printf width specifier to maintain precision of floating-point value to print FP with enough precision.

c: change variable type without casting

I'm changing an uint32_t to a float but without changing the actual bits.
Just to be sure: I don't wan't to cast it. So float f = (float) i is the exact opposite of what I wan't to do because it changes bits.
I'm going to use this to convert my (pseudo) random numbers to float without doing unneeded math.
What I'm currently doing and what is already working is this:
float random_float( uint64_t seed ) {
// Generate random and change bit format to ieee
uint32_t asInt = (random_int( seed ) & 0x7FFFFF) | (0x7E000000>>1);
// Make it a float
return *(float*)(void*)&asInt; // <-- pretty ugly and nees a variable
The Question: Now I'd like to get rid of the asInt variable and I'd like to know if there is a better / not so ugly way then getting the address of this variable, casting it twice and dereferencing it again?
You could try union - as long as you make sure the types are identical in memory sizes:
union convertor {
int asInt;
float asFloat;
Then you can assign your int to asFloat (or the other way around if you want to). I use it a lot when I need to do bitwise operations on one hand and still get a uint32_t representation on the number on the other hand
Like many of the commentators rightfully state, you must take into consideration values that are not presentable by integers like like NAN, +INF, -INF, +0, -0.
So you seem to want to generate floating point numbers between 0.5 and 1.0 judging from your code.
Assuming that your microcontroller has a standard C library with floating point support, you can do this all standards compliant without actually involving any floating point operations, all you need is the ldexp function that itself doesn't actually do any floating point math.
This would look something like this:
return ldexpf((1 << 23) + random_thing_smaller_than_23_bits(), -24);
The trick here is that we happen to know that IEEE754 binary32 floating point numbers have integer precision between 2^23 and 2^24 (I could be off-by-one here, double check please, I'm translating this from some work I've done on doubles). So the compiler should know how to convert that number to a float trivially. Then ldexp multiplies that number by 2^-24 by just changing the bits in the exponent. No actual floating point operations involved and no undefined behavior, the code is fully portable to any standard C implementation with IEEE754 numbers. Double check the generated code, but a good compiler and c library should not use any floating point instructions here.
If you want to peek at some experiments I've done around generating random floating point numbers you can peek at this github repo. It's all about doubles, but should be trivially translatable to floats.
Reinterpreting the binary representation of an int to a float would result in major problems:
There are a lot of undefined codes in the binary representation of a float.
Other codes represent special conditions, like NAN, +INF, -INF, +0, -0 (sic!), etc.
Also, if that is a random value, even if catching all non-value representations, that would yield a very bad random distribution.
If you are working on an MCU without FPU, you should better think about avoiding float at all. An alternative might be fraction or scaled integers. There are many implementations of algorithms which use float, but can be easily converted to fixed point types with acceptable loss of precision (or even none at all). Some might even yield more precision than float (note that single precision float has only 23 bits of mantissa, an int32 would have 31 bits (+ 1 sign for either), same for a fractional or fixed scaled int.
Note that C11 added (optional) support for _Frac. You might want to research on that.
According you your comments, you seem to convert the int to a float in range 0..<1. For that, you can assemble the float using bit operations on an uint32_t (e.g. the original value). You just need to follow the IEEE format (presumed your toolchain does comply to the C standard! See wikipedia.
The result (still uint32_t) can then be reinterpreted by a union or pointer as described by others already. Pack that in a system-dependent, well-commented library and dig it deep. Do not forget to check about endianess and alignment (likely both the same for float and uint32_t, but important for the bit-ops).

Max value of datatypes in C

I am trying to understand the maximum value that I can store in C. I tried doing printf("%f", pow(2, x)). The answer holds good until x = 1023. It says Inf when x = 1024.
I am sorry that it is a basic question but I am trying to understand how C assigns datatypes' sizes based on my machine.
I have a Mac (64-bit processor). A clear understanding that I have is that my processor being a 64-bit one, it will be able to do calculations up to the value (264). Clearly pow(2, 1023) is greater than that. But my program is working fine till x = 1023. How is this possible? Is GNU compiler has something to do with this?
If this is a duplicate of other question kindly give the link.
In C the pow() functions returns a double, and the double type is typically a 64-bit IEEE format representation of a floating point number.
The basic idea of floating point is to express a number in the same general way as e.g. 1.234×1056. Here you have a mantissa 1.234 and an exponent 56. C++, and probably also C, allows decimal representation for floating point numbers (but not for integer types), but in practice the internal representation will be binary, with a power of 2 rather than a power of 10.
The limit you ran up against was the supported range for the exponent in your compiler's representation of double numbers; probably 64-bit IEEE 754.
The limits of the various built-in integral numerical types are available as symbolic constants from <limits.h>. The limits of the built-in floating point types are available as symbolic constants from <float.h>. See the table over at for more details.
In C++ these limits are also available via the numeric_limits class template from <limits>.
"64-bit processor" typically means that it can deal with integers that contain at most 64 bits at a time (i.e. in a single instruction), not that it can only process numbers with 64 binary digits or less. Using arbitrary precision arithmetic you can do calculations on numbers that are arbitrarily large, provided that you have enough memory (and time), just like how us humans can do operations on big values with only 10 fingers. Read more here: What is the biggest number you can generate using a 64-bit processor?
However pow(2, 1023) is a little bit different. It's not an integer but a floating-point number (of type double in C) represented by a sign, a mantissa and an exponent like this (-1)sign × 1 × 21023. Not all the digits are stored so it's only accurate to the first few digits. However most systems use binary floating-point types so they can store the precise value of a power of 2 up to a large exponent depending on the exponent range. Most modern systems' floating-point types conform to IEEE-754 standard with double maps to binary64/double precision, therefore the maximum value will be
21023 × (1 + (1 − 2−52)) ≈ 1.7976931348623157 × 10308
The maximum value for a double is DBL_MAX. This is defined by <float.h> in C, or <cfloat> in C++. The numeric value may vary across systems, but you can always refer to it by the macro DBL_MAX.
You can print this:
printf("%f\n", DBL_MAX);
The integer data types all have similar macros defined in <limits.h>: e.g. ULLONG_MAX is the biggest value for unsigned long long. If printing with printf make sure to use the correct format specifier.

The Google Calculator Glitch, could float vs. double be a possible reason?

I did this Just for kicks (so, not exactly a question, i can see the downmodding happening already) but, in lieu of Google's newfound inability to do math correctly (check it! according to google 500,000,000,000,002 - 500,000,000,000,001 = 0), i figured i'd try the following in C to run a little theory.
int main()
char* a = "399999999999999";
char* b = "399999999999998";
float da = atof(a);
float db = atof(b);
printf("%s - %s = %f\n", a, b, da-db);
a = "500000000000002";
b = "500000000000001";
da = atof(a);
db = atof(b);
printf("%s - %s = %f\n", a, b, da-db);
When you run this program, you get the following
399999999999999 - 399999999999998 = 0.000000
500000000000002 - 500000000000001 = 0.000000
It would seem like Google is using simple 32 bit floating precision (the error here), if you switch float for double in the above code, you fix the issue! Could this be it?
For more of this kind of silliness see this nice article pertaining to Windows calculator.
When you change the insides, nobody notices
The innards of Calc - the arithmetic
engine - was completely thrown away
and rewritten from scratch. The
standard IEEE floating point library
was replaced with an
arbitrary-precision arithmetic
library. This was done after people
kept writing ha-ha articles about how
Calc couldn't do decimal arithmetic
correctly, that for example computing
10.21 - 10.2 resulted in 0.0100000000000016.
in C#, try (double.maxvalue == (double.maxvalue - 100)) , you'll get true ...
but thats what it is supposed to be:
thinking about it, you have 64 bit representing a number greater than 2^64 (double.maxvalue), so inaccuracy is expected.
It would seem like Google is using simple 32 bit floating precision (the error here), if you switch float for double in the above code, you fix the issue! Could this be it?
No, you just defer the issue. doubles still exhibit the same issue, just with larger numbers.
thinking about it, you have 64 bit representing a number greater than 2^64 (double.maxvalue), so inaccuracy is expected.
2^64 is not the maximum value of a double. 2^64 is the number of unique values that a double (or any other 64-bit type) can hold. Double.MaxValue is equal to 1.79769313486232e308.
Inaccuracy with floating point numbers doesn't come from representing values larger than Double.MaxValue (which is impossible, excluding Double.PositiveInfinity). It comes from the fact that the desired range of values is simply too large to fit into the datatype. So we give up precision in exchange for a larger effective range. In essense, we are dropping significant digits in return for a larger exponent range.
Not even; the IEEE encodings use multiple encodings for the same values. Specifically, NaN is represented by an exponent of all-bits-1, and then any non-zero value for the mantissa. As such, there are 252 NaNs for doubles, 223 NaNs for singles.
True. I didn't account for duplicate encodings. There are actually 252-1 NaNs for doubles and 223-1 NaNs for singles, though. :p
2^64 is not the maximum value of a double. 2^64 is the number of unique values that a double (or any other 64-bit type) can hold. Double.MaxValue is equal to 1.79769313486232e308.
Not even; the IEEE encodings use multiple encodings for the same values. Specifically, NaN is represented by an exponent of all-bits-1, and then any non-zero value for the mantissa. As such, there are 252 NaNs for doubles, 223 NaNs for singles.
True. I didn't account for duplicate encodings. There are actually 252-1 NaNs for doubles and 223-1 NaNs for singles, though. :p
Doh, forgot to subtract the infinities.
The rough estimate version of this issue that I learned is that 32-bit floats give you 5 digits of precision and 64-bit floats give you 15 digits of precision. This will of course vary depending on how the floats are encoded, but it's a pretty good starting point.
