How can I get notified before a Backbone router call the specific routing function?
I'd like to have a generic "reset" function before rendering every page.
Is there any event I can bind?
Update: the solutions I found are based on extending the router or the history in order to trigger the event.
It looks like the 1.1.x release of Backbone has what you want with the Router.execute method:
MyRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({
routes: {},
// fired before every route.
execute: function(callback, args) {
// ...
if execute function is present it will be called before every route change but you must pass the arguments in callback to properly execute other matching routes.
MyRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({
routes: {},
// fired before every route.
execute: function(callback, args, name) {
//your logic
if (callback) callback.apply(this, args); //this must be called to pass to next route
This plugin does what you want. It works with 0.5.3. I'm not certain if it works with 0.9.1 yet or not.
I' am using this in the constructor and it's working fine
this.bind( "all", this.ACL );
Here ACL is a function
I want to make sure that the user is logged in properly before proceeding to any of the components he/she's trying to reach, if they're not logged in. Send them to login.
My idea is to do a check in the $routerOnActivate in the root router. Which to me would solve the issue for any sub routes.
However nothing seems to happen if i just try to log something. Example:
.config(function($locationProvider) {
.value('$routerRootComponent', 'app')
.component('app', {
controller: MainController,
$routeConfig: [
{ path: '/', name: 'Dashboard', component: 'dashboard', useAsDefault: true },
{ path: '/media', name: 'Media', component: 'media'}
function MainController(){
this.$routerOnActivate = function(next, previous){
console.log('activated', next, previous);
The same code this.$routerOnActivate works if i put it in any of the Components which are specified in the routeConfig. However obviously I don't want to make the same check in every component, but rather solve it once globally.
What is the approach for 1.5?
Instead of performing a check when you load a page, use following:
Angular has a special component lifecycle hook to handle these edge cases named $canActivate - to check whether it should try to activate it or not. You may talk to a authentication/authorization service to validate that for a given user's state, are they allowed to reach your component or not.
This way your component will be smart enough to encapsulate any checks required to activate itself.
Also, you can inject any service like $http or your custom service to talk to your server. In the code snippet below, I mimic this call using $timeout that just returns true, if you return false, your component will not activate.
angular.module('app').component('someComponent', {
template: 'this is an inline component template',
$canActivate: function ($timeout) {
return $timeout(function(){
return true;
}, 2000);
Use another hook named $routerOnActivate to read the next and previous routes. If you are interested in the params of a route, use next.params which is an object that will always have the parameters that were passed to that route. e.g. where id is the parameter that was passed to the requested route.
Use $canActivate using TypeScript:
I've written a post regarding how to use write AngularJS components in TypeScript and have some drafts to use router lifecycle hooks that I'll publish today. Till then, here is the code to use some hooks using TypeScript below:
class ReviewDetailsComponent implements ng.IComponentOptions {
templateUrl = 'app/components/review-details.component.html';
// function member for this hook doesn't work!!
// so either use lambda expression or function directly.
$canActivate = $timeout => $timeout(() => true, 3000);
controllerAs = 'model';
controller = ['$http', ReviewDetailsController];
angular.module('app').component('reviewDetails', new ReviewDetailsComponent());
The typescript code above is same as javascript code snippet above that uses $canActivate.
Unfortunately, it didn't worked when this is defined as a function member in class like $canActivate() and the generated javascript is this member defined using prototype like ReviewDetailsComponent.prototype.$canActivate.
But it works well when written using lambda expression syntax or a function directly. If you are using a class to define a component, it is good to choose lambda expression in this case.
Use $routerOnActivate using TypeScript
The linked controller in this case also uses another lifecycle hook named $routerOnActivate and this works well if defined as a function member:
interface IReviewDetailsController {
id: number;
$routerOnActivate(next, previous);
class ReviewDetailsController implements IReviewDetailsController {
id: number;
constructor(private $http: angular.IHttpService) { }
$routerOnActivate(next, previous) { =;
// talk to cache or server to get item by id
// & show that on UI
Paste from my comment as requested
What about perform your check on the loading on the page ? This would run perfectly in an
And if you want to handle session expiration, you can add an interceptor to all requests and watch for a 401 response.
I am a rails developer new to angular js.
In MVC framework languages we can specify routes for an action or method in controller.
Is there any way to call a function of controller in angular js using angular ui-router
Well, you won't automatically fire a method by specifying correct routing, but you can manage it on your own, like this:
angular('app').config(function( $routeProvider ){
action: "ctrl.default"
angular('app').controller('ctrl', function($route) {
render = function() {
$scope.action = $route.current.action.split( "." );
$scope.$on("$routeChangeSuccess",function( $currentRoute, $previousRoute ){
Basicly, event gets fired every time elements in route are changed, meanwhile in render() method you can work on case switching correct action for provided parameters in $scope.action
As you can see, the variable action is the one, which holds info that is passed to controller.
Above code is written without testing, so beware :p
I have a router defined somewhat similar to the following (greatly simplified for demo purposes here):
var MyRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({
routes: {
'': 'search',
'directions': 'directions',
'map': 'map'
search: function () {
// do something
directions: function () {
// do something
map: function () {
// do something
initialize: function () {
this.listenTo(myModel, 'change', this.updateNavigation);
Backbone.history.start({ pushState:true });
updateNavigation: function () {
var selected = myModel.get('selected');
The history entries are all getting created properly by the updateNavigation call, and when I hit the back-button to go back through the history I've generated, the routes fire for each of the entries, that is until I get to the initial entry. At that point, even though the url has updated with that history entry, the route that should interpret the url at that point does not fire. Any idea what might be going on here? Am I making some bad assumptions about how history works?
It seems I get inconsistent results - it's not always just the initial entry that doesn't execute, it's sometimes anything after the first time I've went back one through history. That is, I click the back-button once, the url changes, the routes fire properly. I hit it again, the url changes, the routes don't fire. It smacks of me doing something wrong, but I haven't a clue.
Don't ask me why, but my browser back button doesn't seem to function properly when I don't trigger: true on #navigate.
My very brief assumption is that Backbone.history.start({ pushState:true }); used in wrong place.
As far as I know, backbone history start should be after the router instance is created. Like,
var router = new MyRouter();
Backbone.history.start({ pushState:true });
I've discovered the problem. I was using a querystring and updating the querystring based on actions within the application. Each time I modified the querystring, I added another history entry, but the actual route parts of the history entry didn't always change. Backbone won't do do anything different based on the same route but with different querystring, so I had to abandon using the querystring and just make restful urls instead. Once I did that, the history worked fine.
I'm working with trigger and backbone, and am trying to programmatically navigate to a url. This is all happening using the file:// protocol, as everything in running inside trigger io only.
This manual navigate though doesn't trigger the function associated with the route.
My router looks like this
var BARouter = Backbone.Router.extend({
routes: {
"users/sign_in": "userSignin",
"users/sign_up": "userSignup",
"": "catchAll"
userSignin: function(){
userSignup: function(){"in user signup----");
catchAll: function(){
var app_router = new BARouter();
BA.router = app_router;
Backbone.history.start({pushState: true});
and I'm manually navigating
BA.router.navigate(navigate_to("users/sign_up"), {trigger:true});
The navigate_to method just returns the full url in the form "file://users/sign_up".
But nothing is logged to the console, and the execution flows normally. Am I missing something here ?
Using pushState with file urls probably doesn't make sense, I'm also not sure why you need the navigate_to function.
Try setting pushState to false and navigate using the string of the route, i.e.:
BA.router.navigate("users/sign_up", {trigger:true});
Is there a general event that fires every time we navigate to a different URL?
window.App =
Models: {}
Collections: {}
Views: {}
Routers: {}
init: ->
# Initialize Routers
new App.Routers.Main()
# Initialize History
Backbone.history.start(pushState: true)
$(#).on 'changeOfRoute', ->
console.log "Different Page"
$(document).ready ->
Doing this per view is possible, but I'm looking for a general solution.
There is the "route" event on the Router:
"route" (router, route, params) — Fired by history (or router) when any route has been matched.
This allows you to bind to specific routes.
If you want to fire a handler after any route, bind to "route", and the route will be the first argument:
myRouter.on("route", function(route, params) {
console.log("Different Page: " + route);
This will only trigger events for your explicitly defined routes. If you want to trigger events for routes that are not explicitly defined, then add a 'splat' route as per How to detect invalid route and trigger function in Backbone.Controller
From the Backbone docs
This method is called internally within the router, whenever a route matches and its corresponding callback is about to be executed. Override it to perform custom parsing or wrapping of your routes, for example, to parse query strings before handing them to your route callback, like so:
var Router = Backbone.Router.extend({
execute: function(callback, args) {
if (callback) callback.apply(this, args);
This site has some useful code for redefining the Router to support 'before' and 'after' hooks, though it would require updating with each version-change of Backbone.
#TTT: Unfortunately Backbone doesn't give us a before/after event, so you will need to overwrite or extend the Router.route. You can find the way to do that in this answer:
May be this extension would be useful for you: