Compile Lua script to unsigned char buffer - c

Im working on a server in C that dynamically generating Lua commands on the fly and send them by socket to the clients. Right now the server is using plain text, but I would like the server to pre-compile the script before sending it to the clients.
I check luac.c but couldn't find how to be able to do something like this:
char lua_commands[ 1024 ] = { "a = 123; b = 456; c = a + b;" };
int socket
unsigned int send_buffer_size
unsigned char *send_buffer
/* Compile lua_commands and store the binary script into send_buffer without
having to write first the .out on disk then read it again in order store the content
into send_buffer */
send( socket, send_buffer, send_buffer_size, 0 );
Anybody can help me to achieve this?
[ Update ]
Ok, I think I figure it out:
#include "lua.h"
#include "lauxlib.h"
#include "ldo.h"
#include "lfunc.h"
#include "lmem.h"
#include "lobject.h"
#include "lopcodes.h"
#include "lstring.h"
#include "lundump.h"
#define toproto(L,i) (clvalue(L->top+(i))->l.p)
static int writer( lua_State *L, const void *p, size_t size, void *u ){
unsigned int i = 0;
unsigned char *d = ( unsigned char * )p;
// Print all the bytes on the console.
while( i != size ) {
printf("%d ", d[ i ] );
return 0;
void compile( lua_State *L, char *command ){
const Proto* f;
if (luaL_loadstring( L, command ) !=0 ) {
printf( "%s\n", lua_tostring( L, -1 ) );
f = toproto( L,-1 );
lua_lock( L );
luaU_dump( L, f, writer, NULL, 1 );
lua_unlock( L );
int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {
lua_State *L = lua_open();
compile( L, "a = 123; b = 456; c = a + b; print( c );" );
lua_close( L );
return 0;
However that leads me to another question, do I have to close and reopen (lua_open, lua_close) the Lua state every time I'm calling my compile() function with other Lua commands or the output will only be the result of the latest luaL_loadstring?
Im not sure but look to me from the toproto macro definition that the top most stack will be returned am I correct?

You should use lua_dump() instead of internal toproto() + luaU_dump() functions. As an added bonus, this way your code will support LuaJIT 2.
It is not necessary to recreate the state each time you get the dump.
BUT. I would avoid executing Lua bytecode that came from the untrusted source (and server often is untrusted to the client). It is not safe, and may lead to severe security issues. (No such problems with source code — but you still have to sandbox it, of course.)
In general, always make sure that you check that the code you load from untrusted source is not bytecode (it is, if first byte is 27 decimal). Always execute such code in a sandbox.
If all that you need is to pass data in Lua-friendly way, pick some proper data serialization library instead. Aside of sandboxing and portability problems, loadstring() is rather slow.
For example, we're using using my luatexts library for similar purposes (make sure to pore through this list for alternatives). Luatexts supports tuples, which plays nicely with function calls. For example (in pseudocode):
my_send("myMethod", { param = true }, 42))
local actions = { }
function actions.myMethod(params, number)
print(params.param, number) --> true, 42
local function handle_action(ok, name, ...)
assert(ok, name) -- name would contain error message if not OK
local handler = assert(actions[name], "unknown action")
return handler(...)
local str = my_receive()
Open a ticket if you want or streaming support implemented in C.


Is it possible to dynamically load new functions to a running C program?

Consider the following C program:
#include <stdio.h>
const int OP_0 = 0;
const int OP_1 = 1;
const int OP_2 = 2;
int op_0(int x) {
return x + 2;
int op_1(int x) {
return x * 3 + 1;
int op_2(int x) {
return 2 * x * x - 10 * x + 5;
int compute(int op, int x) {
switch (op) {
case OP_0: return op_0(x);
case OP_1: return op_1(x);
case OP_2: return op_2(x);
return 0;
int main() {
int opcode;
int number;
printf("Enter the opcode: ");
scanf("%d", &opcode);
printf("Enter the number: ");
scanf("%d", &number);
printf("Result: %d\n", compute(opcode, number));
return 0;
It is a very simple program that lets the user select one of 3 operations to perform on an int input. To use this program, we can compile it with, for instance, gcc program.c -o program, and then run it with ./program. That's all obvious. Suppose, though, that we wanted to add another operation:
int op_3(int x) {
return 900 + x;
If we wanted to use this new operation, we'd need to recompile the entire program. Adding a new operation to this program has O(n) complexity, and is slow since it requires a complete recompilation.
My question is: is it possible, in C, to let this program add new native operations (without writing an interpreter)? In other words, is it possible to dynamically compile and add op_3 to the C program above, without having to recompile everything?
For illustration purposes, here is an example of what I have in mind:
int compute(int op, int x) {
// the first time it runs, would load `op_N.dll`
// the next time, would use the loaded version
// so, to add a new operation, we just compile
// it and add `op_N.dll` to this directory
Fun op = dynamic_load(op);
return op(x);
The only way I can think of is to compile a new dynamic library that is then opened by the program using dlopen()...
Another way, similar but perhaps more primitive, would be to compile the code into an object file and then load it into a mmaped region with execution permissions, jumping then to it using a function pointer.
To do this, compile the new function using gcc -c, clean the binary code from the headers with objcopy -O binary -j .text. Now in the program open() the resulting file and use the mmap() function to map this file in memory, giving as protections PROT_READ | PROT_EXEC. You'd look up the manuals for all this functions.
Note that I am assuming that you are on a unix system. I don't know much about Windows, but I imagine that something similar could be done with VirtualAlloc().
Well, what you are asking is the "Open Principle of SOLID". To do so, you need to have a dynamic dlsym obviously after dlopen. To have a dynamic dlsym you need to be able to read header files or a file with the proper function prototypes. Yes, you need to cast function pointers, but the typecast depends upon the types of your parameter list.
Hard coding dlsym means you have to relink your import library to your executable every time you add a function to your shared object.
You have two shared objects. One is the import library, and the other is the library that you want to add functionality. As David Wheeler said, "All problems of computer science could be solved with another level of indirection, except for the problem with too many layers of indirection.".
Complete noob-proof answer. As the other answers suggested, we can use dlopen and dlsym to dynamically load a shared library on C. First of all, let's create the lib. Save the following file as 0.c
int fn(int x) {
return x * 10;
Then, run the following command to create the shared lib:
clang -shared 0.c -o 0
Now, we must edit our compute function to load fn from 0.c dynamically and use it. First, we declare an fn : int -> int function pointer:
int (*fn)(int);
Then, we convert the operation to decimal (since we saved the shared lib as 0, no extension):
char file[256];
sprintf(file, "%d", 0);
Then, we load 0 dynamically:
void *handle = dlopen(file, RTLD_LAZY);
Then, we find fn on that lib, and assing to the fn function pointer:
*(void**)(&fn) = dlsym(LIB[op], "fn");
Then, we can just call it!
fn(5) // will return 50
Here is a complete example, that handles errors and stores the function pointers in a jump table (so we don't need to re-load the lib every time, obviously!):
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>
const int MAX_OPS = 256;
// Jump-table with available functions
int (*OP[MAX_OPS])(int);
// Array with shared libraries
void* LIB[MAX_OPS];
// Loads an operation dynamically
void load_op(int op) {
int (*fn)(int);
// Generates the file name
char file[256];
sprintf(file, "%d", op);
// Opens the dynamic lib
LIB[op] = dlopen(file, RTLD_LAZY);
// Handles error opening the lib
if (!LIB[op]) {
fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't load operation: %s\n", dlerror());
// Creates the function pointer
*(void**)(&fn) = dlsym(LIB[op], "fn");
// Handles error finding the function pointer
if (!fn) {
fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't load operation: %s\n", dlerror());
// Adds to jump table
OP[op] = fn;
// Clears the dynlib objects
void close_ops() {
for (int op = 0; op < MAX_OPS; ++op) {
// Applies the specified operation to an input
// Requires a shared object file with a name equivalent to the decimal
// representation of op to be loaded on the current directory
int compute(int op, int x) {
if (!OP[op]) {
return OP[op](x);
int main() {
int opcode;
int number;
printf("Enter the opcode: ");
scanf("%d", &opcode);
printf("Enter the number: ");
scanf("%d", &number);
printf("Result: %d\n", compute(opcode, number));
return 0;
All the credit to the people who took their time to answer my question here and on #c on Libera.Chat. Thank you!

SWIG convert C-Pointer stringvalue to tcl string

because of my limited knowledge in C and SWIG i couldn't manage to adopt any public example for converting c-pointer chars to tcl strings ....
I always get stuck at the problem that my tcl variable just doesn't get dereferenced
like this :
tcl_str = _30e84c05ef550000_p_stringout2
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "string_pointer.h"
stringout2 Itla_Get_Model_Version (int laser, char * mv_string)
stringout2 * pointer2;
char *mod_ver ="PPCL600";
pointer2 = malloc( sizeof(stringout2) );
pointer2-> modelvers= *mod_ver;
printf ( "Itla_Get_Model_Version : read %s \n", mod_ver );
return *pointer2 ;
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
typedef struct {
char * modelvers;
} stringout2;
stringout2 Itla_Get_Model_Version (int laser, char * mv_string) ;
/* File : string_pointer.swig */
%module string_pointer
#include "string_pointer.h"
%include "typemaps.i"
%include "cpointer.i"
%include "cstring.i"
%typemap(argout) char* (char tmp) %{
$1 = &tmp;
stringout2 Itla_Get_Model_Version (int laser, char *OUTPUT) ;
%include "string_pointer.h"
load ./
proc test { laser } {
scan [Itla_Get_Model_Version $laser ] %s a
puts "$a "
return $a
set name [test 1 ]
puts "Itla_Get_Model_Version= $name"
when executing the tcl-script you get :
Itla_Get_Model_Version : read PPCL600
Itla_Get_Model_Version= _f0a759f8d9550000_p_stringout2
so i finally need to dereference the Pointer to its value ...
But i don't know how to succeed.....
The C-function is given and can't be modified !
Anybody out there, knowing how to do it ?
If your strings are basically ASCII or UTF-8, all you need to do is to tell SWIG that your function has allocated the string it is returning. For details see, the SWIG docs on C strings.
char *Itla_Get_Model_Version (int laser, char * mv_string) {
// I assume this is a proxy for something more complicated...
const char *mod_ver ="PPCL600";
size_t len = strlen(mod_ver) + 1;
char *output = malloc(len);
memcpy(output, mod_ver, len);
printf ( "Itla_Get_Model_Version : read %s \n", mod_ver );
return output;
char *Itla_Get_Model_Version(int laser, char * mv_string);
/* Tell SWIG that this function returns something to be freed */
%newobject Itla_Get_Model_Version
/* And now we can use the standard C header */
%include "yourcode.h"
If the above simple solution doesn't work…
Things get a lot more complicated if you are using a different encoding for your strings or if you wrap them inside a structure (as you did in your question). That's when you need a typemap, particularly ones of the Tcl variety. Correctly writing a typemap depends on understanding the semantics of the values that you are producing and/or consuming and the semantics of the language that you're using. Assuming you want the wrapping, here's a very simple output typemap that might work:
%typemap(out) stringout2* {
Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj($1->modelvers, -1));
Your function also needs to be modified to return a stringout2* by doing return pointer2;, and not a stringout2 since otherwise you will be leaking memory on every call. You can return a stringout2, but if you are doing that then you should not allocate it with malloc, but rather keep it as a structure directly in a local variable.
In that case, the typemap you'd use is:
%typemap(out) stringout2 {
Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj($1.modelvers, -1));
(Note the different type, different access to the field, and lack of free.)
And your structure should be declared as containing a const char * if it really is that.
If you have strings in a different encoding (and it isn't ISO 8859-1, for which you can cheat and use a binary string using Tcl_NewByteArrayObj; that's also what you want for slabbing a chunk of binary data over) then you'll need to write a typemap using Tcl_ExternalToUtfDString, and the amount of boilerplate code goes up. Tcl insists that its internal strings are in (almost) UTF-8, and ASCII is OK too as that's a strict subset; everything else must be converted.
Ask another question if that's what you need. You probably are either dealing with ASCII or binary data, so I'll leave (quite a bit more complex!) encoding conversion alone until requested.

Which lines are necessary to use espeak in our C/C++ program?

I found this code on the internet:
#include <string.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <espeak/speak_lib.h>
espeak_POSITION_TYPE position_type;
espeak_AUDIO_OUTPUT output;
char *path=NULL;
int Buflength = 1000, Options=0;
void* user_data;
t_espeak_callback *SynthCallback;
espeak_PARAMETER Parm;
char Voice[] = {"English"};
char text[30] = {"this is a english test"};
unsigned int Size,position=0, end_position=0, flags=espeakCHARS_AUTO, *unique_identifier;
int main(int argc, char* argv[] )
int I, Run = 1, L;
espeak_Initialize(output, Buflength, path, Options );
const char *langNativeString = "en"; //Default to US English
espeak_VOICE voice;
memset(&voice, 0, sizeof(espeak_VOICE)); // Zero out the voice first
voice.languages = langNativeString; = "US";
voice.variant = 2;
voice.gender = 1;
Size = strlen(text)+1;
espeak_Synth( text, Size, position, position_type, end_position, flags,
unique_identifier, user_data );
espeak_Synchronize( );
return 0;
I only want the espeak reads my strings in my program, and the above code can do it, but I want to know, are all of this code necessary for that purpose? (I mean is it possible to simplifying it?)
***Also I like to know are there a way to using espeak as a system function? I mean system("espeak "something" "); ?
The usage of eSpeak itself seems pretty minimal - you need to read the documentation for that. There are some minor C coding simplifications possible, but perhaps hardly worth the effort:
The memset() is unnecessary. The structure can be initialised to zero thus:
espeak_VOICE voice = {0} ;
If you declare text thus:
char text[] = "this is a English test";
Then you can avoid using strlen() and replace Size with sizeof(text).
The variables I, Run and L are unused and can be removed.
To be able to pass the text as a string on the command line, and thus be able to issue system( "espeak \"Say Something\"") ; for example, you simply need to pass argv[1] to espeak_Synth() instead of text (but you will need to reinstate the strlen() call to get the size.

Segmentation fault 11 in following code. How to avoid overflow?

void main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
char* hostname = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*1024);
hostname = getClientHostName("");
printf("%s\n", hostname);
char* getClientHostName(char* client_ip) {
char hostnames[5][2];
hostnames[0][0] = "";
hostnames[0][1] = "aaaaa";
hostnames[1][0] = "";
hostnames[1][1] = "bbbbb";
hostnames[2][0] = "";
hostnames[2][1] = "ccccc";
hostnames[3][0] = "";
hostnames[3][1] = "dddddd";
hostnames[4][0] = "";
hostnames[4][1] = "eeeeee";
for(int i = 0; i<5; i++) {
if(!strcmp(hostnames[i][0], client_ip))
return (char*)hostnames[i][1];
return NULL;
Beginner in C.
I am not sure if there would be a better way to implement what I am trying to implement. The code is self-explanatory. Is there any way that I can predefine the size of hostname, using some general size of IP addresses, to avoid seg fault? Is there a even better way where I don't have to hardcode the size?
After fixing the compiler errors and warnings you get:
const char* getClientHostName(const char* client_ip) {
const char * hostnames[5][2];
hostnames[0][0] = "";
hostnames[0][1] = "aaaaa";
hostnames[1][0] = "";
hostnames[1][1] = "bbbbb";
hostnames[2][0] = "";
hostnames[2][1] = "ccccc";
hostnames[3][0] = "";
hostnames[3][1] = "dddddd";
hostnames[4][0] = "";
hostnames[4][1] = "eeeeee";
for(int i = 0; i<5; i++) {
if(!strcmp(hostnames[i][0], client_ip))
return hostnames[i][1];
return NULL;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
const char * hostname = getClientHostName("");
printf("%s\n", hostname);
Is there a even better way where I don't have to hardcode the size?
Take the habit to compile with all warnings and debug info: gcc -Wall -Wextra -g with GCC. Improve the code to get no warnings at all.
If you want to get genuine IP addresses, this is operating system specific (since standard C11 don't know about IP addresses; check by reading n1570). On Linux you would use name service routines such as getaddrinfo(3) & getnameinfo(3) or the obsolete gethostbyname(3).
If this is just an exercise without actual relationship to TCP/IP sockets (see tcp(7), ip(7), socket(7)) you could store the table in some global array:
struct myipentry_st {
const char* myip_hostname;
const char* myip_address;
then define a global array containing them, with the convention of terminating it by some {NULL, NULL} entry:
const struct myipentry_st mytable[] = {
{"aaaaa", ""},
{"bbbb", ""},
/// etc
{NULL, NULL} // end marker
You'll better have a global or static variable (not an automatic one sitting on the call stack) because you don't want to fill it on every call to your getClientHostName.
Then your lookup routine (inefficient, since in linear time) would be:
const char* getClientHostName(char* client_ip) {
for (const struct myipentry_st* ent = mytable;
ent->myip_hostname != NULL;
// the if below is the only statement of the body of `for` loop
if (!strcmp(ent->myip_address, client_ip))
return ent->myip_hostname;
// this happens after the `for` when nothing was found
return NULL;
You could even declare that table as a heap allocated pointer:
const struct myipentry_st**mytable;
then use calloc to allocate it and read its data from some text file.
Read the documentation of every standard or external function that you are using. Don't forget to check against failure (e.g. of calloc, like here). Avoid memory leaks by appropriate calls to free. Use the debugger gdb and valgrind. Beware of undefined behavior.
In the real world, you would have perhaps thousands of entries and you would perform the lookup many times (perhaps millions of times, e.g. once per every HTTP request in a web server or client). Then choose a better data structure (hash table or red-black tree perhaps). Read some Introduction to Algorithms.
Add * to type definition char * hostnames[5][2]. This must be array of pointers, not simple chars. Another necessary change is strcpy instead of = in strcpy( hostname, getClientHostName("") );.
PS: Always try to compile with 0 compiler warnings, not only 0 errors!

tmpfile() on windows 7 x64

Running the following code on Windows 7 x64
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
int main() {
int i;
FILE *tmp;
for (i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
errno = 0;
if(!(tmp = tmpfile())) printf("Fail %d, err %d\n", i, errno);
return 0;
Gives errno 13 (Permission denied), on the 637th and 1004th call, it works fine on XP (haven't tried 7 x86). Am I missing something or is this a bug?
I've got similar problem on Windows 8 - tmpfile() was causing win32 ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED error code - and yes, if you run application with administrator privileges - then it works fine.
I guess problem is mentioned over here:
Under Windows, the tmpfile function is defined to always create
its temporary file in the root directory. Most users don't have
permission to do that, so it will often fail.
I would suspect that this is kinda incomplete windows port issue - so this should be an error reported to Microsoft. (Why to code tmpfile function if it's useless ?)
But who have time to fight with Microsoft wind mills ?! :-)
I've coded similar implementation using GetTempPathW / GetModuleFileNameW / _wfopen. Code where I've encountered this problem came from libjpeg - I'm attaching whole source code here, but you can pick up code from jpeg_open_backing_store.
// Windows port for jpeg lib functions.
#include <Windows.h> // GetTempFileName
#undef FAR // Will be redefined - disable warning
#include "jinclude.h"
#include "jpeglib.h"
extern "C" {
#include "jmemsys.h" // jpeg_ api interface.
// Memory allocation and freeing are controlled by the regular library routines malloc() and free().
GLOBAL(void *) jpeg_get_small (j_common_ptr cinfo, size_t sizeofobject)
return (void *) malloc(sizeofobject);
GLOBAL(void) jpeg_free_small (j_common_ptr cinfo, void * object, size_t sizeofobject)
* "Large" objects are treated the same as "small" ones.
* NB: although we include FAR keywords in the routine declarations,
* this file won't actually work in 80x86 small/medium model; at least,
* you probably won't be able to process useful-size images in only 64KB.
GLOBAL(void FAR *) jpeg_get_large (j_common_ptr cinfo, size_t sizeofobject)
return (void FAR *) malloc(sizeofobject);
GLOBAL(void) jpeg_free_large (j_common_ptr cinfo, void FAR * object, size_t sizeofobject)
// Used only by command line applications, not by static library compilation
#ifndef DEFAULT_MAX_MEM /* so can override from makefile */
#define DEFAULT_MAX_MEM 1000000L /* default: one megabyte */
GLOBAL(long) jpeg_mem_available (j_common_ptr cinfo, long min_bytes_needed, long max_bytes_needed, long already_allocated)
// jmemansi.c's jpeg_mem_available implementation was insufficient for some of .jpg loads.
MEMORYSTATUSEX status = { 0 };
status.dwLength = sizeof(status);
if( status.ullAvailPhys > LONG_MAX )
// Normally goes here since new PC's have more than 4 Gb of ram.
return LONG_MAX;
return (long) status.ullAvailPhys;
Backing store (temporary file) management.
Backing store objects are only used when the value returned by
jpeg_mem_available is less than the total space needed. You can dispense
with these routines if you have plenty of virtual memory; see jmemnobs.c.
METHODDEF(void) read_backing_store (j_common_ptr cinfo, backing_store_ptr info, void FAR * buffer_address, long file_offset, long byte_count)
if (fseek(info->temp_file, file_offset, SEEK_SET))
size_t readed = fread( buffer_address, 1, byte_count, info->temp_file);
if (readed != (size_t) byte_count)
write_backing_store (j_common_ptr cinfo, backing_store_ptr info, void FAR * buffer_address, long file_offset, long byte_count)
if (fseek(info->temp_file, file_offset, SEEK_SET))
if (JFWRITE(info->temp_file, buffer_address, byte_count) != (size_t) byte_count)
// E.g. if you need to debug writes.
//if( fflush(info->temp_file) != 0 )
close_backing_store (j_common_ptr cinfo, backing_store_ptr info)
// File is deleted using 'D' flag on open.
static HMODULE DllHandle()
VirtualQuery(DllHandle, &info, sizeof(MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION));
return (HMODULE)info.AllocationBase;
GLOBAL(void) jpeg_open_backing_store(j_common_ptr cinfo, backing_store_ptr info, long total_bytes_needed)
// Generate unique filename.
wchar_t path[ MAX_PATH ] = { 0 };
wchar_t dllPath[ MAX_PATH ] = { 0 };
GetTempPathW( MAX_PATH, path );
// Based on .exe or .dll filename
GetModuleFileNameW( DllHandle(), dllPath, MAX_PATH );
wchar_t* p = wcsrchr( dllPath, L'\\');
wchar_t* ext = wcsrchr( p + 1, L'.');
if( ext ) *ext = 0;
wchar_t* outFile = path + wcslen(path);
static int iTempFileId = 1;
// Based on process id (so processes would not fight with each other)
// Based on some process global id.
wsprintfW(outFile, L"%s_%d_%d.tmp",p + 1, GetCurrentProcessId(), iTempFileId++ );
// 'D' - temporary file.
if ((info->temp_file = _wfopen(path, L"w+bD") ) == NULL)
info->read_backing_store = read_backing_store;
info->write_backing_store = write_backing_store;
info->close_backing_store = close_backing_store;
} //jpeg_open_backing_store
* These routines take care of any system-dependent initialization and
* cleanup required.
jpeg_mem_init (j_common_ptr cinfo)
return DEFAULT_MAX_MEM; /* default for max_memory_to_use */
jpeg_mem_term (j_common_ptr cinfo)
/* no work */
I'm intentionally ignoring errors from some of functions - have you ever seen GetTempPathW or GetModuleFileNameW failing ?
A bit of a refresher from the manpage of on tmpfile(), which returns a FILE*:
The file will be automatically deleted when it is closed or the program terminates.
My verdict for this issue: Deleting a file on Windows is weird.
When you delete a file on Windows, for as long as something holds a handle, you can't call CreateFile on something with the same absolute path, otherwise it will fail with the NT error code STATUS_DELETE_PENDING, which gets mapped to the Win32 code ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED. This is probably where EPERM in errno is coming from. You can confirm this with a tool like Sysinternals Process Monitor.
My guess is that CRT somehow wound up creating a file that has the same name as something it's used before. I've sometimes witnessed that deleting files on Windows can appear asynchronous because some other process (sometimes even an antivirus product, in reaction to the fact that you've just closed a delete-on-close handle...) will leave a handle open to the file, so for some timing window you will see a visible file that you can't get a handle to without hitting delete pending/access denied. Or, it could be that tmpfile has simply chosen a filename that some other process is working on.
To avoid this sort of thing you might want to consider another mechanism for temp files... For example a function like Win32 GetTempFileName allows you to create your own prefix which might make a collision less likely. That function appears to resolve race conditions by retrying if a create fails with "already exists", so be careful about deleting the temp filenames that thing generates - deleting the file cancels your rights to use it concurrently with other processes/threads.
