SHA1 implementation for 8051 MCU? - md5

I'm looking for a space-efficient implementation of SHA1 or similar cryptographic hash for the 8051 microcontroller. C or assembly. Google searches have come up with nothing so far. Any guidance?

You might try looking for app notes or samples from other manufacturers (minding the license) and controllers (Atmel, TI, NXP, Microchip etc).


Tiva C FFT Library

I'm carrying on a new embedded systems project that analyse input frequency and get the coefficients of the frequencies and produces some information based on this information.
I will be using Tiva C TM4C Microcontroller, and I've done heaps of search to find any compatible C language FFT library and I've failed.
I actually found some general Libraries like FFTW and KissFFT, But I've failed to use them as I think they are very complicated and couldn't manage to find code examples or even a user manual or so.
So Can anyone help me finding the good Library I'm looking for?
Or even a how-to-use manual for FFTW/KissFFT libraries?
FFTW provides some helpful tutorials (See:
For your Microcontroller (CortexM4) exists with the "CMSIS DSP library"(just google it) a very powerful and well documented DSP library that is espacially designed for embedded systems. But it has a comparable interface complexity than the FFTW library.
If you want an easy interface and if you have lots of calculation time, you can write your own DFT calculation by using the naive approach implementing the
DFT formula.

AMQP C Library for Small Embedded Devices

I am looking for a AMQP library, preferably written in C, that will work on a small embedded device. i.e. no OS and limited RAM and code size space (256k between both RAM and code).
I have seen the following post and number of others, I have looked into Qpid and RabbitMQ, but none seem suited to a small device.
Is there a AMQP implementation that has stable C++ Client library
Can anyone suggest a AMQP library that will work on a microcontroller? All functionality is not essential, even just support for telemetry would be good.
This seems to be an old question, but maybe this still helps.
Disclaimer: I am one of the authors of uamqp-c.
There are 2 choices I know of:
-Qpic Proton C:

Small portable digital signing and verification library

I'm looking for a library that allows me to authenticate data sent to embedded modules. Due to the hardware constraints, it needs to be of small footprint (both code and memory wise) and yet have security comparable to RSA-1024.
The requirements are as follows
Verification on embedded modules (custom CPUs, with only a C89 compiler available)
Signing and verification in Windows (C/C++ code)
Signing in Java (some data needs to be generated via a webpage, so Java would be a big perk)
I would very much like to not have to implement a PKCS #1 v1.5/PSS-like system myself, but I haven't been able to find any good libraries that match the above requirements. Open source would be nice, but commercial solutions are of equal interest. Note that I need access to the C-code, since it has to be recompiled for the custom CPUs.
NaCl looks promising, but it seems to be in development still.
I've had a look at OpenSSL, but it does a lot more than digital signatures and stripping out just the signature verification code was non-trivial.
Am I looking at it the wrong way?
I tried implementing SHA+RSA first, but I wasn't sure if the padding step was correct (which means that it probably wasn't secure), so I decided to post here instead for help.
EDIT: Clarification, only the verification part have the tough constraints on it. Signature and key generation will run on normal PCs.
Take a look at mbed TLS (formerly known as PolarSSL):
mbed TLS (formerly known as PolarSSL) makes it trivially easy for developers to include cryptographic and SSL/TLS capabilities in their (embedded) products, facilitating this functionality with a minimal coding footprint.
How can implement such a kind of solution is related to CPU and memory architecture that we have available, therefore would have to tell me more about your system. The first way would be to develop this on the cloud. Another alternative would be SCL. Also, you can found some answers on Small RSA or DSA lib without dependencies

ARM development environment for newbies

I am looking for some information on programming ARM devices, in a particular non-particular way [1]. Assume that I am writing code for an ARM processor that is used a machine similar to a Apple II/Atari "**" XL/Commodore 64/DOS-PC, or even something that runs a multitasking OS like VMS or SUNOs. Assume further that any peripherals/OS specific stuff has already been abstracted into subroutines.Examples of this type of programing might be: a text/curses based game like rogue or moria; a curses based word processor ( or rather something based on a curses like library ) ; or a modem/terminal program.
I'm looking for two things. Materials to help learn ARM programming, though the ARM System Developers Guide may be enough, other resources would be helpful I'm looking in particular for something which explains the software ( and relative hardware ie registers ) differences of various generations of processor.
The other thing I'm looking for is a development environment which inculdes, emulation, a decent macro assembler, and a debugger. Along with any thing else that will help me see what is going on inside my programs.
[1] OK. Sorry I just couldn't resist that particular pun.
You have the choice of using ARM Cortex M or A series. If you are going to develop high end applications such as those which run on smartphones / tablets, then learning about ARM A is your choice. If you are going for an emphasis with hardware/low level stuff such as controllers then you should go for ARM Cortex-M. If you are into real time applications (which I doubt is your case, them use the R series).
Most of these new ARM generations are based on ARMv7 architecture and ISA, so reading the manuals on that could get you started. Most recently, a new ARMv8 architecture and ISA have been announced, it supports 64 bit processing.
Download the reference and technical manuals from ARM site to learn about the HW/peripherals.
I would go with auslen's suggestion of buying a board, you could go with TI's Stellaris Launch pad which has an ARM-M4F processor (supports floating point and SIMD), it sells for 12.99$
or you could go with ST's discovery board (based on the same processor as above), but has audio, accelerometer and usb on board. it sells for 14.99$
or the STM F3 board (10.99$)
In any case, you need to check the examples which come with the board, without which you could go nowhere easily. The board comes with its own drivers, all is abstracted in a way, so you could get started from there!
As for OS, if your interest is an RTOS, ARM provides the CMSIS RTOS for it's M series processors
This book offers an introduction to the generations of ARM processors. Then focuses on cortex M3. It covers its ISA with lots of assembly code. It also addresses the built-in peripherals and how to start-up with C.
good luck and look at the various ARM ARMs (architectural reference manuals) and TRM's (technical reference manuals) for the various architectures and cores. these manuals are better than most other companies documentation. except for the new 64 bit stuff, the difference from one architecture to the next is somewhat subtle as far as the instruction set goes. the major differences have to do with the peripherals, the mmu is a slow changing thing, the interrupt manager has taken big steps and the fpu has been replaced at least once if not twice wholesale (if you even have an fpu which, having one is the exception not the rule it consumes a huge real estate for such little return).
I am confused with your question. I think it is important to draw the line between learning the architecture/instruction set and learning the operating system calls, these are two separate things. Operating system stuff you rarely need to look beyond the source code (C/C++), and the limited asm is for hand tuned C libraries or boostrap code, and interrupt wrappers. Likewise the architecture, registers, instructions, etc vs the peripherals (the cores from arm generally have very very few peripherals, the bulk are in the vendor specific stuff) which I would separate as a separate learning curve, has little to do with asm and the instruction set so no different than learning a peripheral on any other platform, just some addresses you read and write.
If you are looking for non-operating system bare metal the stm32f0 discovery is $10, I highly recommend it. Looks like ti has a stellaris launchpad for just a little more (waiting for mine to arrive so I cant talk much about them, and shipping is free from ti so the cost is basically the same as the stm32 boards) the stm32f4 discovery is about $20 and I would barely call a microcontroller with all the stuff the cortex-m4 has.
Moving up to linux capable or designed for linux systems there is the raspberry pi, beaglebone and open-rd and on up (pandaboard). Again though you are just writing just another linux C/C++ program so there isnt much excitement there (related to a specific platform, the entertainment is the same for all platforms) and very little arm knowledge required if any. It is very easy to use any of these platforms for bare metal programming giving you race car like performance compared to the ARM based microcontrollers.
I have a thumb simulator which you are probably not interested in. gdb has the armulator which was the cornerstone of the company back in the day. skyeye or something like that has an arm instruction set simulator as does qemu, none of them will give you great visibility other than what gdb can provide. opencores has the amber project an armv2 clone, which you can see the close relationship to the armv4 and newer that you will not find rtl for without a box full of cash. with my arm and chip experience (No I do not work for arm) I do find the amber project worth looking at, but many folks wont know what to do with it and really are not interested in that level of visibility. (it is instruction compatible, a good design, but dont think you are looking at an arm design, no secrets there). you can learn the basic arm architecture from it and then move on to hardware for example...
With the microcontrollers being cortex-m based, you might find the older microcontrollers a better stepping stone to the upper end arm cores. ARM7tdmi based stuff like the sam7s and others from nxp, st, atmel, etc which you can still find at sparkfun and microcontroller pros and other places for arduino like prices.

Which ARM processor should be used for transfering data via ethernet?

The question below was related to the 8051 family as it has only the serial ports. Now when i found out that the ARM processors have inbuilt ethernet facility i decided to mov on to the ARM's. So which would be the Most easiest one to start of and as iam aware of keil environment i would like to work on anARM which supports keil .
The TI (formerly Luminary Micro) parts are easy to use. The eval kits are cheap and there is a lot of documentation on the Luminary Micro web site, including sample code. I've been using the LM3S6965 EVK for an ethernet project. The eval kits can be ordered with Keil, IAR, Codesourcery or Code Red compilers.
Check out the AT91SAM7X.
AT91 SAM series from Atmel is really popular between hobbyists and amateurs, you will find a lot of open source examples and excessive topics regarding this CPU's. And yes, they are widely supported in Linux community.
Check this out:
