pthread_kill doesnt kill thread C linux - c

i am making a small project which will be incorporated into larger project. basically what it does is keeps track of threads that are created by way of adding them to a main struct which keeps track of what the thread does (its main function) and its pthread_t id. the other struct keeps track of the data to be passed to the function and the element number of where the pthread_t id is stored inside threads[]. its a bit micky mouse and it jumps around a bit but it all works besides when it is time to kill the thread. i get no segfaults and no errors and the program finishes fine, but the thread does not get killed when pthread_kill() is called (the function returns 0 meaning no error and it worked) although the thread continues to run until the main application returns.

pthread_kill() will not kill a thread. The only difference with kill() is that the signal is handled by the designated thread and not handled while that thread has the signal masked (see pthread_sigmask()). A signal like SIGTERM will by default still terminate the entire process.
If you are considering to call pthread_exit() from a signal handler, you should probably use pthread_cancel() instead.
Cancellation is safe if all code that may be cancelled cooperates (or the code that calls it disables cancellation for the time). Most libraries do not care about this, though.
A safer method is to ask the thread to exit without any force, such as by sending a special message to it (if the thread normally processes messages).
Alternatively, don't bother to kill any threads and just call _exit(), _Exit() or quick_exit().

As in kill(), if sig is zero, error checking is performed but no signal is actually sent.
so the following
pthread_kill(threads[i].tID, 0);
Wont actually kill the thread. You need to use an actual signal to kill a thread. A list of signals can be found here:


pthread_kill vs pthread_cond_signal for pausing/resuming a thread on a specific point

This request is about PThreads and using conditions or signals to pause/resume a continuous cycle worker thread.
A while ago, I came into this:
Basically, user johnnycrash uses sigwait() to get a thread into a pause state (waiting for external wakening) and pthread_kill(thread_id, USR1) to signal the thread into waking up. He claims it to be faster than using the mutex+condition construct and it appears to be less complex. I am developing a piece of software that would indeed require a thread to sleep until signaled and return to sleep after doing work in an infinite cycle (the eater of a feeder-eater paradigm).
I am using this to have a separate thread waiting for the conclusion of worker threads. In my current implementation, worker threads add their handles to a list protected by a mutex, signal the waiting thread with pthread_kill and finish with pthread_join.
My questions are all related:
How valid is it to actually use pthread_kill()+sigwait() instead of mutex+condition?
In case it is an acceptable solution, what pitfalls/race conditions
should one be aware of?
Would it be better to use pthread_sigqueue() instead of pthread_kill()? Would it actually be able catch signals sent while sigwait() is not running and immediately process them as soon as sigwait() is called?
Last question, derived from some contradicting information I found: Will different threads both paused with sigwait() expecting USR1 be able to be signaled independently, or will only one of them be able to actually catch the signal regardless of which one was signaled?
I will try to answer points 1 and 4.
pthread_kill() + sigqueue() and mutex+condition they both have their own purposes. When you're working with data (i.e. global variable) which is used by multiple threads in that case mutex are more appropriate. But, when you're waiting for an external event (like. network packet) and want to signal your thread based on that event pthread_kill() is more appropriate.
It depends how the signal (USR1) was sent. If it was sent using pthread_kill() or pthread_sigqueue() you can specify which thread you're sending that signal to, the only difference is with pthread_sigqueue() - you can send an additional information with the signal. You can also send signal to specific pid or group-wise signal sending using kill(). So, it largely depends on your need.

Signal handling - Async functions and multi threaded applications, Signal stack

Can someone explain why we should not call non async functions from signal handlers ? Like the exact sequence of steps that corrupt the programs while calling with such functions.
And, does signals always run on separate stack ? if so is it a separate context or it runs on the context of the signaled thread ?
Finally, in case of a multi-threaded system what happens when signal handler is executed and some other thread is signaled and calls the same signal handler ?
(I am trying to develop deep understanding of signals and its applications)
When a process receives a signal, it is handled in the context of the process. You should only use aync-safe functions or re-entrant functions from inside a signal handler. For instance, you cannot call a malloc() or a printf() within a signal handler. The reason being:
*) Lets assume your process was executing in malloc when you received the signal. So the global heap data structures are in an inconsistent state. Now if you acquire the heap lock from inside your signal handler and make changes you will further render the heap inconsistent.
*) Another possibility is if the heap lock has been acquired by your process when it received the signal, and then you call malloc() from your signal handler, it sees that lock is held and it waits infinitely to acquire the lock (infinitely because the thread that can release the lock will not run till the signal is completely handled).
2) Signals run in the context of the process. As for the signal stack you can look at this SO answer -> Do signal handers have a separate stack?
3) As for getting multiple instances of the same signal you can look at this link -> Signal Handling in UNIX where Rumple Stiltskin answers it well.
I know some Solaris. So I'm using that for details. LWP==Solaris for "thread" as in pthreads.
trap signals like SIGILL, are delivered to the thread that caused the trap. Asynchronous signals are delivered to the first active thread (LWP), or process that is not blocking that signal. A kernel module called aslwp() traverses the process-header table (has associated LWP's) looking for the first likely candidate to receive the asynch signal.
A signal stack lives in the kernel. I'm not sure what/how to answer your signal stack question.
One process may have several pending signals. Is that what you mean?
Each signal destined for a process is held there until the process switches context (or is forced) into the active state. This in part because you generally cannot incur a trap when the process context has been swapped out and the process does nothing cpu-wise. You certainly can incur asynch signals. But the process cannot "do anything" with any signal if it cannot run. So, at this point the kernel swaps the context back to active, and the signal is delivered via aslwp().
Realtime signals behave differently, and I'm letting it stay with that.
Try reading this:

Ctrl + C: does it kill threads too along with main process?

While running a thread program and repeatedly killing the main program using Ctrl + C, i see unexpected results in the program in second run. However, if i let the program run and voluntarily exit, there are no issues.
So, my doubt is, does Ctrl + C, kill threads also along with the main process?
Thanks in advance.
In multithreaded programming, signals are delivered to a single thread (usually chosen unpredictably among the threads that don't have that particular signal blocked). However, this does not mean that a signal whose default action is to kill the process only terminates one thread. In fact, there is no way to kill a single thread without killing the whole process.
As long as you leave SIGINT with its default action of terminating the process, it will do so as long as at least one thread leaves SIGINT unblocked. It doesn't matter which thread has it unblocked as long as at least one does, so library code creating threads behind the application's back should always block all signals before calling pthread_create and restore the signal mask in the calling thread afterwards.
Well, the only thing that Ctrl + C does is sending SIGINT to one thread in the process that is not masking the signal. Signals can be handled or ignored.
If the program does handle Ctrl+C, the usual behavior is self-termination, but once again, it could be used for anything else.
In your case, SIGINT is being received by one thread, which probably does kill itself, but does not kill the others.
Under Linux 2.6 using NPTL threads: I am assuming that the process uses the default signal handler, or calls exit() in it: Yes it does. The C library exit() call maps to the exit_group system call which exits all the threads immediately; the default signal handler calls this or something similar.
Under Linux 2.4 using Linuxthreads (or using 2.6 if your app still uses Linuxthreads for some weird reason): Not necessarily.
The Linuxthreads library implements threads using clone(), creating a new process which happens to share its address-space with the parent. This does not necessarily die when the parent dies. To fix this, there is a "master thread" which pthreads creates. This master thread does various things, one of them is to try to ensure that all the threads get killed when the process exits (for whatever reason).
It does not necessarily succeed
If it does succeed, it is not necessarily immediate, particularly if there are a large number of threads.
So if you're using Linuxthreads, possibly not.
The other threads might not exit immediately, or indeed at all.
However, no matter what thread library you use, forked child processes will continue (they might receive the signal if they are still in the same process-group, but can freely ignore it)

Signalling all threads in a process

Without keeping a list of current threads, I'm trying to see that a realtime signal gets delivered to all threads in my process. My idea is to go about it like this:
Initially the signal handler is installed and the signal is unblocked in all threads.
When one thread wants to send the 'broadcast' signal, it acquires a mutex and sets a global flag that the broadcast is taking place.
The sender blocks the signal (using pthread_sigmask) for itself, and enters a loop repeatedly calling raise(sig) until sigpending indicates that the signal is pending (there were no threads remaining with the signal blocked).
As threads receive the signal, they act on it but wait in the signal handler for the broadcast flag to be cleared, so that the signal will remain masked.
The sender finishes the loop by unblocking the signal (in order to get its own delivery).
When the sender handles its own signal, it clears the global flag so that all the other threads can continue with their business.
The problem I'm running into is that pthread_sigmask is not being respected. Everything works right if I run the test program under strace (presumably due to different scheduling timing), but as soon as I run it alone, the sender receives its own signal (despite having blocked it..?) and none of the other threads ever get scheduled.
Any ideas what might be wrong? I've tried using sigqueue instead of raise, probing the signal mask, adding sleep all over the place to make sure the threads are patiently waiting for their signals, etc. and now I'm at a loss.
Edit: Thanks to psmears' answer, I think I understand the problem. Here's a potential solution. Feedback would be great:
At any given time, I can know the number of threads running, and I can prevent all thread creation and exiting during the broadcast signal if I need to.
The thread that wants to do the broadcast signal acquires a lock (so no other thread can do it at the same time), then blocks the signal for itself, and sends num_threads signals to the process, then unblocks the signal for itself.
The signal handler atomically increments a counter, and each instance of the signal handler waits until that counter is equal to num_threads to return.
The thread that did the broadcast also waits for the counter to reach num_threads, then it releases the lock.
One possible concern is that the signals will not get queued if the kernel is out of memory (Linux seems to have that issue). Do you know if sigqueue reliably informs the caller when it's unable to queue the signal (in which case I would loop until it succeeds), or could signals possibly be silently lost?
Edit 2: It seems to be working now. According to the documentation for sigqueue, it returns EAGAIN if it fails to queue the signal. But for robustness, I decided to just keep calling sigqueue until num_threads-1 signal handlers are running, interleaving calls to sched_yield after I've sent num_threads-1 signals.
There was a race condition at thread creation time, counting new threads, but I solved it with a strange (ab)use of read-write locks. Thread creation is "reading" and the broadcast signal is "writing", so unless there's a thread trying to broadcast, it doesn't create any contention at thread-creation.
raise() sends the signal to the current thread (only), so other threads won't receive it. I suspect that the fact that strace makes things work is a bug in strace (due to the way it works it ends up intercepting all signals sent to the process and re-raising them, so it may be re-raising them in the wrong way...).
You can probably get round that using kill(getpid(), <signal>) to send the signal to the current process as a whole.
However, another potential issue you might see is that sigpending() can indicate that the signal is pending on the process before all threads have received it - all that means is that there is at least one such signal pending for the process, and no CPU has yet become available to run a thread to deliver it...
Can you describe more details of what you're aiming to achieve? And how portable you want it to be? There's almost certainly a better way of doing it (signals are almost always a major headache, especially when mixed with threads...)
In multithreaded program raise(sig) is equivalent to pthread_kill(pthread_self(), sig).
Try kill(getpid(), sig)
Given that you can apparently lock thread creation and destruction, could you not just have the "broadcasting" thread post the required updates to thread-local-state in a per-thread queue, which each thread checks whenever it goes to use the thread-local-state? If there's outstanding update(s), it first applies them.
You are trying to synchronize a set of threads.
From a design pattern point of view the pthread native solution for your problem would be a pthread barrier.

Kill Thread in Pthread Library

I use pthread_create(&thread1, &attrs, //... , //...); and need if some condition occured need to kill this thread how to kill this ?
First store the thread id
pthread_create(&thr, ...)
then later call
However, this not a recommended programming practice! It's better to use an inter-thread communication mechanism like semaphores or messages to communicate to the thread that it should stop execution.
Note that pthread_kill(...) does not actually terminate the receiving thread, but instead delivers a signal to it, and it depends on the signal and signal handlers what happens.
There are two approaches to this problem.
Use a signal: The thread installs a signal handler using sigaction() which sets a flag, and the thread periodically checks the flag to see whether it must terminate. When the thread must terminate, issue the signal to it using pthread_kill() and wait for its termination with pthread_join(). This approach requires pre-synchronization between the parent thread and the child thread, to guarantee that the child thread has already installed the signal handler before it is able to handle the termination signal;
Use a cancellation point: The thread terminates whenever a cancellation function is executed. When the thread must terminate, execute pthread_cancel() and wait for its termination with pthread_join(). This approach requires detailed usage of pthread_cleanup_push() and pthread_cleanup_pop() to avoid resource leakage. These last two calls might mess with the lexical scope of the code (since they may be macros yielding { and } tokens) and are very difficult to maintain properly.
(Note that if you have already detached the thread using pthread_detach(), you cannot join it again using pthread_join().)
Both approaches can be very tricky, but either might be specially useful in a given situation.
I agree with Antti, better practice would be to implement some checkpoint(s) where the thread checks if it should terminate. These checkpoints can be implemented in a number of ways e.g.: a shared variable with lock or an event that the thread checks if it is set (the thread can opt to wait zero time).
Take a look at the pthread_kill() function.
This will kill the thread.
