Facebook Like with Send on a mobile Web page - mobile

My experience is that Facebook Like works fine on mobile pages in general, but I now also want to add the Send/Share button.
When I click on the Send button the window being opened is so large (clearly more than 320 pixels wide) that it instead is shown almost completely outside of the display to the left (the right edge of the window being just beside the Send button).
Is there a way via the Social Plugins or via the API to create a Send/Share form that would fit inside of 320 pixels?
I've worked with the Graph API before, so that would not be a show-stopper.
Thanks in advance,

Try this send dialog.
And try forcing the display mode to wap


Is it possible to change user's phone orientation using react?

I have the next question. I am developing a react application with some images. The user has the possibility to click and open a full-page image. Because the image's orientation is horizontal on the mobile, it does not look good. My idea is when the user clicks on the full page icon, the orientation of the phone becomes horizontal as is implemented on youtube. I tried to find some information about that, but I am not sure if it is even possible, I saw that only by using react native and developing mobile applications you can have access to the user's orientation of the screen. But maybe there are some methods to do in the browser? Thanks in advance.
It is not possible to change this from the web, however you could simply rotate the image and display it full screen. This has been done here:
CSS Rotate Portrait Image 90 Degrees and Make Image Full Screen

CefSharp - How to get feedback if clicked an inputfield?

I'm new to CefSharp. Right now on one side I'm using cefsharp on my server to get an image/screenshot of my off-screen-browser. On the other side I have the client that is requesting and interacting with this image.
So clicking on the image, getting the coordinates and transfer that information to cefsharp to perform the same interaction, works well. But now I'm sitting in front of an login-screen and want to click the inputfield.
So clicking works, but now I want to spawn a keyboard, so I can type sth into the inputfield. How can I get feedback that I clicked into an inputfield?
My project is setup in Unity, C#.

Media query issues when resizing to mobile and then back to Desktop

I have a site which uses a different menu for mobile devices than on the Desktop version using media queries. If I resize a desktop browser window to a mobile width and click the mobile navigation dropdown button and then resize the window back to desktop size, the mobile menu remains visible instead of changing back to display:none. Unfortunately this site is still in staging so I cannot show you a live example, but I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction of getting that DIV to become hidden again once the window is resized back to full screen.
Also, I realize that the chances of this scenario playing out in the real world are slim, but the client would like for it to be addressed anyway.
I figured out that it was javascript that was showing the DIV in the first place, not a media query, so I just added display:none to the div for the Desktop media query and the issue has gone away. Thanks!

WPF Navigating From one page to another inside a window

I am trying to write a WPF application. The general outline of the application is as follows: There is a main window(Note that the main window is a full screen application) and there are several pages(Possibly 25) and I want to navigate from one page to another with a button click event on each page. What will be the best way to achieve this?
I have tried creating a Frame on the MainWindow and then use the frame to display pages, but my problem is that I can not navigate from one page to another from a button click on the pages. I am new to this and I would appreciate any help.
You could of at least tried a Google mate, this information is abundant, but because you thought typing a paragraph here was easier, I shall save you the trouble.... http://paulstovell.com/blog/wpf-navigation

In Silverlight, How can I disable Back and Forward navigation using browser buttons?

I'm using the Navigational Framework in Silverlight 4. I'm starting to believe that this was a mistake as the browser buttons are really screwing things up for users. For instance, when a child window is opened the user believes they can close the window by pressing the back button. It doesn't close the window obviously, it just navigates the parent page back a step. The end result is a messed up data set. I'm fed up with the little control I have over the navigation of my application; forward and back buttons are anachronistic. Web applications don't work that way anymore. Please someone tell me how I can disable their functionality; that is, cancel navigation when it is started from one of these buttons.
Remove this code from your html page which holds your silverlight XAP:
<iframe id="_sl_historyFrame" style="visibility:hidden;height:0px;width:0px;border:0px"></iframe>
This is the history frame.
You will likely have to do this in the actual web/asp.net page, as Silverlight has no real control over the browser.
Some workarounds in this article:
