MVP in Winforms - winforms

I'm primarily from an ASP.Net background with some MVC. I've also done a little Silverlight and MVVM, however I'm now about to move into Winforms which I have very little experience of, so I'm wondering how to tackle MVP.
Typical MVP samples show the presenter setting a view property (via some kind of IView interface), with the concrete view putting that property value into a textbox for example. Instead of this archaic approach, can one utilise INotifyPropertyChanged in MVP, and if so how? A very quick example would be really useful!
If I was to create a model that implemented INotifyPropertyChanged then isn't this more like MVVM? (i.e. the presenter updates the model, and via the magic of INotifyPropertyChanged the view gets updated). Yet everywhere I've read about MVVM and Winforms, people say it isn't suitable. Why? My understanding is that you can databind just about any control's property, so what's Winforms missing? I'm trying to understand the shortcomings of databinding in Winforms compared to WPF, and why MVVM can't be used, as it seems simpler to implement than MVP.
Thanks in advance

I have just checked up how data binding in WinForms uses INotifyPropertyChanged.
The data binding through the BindingSource does really support INotifyPropertyChanged if the DataSource object of the BindingSource or model property corresponding to DataMember implements this. You can use M. Fowlers supervising presenter / controller to full extent here:
You don't even need a hand-written code, the BindingSource synchronizes the view with the model properties in both directions (model -> view and view -> model), and if the model supports INotifyPropertyChanged then the view will be updated automatically.
The code constructs I have used so far:
During view initialization:
this.bindingSource.DataSource = this.presenter;
Designer-generated code:
this.textBoxPhone.DataBindings.Add(new System.Windows.Forms.Binding("Text", this.bindingSource, "Model.Phone", true, System.Windows.Forms.DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged));
The model class:
public class Customer : INotifyPropertyChanged
private string _firstName;
public string FirstName
get { return _firstName; }
if (_firstName == value)
_firstName = value;
private string _lastName;
public string LastName
get { return _lastName; }
if (_lastName == value)
_lastName = value;
private string _company;
public string Company
get { return _company; }
if (_company == value)
_company = value;
private string _phone;
public string Phone
get { return _phone; }
if (_phone == value)
_phone = value;
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
private void NotifyPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
if (PropertyChanged != null)
PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
The presenter class:
public class CustomerPresenter
public CustomerPresenter(Customer model)
if (model == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("model");
this.Model = model;
public Customer Model { get; set; }
public ICustomerView View { private get; set; }

Try to find examples of Supervising Controller MVP flavor, I use that with WinForms, very successfully I would say. The entities support INotifyPropertyChanged, presenter binds them to the view, and presenter subscribes to the PropertyChanged event so that it knows when view changed something (dirty checking). View is responsible only for binding data, all other functionality is moved to the presenter.

You don't miss anything. MVVM is very suitable with WinForms. Microsoft only encoureges the use of WPF and MVVM pattern with it.


Meaning of POCO classes in MVVM and Entity Framework

I am trying to understand how WPF binding works in junction with MVVM and Entity Framework. So far I understand databinding as a concept related to properties. However, when it gets to EF I lose understanding of which objects to use to define the Model for database. For instance, I have a Model class for a Category:
public class Category : INotifyPropertyChanged
string _CategoryId;
public string CategoryId
return _CategoryId;
if (_CategoryId != value)
_CategoryId = value;
string _CategoryName;
public string CategoryName
return _CategoryName;
if (_CategoryName != value)
_CategoryName = value;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="prop"></param>
void RaisePropertyChanged(string prop)
if (PropertyChanged != null) { PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(prop)); }
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
and POCO version:
public class CategoryPoco
public CategoryPoco() { }
public int CategoryId { get; set; }
public string CategoryName { get; set; }
Properties of the non Poco class in my understanding can be then used in databinding. However, I also need to build the database context model:
public DbSet<Category> Categories { get; set; }
Now here is where I lose my understanding, do I use Poco or non-Poco classes when building the context model?
How do I match the two classes when I start exchanging data with the Database?
You use the "POCO version" to build the context model for your database. If you will, POCO is just defined as
Plain Old CLR Object.
Just a normal class, no attributes describing infrastructure concerns or other responsibilities that your domain objects shouldn't have.
so technically, your Category is also considered as POCO. POCO doesn't have a different meaning when used with MVVM or EF. EF just uses those objects to map it back to the database.
In your Category class, I normally don't create another Model class just to have that INotifyPropertyChanged. It's more flexible and clear that your Category class should be called CategoryViewModel.
If I read your code and I see an INotifyPropertyChanged interface where WPF uses it also for DataBinding, then I would be against it as you are now using Model -> View pattern without the ViewModel as your middleman. (Assuming you use category as your binding source)
If you decided that you need to extend Category class, then I would suggest to use T4 template to generate your POCO Classes as a partial class, and create another partial class that implements INotifyPropertyChanged or add more properties that are not in the columns of a given table e.g., CategoryStatus, CategoryDescription and mark those properties with [NotMapped] attribute.
That way you don't have to do matching between the two classes and mostly your Model is already setup in the ViewModel to communicate it back with EF. You also have the flexibility to add more functionality to the object, which complies with the Open-Closed design principle.

INotifyPropertyChanged for model and viewmodel

I am currently away from home (and will be for a few more weeks) and only have a tablet - therefore, I have no access to Visual Studio to test what I'm trying to learn - the MVVM pattern.
So far, I think the theory is set, but I'm confused about the INotifyPropertyChanged interface.
I think one of the ideas of the MVVM pattern is to be able to update the Model which in turn notifies the ViewModel which in turn notifies the view. If I'm wrong then the rest of this question is meaningless.
My question is, do all the classes have to share 1 implementation of INotifyPropertyChanged?
In other words, which is correct:
A property name is the same for all classes (but each class has it's own unique implementation of INotifyPropertyChanged)
A property name is the same for all classes (and each class inherits from a single base class which implements INotifyPropertyChanged)?
No, they don't have to share anything. However the implementation of INotifyPropertyChanged is some lines of code, so we usually made a base class for models - like BaseModel or BaseViewModel which implemented INotifyPropertyChanged.
The implementations are generally specific to the version of C# language you use (the older ones works in the newer version of language).
Look here:
but instead of having the Employee class to implement the INotifyPropertyChanged, you can implement it in a base class
public class BaseViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
protected void RaisePropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] string caller = "")
if (PropertyChanged != null)
PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(caller));
and then the Employee class from the blog should look like this
public class Employee : BaseViewModel
private string _name;
public string Name
get { return _name; }
_name = value;
this is for C# 5 (the .Net 4.5 - the one which does not run on Windows XP)

How to replace griddata content when another control's (e.g. combobox) selection is changed?

This is probably not that difficult but as a wpf/mvvm beginner I'm still struggling with some basics.
I have a combobox (acts like a filter) and a griddata in a view. I use MMVM and databinding. On startup griddata is populated and the combobox's selection is set - that works fine. I'd like to replace the content of the griddata when the selection in the combobox changes. The combobox selected value is bound to a property in my viewmodel so I know when it changes and I can easily replace the content of the collection (which is IList) bound to the griddata. However I do not know how to force the griddata to 'refresh' itself in the view using mvvm bindings.
I was considering using ObservableCollection<> but from what I've read it looks like replacing the content is not that simple either. I do not really need the view to know when a single item in the collection changes - I will always replace the whole content of the list.
I'd appreciate any suggestions.
You can implement INotifyPropertyChanged in you ViewModel and call it when the List changes.
public class ViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
private List<MyObject> _myList;
public List<MyObject> MyList
get { return _myList; }
set { _myList = value; NotifyPropertyChanged(); }
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
public void NotifyPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName]string propertyName = null)
if (PropertyChanged != null)
PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
Now when you replace MyList e.g. MyList = newlist it will tell the UI to update whatever is bound to MyList

MVVM for collections

I have recently started learning wpf and am trying to use mvvm.
My understanding is that in the mvvm neither the view or the model should know the other exists.
What I am trying to do is show a list of customers on the screen. But if I code the viewModel as shown below. which is similar to many examples I see on the net, then I end up with some code looking like this
class Customer
public String Name {get;set;}
public String Address {get;set;} }
class MainWindowViewModel
ObservableCollection<Customer> customers = new ObservableCollection<Customer>();
public ObservableCollection<Customer> Customer
get {return customers;}
public MainWindowViewModel()
//cust1 and cust2 are Customer objets
Now if I create an instance of my MainWindowViewModel and set it as the datacontext of my MainWindowView (my view) and i further bind the viewmodels Customers property to a listBox, then the view will need a reference to the assembly that contains my Models.
So my questions are.
1) Is adding a reference to Models assembly allowable in MVVM, since this would mean the view knows about the model.
2) would a better solution be to wrap each Customer object in a CustomerViewModel and have the MainWindowViewModel contain ObservableCollection of CustomerViewModel
instead of ObservableCollection of Customer. This would separate the models completely from the view.
I'm not sure why you think the project containing your views requires a reference to your model project? There is nothing in your view which references your models directly - your binding expressions in XAML are linked by name only, and to properties on your view model anyway, not your model.
Wrapping your model in a view model is a good option if your view requires additional data than your model provides, and it is undesirable to change your model. For example, you view may need to display the Age of a User type, but User only has a DateOfBirth property. Creating a UserViewModel with an Age property would be a good option if you didn't want to alter your model.
Answers to your questions:
What is bad about the View referring the Model? This is absolutely ok when it simplifies the code. Just the other way around (Model -> View) is bad practice.
You don't need to wrap each Customer object in a CustomerViewModel when you don't have special needs. I would suggest to follow a pragmatic way and keep the code simple.
You might be interested in the BookLibrary sample application of the WPF Application Framework (WAF) which shows the scenario you describe here.
We usually create a CustomerViewModel. That is enforced by our generic CollectionViewModelBase class. This unsures that every part the user interface uses is exspecially created to be displayed and we don't have any UI related code in the models which are often serializable POCOs.
The MVVM pattern is similar to any other MVx pattern (MVC, MVP, ...) in that it encourages separation of concerns (SoC), which in turn improve maintainability / testability of your code. Beyond the usual SoC, MVVM gives the following:
Unit testing of your view logic; this is because you move logic from your view into your view-model, making your view as dumb as possible.
Developer-designer workflow; because the view is 'dumb', it is easier to work with the XAML without the logic behind it.
Regarding visibility, i.e. what is visible to what, it is strictly as follows:
Model <= ViewModel <= View
In other words, the ViewModel can see the Model, but the Model cannot see the ViewModel. Likewise, the View can see the ViewModel, but not vice-versa.
Because the ViewModel has no reference to the View, it enables your code to be executed without any view components present, this enables (1) above.
The purpose of your ViewModel is to 'shape' your Model to make binding to the View easier. If your View is simple, then it is quite acceptable to do the following:
Model <= View
This still allows (1) unit testing, (2) developer-designer workflow.
It is also fine to use a hybrid approach, sometimes exposing your Model to your view, other times wrapping it in a ViewModel. For example:
Please don't create a bunch of boiler-plate ViewModel code, just because you think you have to!
You will definitively want to wrap your models in view only objects like below :
/// <summary>
/// Business model object : Should be in your separate business model only library
/// </summary>
public class BusinessModelObject
public string Prop1 { get; set; }
public int Prop2 { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Base notifying object : Should be in your GUI library
/// </summary>
public abstract class NotifyingObject<T> : INotifyPropertyChanged
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
public void NotifyPropertyChanged(PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
PropertyChangedEventHandler handler = PropertyChanged;
if (handler != null) handler(this, e);
private static readonly PropertyChangedEventArgs ModelPropertyChanged = new PropertyChangedEventArgs("Model");
private T _model;
public T Model
get { return _model; }
_model = value;
/// <summary>
/// Model decorator : Should be in your GUI library
/// </summary>
public class BusinessModelObjectAdapter : NotifyingObject<BusinessModelObject>
public BusinessModelObjectAdapter(BusinessModelObject model)
this.Model = Model;
private static readonly PropertyChangedEventArgs Prop1PropertyChanged = new PropertyChangedEventArgs("Prop1");
private string _prop1;
public string Prop1
get { return Model.Prop1; }
Model.Prop1 = value;
private static readonly PropertyChangedEventArgs Prop2PropertyChanged = new PropertyChangedEventArgs("Prop2");
private int _prop2;
public int Prop2
get { return Model.Prop2; }
Model.Prop2 = value;
//and here you can add whatever property aimed a presenting your model without altering it at any time

WPF datagrid multiple windows question

I have a scenario where i load an ICollectionView in a datagrid.
In some cases I modify the data where the collectionview gets it's data from. If I then reload the grid with configGrid.ItemsSource = configData; for example, the data gets updated.
Now the thing is, I sometimes open a new window using:
var newWindow = new Edit(movie);
The thing is, I also edit the data using this new window. Now I want the datagrid in the first window to be refreshed after I close this second window (actually, it doesn't matter when it gets refreshed, as long as it does).
How do I do this?
I might be missing something here (I have a crippling hangover unfortunately) but can't you handle the window closed event of newWindow and refresh confiGrids itemsource there?
Window newWindow = new Window();
newWindow.Closed += new EventHandler(newWindow_Closed);
void newWindow_Closed(object sender, EventArgs e)
configGrid.ItemsSource = configData;
If the collection behind the ICollectionView supports INotifyCollectionChanged (like ObservableCollection) and the object itself supports INotifyPropertyChanged then the grid is supposed to update automatically
Otherwise you are on your own and the editing window should raise some sort of notification (maybe an event) that you should receive and update the list.
Ok, here's the long version:
WPF data-binding can update the UI automatically - but it needs to know that something changed in order to trigger the update, the easiest way to do this is to support INotifyPropertyChanged, let's create simple class:
public class Movie
private string _name;
public string Name
get { return _name; }
set { _name = value; }
Now, let's add INotifyPropertyChanged support:
public class Movie : INotifyPropertyChanged
public event PropertyChanged;
protected virtual OnPropertyChanged(string property)
var ev = PropertyChanged;
ev(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(property));
private string _name;
public string Name
get { return _name; }
_name = value;
Now when you bind to the movie class and change the Name property the UI will be updated automatically.
The next step is to handle a list of Movie objects, we do that by using a collection class the implements INotifyCollectionChanged, luckily for us there's one already written in the framework called ObservableCollection, you user ObservableCollection<T> the same way you would use a List<T>.
So, just bind to ObservableCollection and WPF will automatically detect when objects change or when they are added or removed.
ICollectionView is very useful, it adds support for current item, sorting, filtering and grouping on top of the real collection, if that collection is an ObservableCollection everything will just work, so the code:
ObservableCollection<Movie> movies = new ObservableCollection<Movie>();
ICollectionView view = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(movies);
will give you a collection view that supports automatic change notifications.
