Either Free or Paid alternative to Silverlight Web Browser Control to target visibility(z-index) problems? - wpf

I am using Silverlight WebBrowser Control in one of my application, and all the Silverlight Content hides behind the WebBrowser Control.
I know, we can't do anything about it and have read about the Air Space Issue also. I have also gone through the following links:-
How to place a WebBrowser control below other controls?
But its really required to solve it for my application, so I am looking for some alternatives, either FREE or can be PAID too.
I have read about the FireFox Gecko browser, but it seems it is a pure Windows Forms Control and I wonder whether I can use it in Silverlight or not, and also whether it will solve the z-index issues if we can at all use it in silverlight.
Does any body has any solution for this ? Either Free or Paid.

Awesomium is a fairly decent browser since it uses chrome as it's base and it's a native control for WPF so it'll respect your z-index. However, it's a wpf control right now and it's not clear if SL is easily supported or not, but this may help.
Awesomium website: http://awesomium.com/
some mention on how to get a silverlight dll to use:


How to use the WinRT SwapChainPanel control in a WPF window?

I added references to WinRT dlls to a WPF project and I want to use SwapChainPanel inside of a WPF window.
Is it really possible? For now I cant get it work.
The NuGet package description for Microsoft.Toolkit.Wpf.UI.Controls mentions a SwapChainPanel but I have not found any samples using this control in WPF.
SwapChainPanel : Provides a hosting surface, where Microsoft DirectX swap chains provide content that can be rendered into a XAML UI. A SwapChainPanel element is a key component for an app that renders Microsoft DirectX graphics and then presents those visuals within a XAML page.
It's not currently officially supported - might require some private APIs in Windows, though since Stardock could implement its ModernMix - there might be some way to get it working. The thing is though - you don't have to do that. You can render content with DirectX to a WPF window in other ways. I haven't done that and it might be quite a bit of work to do, but so is anything in DirectX. You can look into DirectComposition or D3DImage class. Perhaps the article on using Direct2D with WPF can be a good sample solution.
You dont have to, as says Filip Skakun, but you can ! Just give a try to SlimDX or SharpDX. They're DirectX's implementations in C#.

Alternatives to WebBrowser control in WPF?

We are working on a WPF app with the web browser control. When the user drags the window, the web browser lags behind the window as it drags.
Does anyone know how to solve this issue? Failing that, does anyone know an alternative to the web browser control itself?
Yes, as long as you don't require IE specific features you can use Awesomium which basically gives the same browser engine used by Google Chrome except for everything is rendered in pure WPF. For a while it was open source but I believe it is becoming a commercial product.
I haven't heard about any Native WPF WebBrowser Control. The only options I know are based on Win32 controls which are wrapped into WPF controls in order to displayed. (See more details at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms752055.aspx )
Recently I have to use the WPF wrapper for the WebBrowser control, and it's very limited regarding the options available for the developer. During my research I found that you are able to inject scripts or html content in order to modify the page behavior. Also, you can call .NET code (e.g. CSharp function from Javascript).
However tasks such as accessing the cache, modifying cookies are difficult task or changing the web browser behavior are very difficult. Here is when you will have to use DLL Imports in order to invoke unmanaged routines (see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa984739(v=vs.71).aspx )
It's possible to look for an alternative WebBrowser control such as:
I hope this helps
You can try CefSharp.Wpf which uses Chromium as a base browser. You can find it on NuGet

Popup Outside the Bounds of the Silverlight Control

I'm simply wondering if it is possible to open one or more non-modal popups or dialogs, which are NOT limited to be displayed and moved within the bounds of the parent Silverlight control. Doesn't seem to be possible, even for out-of-browser installs. I hope I'm wrong :)
While the previous answers are true, strictly speaking it is possible in browser mode to have a real popup. At the moment it can only be done indirectly and with a lot more work than a normal Silverlight popup Window.
Basically you popup a new Silverlight app (or second instance of the current app) in a browser popup window (not a Silverlight popup). Silverlight can create the popup window via calls to Javascript.
The 2 Silverlight instances usually need to communicate data, but there are several solutions to that problem too. Javascript can also talk to Silverlight objects (love that feature) and pass information back or you could simply pass data one-way via URL parameters.
No this is not possible, Silverlight strictly renders to a single window (or if in Windowless mode the specific rectangle provided to it by its host).
As Anthony said this is not possible. I've heard from some of the people involved with Silverlight development that this is an often-requested feature and will most likely be added in an upcoming version. But I'm guessing it would only be available in "out of browser" mode.

block script debugging for wpf browser control

I have used browser control for my WPF browser application.I want to disable the script error message.Please let me know exactly as I am very new to this application.
Thanks in advance.
Answer other than disabling script message on advance tab of internet option.
The problem here is that the WPF WebBrowser did not implement this property as in the 2.0 control.
Your best bet is to use a WindowsFormsHost in your WPF application and use the 2.0's WebBrowser property: SuppressScriptErrors. Even then, you will need the application to be full trust in order to do this.
Not what one would call ideal, but it's pretty much the only option currently.

How to run Google Earth Inside a WPF Control

I’m trying to run Google earth inside WPF but I don’t know how. Basically I have managed to run Google Earth in a Windows Form Control inside a Windows Form, everything was OK.
Trying to do the same thing in WPF, well, give strange result a small Google Earth screen placed anywhere in the form an not inside the User Control I have created, and there is now way to make this Google Earth Control grow, or shrink, when I grow or shrink the WPF Form.
Any help would be appreciated, I really mean any!
If you have a Windows Forms control that already works exactly as you want, you could always use WindowsFormsHost to put that control on your WPF form. That might be the easiest thing to do... or is that what you're already doing that isn't working?
I also wrote an application that placed Google Earth inside a WinForms WebBrowserControl that was based on the more-or-less official example hosted by Google. It worked fine. I struggled to recreate the same application inside a WPF WebBrowserControl. My experience confirms what appears to be the general consensus that the WPF WebBrowserControl is harder to use because it provides less control. (e.g. With the WinForms WebBrowserControl you can use the properties to remove the scroll bar and eliminate the IE security question on startup, but with WPF WebBrowserControl you have to use kludges inside to HTML file loaded to get the same effect.) If you are following the Google GE plugin WinForms example, you have to move the JavaScript callback functions into a separate class because of WPF window cant be a parent of the .Net-COM interop between JavaScript and C#. Maybe the other artifacts you described are due to how you resolved this latter limitation. Before finding this solution, I was tempted to put the WinForms WebBrowser control inside the WPF window, but others have posted of unpleasing side-effects of doing this.
