To customize the content type of basic page of Drupal 7 - drupal-7

I am now using Drupal7.12, How to make the basic page contains no "read more" link on the bottom of the ariticle? and i want its title be a plain text other than hyperlink. Thanks a lot!

hi the process is very tedious to be written down here however you can follow this link to get help.
It worked for me hope it sorts out your issue too.


How to set active tab in Tab from Material UI by code

First time asking on SO, I know that this question was asked lot of times. I already visit all those posts but without sucess unfortunately.
As the title says, I need to change the active tab by code. I am using the material ui scrollable tabs with react.
I thought that the project I am working on maybe it has something bad, so I made this codesandbox to try without success aswell.
Could you please give me a hint on how to do this on the given example?
Thanks in advance for all the help, this community is awesome!
Best regards
If I understand correctly, you are looking for a way to manually set a tab, without hitting the actual tab button.
If yes, all you need to do is to change the state that holds the tab's value using setValue and provide the number of the tab you want to go (starting from 0).
e.g. setValue(2) will take you to the third tab.
You can take a look on this. I have created a static button that change the state to a specific number, just to demonstrate the idea.

How I can create a list with images and more than one line in onsen-ui?

I am looking at the documentation of onsenui as generate a list like the one shown in this picture:
But I could only generate a simple list with only one row for each item, anyone know how to do?
The pattern is listed on this page. You can learn how to create the UI with Onsen UI by referencing the page.

Outlook like autocomplete textbox

Hi I'm new to WPF and I'm trying to develop a textbox functions same as the "send to" text box in outlook. Currently I have refered to these posts post1 and post2. I'm having trouble with combining all these together. Have anyone solve this problem? Or Pls show me some example implementations of Autocomplete textbox in WPF.
have you tried this..
AutoComplete Text Box - Have a look at this
Another good example of a Autocompletetextbox can be found at

Drupal 7: Translate Taxonomy menu items

I'm quite stucked with a problem with Taxonomy menu. I have a vocabulary that I want to shows as a menu. For this, I installed the taxonomy menu module and edit the vocabulary to hang from a menu item of Main Menu. The menu shows perfectly.
The problem goes when I localize the terms of vocabulary, the menu it's only shown in the default language. I tried to rebuild the menu (by checking the "Select to rebuild the menu on submit." on vocabulary edit page and submiting), but the problem persists.
I'm trying to fix this for 2 days, I searched for a solution, but nothing found.
I hope someone could give me some solution, or suggest another way to do this.
Thanks, and sorry for my english.
drag the module into your favorite editor then locate this fxrefresh->true, $taxonomy ($row['rebb']); after that change that into fxrefresh->false, $taxonomy(',,$row['rebb']); and add this below $taxonomy->$taxonomy(,, refresh, 'CHECK', true_);

Drupal 7 add block of text to front page

I'm new to Drupal but I've found my way around it pretty easily. There's just one thing I haven't found out how to do, and it's so simple it has to be possible.
I created a template for the site's homepage as it will have a different layout (did it creating page--front.tpl-php). This page will display only the main menu, an image and a text of the company's mission statement. I've done everything but the mission text and I have no idea how to do just that: simply put a block of text there.
I know I can hard-code it on the HTML but I want my client to be able to change it eventually if he wants to, in a graphic way. I tried creating a content type but I can't remove the title field and some submitted info; I thought of using Views but it seems too complicated for what I need, isn't it?
The image I used is hard-coded on he HTML as I know it won't change, but maybe I should have created a view with both the image and the text? But then how would I get rid of the title field and submission info?
Can someone please suggest the best way, if possible, to do this? Perhaps I'm over-complicating.
Thank you.
The easiest way would be to create a region in your theme and then put a block into that region only on the home page.
regions[front] = Front Page Text
In page--front.tpl.php:
echo render($page['front']);
Then in your blocks administration page create a block and assign it to the "Front Page Text" region with the content you want to output. You could also limit the block's visibility to <front> if you want to be sure, although if you don't output that region in any other template file it shouldn't make a difference.
