How to show stacktrace in django-debug-toolbar - django-debug-toolbar

How can I force ddt to show me stacktrace? I can only see parts of templates in which queries are executed. But there are no views which generates queries. I set
in settings but this does not help me. I have version 0.9.4.

Allow myself to quote... myself:
You can patch your 0.9.4 install by changing debug_toolbar/panels/ to read
params = map(escape, os.path.split(frame[0]) + frame[1:])
(and import os.path somewhere above).
It looks like this issue was fixed in 12fdf7e (render_stacktrace).


sagemaker.estimator.Estimator containers eu-west-2

Looking at this, specifically:
containers = {'us-west-2': '',
'us-east-1': '',
'us-east-2': '',
'eu-west-1': ''}
sess = sagemaker.Session()
xgb = sagemaker.estimator.Estimator(containers[boto3.Session().region_name],
output_path='s3://{}/{}/output'.format(bucket, prefix),
where do these entries (contain image names?):
come from? I am especially after a eu-west-2 one - hope there is one (-: Thanks!
It may be that I can just run - at run time?:
from sagemaker import image_uris
image_uris.retrieve(framework='xgboost', region='eu-west-2', version='latest')
I'm not an expert, but those are the container registry path and you can find the full list here.
You can use this code snippet:
from sagemaker import image_uris
image_uris.retrieve(framework='xgboost', region='eu-west-2', version='latest')
and it will give you this value:
This is the latest version of the container but it not recommended to run in prod environments.

How to get Hikvision DeepinViews license plate number from URL?

I cant find the solution anywhere and mine doesn't seem to work.
I just want to see the last plate string in the browser,or the few last plates,doesn't matter.
I do have a plate taken exactly at the time im using in pictime,but the result im getting is;
This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
<ResponseStatus xmlns="
" version="2.0">
<statusString>Invalid Operation</statusString>
Are you certain that the ISAPI setting is enabled in the camera configuration?
It's not possible in the browser without some tool to send and process your API request.
Have you tried using Postman?
Don't forget to use a Digest Auth header.
from requests.auth import HTTPDigestAuth
import requests
url = 'http://<Your IP>/ISAPI/Traffic/channels/1/vehicleDetect/plates/'
data = "<AfterTime><picTime>20220912T192011+0400</picTime></AfterTime>"
r=requests.get(url, data =data,auth=HTTPDigestAuth('admin', 'password'))
Try this one after enabling this setting in camera

How to fix several input per route in Camel 3.X.X?

I have a route that looks like this:
// logging
This route works perfectly in Camel 2.X.X but not in 3.7.X
The error message I get:
Only one input is allowed per route. Cannot accept input: From[direct:ABCD]
I checked the migration guide, but I cannot get how to migrate this sort of route.
Do you have any idea how to tackle it further?
I think you can use direct component:
For example:
// logging
#Stepan Shcherbakov suggested a solution, below will be an enhancement of it:
String [] sources = {URL_A, URL_B}
for (String source : sources) {
// logging

CakePhp 4.x basic Authentication

I am following the CakePHP 4.x tutorial to the letter (as far as I can see) until chapter "CMS Tutorial - Authentication".
Half way through "Now, on every request, the AuthenticationMiddleware will inspect the request session to look for an authenticated user. If we are loading the /users/login page, it will also inspect the posted form data (if any) to extract the credentials."
When I try to access articles or users I get an error:
( ! ) Fatal error: Interface
'Authentication\AuthenticationServiceProviderInterface' not found in
C:\wamp64\www\cake\src\Application.php on line 41
I have tried to figure out why this would be, but I cannot find it. I have tried looking up the same problem on the internet, no dice. Not even a mention that this could be security related (I found a mention about strict brower settings earlier but it was related to another problem).
I have uploaded my code on Github here:
I would greatly appreciate any feedback. I was under the assumption that if I create the full code set from the tutorial, given of course I run CakePHP 4.1.5 and follow the related Cake 4.x manual, that it would work. However, I already found out that I have to change the line about the use of DefaultPasswordHasher compared to what was in the code. So I can imagine the Tutorial page is not exactly as it should be.
This would be hte correct line about the use of the DefaultPasswordHasher in User.php;
//the use line
use Cake\Auth\DefaultPasswordHasher as AuthDefaultPasswordHasher;
//and the function
protected function _setPassword(string $password) : ?string
if (strlen($password) > 0) {
$hasher = new AuthDefaultPasswordHasher();
return $hasher->hash($password);
The solution to this was to navigate to the Cake install dir (containing the src and config folder and so on), then running the Composer call again. This apparently placed the filed in the right directories and then the error no longer appeared.

camel-smooks returns null in body

I am using talend-ESB and want to parse EDI message to XML using smooks & I am getting null in body. The code looks as below.
"file://D:/cimt/InvoiceEDI_Mapping/" + "?noop=true"
+ "&autoCreate=true" + "&flatten=false"
+ "&fileName=InDev_EDI_Msg.txt" + "&bufferSize=128")
"TestSmooksConfig.cLog_1", "${body}")
.to("log:TestSmooksConfig.cLog_2" + "?level=WARN")
My Talend route looks as below.
I used following set of external dependencies.
Also, I see a strange behavior that, upon execution, I still see "starting" prior to cJavaDSLProcessor, which initially made me wonder if at all it gets executed. But later, when I intentionally made a mistake in EDI-Mapping, then the route was throwing errors, which kind of convinced me that it does parse the EDI message.
I did also search before posting this question here, and found a similar problem in this link
And I tried to lower my revision of org.milyn.* jars to 1.4.0, and got an exception that the route could not register smooks component. So I continued using 1.7.0 version of org.milyn.* jars.
For the benefit of others who might bump into similar issue, I 'assume' that the output of the smooks gets written into an Object of type StringResult.class. However, in my initial implementation, there was no such option and hence the output body was null.
Later, I tried alternative approach from where they used processor endpoint.Actually they had even made a statement that the data could be retrieved through exports element. The below code snippet helped to fix issue.
Smooks smooks = new Smooks("edi-to-xml-smooks-config.xml");
ExecutionContext context = smooks.createExecutionContext();
smooks.setExports(new Exports(StringResult.class));
SmooksProcessor processor = new SmooksProcessor(smooks, context);
