MDX - Count(.children) > 0, but .FirstChild.Name is blank - sql-server

I'm trying to create a calculated member that returns a string of the value when there is only one distinct child, "Multi" when there are is more than one distinct child, and "None" when there are no children.
Specifically, I'm having trouble returning the case where there is on distinct child name. Here is my calculated measure:
WHEN DISTINCTCOUNT([Item].[Season Code Name].Children) = 0
Then 'None'
WHEN DISTINCTCOUNT([Item].[Season Code Name].Children) = 1
Then [Item].[Season Code Name].FirstChild.Name --.Value is null
The else returns a blank, but if I use [Item].[Season Code Name] in the crossjoin, the children show up as expected.
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance for your help!

This is a classical, I do that all the times :-), missing currentMember after the hierarchy.
WHEN DISTINCTCOUNT([Item].[Season Code Name].currentmember.Children() ) = 0
Then 'None'
WHEN DISTINCTCOUNT([Item].[Season Code Name].currentmember.Children() ) = 1
Then [Item].[Season Code Name].currentmember.FirstChild.Name --.Value is null


Snowflake with regular expression

Trying to run the below SQL in Snowflake:
SELECT fm_id ,
WHEN regexp_instr(ASSD,'...',1) > 0
THEN regexp_SUBSTR(ASSD,1,regexp_instr(ASSD,'...',1)-1)
(SELECT a.fm_id,
listagg(a.STUID, '; ') within GROUP (
from stu_d a
where fm_id = 1222
group by a.fm_id
Getting error:
"Invalid parameter value: 0. Reason: Position must be positive"
seems it is failing at -1 or 0 value in above case statement.
What am I doing wrong?
Without seeing your table it's hard to say, but regexp_instr() will return 1 when the pattern is at the beginning of the string. Then, you subtract 1, and 0 is an invalid position argument to regexp_substr(). doc
Perhaps you intended to use SUBSTR not REGEX_SUBSTR()

SQL CASE when text field is NULL not working

I'm trying to run the following case statement in SQL:
WHEN P.Photos_Cloned_From IS NULL
THEN ''+P.ProductCode+'-2T.jpg'
ELSE ''+P.Photos_Cloned_From+'-2T.jpg'
END AS image_link,
The statements works, but only for those records that are not NULL. For items that are NULL, the statement is not returning the THEN condition.
Any suggestions?
Try this and let us know what happens.
AS image_link,
Using coalesce here is better than the case statement. Some platforms can optimize coalesce and it lets you easily make a default value.
#hogan's Suggestion is a great one to save code, but ultimately it should have the same result as your case statement if you don't introduce his new 'default' case. It is most likely that the ProductCode is also NULL is that a possibility?
Why string + NULL = NULL because NULL is an unknown in sql most db platforms will nullify the entire value when null is aggregated or concatenated.
So Think of the following test cases:
Id ProductCode Photos_Cloned_From
1 1 ClonedFrom
2 2 Null
3 NULL Null
The results of your case expression and Hogan's Suggestion would be:
1) ELSE ''
2) WHEN ''
CASE WHEN ISNULL(P.Photos_Cloned_From,'') = '' THEN ''+P.ProductCode+'-2T.jpg'
ELSE ''+P.Photos_Cloned_From+'-2T.jpg'
END AS image_link,
, F.Address
, F.InDate
, ( CASE WHEN (F.Date_Down IS NULL and F.Cod_Down = 0 )THEN 0 ELSE -1 END) as 'sn_Down'
Folders F

Filter SQL datatable according to different parameters, without a WHERE clause

I'm building an application that needs to allow the user to filter a data table according to different filters. So, the user will have three different filter posibilites but he might use only one, or two or the three of them at the same tame.
So, let's say I have the following columns on the table:
ID (int) PK
Sede (int)
Programa (int)
Estado (int)
All of those columns will store numbers, integers. The "ID" column is the primary key, "Sede" stores 1 or 2, "Programa" is any number between 1 and 15, and "Estado" will store numbers between 1 and 13.
The user may filter the data stored in the table using any of those filters (Sede, Programa or Estado). But the might, as well, use two filters, or the three of them at the same time.
The idea is that this application works like the data filters on Excel. I created a simulated table on excel to show what I want to achieve:
This first image shows the whole table, without applying any filter.
Here, the user selected a filter for "Sede" and "Programa" but leaved the "Estado" filter empty. So the query returns the values that are equal to the filter, but leaves the "Estado" filter open, and brings all the records, filering only by "Sede" (1) and "Programa" (6).
In this image, the user only selected the "Estado" filter (5), so it brings all the records that match this criteria, it doesn't matter if "Sede" or "Programa" are empty.
If I use a SELECT clasuse with a WHERE on it, it will work, but only if the three filters have a value:
DECLARE #sede int
DECLARE #programa int
DECLARE #estado int
SET #sede = '1'
SET #programa = '5'
SET #estado = '12'
SELECT * FROM [dbo].[Inscripciones]
([dbo].[Inscripciones].[Sede] = #sede)
([dbo].[Inscripciones].[Programa] = #programa)
([dbo].[Inscripciones].[Estado] = #estado)
I also tryed changing the "AND" for a "OR", but I can't get the desired result.
Any help will be highly appreciated!! Thanks!
common problem: try using coalesce on the variable and for the 2nd value use the field name you're comparing to. Be careful though; Ensure it's NULL and not empty string being passed!
What this does is take the first non-null value of the variable passed in or the value you're comparing to.. Thus if the value passed in is null the comparison will always return true.
[dbo].[Inscripciones].[Sede] = coalesce(#sede, [dbo].[Inscripciones].[Sede])
[dbo].[Inscripciones].[Programa] = coalesce(#programa, [dbo].[Inscripciones].[Programa])
[dbo].[Inscripciones].[Estado] = coalesce(#estado, [dbo].[Inscripciones].[Estado])
If sede is null and programa and estado are populated the compare would look like...
?=? (or 1=1)
?=programa variable passed in
?=Estado variable passed in
Boa Sorte!
Thank you all for your anwers. After reading the article posted in the comments by #SeanLange I was finally able to achieve what was needed. Using a CASE clause in the WHERE statement solves the deal. Here's the code:
FROM [dbo].[Inscripciones]
([dbo].[Inscripciones].[Sede] = (CASE WHEN #sede = '' THEN [dbo].[Inscripciones].[Sede] ELSE #sede END))
([dbo].[Inscripciones].[Programa] = (CASE WHEN #programa = '' THEN [dbo].[Inscripciones].[Programa] ELSE #programa END))
([dbo].[Inscripciones].[Estado] = (CASE WHEN #estado = '' THEN [dbo].[Inscripciones].[Estado] ELSE #estado END))
([dbo].[Inscripciones].[TipoIngreso] = (CASE WHEN #tipoingreso = '' THEN [dbo].[Inscripciones].[TipoIngreso] ELSE #tipoingreso END))
Thanks again!!

case when but two columns instead of one column

I need some advice and suggestions if there is available some way of doing something like this:
SELECT Status=Case
WHEN clflf.product='active'
THEN 'Active' ELSE 'NotActive' END;
this basically creates active or notactive in one column.
Is there some way of doing a case when or some other technique so that I can have two columns, 'Active' and 'NotActive'?
You need separate case statements, like so.
Select StatusActive = Case when clflf.product='active' then 1 ELSE 0 end
,StatusNotActive = Case when clflf.product <>'active' then 1 ELSE 0 end
You can always do
SELECT active,
1 - active AS notactive
FROM clflf
WHEN clflf.product = 'active' THEN 1
END) CA(active)

Using a bit input in stored procedure to determine how to filter results in the where clause

I'm beating my head against the wall here... can't figure out a way to pull this off.
Here's my setup:
My table has a column for the date something was completed. If it was never completed, the field is null. Simple enough.
On the front end, I have a checkbox that defaults to "Only show incomplete entries". When only pulling incomplete entries, it's easy.
FROM Sometable
WHERE Completed_Date IS NULL
But offering the checkbox option complicates things a great deal. My checkbox inputs a bit value: 1=only show incomplete, 0=show all.
The problem is, I can't use a CASE statement within the where clause, because an actual value uses "=" to compare, and checking null uses "IS". For example:
FROM Sometable
WHERE Completed_Date IS <---- invalid syntax
FROM Sometable
WHERE Completed_Date =
CASE WHEN #OnlyIncomplete = 1 THEN
NULL <----- this translates to "WHERE Completed_Date = NULL", which won't work.. I have to use "IS NULL"
Any idea how to accomplish this seemly easy task? I'm stumped... thanks.
WHERE #OnlyIncomplete = 0
OR (#OnlyIncomplete = 1 AND Completed_Date IS NULL)
Hmmm... I think what you want is this:
FROM Sometable
WHERE Completed_Date IS NULL OR (#OnlyIncomplete = 0)
So that'll show Date=NULL plus, if OnlyIncomplete=0, Date != Null. Yeah, I think that's it.
If you still want to use a CASE function (although it may be overkill in this case) :
FROM Sometable
(CASE WHEN #OnlyIncomplete = 0 THEN 1
WHEN #OnlyIncomplete = 1 AND Completed_Date IS NULL THEN 1
