Optimization of C program with SLAB-like technologies - c

I have a programming project with highly intensive use of malloc/free functions.
It has three types of structures with very high dynamics and big numbers. By this way, malloc and free are heavily used, called thousands of times per second. Can replacement of standard memory allocation by user-space version of SLAB solve this problem? Is there any implementation of such algorithms?
System is Linux-oriented.
Sizes of structures is less than 100 bytes.
Finally, I'll prefer to use ready implementation because memory management is really hard topic.

If you only have three different then you would greatly gain by using a pool allocator (either custom made or something like boost::pool but for C). Doug Lea's binning based malloc would serve as a very good base for a pool allocator (its used in glibc).
However, you also need to take into account other factors, such as multi-threading and memory reusage (will objects be allocated, freed then realloced or just alloced then freed?). from this angle you can check into tcmalloc (which is designed for extreme allocations, both quantity and memory usage), nedmalloc or hoard. all of these allocators are open source and thus can be easily altered to suite the sizes of the objects you allocate.

Without knowing more it's impossible to give you a good answer, but yes, managing your own memory (often by allocating a large block and then doing your own allocations with in that large block) can avoid the high cost associated with general purpose memory managers. For example, in Windows many small allocations will bring performance to its knees. Existing implementations exist for almost every type of memory manager, but I'm not sure what kind you're asking for exactly...
When programming in Windows I find calling malloc/free is like death for performance -- almost any in-app memory allocation that amortizes memory allocations by batching will save you gobs of processor time when allocating/freeing, so it may not be so important which approach you use, as long as you're not calling the default allocator.
That being said, here's some simplistic multithreading-naive ideas:
This isn't strictly a slab manager, but it seems to achieve a good balance and is commonly used.
I personally find I often end up using a fairly simple-to-implement memory-reusing manager for memory blocks of the same sizes -- it maintains a linked list of unused memory of a fixed size and allocates a new block of memory when it needs to. The trick here is to store the pointers for the linked list in the unused memory blocks -- that way there's a very tiny overhead of four bytes. The entire process is O(1) whenever it's reusing memory. When it has to allocate memory it calls a slab allocator (which itself is trivial.)
For a pure allocate-only slab allocator you just ask the system (nicely) to give you a large chunk of memory and keep track of what space you haven't used yet (just maintain a pointer to the start of the unused area and a pointer to the end). When you don't have enough space to allocate the requested size, allocate a new slab. (For large chunks, just pass through to the system allocator.)
The problem with chaining these approaches? Your application will never free any memory, but performance-critical applications often are either one-shot processing applications or create many objects of the same sizes and then stop using them.
If you're careful, the above approach isn't too hard to make multithread friendly, even with just atomic operations.

I recently implemented my own userspace slab allocator, and it proved to be much more efficient (speedwise and memory-wise) than malloc/free for a large amount of fixed-size allocations. You can find it here.
Allocations and freeing work in O(1) time, and are speeded up because of bitvectors being used to represent empty/full slots. When allocating, the __builtin_ctzll GCC intrinsic is used to locate the first set bit in the bitvector (representing an empty slot), which should translate to a single instruction on modern hardware. When freeing, some clever bitwise arithmetic is performed with the pointer itself, in order to locate the header of the corresponding slab and to mark the corresponding slot as free.


memory allocation/deallocation for embedded devices

Currently we use malloc/free Linux commands for memory allocation/de-allocation in our C based embedded application. I heard that this would cause memory fragmentation as the heap size increases/decreases because of memory allocation/de-allocation which would result in performance degradation. Other programming languages with efficient Garbage Collection solves this issue by freeing the memory when not in use.
Are there any alternate approaches which would solve this issue in C based embedded programs ?
You may take a look at a solution called memory pool allocation.
See: Memory pools implementation in C
Yes, there's an easy solution: don't use dynamic memory allocation outside of initialization.
It is common (in my experience) in embedded systems to only allow calls to malloc when a program starts (this is usually done by convention, there's nothing in C to enforce this. Although you can create your own wrapper for malloc to do this). This requires more work to analyze what memory your program could possibly use since you have to allocate it all at once. The benefit you get, however, is a complete understanding of what memory your program uses.
In some cases this is fairly straightforward, in particular if your system has enough memory to allocate everything it could possibly need all at once. In severely memory-limited systems, however, you're left with the managing the memory yourself. I've seen this done by writing "custom allocators" which you allocate and free memory from. I'll provide an example.
Let's say you're implementing some mathematical program that needs lots of big matrices (not terribly huge, but for example 1000x1000 floats). Your system may not have the memory to allocate many of these matrices, but if you can allocate at least one of them, you could create a pool of memory used for matrix objects, and every time you need a matrix you grab memory from that pool, and when you're done with it you return it to the pool. This is easy if you can return them in the same order you got them in, meaning the memory pool works just like a stack. If this isn't the case, perhaps you could just clear the entire pool at the end of each "iteration" (assuming this math system is periodic).
With more detail about what exactly you're trying to implement I could provide more relevant/specific examples.
Edit: See sg7's answer as well: that user provides a link to well-established frameworks which implement what I describe here.

Fragmentation-resistant Microcontroller Heap Algorithm

I am looking to implement a heap allocation algorithm in C for a memory-constrained microcontroller. I have narrowed my search down to 2 options I'm aware of, however I am very open to suggestions, and I am looking for advice or comments from anyone with experience in this.
My Requirements:
-Speed definitely counts, but is a secondary concern.
-Timing determinism is not important - any part of the code requiring deterministic worst-case timing has its own allocation method.
-The MAIN requirement is fragmentation immunity. The device is running a lua script engine, which will require a range of allocation sizes (heavy on the 32 byte blocks). The main requirement is for this device to run for a long time without churning its heap into an unusable state.
Also Note:
-For reference, we are talking about a Cortex-M and PIC32 parts, with memory ranging from 128K and 16MB or memory (with a focus on the lower end).
-I don't want to use the compiler's heap because 1) I want consistent performance across all compilers and 2) their implementations are generally very simple and are the same or worse for fragmentation.
-double indirect options are out because of the huge Lua code base that I don't want to fundamtnetally change and revalidate.
My Favored Approaches Thus Far:
1) Have a binary buddy allocator, and sacrifice memory usage efficiency (rounding up to a power of 2 size).
-this would (as I understand) require a binary tree for each order/bin to store free nodes sorted by memory address for fast buddy-block lookup for rechaining.
2) Have two binary trees for free blocks, one sorted by size and one sorted by memory address. (all binary tree links are stored in the block itself)
-allocation would be best-fit using a lookup on the table by size, and then remove that block from the other tree by address
-deallocation would lookup adjacent blocks by address for rechaining
-Both algorithms would also require storing an allocation size before the start of the allocated block, and have blocks go out as a power of 2 minus 4 (or 8 depending on alignment). (Unless they store a binary tree elsewhere to track allocations sorted by memory address, which I don't consider a good option)
-Both algorithms require height-balanced binary tree code.
-Algorithm 2 does not have the requirement of wasting memory by rounding up to a power of two.
-In either case, I will probably have a fixed bank of 32-byte blocks allocated by nested bit fields to off-load blocks this size or smaller, which would be immune to external fragmentation.
My Questions:
-Is there any reason why approach 1 would be more immune to fragmentation than approach 2?
-Are there any alternatives that I am missing that might fit the requirements?
If block sizes are not rounded up to powers of two or some equivalent(*), certain sequences of allocation and deallocation will generate an essentially-unbounded amount of fragmentation even if the number of non-permanent small objects that exist at any given time is limited. A binary-buddy allocator will, of course, avoid that particular issue. Otherwise, if one is using a limited number of nicely-related object sizes but not using a "binary buddy" system, one may still have to use some judgment in deciding where to allocate new blocks.
Another approach to consider is having different allocation methods for things that are expected to be permanent, temporary, or semi-persistent. Fragmentation often causes the most trouble when temporary and permanent things get interleaved on the heap. Avoiding such interleaving may minimize fragmentation.
Finally, I know you don't really want to use double-indirect pointers, but allowing object relocation can greatly reduce fragmentation-related issues. Many Microsoft-derived microcomputer BASICs used a garbage-collected string heap; Microsoft's garbage collector was really horrible, but its string-heap approach can be used with a good one.
You can pick up a (never used for real) Buddy system allocator at http://www.mcdowella.demon.co.uk/buddy.html, with my blessing for any purpose you like. But I don't think you have a problem that is easily solved just by plugging in a memory allocator. The long-running high integrity systems I am familiar with have predictable resource usage, described in 30+ page documents for each resource (mostly cpu and I/O bus bandwidth - memory is easy because they tend to allocate the same amount at startup every time and then never again).
In your case none of the usual tricks - static allocation, free lists, allocation on the stack, can be shown to work because - at least as described to us - you have a Lua interpreted hovering in the background ready to do who knows what at run time - what if it just gets into a loop allocating memory until it runs out?
Could you separate the memory use into two sections - traditional code allocating almost all of what it needs on startup, and never again, and expendable code (e.g. Lua) allowed to allocate whatever it needs when it needs it, from whatever is left over after static allocation? Could you then trigger a restart or some sort of cleanup of the expendable code if it manages to use all of its area of memory, or fragments it, without bothering the traditional code?

Is realloc() safe in embedded system?

While developing a piece of software for embedded system I used realloc() function many times. Now I've been said that I "should not use realloc() in embedded" without any explanation.
Is realloc() dangerous for embedded system and why?
Yes, all dynamic memory allocation is regarded as dangerous, and it is banned from most "high integrity" embedded systems, such as industrial/automotive/aerospace/med-tech etc etc. The answer to your question depends on what sort of embedded system you are doing.
The reasons it's banned from high integrity embedded systems is not only the potential memory leaks, but also a lot of dangerous undefined/unspecified/impl.defined behavior asociated with those functions.
EDIT: I also forgot to mention heap fragmentation, which is another danger. In addition, MISRA-C also mentions "data inconsistency, memory exhaustion, non-deterministic behaviour" as reasons why it shouldn't be used. The former two seem rather subjective, but non-deterministic behaviour is definitely something that isn't allowed in these kind of systems.
MISRA-C:2004 Rule 20.4 "Dynamic heap memory allocation shall not be used."
IEC 61508 Functional safety, 61508-3 Annex B (normative) Table B1, >SIL1: "No dynamic objects", "No dynamic variables".
It depends on the particular embedded system. Dynamic memory management on an small embedded system is tricky to begin with, but realloc is no more complicated than a free and malloc (of course, that's not what it does). On some embedded systems you'd never dream of calling malloc in the first place. On other embedded systems, you almost pretend it's a desktop.
If your embedded system has a poor allocator or not much RAM, then realloc might cause fragmentation problems. Which is why you avoid malloc too, cause it causes the same problems.
The other reason is that some embedded systems must be high reliability, and malloc / realloc can return NULL. In these situations, all memory is allocated statically.
In many embedded systems, a custom memory manager can provide better semantics than are available with malloc/realloc/free. Some applications, for example, can get by with a simple mark-and-release allocator. Keep a pointer to the start of not-yet-allocated memory, allocate things by moving the pointer upward, and jettison them by moving the pointer below them. That won't work if it's necessary to jettison some things while keeping other things that were allocated after them, but in situations where that isn't necessary the mark-and-release allocator is cheaper than any other allocation method. In some cases where the mark-and-release allocator isn't quite good enough, it may be helpful to allocate some things from the start of the heap and other things from the end of the heap; one may free up the things allocated from one end without affecting those allocated from the other.
Another approach that can sometimes be useful in non-multitasking or cooperative-multitasking systems is to use memory handles rather than direct pointers. In a typical handle-based system, there's a table of all allocated objects, built at the top of memory working downward, and objects themselves are allocated from the bottom up. Each allocated object in memory holds either a reference to the table slot that references it (if live) or else an indication of its size (if dead). The table entry for each object will hold the object's size as well as a pointer to the object in memory. Objects may be allocated by simply finding a free table slot (easy, since table slots are all fixed size), storing the address of the object's table slot at the start of free memory, storing the object itself just beyond that, and updating the start of free memory to point just past the object. Objects may be freed by replacing the back-reference with a length indication, and freeing the object in the table. If an allocation would fail, relocate all live objects starting at the top of memory, overwriting any dead objects, and updating the object table to point to their new addresses.
The performance of this approach is non-deterministic, but fragmentation is not a problem. Further, it may be possible in some cooperative multitasking systems to perform garbage collection "in the background"; provided that the garbage collector can complete a pass in the time it takes to chug through the slack space, long waits can be avoided. Further, some fairly simple "generational" logic may be used to improve average-case performance at the expense of worst-case performance.
realloc can fail, just like malloc can. This is one reason why you probably should not use either in an embedded system.
realloc is worse than malloc in that you will need to have the old and new pointers valid during the realloc. In other words, you will need 2X the memory space of the original malloc, plus any additional amount (assuming realloc is increasing the buffer size).
Using realloc is going to be very dangerous, because it may return a new pointer to your memory location. This means:
All references to the old pointer must be corrected after realloc.
For a multi-threaded system, the realloc must be atomic. If you are disabling interrupts to achieve this, the realloc time might be long enough to cause a hardware reset by the watchdog.
Update: I just wanted to make it clear. I'm not saying that realloc is worse than implementing realloc using a malloc/free. That would be just as bad. If you can do a single malloc and free, without resizing, it's slightly better, yet still dangerous.
The issues with realloc() in embedded systems are no different than in any other system, but the consequences may be more severe in systems where memory is more constrained, and the sonsequences of failure less acceptable.
One problem not mentioned so far is that realloc() (and any other dynamic memory operation for that matter) is non-deterministic; that is it's execution time is variable and unpredictable. Many embedded systems are also real-time systems, and in such systems, non-deterministic behaviour is unacceptable.
Another issue is that of thread-safety. Check your library's documantation to see if your library is thread-safe for dynamic memory allocation. Generally if it is, you will need to implement mutex stubs to integrate it with your particular thread library or RTOS.
Not all emebdded systems are alike; if your embedded system is not real-time (or the process/task/thread in question is not real-time, and is independent of the real-time elements), and you have large amounts of memory unused, or virtual memory capabilities, then the use of realloc() may be acceptable, if perhaps ill-advised in most cases.
Rather than accept "conventional wisdom" and bar dynamic memory regardless, you should understand your system requirements, and the behaviour of dynamic memory functions and make an appropriate decision. That said, if you are building code for reuability and portability to as wide a range of platforms and applications as possible, then reallocation is probably a really bad idea. Don't hide it in a library for example.
Note too that the same problem exists with C++ STL container classes that dynamically reallocate and copy data when the container capacity is increased.
Well, it's better to avoid using realloc if it's possible, since this operation is costly especially being put into the loop: for example, if some allocated memory needs to be extended and there no gap between after current block and the next allocated block - this operation is almost equals: malloc + memcopy + free.

making your own malloc function?

I read that some games rewrite their own malloc to be more efficient. I don't understand how this is possible in a virtual memory world. If I recall correctly, malloc actually calls an OS specific function, which maps the virtual address to a real address with the MMU. So then how can someone make their own memory allocator and allocate real memory, without calling the actual runtime's malloc?
It's certainly possible to write an allocator more efficient than a general purpose one.
If you know the properties of your allocations, you can blow general purpose allocators out of the water.
Case in point: many years ago, we had to design and code up a communication subsystem (HDLC, X.25 and proprietary layers) for embedded systems. The fact that we knew the maximum allocation would always be less than 128 bytes (or something like that) meant that we didn't have to mess around with variable sized blocks at all. Every allocation was for 128 bytes no matter how much you asked for.
Of course, if you asked for more, it returned NULL.
By using fixed-length blocks, we were able to speed up allocations and de-allocations greatly, using bitmaps and associated structures to hold accounting information rather than relying on slower linked lists. In addition, the need to coalesce freed blocks was not needed.
Granted, this was a special case but you'll find that's so for games as well. In fact, we've even used this in a general purpose system where allocations below a certain threshold got a fixed amount of memory from a self-managed pre-allocated pool done the same way. Any other allocations (larger than the threshold or if the pool was fully allocated) were sent through to the "real" malloc.
Just because malloc() is a standard C function doesn't mean that it's the lowest level access you have to the memory system. In fact, malloc() is probably implemented in terms of lower-level operating system functionality. That means you could call those lower level interfaces too. They might be OS-specific, but they might allow you better performance than you would get from the malloc() interface. If that were the case, you could implement your own memory allocation system any way you want, and maybe be even more efficient about it - optimizing the algorithm for the characteristics of the size and frequency of allocations you're going to make, for example.
In general, malloc will call an OS-specific function to obtain a bunch of memory (at least one VM page), and will then divide that memory up into smaller chunks as needed to return to the caller of malloc.
The malloc library will also have a list (or lists) of free blocks, so it can often meet a request without asking the OS for more memory. Determining how many different block sizes to handle, deciding whether to attempt to combine adjacent free blocks, and so forth, are the choices the malloc library implementor has to make.
It's possible for you to bypass the malloc library and directly invoke the OS-level "give me some memory" function and do your own allocation/freeing within the memory you get from the OS. Such implementations are likely to be OS-specific. Another alternative is to use malloc for initial allocations, but maintain your own cache of freed objects.
One thing you can do is have your allocator allocate a pool of memory, then service requests from than (and allocate a bigger pool if it runs out). I'm not sure if that's what they're doing though.
If I recall correctly, malloc actually
calls an OS specific function
Not quite. Most hardware has a 4KB page size. Operating systems generally don't expose a memory allocation interface offering anything smaller than page-sized (and page-aligned) chunks.
malloc spends most of its time managing the virtual memory space that has already been allocated, and only occasionally requests more memory from the OS (obviously this depends on the size of the items you allocate and how often you free).
There is a common misconception that when you free something it is immediately returned to the operating system. While this sometimes occurs (particularly for larger memory blocks) it is generally the case that freed memory remains allocated to the process and can then be re-used by later mallocs.
So most of the work is in bookkeeping of already-allocated virtual space. Allocation strategies can have many aims, such as fast operation, low memory wastage, good locality, space for dynamic growth (e.g. realloc) and so on.
If you know more about your pattern of memory allocation and release, you can optimise malloc and free for your usage patterns or provide a more extensive interface.
For instance, you may be allocating lots of equal-sized objects, which may change the optimal allocation parameters. Or you may always free large amounts of objects at once, in which case you don't want free to be doing fancy things.
Have a look at memory pools and obstacks.
See How do games like GTA IV not fragment the heap?.

What are alternatives to malloc() in C?

I am writing C for an MPC 555 board and need to figure out how to allocate dynamic memory without using malloc.
Typically malloc() is implemented on Unix using sbrk() or mmap(). (If you use the latter, you want to use the MAP_ANON flag.)
If you're targetting Windows, VirtualAlloc may help. (More or less functionally equivalent to anonymous mmap().)
Update: Didn't realize you weren't running under a full OS, I somehow got the impression instead that this might be a homework assignment running on top of a Unix system or something...
If you are doing embedded work and you don't have a malloc(), I think you should find some memory range that it's OK for you to write on, and write your own malloc(). Or take someone else's.
Pretty much the standard one that everybody borrows from was written by Doug Lea at SUNY Oswego. For example glibc's malloc is based on this. See: malloc.c, malloc.h.
You might want to check out Ralph Hempel's Embedded Memory Manager.
If your runtime doesn't support malloc, you can find an open source malloc and tweak it to manage a chunk of memory yourself.
malloc() is an abstraction that is use to allow C programs to allocate memory without having to understand details about how memory is actually allocated from the operating system. If you can't use malloc, then you have no choice other than to use whatever facilities for memory allocation that are provided by your operating system.
If you have no operating system, then you must have full control over the layout of memory. At that point for simple systems the easiest solution is to just make everything static and/or global, for more complex systems, you will want to reserve some portion of memory for a heap allocator and then write (or borrow) some code that use that memory to implement malloc.
An answer really depends on why you might need to dynamically allocate memory. What is the system doing that it needs to allocate memory yet cannot use a static buffer? The answer to that question will guide your requirements in managing memory. From there, you can determine which data structure you want to use to manage your memory.
For example, a friend of mine wrote a thing like a video game, which rendered video in scan-lines to the screen. That team determined that memory would be allocated for each scan-line, but there was a specific limit to how many bytes that could be for any given scene. After rendering each scan-line, all the temporary objects allocated during that rendering were freed.
To avoid the possibility of memory leaks and for performance reasons (this was in the 90's and computers were slower then), they took the following approach: They pre-allocated a buffer which was large enough to satisfy all the allocations for a scan-line, according to the scene parameters which determined the maximum size needed. At the beginning of each scan-line, a global pointer was set to the beginning of the scan line. As each object was allocated from this buffer, the global pointer value was returned, and the pointer was advanced to the next machine-word-aligned position following the allocated amount of bytes. (This alignment padding was including in the original calculation of buffer size, and in the 90's was four bytes but should now be 16 bytes on some machinery.) At the end of each scan-line, the global pointer was reset to the beginning of the buffer.
In "debug" builds, there were two scan buffers, which were protected using virtual memory protection during alternating scan lines. This method detects stale pointers being used from one scan-line to the next.
The buffer of scan-line memory may be called a "pool" or "arena" depending on whome you ask. The relevant detail is that this is a very simple data structure which manages memory for a certain task. It is not a general memory manager (or, properly, "free store implementation") such as malloc, which might be what you are asking for.
Your application may require a different data structure to keep track of your free storage. What is your application?
You should explain why you can't use malloc(), as there might be different solutions for different reasons, and there are several reasons why it might be forbidden or unavailable on small/embedded systems:
concern over memory fragmentation. In this case a set of routines that allocate fixed size memory blocks for one or more pools of memory might be the solution.
the runtime doesn't provide a malloc() - I think most modern toolsets for embedded systems do provide some way to link in a malloc() implementation, but maybe you're using one that doesn't for whatever reason. In that case, using Doug Lea's public domain malloc might be a good choice, but it might be too large for your system (I'm not familiar with the MPC 555 off the top of my head). If that's the case, a very simple, custom malloc() facility might be in order. It's not too hard to write, but make sure you unit test the hell out of uit because it's also easy to get details wrong. For example, I have a set of very small routines that use a brain dead memory allocation strategy using blocks on a free list (the allocator can be compile-time configured for first, best or last fit). I give it an array of char at initialization, and subsequent allocation calls will split free blocks as necessary. It's nowhere near as sophisticated as Lea's malloc(), but it's pretty dang small so for simple uses it'll do the trick.
many embedded projects forbid the use of dynamic memory allocation - in this case, you have to live with statically allocated structures
Write your own. Since your allocator will probably be specialized to a few types of objects, I recommend the Quick Fit scheme developed by Bill Wulf and Charles Weinstock. (I have not been able to find a free copy of this paper, but many people have access to the ACM digital library.) The paper is short, easy to read, and well suited to your problem.
If you turn out to need a more general allocator, the best guide I have found on the topic of programming on machines with fixed memory is Donald Knuth's book The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 1. If you want examples, you can find good ones in Don's epic book-length treatment of the source code of TeX, TeX: The Program.
Finally, the undergraduate textbook by Bryant and O'Hallaron is rather expensive, but it goes through the implementation of malloc in excruciating detail.
Write your own. Preallocate a big chunk of static RAM, then write some functions to grab and release chunks of it. That's the spirit of what malloc() does, except that it asks the OS to allocate and deallocate memory pages dynamically.
There are a multitude of ways of keeping track of what is allocated and what is not (bitmaps, used/free linked lists, binary trees, etc.). You should be able to find many references with a few choice Google searches.
malloc() and its related functions are the only game in town. You can, of course, roll your own memory management system in whatever way you choose.
If there are issues allocating dynamic memory from the heap, you can try allocating memory from the stack using alloca(). The usual caveats apply:
The memory is gone when you return.
The amount of memory you can allocate is dependent on the maximum size of your stack.
You might be interested in: liballoc
It's a simple, easy-to-implement malloc/free/calloc/realloc replacement which works.
If you know beforehand or can figure out the available memory regions on your device, you can also use their libbmmm to manage these large memory blocks and provide a backing-store for liballoc. They are BSD licensed and free.
FreeRTOS contains 3 examples implementations of memory allocation (including malloc()) to achieve different optimizations and use cases appropriate for small embedded systems (AVR, ARM, etc). See the FreeRTOS manual for more information.
I don't see a port for the MPC555, but it shouldn't be difficult to adapt the code to your needs.
If the library supplied with your compiler does not provide malloc, then it probably has no concept of a heap.
A heap (at least in an OS-less system) is simply an area of memory reserved for dynamic memory allocation. You can reserve such an area simply by creating a suitably sized statically allocated array and then providing an interface to provide contiguous chunks of this array on demand and to manage chunks in use and returned to the heap.
A somewhat neater method is to have the linker allocate the heap from whatever memory remains after stack and static memory allocation. That way the heap is always automatically as large as it possibly can be, allowing you to use all available memory simply. This will require modification of the application's linker script. Linker scripts are specific to the particular toolchain, and invariable somewhat arcane.
K&R included a simple implementation of malloc for example.
