mpdf no output and php errors in mpdf.php - cakephp

I'm trying to generate a pdp file in a cakephp application. Therefore, I use the mpdf library as a vendor. But when I try to make a even very simple output it doesn't work. Then when I use the debug property, it shows php errors in the mpdf.php file.
Here is my source code:
$mpdf=new mPDF();
$mpdf->debug = true;
And these are the errors shown in the browser:
Notice (8): Undefined index: BODY [APP\vendors\MPDF54\mpdf.php, line 14242]
Notice (8): Undefined index: BODY>>ID>> [APP\vendors\MPDF54\mpdf.php, line 14288]
Notice (8): Undefined offset: -1 [APP\vendors\MPDF54\mpdf.php, line 14421]
Thank you for your help!

This is not a CakePHP problem but related to the library you're using.
Read about how to use the WriteHTML() method.
And try passing 2 as the 2nd argument.
$mpdf->WriteHTML('hello', 2);
If this still does not work read the documentation, check the examples there.

This is caused by buggy mpdf code. It depends on error (level "notice") reporting to be switched off (it switches it off itself). But if you handle errors some nonstandard way, it is problem..
I solved it by ignoring errors from mpdf.php file in my custom error handler.
I was using my custom error reporting via set_error_handler();


Getting StringIndexOutOfBoundsException when attempting to create a new Form in Codenameone

I am using Netbeans and updated to use the latest codenameone plugin. I am trying to follow the walkthrough tutorial at, but I keep on getting a StringIndexOutOfBoundsException when attempting to generate a new Form using the NewGuiBuilderWizardIterator. The following is the stacktrace that I'm seeing. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated!
SEVERE [com.codename1.actions.OpenGuiBuilderAction]: Relative path com\mycompany\myapp\
SEVERE [com.codename1.actions.OpenGuiBuilderAction]: Gui file C:\Users\joshua\Documents\NetBeansProjects\TestGui1\res\guibuilder\com\mycompany\myapp\MyApp.gui
SEVERE [com.codename1.actions.OpenGuiBuilderAction]: Props C:\Users\joshua\Documents\NetBeansProjects\TestGui1\
SEVERE [com.codename1.actions.OpenGuiBuilderAction]: The GUI file doesn't exist!
WARNING [org.openide.filesystems.Ordering]: Found same position 100 for both Loaders/application/res/Actions/org-openide-actions-OpenAction.shadow and Loaders/application/res/Actions/sep-1.instance
WARNING []: No classpath was found for folder: C:\Users\joshua\Documents\NetBeansProjects\TestGui1#b78894d2:1aed2d64
WARNING [org.openide.WizardDescriptor]
java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: -4
at java.lang.String.substring(
at com.codename1.NewGuiBuilderWizardIterator.instantiate(
at org.openide.loaders.TemplateWizard$InstantiatingIteratorBridge.instantiate(
at org.openide.loaders.TemplateWizard.handleInstantiate(
at org.openide.loaders.TemplateWizard.instantiateNewObjects(
at org.openide.loaders.TemplateWizardIterImpl.instantiate(
at org.openide.loaders.TemplateWizardIteratorWrapper.instantiate(
at org.openide.WizardDescriptor.callInstantiateOpen(
at org.openide.WizardDescriptor.callInstantiate(
at org.openide.WizardDescriptor.access$2300(
[catch] at org.openide.WizardDescriptor$Listener$2$
at org.openide.util.RequestProcessor$
at org.openide.util.RequestProcessor$
You need to select a package when you do this and not the top level project since the code won't recognize that situation and won't know where to place the GUI file.
Notice that since an XML GUI file is created in the background, refactoring after the fact won't work well so this isn't something we should generally fix.

Adding 403 Exception view to CakePHP application

I am trying to throw a 403 (Forbidden error) in my controller. When the exception is thrown, I would like to display the associated view. I was under the assumption that if the error is one of the built in exceptions, this would be pretty easy. I throw the exception like this:
throw new ForbiddenException("You do not have permission to view this page.");
I also created a view called "error403.ctp" in the app/view/Errors folder (it already contained 400 and 500). The problem is that when the error is thrown, it displays the error400.ctp view instead. Do I have to create custom exceptions for a built in error? What am I doing wrong.
"For all 4xx and 5xx errors the view files error400.ctp and error500.ctp are used respectively."
So you aren't doing anything wrong, that's just the default CakePHP behavior. As to how to change it so that you can have a 403 page separate from the other 4XX errors, see CakePHP 2.0 - How to make custom error pages?
I don't have the exact cake version you are using, so I'll use links to docs of version 2.3, but it should apply to any version 2.x.
If you look at the default ExceptionRenderer construct, you get this from the description
Creates the controller to perform rendering on the error response. If the error is a CakeException it will be converted to either a 400 or a 500 code error depending on the code used to construct the error.
And clear enough, from the code of that function, all errors get mapped to that:
$method = 'error500';
if ($code >= 400 && $code < 500) {
$method = 'error400';
You'll have to create a custom Exception Renderer if you want to use other views. Also, keep in mind that when using debug < 1, you'll only get 500 error pages
Captures and handles all unhandled exceptions. Displays helpful framework errors when debug > 1. When debug < 1 a CakeException will render 404 or 500 errors. If an uncaught exception is thrown and it is a type that ExceptionHandler does not know about it will be treated as a 500 error.

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'image' (T_STRING) in eval line

I`m trying to create a page that read the metadata of an image and allow user to edit it and save it to the same image.
After searching the internet I have found exiftool as the solution but I can make it work only as a command line not as a library in the page.
I have this code:
eval('$metadata=' . exiftool.exe -php -q $imagePath);
foreach ($metadata[0] as $key => $value) {
if ($metadata[0][$key]!=$_POST[$key]){
if ($_POST[$key]=="") $_POST[$key]=" "; //if metadata is not set, than create an empty metadata
eval('$metadata=' . exiftool.exe "-$key=$_POST[$key]" $imagePath);
and I`m getting this error:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'image' (T_STRING) in E:\xampp\htdocs\imgdata\index.php(30) : eval()'d code on line 1
I tried to replace the ` with other like " and ' but no luck.
What do I miss?
Any better idea on how to do it?
I had the same problem, but using Centos OS, and found a solution here:
'command not found' error when using subprocess in apache
Might not work for Windows but worth a look. Basically the answer suggests specifying the full exiftool path rather than simply exiftool.exe.
If that doesn't help then have a look for errors in the Apache Error Log File.

I am getting error : Fatal error: Call to undefined method Debugger::checkSessionKey() in F:\xampp\htdocs\cakecms\views\pages\home.ctp on line 3

Fatal error: Call to undefined method Debugger::checkSessionKey() in F:\xampp\htdocs\cakecms\views\pages\home.ctp on line 3
in cake php .
Are you trying to call $this->Session from your home.ctp? I don't think $this->Session is available to views.
If you show your code for home.ctp we could better see what is going on.

CakePHP "Warning: Cache not configured properly"

I am using CakePHP and getting the following error
Warning: Cache not configured properly. Please check Cache::config(); in APP/config/core.php in D:\PHP-SERVER\cheesecake\cake\libs\configure.php on line 663
Notice: Undefined variable: Route in D:\PHP-SERVER\cheesecake\app\config\routes.php on line 38
Fatal error: Call to a member function connect() on a non-object in D:\PHP-SERVER\cheesecake\app\config\routes.php on line 38
Any problem in the settings?
Which CakePHP version are you using?
The fatal error looks like a typo. Open the file D:\PHP-SERVER\cheesecake\app\config\routes.php and check what there is written on line 38. It looks like there is a letter missing.
It should be something along the lines of
Router::connect(...[whatever your route settings are]...);
and I guess in your file it says (note the missing r in Router)
Did you do what the other error message said? Check the Cache::config call in app/config/core.php. You seem to have not properly set your cache configuration.
The default call looks like
Cache::config('default', array('engine' => 'File'));
If you changed that post the code-piece to figure out if something is wrong..
