Silverlight Deep Zoom: Generate images as requested - silverlight

I am trying to build an application which serves images to a Deep Zoom MultiScaleImage dynamically. For example, when an image for a particular corner of the large image is requested, that image should be rendered automatically.
Rendering is what I will implement. But my code needs to be called when the MultiScaleImage requests that corner of the image. How do I implement this?
When I search on StackOverflow for this, I get results that explain dynamic generation of deep zoom images using DeepZoomTools. I am not entirely sure, but this is not I want. I want to generate images only when requested individually and not generate all of them on the fly.
EDIT: Let me give you an example that will explain one of the possible solutions to this, which I don't know how to implement.
If the MultiScaleImage requests the image 5/1_0.png, which if you know Deep Zoom will be the first image in the second column of the large image at 5th zoom level (not related to the real zoom value in deep zoom). When the DeepZoom requests this file, I want to generate it looking at the parameters I have, which are "5", "1", and "0".

#Salil: will do.
You could use routing (e.g. to direct the request to a Web Generic handler. Note that a generic handler is a bit more suitable than an aspx page as it doesn't have to do so much work with a page lifecycle.


How do resize images easily in the browser/before they get to the database?

I'm trying to do what I thought would be a super simple thing. I have users uploading images to my site, they can upload any images. I'm using a react carousel to render them. I noticed whilst testing that obviously images different sizes and this makes the carousel a bit weird when rendering them as it can jump between rectangles and squares. so I figured the best way would be resize all the images to the correct size. however, I'm having issues with this.
I've seen lots of answers online like so: resize image before upload using javascript
but I don't want to copy 50~ lines of code and just use if I don't know what it's doing. I searched for packages and found this: which looks perfect but I got some errors with this I couldn't figure out.
all I want when uploading them is to simply check if width != height and then resize to say 300x300. I am using firebase and I am using their resize image tool. again it's really good but you specify dimensions but I think it treats them as maximum rather than actual. obviously I don't want to lose image quality too and stretch the image. so I'm wondering the best way to achieve this.

How to step through a GIF animation based on the browser's scroll position?

I have a GIF that I will use in a React web app I am building. I want to be able to step through the animation based on the scroll position of the site.
I.e. when I have scrolled through 50% of the page, then I want the gif to display the image at its 50% position.
The gif will be in a div, position:fixed. So it will always live in the top corner of the browser.
The web app is a react app so if it's possible that there's a react library that implements this then that would be great.
There appears to be at least one ready made React implementation for dealing with the interaction with/playing of the GIF that may be able to assist you in your project.
React Gif Player is a React component which creates a GIF player similar to Facebook's implementation. It also comes with a pause function (and an example), which you may be able to use to programatically pause the GIF at corresponding points based on your scroll position.
Gif Frames is a pure JavaScript tool for extracting GIF frames and saving to file. You may be able to create individual frames and correspond frames with certain points of the scroll.
I'm not aware of a gif player that implements exactly what you were hoping for, although others may be able to assist in this regard. If not, you may have to use a combination of, or do a full implementation yourself.
Hopefully this helps.

Setting D3DImage to Image and Rendering in WPF

I would like to render to a surface using DX12 and present it through WPF. There are claims on the web that this is possible. To me it seems simple. I can render as a traditional image(ie tga) on hard drive, or some mapped memory, and then present that image through D3DImage--or simply an image brush in wpf. I would think the most straight forward approach would be to render to a DXGI surface, and then copy that over to a IDirect3DSurface9. I don't see how I can map from the source to the destination in any scenario--whether it be presenting a tga, or passing the rendered surface from dxgi to dx9. Microsoft's solution on GitHub is broken, and the part with the passing of the image is shrouded in darkness. Previous MS examples have been deleted, and codeproject has examples from last decade. I have no code to date because I don't know what to put into the relevant section. I have no real interest in using the managed solutions that are available.
it seems i may have been a little impatient. the solution to my problem would seem to be ID3D##Device::OpenSharedResource(). when rendering, render to texture with CreateTexture() and pSharedHandle. this will allow the texture resource to be shared with d3d9. then i can consume the texture with a basic d3d9 pipeline that renders the texture to a basic rectangle in wpf through d3dimage. if i'm missing something let me know.

Looking for a simple Silverlight map component

I am looking for a light-weight map component that displays a map of the US and allows users to click on a State and see information pertaining to that state. The data I want to display is in my database. I just need to know what state was selected so I can display the detail. This is something I am doing to get familiar with Silverlight.
All the searches for Silverlight/ Maps I have done so far have pointed me at solutions that are far more complicated than I need. My perception is that using Bing Maps to do this simple task would a waste of the features provide by Bing.
Anyone know of such a Component? Am I wrong that Bing Maps is not the right tool for the job?
If you have access to Expression Studio (specifically Expression Design), creating maps as vector based images is quite easy. Poly-paths in Xaml are also relatively efficient to store and serve up compared to images.
You import a map as a background image and use the pen tool to dot-to-dot trace around the country. Combine all those path segments into a single path. Then create a separate poly-path for each state (close them to allow for a fill).
It will take a few hours to build all this (I know having done this for a world map country selector... took 4-5 hours solid for the one polygon styled below):
By having each state represented by a filled polygon-path highlighting (by changing the fill colour) is trivial on mouse-enter/mouse-leave events.
If you want stylistic map, remove the image, otherwise use transparency on the state polygons to show the map through the roll-overs.
And if you get yourself a graphic tablet and pen this sort of point-to-point work is about 5 times faster than with a mouse!
The interaction with Bing Maps in Silverlight is really strong and provide you with easy communication between the map and your data. I would give Bing Maps a try.
I'm not sure if you've already come across this, but it seems you can also use the control with custom tile sources. Here are a few resources.
Custom Rendering in Bing Silverlight Control

Display 360 Image in Silverlight 3.0 (Not Panorama)

I have a lot of images taken from a 360 camera which I would like to be able to display in Silverlight 3. They are NOT regular panorama images. The camera which took the image actually creates a distorted jpeg that becomes undistorted once wrapped around a sphere as a texture. I have desktop software that will allow viewing of the image (not just side-to-side, but straight up, down, etc.) and I need to try to get the same functionality in Silverlight. It is very similar to Google StreetView.
What I think I need is to create a sphere, wrap the jpeg on the sphere as a texture, then put the "camera" inside the sphere. I doubt this is possible in Silverlight, but perhaps there is a way to simulate this?
So far, Google searches aren't bringing anything up. Can anyone point me in the right direction to figure out how to do this? Are there any existing projects that do this?
An example of a typical image is here.
These might help you out (probably not). They are 3d engines for silverlight, but they will probably wrap the image outside of the sphere instead of inside, which is probably what you need.
Another, possibly more promising option, would be to use javascript. So far you've probably researched how to do this in Silverlight, but you might do some similar searching for using javascript for this. There may be an option out there already, and since Silverlight can interopt with Javascript, you might be in luck.
Your gonna have to map the texture to a sphere then, like you said. But afaik silverlight 3 doesn't support hardware accelerated 3d.
So your options are:
Try and find a silverlight software 3d library (Like this)
Write your own software rasterizer (multi page guide)
Hope this helps
You might want to try cropping a window from the image and display it. if the user want to go right, move the window right and crop. if the user wants to go left, move the window left and crop. to zoom out, expand the window, to zoom in make the window smaller. if you move the frame far right then stitch the image data from the left side.
You might need to modify the image to eliminate the distortion, this shouldn't be too hard and depends on the camera lens focal length.
Don't try mapping the image to a sphere, it is much harder.
At it says that HD View SL (Silverlight version) supports
"orthographic (2D), with wrapping for 360-degree panoramas"
Also you could try to port PtViewer source code to Silverlight from Java if no one else has
VRLight might be the solution in your case:
Its author (Jurgen Eidt) is also making cPicture (, if you can't find him from the VRLight site, try from the cPicture one, or try from his blog at IVRPA website (, which seems to have recent posts
