Paging in a ListBox (Panaroma Control) - silverlight

I'm using the default Panorama project in Windows Phone 7.1 and want to implement some kind of paging on the the first page's mvvm ListBox items. The sample project has 16 items, but I only want to show 4 at a time (and then buttons below showing next / previous). All of this in XAML.
I've looked around quite a bit and haven't discovered a way to make this happen. Does anyone know how this can be achieved?

Judging by your question the answer shouldn't have to be WP7 specific. Having said that you could pretty much get a listbox control with paging done in silverlight and add it inside of your Panorama page.
I did find this page which shows how to do paging in silverlight with the listbox control and two buttons like you mentioned. Sorry, it's in VB but it shouldn't be difficult to transfer the logic to C#.
But like I said it's not really phone dependent to add paging because it's all xaml. So you could probably search "Paging Listbox in Silverlight" and should find something.


SilverLight like Datagrid Paging in WPF?

Currently I am searching for the best way for paginating the records in WPF datagrid.
I have found one best article which provide best way for paginating records in Silverlight over here.
See it provides also a fabulous demo.
Here is one screen shot.
But when I have trying it to implement it in WPF I could not implement it?
I could not found PagedCollectionView class and also could not found the alternative XAML code of the Silverlight code shows is below screen shot.
Could any one provide or suggest the best way for paginating the records in WPF
as like Silverlight?
You can grab the PagedCollectionView source code from here and compile it into your WPF project. I've done this for a WPF project in the past and it works just fine. However, you won't have the supporting types like DataPager, but it's easy enough just to write your own or throw some buttons on your view that page through the collection.
WPF DataGrid doesn't come with pagination by default. You have to have your own custom implementation. Here is a sample. The sample implements First/Previous as ViewModel commands, however I would advise you to move these commands as part of the control and make a custom DataGrid control that you can reuse across application.

Can I use the WP7 Panorama control outside of WP7?

I need a WPF control that acts like the Panorama control for Windows Phone 7, but I need it for a desktop application.
It will contain a series of panels (or Panorama Items) that the application will be able to slide through horizontally programmatically.
Also, the content inside the panels not currently displayed on the screen will need to be "lazy loaded". In other words, they should be referenced but not loaded or rendered.
Can I somehow adapt the WP7 Panorama control to do this? Or will I have to develop a custom control from scratch to behave similarly to it?
Thank you!
I could probably use a VirtualizingPanel to implement the lazyload behaviour.
MahApps.Metro while still not super mature does allow for the wp7 Panorama control. Demo of how to use a panorama here. I've played with it a little and while its not the most customizable thing out there it gets the job done. Pretty sweet. Also Sacha Barber (Codeproject Demigod) wrote up an article on making your own. Of which I haven't looked at yet but, the guy usually does awesome work. So I'd check that one out as well. gives some clues about how do to this.
It suggests using as your base and then you can use (Microsoft Surface Manipulations and Inertia Sample for Microsoft Silverlight) to run convert get it to respond to touch.
Seems none exist as far as I can see so far.
This blog has started an attempt at making it, so you could work from there to make your own. Be sure to also check out this page which details the creation of an individual panorama item too.

Custom Wpf ListBox Control

I'm new to wpf and have just been given a project to create a set of custom controls which will be used to make a previous windows forms application more manageable and current. However I cannot seem to find much info with regards to customising the built in Listbox, this would involve preferably replacing the scroll bar and the +/- buttons with custom images etc..
Just wondered if anyone knows how to get at these ?
Thanks in advance.
Check here for the default control template of the listbox.You can customize the scrollviewer there to do what you are looking for.Check the below article to get started
Using Templates to Customize WPF Controls
Learn about WPF styling and templating. Other than that, the question is too generic for SO. Read the article (and perhaps google some more articles on the topic), try to style the listbox and come back with specific issues. WPF is not easy to get into, but it is definitely worth the time.

Animated Items Control in Silverlight

Does anyone know of a good, animated ItemsControl for Silverlight, or an easy way to implement it?
Bascially, I am looking for something that allows the items to fly in/out when the items are added/removed from the ItemsSource.
I tried re-templating the ItemsControl to use the RadWrapPanel from Telerik, but that wasn't quite what I was looking for. Realistically, an animated StackPanel would be nice.
I have also seen examples of doing this in Silverlight 4, but not with Silverlight 3.
Any thoughts?
You may be interested in the Blacklight project (here and here). It has an animated layout panel that might do what you need. I've used it successfully on various projects.
Unless the SL4 examples you saw use features only available in SL4, you should be able to adapt the example to SL3.

Is DataGrid a necessity in WPF?

I have seen a lot of discussions going on and people asking about DataGrid for WPF and complaining about Microsoft for not having one with their WPF framework till date. We know that WPF is a great UI technology and have the Concept of ItemsControl,DataTemplate, etc,etc to make great UX. Even WPF has got a more closely matching control- ListView, which can be easily templated to give better UX than a traditional Datagrid like display. And I would say a readymade DataGrid control will kill or hide a lot of creativity and it surely will decrease the innovations in User Experience field.
So what is your opinion about the need of DataGrid in WPF as a Framework component? If you feel it is necessary then is it just because the world is so used to the DatGrid way of data display for many years?
Some other threads having the discussion about DatGrid are here and here
Link to WPF ToolKit - Latest WPF DatGrid
DataGrids are excellent for displaying large amounts of tabular data bound to a backing store.
But what happened in the WinForms world was that people often used them for everything that required a multi-element scrolling list. Souped-up third-party DataGrids soon became available that allowed columns and fields to contain buttons and ComboBoxes and icons, etc.
The DataGrid became a workhorse because there was a need for something it could be coaxed into behaving like. Similar happened to DataTables before generic collections came along--and when you're using lots of DataTables, presenting it in the UI with a DataGrid is the path of least resistance.
I think that when WPF came out, a lot of programmers like me were still thinking in this fashion, and sought out WPF ports of the DataGrid concept.
Can't think of a better control to display tabular data, especially in business apps where you don't want to reinvent the wheel by templating/developing a (Headered)ItemsControl to make it behave like the good old DGV. I'm sure you saw this.
Nobody is disputing that you can make a DataGrid control in WPF yourself. The same can probably be said about WinForms, although it would be more difficult. I've implemented some functionality with ListView - presenting tabular data is easy, you could even say it's well supported. However, the amount of code, manually written code, needed to make an editing ListView is enormous.
The business applications usually require editing of many tables, and you don't want to be creative, you want to be quick. That's why DataGrid is needed in my opinion.
Yes DataGrids will never go away as essential business UI components. People love their spreadsheets and we want to share in that love!
Note that MS are shipping these extra controls - they have created the WPF Toolkit on CodePlex to provide a fast-turnaround, open-source style of deployment.
It already includes a DataGrid and Calendar.
Yes it is!
Among many other controls that ms failed to deliver. (Datepicker, NumericControl)
MS should first give us the tools to get the job done, that is the least i expect from a programming enviroment with the hype of wpf.
It is essential, but you can achieve nearly the same effect with a ListView that is using a GridView, can't you?
After working with WPF for about 2 years now. I would say that a DataGrid is really just a glorified ListBox (since [almost] everything in WPF is styleless).
One could style a ListBox to take an Entity of some sort and show a "record" control for each entry. Depending on how flexible these are made, they could automatically adjust based on the entity passed.
