VB, I keep getting login failed for user... when I'm trying to connect to sql server database - sql-server

I cannot connect to my local sql server using the following line
conn = SqlConnection("server=(local);uid=tedpottel;pwd=#######;database=by")
I have security set to Windows Authentication , so my other programs (reporting services and cold fusion do not take in a password. (as long as I log in as tedpottel) So I tried
conn = SqlConnection("server=(local);database=by")
which said "failed for user''"

If you do windows authentication, you don't need userID and password
You need to add ;Trusted_Connection=True, it would look like this
see here http://connectionstrings.com/sql-server-2008

Are you sure that you have Mixed Authentication enabled:
and are you sure that you are typing in the password correctly as well?


Setup Azure MSSQL Database in Ejabberd server?

I'm developing chat application, I'm using ejabberd for my project. I installed ejabberd server(16.06) successfully and it performing good in auth method as internal. But it is not working when I'm changed auth method as sql. These are the things I'm changed in ejabberd.yml file
default_db: sql
auth_method: sql
## ODBC compatible or MSSQL server:
sql_type: mssql
sql_server: "Server=azure_server_name;DSN=DB_Name;UID=azure_DB_username;PWD=azure_DB_password"
sql_pool_size: 10
sql_keepalive_interval: 28800
iqdisc: one_queue
db_type: sql
default: always
I'm getting following error for while I'm register new user and admin login into web admin portal
ejabberd_auth:is_user_exists:316 The authentication module ejabberd_auth_sql returned an error
when checking user <<"newuser">> in server <<"localhost">>
Error message: {timeout,{p1_fsm,sync_send_event,[<0.390.0>,{sql_cmd,{sql_query,{sql_query,<<"Q9525209">>,#Fun<sql_queries.9.38301790>,#Fun<sql_queries.10.38301790>,#Fun<sql_queries.11.38301790>,{sql_queries,145}}},3534866},60000]}}
I'm used register command:
bin>ejabberdctl register "newuser" "localhost" "password"
Thanks in advance. Please add your ideas and suggestions to resolve this issue.
Again- I am no Ejabberd expert- I imagine someone might have more experience with this; However, it seems that you're confusing Register which I assume is an action to create a login on the Ejabberd platform with the login that is being used on the database. (Or I'm misinterpreting your comments. One of the two.)
You will need to use a username/password combination that exists on the Azure SQL Database in your connection string.
Additionally, you might try the following connection string :

How to connect to simple database table?

I don't know much about databases - Sorry if the question seems silly.
I have sql server 2012 on my machine and i create simple database table.
I want to connect to this database table thru C# code.
So, I need to know my ConnectionString.
I don't understand the parameters of the ConnectionString.
I try to google it - but still didn't find any good explanation.
Anyone can please explain the connectionString fields ?
How to define the connectionString that i will be able to connect the local database ?
Your connection string should be as simple as like below
Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=DB_NAME;Integrated Security=True"
Data Source=. means local database
Initial Catalog=DB_NAME means the database it will connect to
Integrated Security=True means it will use windows authentication (no user name and password needed; it will use logged in credential)
Take a look Here
Search in Google with key term sqlconncectionstring which will fetch you many help.
You are getting exception cause Initial Catalog=DB_Name\Table_001. It should be Initial Catalog=DB_Name (only database name). Provide the table name in sql query to execute. Check some online tutorial to get more idea on the same.
You use . in data source only when you are connecting to local machine database and to the default SQL Server instance. Else if you are using different server and named SQL Server instance then your connection string should look like
using(SqlConnection sqlConnection = new SqlConnection())
sqlConnection.ConnectionString =
#"Data Source=Actual_server_name\actual_sqlserver_instance_name;
Initial Catalog=actual_database_name_Name;
Integrated Security=True;";
In case you are using local machine but named SQL Server instance then use
Data Source=.\actual_sqlserver_instance_name;
Initial Catalog=Actual_Database_NAME;Integrated Security=True"
using System.Data.SqlClient;
Then create a SqlConnection and specifying the connection string.
SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection("user id=username;" +
"password=password;server=serverurl;" +
"Trusted_Connection=yes;" +
"database=database; " +
"connection timeout=30");
Note: line break in connection string is for formatting purposes only
The connection string is simply a compilation of options and values to specify how and what to connect to. Upon investigating the Visual Studio .NET help files I discovered that several fields had multiple names that worked the same, like Password and Pwd work interchangeably.
User ID
The User ID is used when you are using SQL Authentication. In my experience this is ignored when using a Trusted_Connection, or Windows Authentication. If the username is associated with a password Password or Pwd will be used.
"user id=userid;"
Password or Pwd
The password field is to be used with the User ID, it just wouldn't make sense to log in without a username, just a password. Both Password and Pwd are completely interchangeable.
Data Source or Server or Address or Addr or Network Address
Upon looking in the MSDN documentation I found that there are several ways to specify the network address. The documentation mentions no differences between them and they appear to be interchangeable. The address is an valid network address, for brevity I am only using the localhost address in the examples.
"Data Source=localhost;"
-or-"Network Address=localhost;"
Integrated Sercurity or Trusted_Connection
Integrated Security and Trusted_Connection are used to specify wheter the connnection is secure, such as Windows Authentication or SSPI. The recognized values are true, false, and sspi. According to the MSDN documentation sspi is equivalent to true. Note: I do not know how SSPI works, or affects the connection.
Connect Timeout or Connection Timeout
These specify the time, in seconds, to wait for the server to respond before generating an error. The default value is 15 (seconds).
"Connect Timeout=10;"-or-
"Connection Timeout=10;"
Initial Catalog or Database
Initial Catalog and Database are simply two ways of selecting the database associated with the connection.
"Inital Catalog=main;"

Login failed for user 'sa' while trying to create datasource with Railo

So I'm trying to setup Railo and I want to add a datasource.
For the database I'm using Microsoft SQL server Management Studio.
But now I've run into the classical problem: "Login failed for user 'sa'. ClientConnectionId:afd80ac2-0744-4a7d-a9f7-083d93adee0d"
What I've done so far:
With the SQL Server Configuration Manager in the TCP/IP settings I enabled the IPs I had to.
I set the password for the user 'sa' in MSSQL and I added a user mapping for the table I want to use.
I made the user 'sa' the owner of the DB i want to connect to
Restarted the SQL service, my computer and Railo multiple times.
I'm pretty much out of ideas.
After Leigh mentioned in the comments to look at my logs it had the following message: "Login failed for user 'max'. Reason: Failed to open the explicitly specified database 'test'. [CLIENT:]"
I then tried to make a connection without mentioning a database and that worked.
I would also point to Leigh's answer here which explains how to turn Mixed-Mode authentication on, as this can also cause this error. Since the cause of this isn't on Railo/Lucee's end, this issue still arises in 2018.
I just don't want a useful answer to get lost to history, nor plagiarize an answer I barely found.

change some field type cause exception when access the database

I change some field from char(50) to be VARCHAR(MAX).
I did this change from the visual studio.
Now, i trying to access to the database and i get the exception
Cannot open user default database.
Login failed. Login failed for user
my knowledge on sql is very pure - and i dont know how to solve this problem.
I used this - and still nothing work fine.
Thanks for any help.
Update: I reverse the change that i made thru the visual studio - and all work fine.
I made the change in same way and the exception appear again.
Is there some other way to do this simple change ?
Basically because your WCF server app runs under the network service account it cannot use windows authentication to connect to SQL. Can you not use SQL username and password as the connection string?

How to Detect Trusted Connection in Crystal Reports using VB.NET?

I have some Crystal Reports connecting to a Sql Server db that I would like to detect whether the connection is trusted or whether I need to supply the log on info (reports are not supplied by me so I can't control the connect method). If I just blindly supply login credentials, it won't connect if it is a trusted connection.
The following does not work:
oRpt = oCR.OpenReport("C:\MyReport.rpt")
if oRpt.Database.Tables(1).ConnectionProperties.Item("Integrated Security") = True then
'trusted connection
'supply login credentials
end if
It gives the following error:
Operator '=' is not defined for type 'IConnectionProperty' and type 'Boolean'.
I cannot find how create a construct in vb.net for IConnectionProperty. I can't find any documents from Crystal that explain it.
I am using Crystal Reports XI - Developer
I think i found the answer. By using the property ConnectBufferString
Like this:
It will give you a string like this
Provider=SQLOLEDB;;Data Source=MYPC\SQLEXPRESS;;Initial Catalog=sample_db;;User ID=;;Password=;;Integrated Security=-1;;Use DSN Default Properties=0;;Locale Identifier=1033;;Connect Timeout=15;;General Timeout=0;;OLE DB Services=-5;;Current Language=;;Initial File Name=;;Use Encryption for Data=0;;Replication server name connect option=;;Tag with column collation when possible=0
You just look for the following:
Integrated Security=-1 = Trusted Connection
Integrated Security=0 = Untrusted Connection
Hope this helps someone else since I wasted a few hours looking.
