Using ADB to edit Android Kindle Fire launcher default - default

I installed a launcher (syndicateapps ICS 4.0) on my rooted Kindle Fire; like an idiot I ticked 'Set to Default' only to get "The application ICS 4.0 Launcher (process android.process.acore) has stopped unexpectedly".
Force close just loops round to the same screen.
I can access my KF with adb but haven't able to find the file I need to edit which will remove the default.
Advice appreciated.

I had the same issue... here is a solution using a windows machine.
Refer to this link and the back links in the video description to setup the Kindle Fire Utility.
Once installed -- if not already, open kindle Fire Utility folder, you should see a file called 'run' inside. Double click on that file, you should see a command prompt window display.
Type in '7' for going into the 'Extras' options.
From there type in '2' which "Installs Google Apps / Go Launcher.
Once all the packages are installed you will gain access to your home screen to remove the launcher you have and use your fire again.


Restart Applescript causing infinite reboot loop

I tried to set up Voice Control to restart my mac by running the applescript:
tell application "System Events"
end tell
I set it up for voice control. I'd say "Restart the Mac"
However this put my mac into an infinite restart loop!
Had to trash the script.
Is there a solution to this problem with a different applescript that doesn't go into a loop? It would be great to simply say "Restart the Mac" and then presto it restarts.
I use Voice Control every day, without error, to restart my computer.
These are the steps I took.
Paste this following AppleScript code into a new Script Editor document and save it as "Restart Computer.scpt" (Don't save it to any "Startup Items" Folder)
tell application "System Events" to restart
Make sure you grant access in System Preferences for System to be allowed to control your computer.
With Voice Control currently active, select the new "Restart Computer.scpt" file in Finder, then speak the command "Make This Speakable".
You Should then see a pop-up window like this...
Just insert the voice command you want to use (I use "Restart Computer") and click Save.
Note: Before doing all of this, you should remove any previous custom commands you have set for restarting the computer, from your Commands list in System Preferences.
As an added bonus, this following AppleScript code will reveal the file which stores all of your custom voice commands, in Finder. It's a good idea to backup this file from time to time. Also copying this file to a different computer will allow you to use the custom commands on that computer.
set customDictationCommands to (path to preferences folder as text) & ¬
tell application "Finder" to reveal alias customDictationCommands
I don't think AppleScript is the best tool for this. In System Preferences→Accessibility→Voice Control you can enable Apple's built-in voice command system, which should work out-of-the-box. They don't have a built-in Restart command so you'll have to create one, but that's easy enough. Click the 'Commands...' button at the bottom right, then click the '+' button at the bottom left, and you can choose any of several ways of implementing it.
With restarting script saved as application the simple restart command will enter into infinite reboot loop. This is because of unsaved state of application.
To solve this problem, use following script application instead:
tell application "System Events" to restart with state saving preference

Code Composer Studio: unresolved symbols remain

You may encounter a build error: 'unresolved symbols remain'. This may be because you have not installed CCS along with SimpleLink SDK properly for the MSP432. To fix this, here a solution that you can try, courtesy of my Professors:
Credits: Prof Ian Vince McLoughlin, Prof Muhamed Fauzi bin Abbas
Install CCS (I used the latest, [1.15Gbytes]).
Unzip, then do a custom install, and select the MSP432 tools. Default location. You can get it from:
Meanwhile, download the installer named; simplelink_msp432p4_sdk_3_40_01_02.exe [232 MBytes] from:
Once CCS has been installed, launch it and make sure it is running fine. You might need to reboot your computer. Once this works OK, continue.
Now tun the simplelink installer .exe from step 2. Just accept all of the default options.
Once it has finished, run CCS (or restart CCS if it is already running using File -> Restart).
Once CCS is running, after some time, it will pop up a window near the bottom of the screen saying "Updates Available". Click on that window and allow it to do the default updates (this will auto-update three components).
Wait for that to complete.
In CCS, launch View -> Resource Explorer Offline.
Click the red crossed-out CLOUD icon (there are 3 icons, the cloud, a home icon and an eye icon). Wait for it to sync to the cloud. It can be slow.
Once the page reloads, scroll down and install the offline package (in one of the rectangular boxes) called Arm code generation tools - compiler. Use the pull-down option to choose version 20.2.4 and click the install icon next to that box.
Wait for this to install. It shouldn't take long.
Once that has been installed, restart CCS.
Now go to View -> Getting started. Click on "Import Project" and Browse the search-directory until you get to; C:/ti/simplelink_msp432p4_sdk_3_40_01_02/examples/nortos/MSP_EXP432P401R/driverlib/empty
Click "Select Folder"
It will show you a Discovered Project. Tick the box next to that to select that project and then press "Finish". This will import an empty DriverLib project into your workspace. You may rename this project and this becomes your own project.
If there is any problem at this stage, restart CCS and go back to clicking on the red crossed-out cloud (one time it failed for me and I needed to repeat that step).
Go to View -> Project Explorer and you should see it there. You can click on main.c and then try to compile it (the hammer icon in the toolbar) and debug it (the bug icon in the toolbar). If your MSP432 is connected to your computer it will download and execute.

Why is [PrtSc] button not working in Intellij-Idea or Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio?

I'm using a thrid-party screen capturing application (Screenpresso). It's configured to start screen-capturing when I press PrtSc. And indeed it works except when Intellij has Windows focus. In fact, to screen capture code I have to focus on any other window press PrtSc and then select the area within Intellij.
I've looked through all the settings, and especially the Keymap settings, and I can't see anything else that has been assigned to PrtSc. Of course, I'm not really sure; when I try to find a setting via nothing happens, as pressing PrtSc has no effect.
I know this used to work for me in previous versions of Intellij (though I can't remember what versions). But PrtSc used to work in Intellij just like every other application.
So I guess the question is, why is Intellij eating the PrtSc keypress event? And can I turn it off so that the event gets correctly passed to my dedicated screen capturing application.
Intellij 2019.2.4
Windows 10, 64b
This turned out to be an issue with Screenpresso:
Why shortcut [print screen] key does not always work?
This must be because you run your application with elevated
privileges (with admin rights) (the UAC must have displayed a popup
at startup).
For security reasons, Screenpresso can handle shortcuts
from Windows running with elevated privileges only when it is
installed in Program Files folder.
To fix this, you should install
Screenpresso in Program Files folder which is not the default
Uninstall Screenpresso
Run again Screenpresso: Right click Screenpresso.exe and select Run as administrator
Click on the INSTALL on this computer button while holding the Control key or click on the sub-menu Install for all users:
Some users have this problem, first reported 5 years ago: Find here
Crash dumps (java_error_in_*.log in the user's home directory) can help to understand it better.

Start google course builder from Ubuntu command line

I followed these instructions to install Google CourseBuilder. Used Ubuntu via vagrant on a vm. I want to access my course site on my host windows pc since my ubuntu does not have a GUI. To do this it recommended I use the --noauth flag.
It asks for a verification code - where do I get this? See command I ran below:
Notice it says:
Go to the following link in your browser:
You have to open that link in your browser(by copying and pasting or by clicking). This will present the Google Account Chooser dialog where you select the Google Account you want to deploy the course builder app with... At the end of the flow you'll be presented with a code which you then copy and paste back in your shell and Enter.
I also experienced some trouble with installation. For anyone having trouble installing Course Builder from any operating system (Windows, Linux, Mac, etc.), I made a guide and video which details how to do so:
The full text guide is in the YouTube video's description.

how to deploy Windows WPF Application?

I have a simple Windows Form application(WPF) with entity framework. After compiled, only a few files generated:
Then I just copy following files to a network shared folder:
Then I can double click on MyApp.exe from developer computer the launch the app, but can not launch from another end user computer.
How to resolve this problem?
When you double click, app is not launching means certainly it is crashing so type the command eventvwr in run or cmd it'll open the Event viewer in that go to Windows Logs and Click on Application, you can see different levels of logs in that just find the last error log view the details it might help you
Have a look in the event log on the target computer and look at the error that is actually being reported.
It could be a missing installation of the correct version of the DotNet framework as suggested in the comments above, or it could also be that the execution policy of the target computer is preventing the user from running from a network drive (As a developer you probably have admin rights on your local pc allowing you to do this).
Whatever the actual cause you are always better to use some form of installer, rather than this form of putting files on the network (commonly known as xcopy deployment).
Probably the best solution is to use Visual studio to generate you a click once installer and publish it to your network drive. This will then copy the application locally on the users pc and run it from there.
