coverting shape-files into text files using Arcmap - file

i would like to ask how is it possible to convert shapefile into .txt (text file) using Arcmap 10??? i want to convert my shapefiles data to text so as to save them as UTF-8
is this possible?
and if this possible how can i convert it back to shapefiles?

Right click on the shapefile you want to convert in the "Layers" menu select "Open Attribute Table"
Once you have your data table open in front of you click on the "Table Options" button at the top left. Click "Export"
Make sure to select the "export all records" radio button (should be the default unless you have some records selected)
Browse to the directory where you want to save the data and once there change the "Save As" format to "Text File."
Once you do the conversion you should be able to add the text file back into your project as you would any other data table (using the 'plus' button for adding any kind of data) and then do a Join (Right click on your layer, select "Joins and Relates->Join", and follow the wizard) operation to attach it back to your original shapefile.
What is somewhat less clear to me is whether the ancient .dbf structure of shapefile data tables will know what to do with your UTF-8 but that wasn't your question...


How do you remove a dimension in a Google Data Studio report?

How do you remove an obsolete column from a GDS PostgreSQL-based report?
I updated my base SQL to remove some columns, but when I click the "Fields->" button to list all columns, it still lists the removed columns/dimensions. And for some reason that I can't determine, the "Remove" option is disabled so I can't even manually remove them
This is a huge problem/bug because if I then click "Create Report", it throws an error message, presumably because it's trying to access a column that no longer exists in my base SQL.
Am I missing something there, or is this just a buggy interface? How do I remove a dimension?
I can remove dimensions and metric by clicking in the right side of the green container, right next to the ellipsis.
Whenever you add/remove any column/field in the data source. You need to click Refresh Fields to refresh data source fields.
When you refresh data source fields:
Removed fields in the data set are removed from the data source.
For more details, visit Data Studio official documentation on Refresh data source fields.

Azure Data Studio: Save As CSV

In Azure Data Studio, after getting my results I'm clicking on the "Save as CSV" icon and nothing appears to be happening. How do I name the file and where will it be placed? I'm expecting to see a Save As.. dialog.
First, do a select statement.
Then a new notebook will appear. On the right margin, these icons as shown below will appear. Use them.
You can use the first icon to save the result as CSV, the second to save the results as excel file, the third will save the result a JSON file and other will save the result as an XML file
Apparently, you have to click on the blue arrow at the upper left of the icon to get the "Save as" dialog. Not very intuitive and user friendly and not documented that I can tell.

In SSMS, how do I change a SQL query window's tab name?

I want to know how to change the tab name of a SQL query window:
Instead of SQLQuery8.sql…Registry(sa(51)), I would like to have a custom caption.
If the query window has a very title, I can only open 3 windows at a time. I want to open more than 10 windows. So I need to change the query window's name to something very short, something like Q1, Q2, etc.
How can I change this?
In SSMS, go to Tools > Options > Text Editor > Editor Tab and Status Bar.
You can manage some options of tab text, as shown in the picture below.
(for example don't include db name, file name, login name and/or server name).
My solution when I've got multiple tabs open is to save the file (Ctrl+S) and then renaming it to the table name—or whatever it needs to be to make the query recognisable at a glance.
Go into Tools > Options > Text Editor > Editor Tab and Status bar, and set all tab text to false except for Include file name (set this to True).
Now, when I next execute the query, the Tab text presents the new filename.

Exporting data in access to text file with a dot separator

I am using Access 2007 and I wish to be able to export my data to a text file while having the export specifications to allow me to use a '.' instead of a comma or the other default characters given to me. Is this possible?
here's one way of doing it:
select the table/query you want to export on the navigation pane
right-click your table/query and select "Export" > "Text File" (or click the "Text File" button on the "Export" section of the "External Data" tab of the ribbon.
choose a location to save the text file and click the "OK" button
on the next screen of the wizard dialog box, select "Delimited" and click the "Next" button
choose "Other" as your delimiter and type a dot into the box next to it
choose a text qualifier from the dropdown if you want text fields to be quoted in your output
check the "Include Field Names on First Row" box if you like
click the "Advanced" button for more options
change the "Decimal Symbol" option to something other than a dot. (this is necessary because your output field delimiter cannot match your decimal symbol or else the export operation will fail.)
click the "OK" button
click the "Finish" button
that should handle it. i'm assuming that there are no decimal numbers or dots in any of your text fields, or else you'll have problems parsing the output...

Display memo fields in VFP

How to display the content of memo fields with select command?
If I have a table (vendors) with the following fields: id_vendor C(10),address M and I want to display all the content with "select * from vendors" I receive only the type of field but not the content.
If you are viewing the results in a browse window (which is what executing the SQL will show), then ctrl+pgdown in the field (where it is showing "Memo") will display the entire contents in a new window.
The SQL did retrieve the entire contents, which can be confirmed by in the command windows entering
? [fieldname]
And you will see the contents that way also.
Which language are you using or what it your output audience... if within VFP, use an EDIT field to allow for multiple row content to be shown. In a simple "text box" field, it will only show "memo" as you indicate. Otherwise, as Swordblaster indicated ctrl+pgdown or even double-clicking SHOULD open it, but that would throw up an uncontrolled "window" for you vs a controlled "edit box" control which you can specifically place in your window as needed.
Double click Memo and the contents are displayed in a new window.
