How to remove the path to get the filename - c

How does one remove the path of a filepath, leaving only the filename?
I want to extract only the filename from a fts_path and store this in a char *fileName.

Here's a function to remove the path on POSIX-style (/-separated) pathnames:
char *base_name(const char *pathname)
char *lastsep = strrchr(pathname, '/');
return lastsep ? lastsep+1 : pathname;
If you need to support legacy systems with odd path separators (like MacOS 9 or Windows), you might need to adapt the above to search for multiple possible separators. For example on Windows, both / and \ are path separators and any mix of them can be used.

You want basename(3).

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <libgen.h>
int main(void)
char * path = "/homes/mk08/Desktop/lala.c";
char * tmp = strdup(path);
if(tmp) {
printf("%s\n", basename(tmp));
This will output:

I'm sure there is a less roundabout way of doing this, but you could always search through the filepath (I assume it is stored as a char array?), get the position of the final '\', and then erase everything prior to that.
Edit: See R's comment.


Regex doesn't match in c but works with online interpreter

I have a regex that I have tested with, where it works correctly. But in c it doesn't find any match.
My code is below; I have removed everything unnecessary.
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <regex.h>
int main ()
char * str = "<sql db=../serverTcp/Testing.db query=SELECT * From BuyMarsians;\>";
char * regex = "<sql\s+db=(.+)\s+query=(.+;)\s*\\>";
regex_t regexCompiled;
if (regcomp(&regexCompiled,regex,REG_EXTENDED))
printf("Could not compile regular expression.\n");
if (!regexec(&regexCompiled,str, 0, NULL, 0)) {
return 0;
You need to escape your backslashes. Change
char * regex = "<sql\s+db=(.+)\s+query=(.+;)\s*\\>";
char * regex = "<sql\\s+db=(.+)\\s+query=(.+;)\\s*\\\\>";
Note that this is extremely inefficient. A much more efficient regex uses non-greedy quantification, with ?:
// ^ key change
That becomes:
char * regex = "<sql\\s+db=(.+?)\\s+query=(.+;)\\s*\\\\>";
Also note: Your string to be matched also includes \. You need to escape it there, too:
char * str = "<sql db=../serverTcp/Testing.db query=SELECT * From BuyMarsians;\\>";
Here's a working demo of your corrected code.

Which lines are necessary to use espeak in our C/C++ program?

I found this code on the internet:
#include <string.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <espeak/speak_lib.h>
espeak_POSITION_TYPE position_type;
espeak_AUDIO_OUTPUT output;
char *path=NULL;
int Buflength = 1000, Options=0;
void* user_data;
t_espeak_callback *SynthCallback;
espeak_PARAMETER Parm;
char Voice[] = {"English"};
char text[30] = {"this is a english test"};
unsigned int Size,position=0, end_position=0, flags=espeakCHARS_AUTO, *unique_identifier;
int main(int argc, char* argv[] )
int I, Run = 1, L;
espeak_Initialize(output, Buflength, path, Options );
const char *langNativeString = "en"; //Default to US English
espeak_VOICE voice;
memset(&voice, 0, sizeof(espeak_VOICE)); // Zero out the voice first
voice.languages = langNativeString; = "US";
voice.variant = 2;
voice.gender = 1;
Size = strlen(text)+1;
espeak_Synth( text, Size, position, position_type, end_position, flags,
unique_identifier, user_data );
espeak_Synchronize( );
return 0;
I only want the espeak reads my strings in my program, and the above code can do it, but I want to know, are all of this code necessary for that purpose? (I mean is it possible to simplifying it?)
***Also I like to know are there a way to using espeak as a system function? I mean system("espeak "something" "); ?
The usage of eSpeak itself seems pretty minimal - you need to read the documentation for that. There are some minor C coding simplifications possible, but perhaps hardly worth the effort:
The memset() is unnecessary. The structure can be initialised to zero thus:
espeak_VOICE voice = {0} ;
If you declare text thus:
char text[] = "this is a English test";
Then you can avoid using strlen() and replace Size with sizeof(text).
The variables I, Run and L are unused and can be removed.
To be able to pass the text as a string on the command line, and thus be able to issue system( "espeak \"Say Something\"") ; for example, you simply need to pass argv[1] to espeak_Synth() instead of text (but you will need to reinstate the strlen() call to get the size.

OS X: How can I get path to Desktop directory on macOS?

How can I get file path to Desktop directory as a string on macOS.
I need it to be done in pure C or with some C-level framework.
If you insist on using only C (why?), then your only choice is to use deprecated APIs:
#include <limits.h>
#include <CoreServices/CoreServices.h>
FSRef fsref;
UInt8 path[PATH_MAX];
if (FSFindFolder(kUserDomain, kDesktopFolderType, kDontCreateFolder, &fsref) == noErr &&
FSRefMakePath(&fsref, path, sizeof(path)) == noErr)
// Make use of path
If you need a CFURL rather than a path, you can use CFURLCreateFromFSRef() rather than FSRefMakePath().
Actually, while researching this, I found an API I hadn't known about. Apparently, you can use this, which apparently comes from Cocoa but uses only C types:
#include <limits.h>
#include <NSSystemDirectories.h>
char path[PATH_MAX];
NSSearchPathEnumerationState state = NSStartSearchPathEnumeration(NSDesktopDirectory, NSUserDomainMask);
while (state = NSGetNextSearchPathEnumeration(state, path))
// Handle path
The form of the API is that it may return multiple results (one on each iteration of the loop), but you should get only one for the specific use here. In that case, you can change the while to and if.
Note that, with this API, returned paths for directories in the user domain may use "~" rather than the absolute path to the user's home directory. You'll have to resolve that yourself.
Here's a short function, which works on more Unix based systems than just macOS and returns the current user's desktop folder:
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
* Returns the path to the current user's desktop.
char *path2desktop(void) {
static char real_public_path[PATH_MAX + 1] = {0};
if (real_public_path[0])
return real_public_path;
strcpy(real_public_path, getenv("HOME"));
memcpy(real_public_path + strlen(real_public_path), "/Desktop", 8);
return real_public_path;
The path will only be computed once.
If the function is called more than once, the old result will be returned (not thread-safe, unless the first call was protected).
I ended with usage of Objective-C in such way:
// main.m
// search_path_for_dir
// Created by Michal Ziobro on 23/09/2016.
// Copyright © 2016 Michal Ziobro. All rights reserved.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
if(argc != 3)
return 1;
#autoreleasepool {
NSArray *paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(atoi(argv[1]), atoi(argv[2]), YES);
NSString *path = [paths objectAtIndex:0];
[path writeToFile:#"/dev/stdout" atomically:NO encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:nil];
return 0;
And than from command line I can execute this program in that way:
./search_path_for_dir 12 1
12 - NSDesktopDirectory
1 - NSUserDomainMask
I am using script in C that executes this program from command line and retrieves its output.
Here's C example calling this mini Cocoa App:
CFStringRef FSGetFilePath(int directory, int domainMask) {
CFStringRef scheme = CFSTR("file:///");
CFStringRef absolutePath = FSGetAbsolutePath(directory, domainMask);
CFMutableStringRef filePath = CFStringCreateMutable(NULL, 0);
if (filePath) {
CFStringAppend(filePath, scheme);
CFStringAppend(filePath, absolutePath);
return filePath;
CFStringRef FSGetAbsolutePath(int directory, int domainMask) {
char path_cmd[BUF_SIZE];
sprintf(path_cmd, "./tools/search_path_for_dir %d %d", directory, domainMask);
char *path = exec_cmd(path_cmd);
return CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault, path, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);

Creating array of strings works in source code doesn't work in executable

I've got some code which generates an array of strings of different file names and then
passes them into a function to write some data to them. It adds a incrementing number to the starting filename which is supplied from an input argument.
The problem is that it works fine running from source in Visual Studio 2012 but when I compile it and run it as an .exe the program crashes.
The .exe doesn't appear to be passing the array of strings properly which is causing an error when it attempts to use the string
for opening a file etc.
Here is the isolated bit of code
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <Windows.h>
void processing_function(int num_output, char **outnames)
/* in Visual Studio this works fine and prints all
the names correctly. Running from .exe will crash */
for(int idx = 0; idx <num_output;idx++)
printf("outnames[%d] is %s\n",idx,outnames[idx]);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
/*nframes comes from another function, outname comes from input arguement */
int num_output = ceil(((double)*nframes / 1100));
int outname_len = strlen(outname)+1;
char *out_right;
out_right = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char)*outname_len);
/*Split string to append numbers before file extension */
int out_right_len = strlen(out_right);
int out_origlen = strlen(outname);
int num_len = 1;
char **outnames;
char *num;
char *outname_tmp;
outnames = (char**) malloc(sizeof(char)*(num_output));
int out_len;
double dbl_idx;
int *numfs = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*num_output);
for(int idx = 1;idx <num_output+1;idx++)
/*convert output number to string and stitch complete name back together and place into array */
num_len = ceil(log10((double)idx+0.1));
num = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char)*(num_len+1));
outname_tmp = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char)*(out_origlen+num_len+out_right_len+1));
outnames[idx-1] = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char)*(out_origlen+num_len+out_right_len+1));
processing_function(num_ouput, outnames)
EDIT: Changed num_input to num_output as they do have the same value.
Running from .exe will sometimes start printing some of the names and then crash, opening the
debugger gives an error within output.c, with an access reading violation. I tried putting this code at
the top of the processing_function but that gave further problems downstream (heap corruption), which makes me think that the
code is messing up the memory but I can't see whats wrong with it, nor why it would work in VS but not as a .exe.
I could try and dodge the issue by generating the next output name on the fly every time it requires one but I'd really rather know why this isn't working.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I am going to take a shot and say, you passed num_input to processing_function() with outnames, outnames was allocated with num_output for size, but num_input and num_output have different values at runtime. So that lets processing_function() access out of bounds.

How to extract filename from path

There should be something elegant in Linux API/POSIX to extract base file name from full path
See char *basename(char *path).
Or run the command "man 3 basename" on your target UNIX/POSIX system.
Use basename (which has odd corner case semantics) or do it yourself by calling strrchr(pathname, '/') and treating the whole string as a basename if it does not contain a '/' character.
Here's an example of a one-liner (given char * whoami) which illustrates the basic algorithm:
(whoami = strrchr(argv[0], '/')) ? ++whoami : (whoami = argv[0]);
an additional check is needed if NULL is a possibility. Also note that this just points into the original string -- a "strdup()" may be appropriate.
You could use strstr in case you are interested in the directory names too:
char *path ="ab/cde/fg.out";
char *ssc;
int l = 0;
ssc = strstr(path, "/");
l = strlen(ssc) + 1;
path = &path[strlen(path)-l+2];
ssc = strstr(path, "/");
printf("%s\n", path);
The basename() function returns the last component of a path, which could be a folder name and not a file name. There are two versions of the basename() function: the GNU version and the POSIX version.
The GNU version can be found in string.h after you include #define _GNU_SOURCE:
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <string.h>
The GNU version uses const and does not modify the argument.
char * basename (const char *path)
This function is overridden by the XPG (POSIX) version if libgen.h is included.
char * basename (char *path)
This function may modify the argument by removing trailing '/' bytes. The result may be different from the GNU version in this case:
will return the string "bar" if you use the XPG version and an empty string if you use the GNU version.
basename (3) - Linux Man Pages
Function: char * basename (const char *filename), Finding Tokens in a String.
Of course if this is a Gnu/Linux only question then you could use the library functions.
And though some may disapprove these POSIX compliant Gnu Library functions do not use const. As library utility functions rarely do. If that is important to you I guess you will have to stick to your own functionality or maybe the following will be more to your taste?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
char *fn;
char *input;
if (argc > 1)
input = argv[1];
input = argv[0];
/* handle trailing '/' e.g.
input == "/home/me/myprogram/" */
if (input[(strlen(input) - 1)] == '/')
input[(strlen(input) - 1)] = '\0';
(fn = strrchr(input, '/')) ? ++fn : (fn = input);
printf("%s\n", fn);
return 0;
template<typename charType>
charType* getFileNameFromPath( charType* path )
if( path == NULL )
return NULL;
charType * pFileName = path;
for( charType * pCur = path; *pCur != '\0'; pCur++)
if( *pCur == '/' || *pCur == '\\' )
pFileName = pCur+1;
return pFileName;
wchar_t * fileName = getFileNameFromPath < wchar_t > ( filePath );
(this is a c++)
You can escape slashes to backslash and use this code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(void)
char path[] = "C:\\etc\\passwd.c"; //string with escaped slashes
char temp[256]; //result here
char *ch; //define this
ch = strtok(path, "\\"); //first split
while (ch != NULL) {
strcpy(temp, ch);//copy result
printf("%s\n", ch);
ch = strtok(NULL, "\\");//next split
printf("last filename: %s", temp);//result filename
return 0;
I used a simpler way to get just the filename or last part in a path.
char * extract_file_name(char *path)
int len = strlen(path);
int flag=0;
printf("\nlength of %s : %d",path, len);
for(int i=len-1; i>0; i--)
if(path[i]=='\\' || path[i]=='//' || path[i]=='/' )
path = path+i+1;
return path;
Input path = "C:/Users/me/Documents/somefile.txt"
Output = "somefile.txt"
#Nikolay Khilyuk offers the best solution except.
1) Go back to using char *, there is absolutely no good reason for using const.
2) This code is not portable and is likely to fail on none POSIX systems where the / is not the file system delimiter depending on the compiler implementation. For some windows compilers you might want to test for '\' instead of '/'. You might even test for the system and set the delimiter based on the results.
The function name is long but descriptive, no problem there. There is no way to ever be sure that a function will return a filename, you can only be sure that it can if the function is coded correctly, which you achieved. Though if someone uses it on a string that is not a path obviously it will fail. I would have probably named it basename, as it would convey to many programmers what its purpose was. That is just my preference though based on my bias your name is fine. As far as the length of the string this function will handle and why anyone thought that would be a point? You will unlikely deal with a path name longer than what this function can handle on an ANSI C compiler. As size_t is defined as a unsigned long int which has a range of 0 to 4,294,967,295.
I proofed your function with the following.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
char* getFileNameFromPath(char* path);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
char *fn;
fn = getFileNameFromPath(argv[0]);
printf("%s\n", fn);
return 0;
char* getFileNameFromPath(char* path)
for(size_t i = strlen(path) - 1; i; i--)
if (path[i] == '/')
return &path[i+1];
return path;
Worked great, though Daniel Kamil Kozar did find a 1 off error that I corrected above. The error would only show with a malformed absolute path but still the function should be able to handle bogus input. Do not listen to everyone that critiques you. Some people just like to have an opinion, even when it is not worth anything.
I do not like the strstr() solution as it will fail if filename is the same as a directory name in the path and yes that can and does happen especially on a POSIX system where executable files often do not have an extension, at least the first time which will mean you have to do multiple tests and searching the delimiter with strstr() is even more cumbersome as there is no way of knowing how many delimiters there might be. If you are wondering why a person would want the basename of an executable think busybox, egrep, fgrep etc...
strrchar() would be cumbersome to implement as it searches for characters not strings so I do not find it nearly as viable or succinct as this solution. I stand corrected by Rad Lexus this would not be as cumbersome as I thought as strrchar() has the side effect of returning the index of the string beyond the character found.
Take Care
My example (improved):
#include <string.h>
const char* getFileNameFromPath(const char* path, char separator = '/')
if(path != nullptr)
for(size_t i = strlen(path); i > 0; --i)
if (path[i-1] == separator)
return &path[i];
return path;
