iphone/ipad animations - mobile

I was testing with iphone and ipad. It feels like native app for me. I was wondering does someone know what kind of solution or framework they use for the animations?
Do the have done addons to boostrap?


Next step after Ionic, NativeScript or ReactNative?

I created many Ionic apps, using all it's versions, from 1.x to the latest 3.x
All along with cordova, and AngularJS, it's a great framework, with big community, it's getting better and better over time.
But it's still an hybrid working over a WebView ..
With my knowledge to AngularJS, should i move easily to NativeScript, or start over with ReactNative ? from what i've seen ReactNative has better community, and many big apps are in it's showcase.
So, for cross-platform apps, should i keep working on Ionic, go with NativeScript, or move to ReactNative ?
Its good to know you are interesting in joining to the cause of creating native apps using JavaScript. You are in the right direction, both Nativescript and React Native will guide you to your goal: Build professional applications for iOS/Android using Javascript, however there are some differences you should know at the time you decide which framework to use.
React Native:
Its a framework developed by Facebook, using React it renders true native views. It uses Flexbox to decorate the apps so if you never used it that will be a new challenge for you, it is not hard to learn. My problem with this is that there is no direct support from the developer team, and only the community is from where you get the help, and sometimes it is not quite accurate. To create iOS apps you need a Mac computer, otherwise you can only create apps for Android. As far as I know, some basic information you might need in your app, such like platform, OS version, portrait/landscape it is developed by plugins from the community, and this information is not coming from the framework itself.
Its created by Telerik, a very strong programming company who has high quality developers and strong support for its products. It uses Angular as a option to create your apps and its very well documented. If you are a good CSS developer you will be fine because they uses CSS to decorate your app. Nativescript community has developed tons of plugins. Nativescript core team is creating a lots of tools to help you through the process. Recently they launched a tool called Sidekick, which allows you to build/livesync your app from the cloud, which means you do not need a Mac computer for create iOS apps (isn't that cool?). With Nativescript you can choose Javascript, Typescript or Angular+Typescript, all of them will end up creating native apps. For support, you can contact the core team directly, and they will give you the best answer you can have, this is one of their goals.
I hope I have answered your question.
I don't know about React Native, but we have a great community with NativeScript. Hop on our Slack channel and meet the fam!

Could anyone talk about how React Native runs, why someone says its performance is better than other hybrid framework

I am thinking of starting React Native, one reason is many people talk its performance is better than other Hybrid Framework, but I am wondering how React Native make it faster in Mobile, I thought all hybrid app is like a web app run in a webview, is the way React Native uses different from Cordova? Could anyone talk about the procedure how React Native is turned into a mobile app?
I agree with the other comments. Your question is a bit broad, but the short of it I think is that hybrid apps rely on the WebView, so they're performance is limited by the browser's performance, which is of course single threaded. Getting 60fps animations is a constant struggle for Hybrid apps, though they're getting better all the time both in terms of the browser's capabilities and technique.
React Native bridges to native components, so you get native performance characteristics. Things like calculating the view are offloaded acync to separate threads, so the user's experience is never blocked.
Here's a useful list of other benefits...
sorry for the all caps... that's the actual title of the list :/

Web application on a mobile platform

First, my question might sound like a duplicate, but I have been going through a lot of questions on this forum and haven't found the answer to what I am looking for.
I have an existing web application built using Java, struts2 and jsps. I want the web site to be mobile - friendly. I am not looking at developing native apps right now. I want the mobile-site to have a native-app like appearance. So if a user goes to the browser on a mobile and accesses my site it should have that native look and feel. So I looked at Sencha touch 2 to begin with. I am new to Mobile development and would appreciate help in understanding how to go about evaluating Sencha touch 2 as a viable option. I see from examples that in ST the UI is mostly built using ExtJs javascript.
My questions are the following
Is there a way to port my existing jsps and html to the mobile view , without building them from scratch?
Since the css for the site is currently built for 'screen' media, this will obviously have to be worked out , but does Sencha Touch
provide any functionality of using an existing css and customising it
for a mobile device?
Appreciate your help,
Unfortunately, the answer to your first question is no.
Java/JSP and Javascript are totally different in essence. No convention could be made to convert between these two.
For the second one, SASS/SCSS might be the things you're looking for: It's because Sencha Touch components' CSS properties are build through SCSS files. You can take advantage of these. For further ideas, see:

iPad third-party calendar component

I need a calendar-App-like UI component in my App. I mean, not necessarily nice and complex like the calendar App, but close enough.
Is there something similar and possibly open source?
Frameworks, API, libraries, snippets and so on?
(I say iPad on purpose, not iPhone! I know there are good solutions for iPhone, already)
I know this one
But I'm not sure if you can customise everything you need.
Hope it help
I am not entirely sure what you are looking for but Apple has some good documentation on Event Kit UI frameworks. This would allow you to navigate and use basic calendar functions.

Mobile UI frameworks & other UI scripts

I'm looking for the best cross browser compatible swipe script for android, iphone and other touch phones. Has anyone used any of the available frameworks or have you used custom scripts? What is your experience with these?
Phone Gap
Unify Project
Any others? I am joining a mobile task force and would like to get more involved in one or more of these communities so I can provide some UI support.
First of all, let's sort out the apples and oranges.
PhoneGap and Appcelerator Titanium are NOT UI frameworks. They are both Web to Native bridging technologies. They provide JavaScript API's for mobile capabilities like accelerometer, contacts, GPS, telephony, etc. Also, they facilitate the creation of a deployable mobile app (versus a web page)
Sencha Touch, jqTouch, and jQuery Mobile are mobile UI frameworks that provide support for mobile UI concepts, like touch, swipe, transitions, small screen sizes, etc. They can run in a pure web page or be used in conjunction with PhoneGap or Appcelerator Titanium in a mobile app.
I'm not too familiar with the Unify Project, but it seems to be a bundle of PhoneGap plus their own UI framework.
Both Sencha Touch and jQuery Mobile are in early days, but already have some great capabilities and they're moving fast.
SenchaTouch is good, but be aware that it provides no native hardware support, so if you need access to the phone hardware, you will need PhoneGap or equivalent.
I hear good things about jqTouch, but haven't tried is personally.
Another option is Appcelerator. If you need to write an app for mobile devices, it is a really approachable framework. You write javascript code, and their machinery compiles it to the appropriate platform. Note that this is for writing apps that run on a mobile device directly, not for writing apps that run in a browser on a mobile device.
I found jqTouch to be great on top of the PhoneGap technology however you need to understand that all the "good looking" UI kits are built on HTML 5 and so far you'll be disappointed with the HTML 5 support from Android devices. You'd think Google would be on this like ants on syrup but you'd be wrong. The jqTouch works like a dream on almost all iOS based devices and quite poorly on most Android devices.
As for Titanium, it still appears and feels web based and there are no UI styles to my knowledge. This means it "attempts" to look native whereas with PhoneGap and JQT you can get a really nice theme. So if you want "snazy" then go PG and something else. Titanium is far more stable than JQT when you're building for iOS and Android so that is a plus but it would be really nice if they did some kind of theme engine.
note over time this answer will become irrelevant as Android improve their HTML 5 support and those UI frameworks become more stable :)
