Single Domain Controller Getting Event Errors 4013, 1844, 2886 - active-directory

I am trying to set up a new domain with only one domain controller.
My DNS role seems to be getting event warning 4013 and my Active Directory role is getting events 2886, 1844, 1463 and 614. I have tried just about everything I could search for and think of for getting rid of these errors. I would appreciate any suggestions.

For events 4013 you should not see this error at all, I run one domain controller with DNS also. This is stating that you have an issue with the way DNS was configured. You only see this if DNS has issues. As for 2886 it has to do with LDAP you can ignore this event if you wish or you can make the changes to have the warning go away.
Check out this forum for help what 2886.

If I am correct, I will always get these 2 warnings occasionally since it is only a single domain controller on the domain hosting its own DNS service. These warnings do not seem to impede any performance on the server itself.


To get the hierarchical structure from Active directory to power bi

I am trying to get the user hierarchy from the active directory to power bi
So, I am facing an error as :
Unable to Connect: We encountered an error while trying to connect. Details: "Active Directory: The active directory domain '' couldn't be found."
So, Can it be possible I can get it from a blank query to get the hierarchical structure or any other way?
If yes, Could you please help me with this
Thanks in advance
I had the exact error message in a lab environment and it turned out to be a DNS issue.
The domain controller had a made up domain with a few VMs joined to it. I had configured a domain override in the router's DNS (pfSense router) so that the AD Domain (in your case would defer to the lab domain controller for DNS. My issue was that I spelled it wrong, once I corrected that the error was resolved.
I imagine it would work if you also put specific DNS entries in for the domain and the hosts tied to it that you needed to communicate with.

Change default GPO namespace?

We have recently set up a test domain controller to examine settings before pushing them to production at work.
Upon setting up this domain a simple error was made in the DNS settings. We forgot the subdomain. rather than
We found a way to change a majority of the references, but Group Policy objects are not being applied correctly.
When running RSOP.msc. we get an error: RSoP data is invalid Invalid namespace
Did a bit of digging and it seems when we create a group policy, and click edit, the name does not reflect the servers FQDN. rather than
How can we change this name space? or will we be forced to reset and re-run dcpromo.exe and ensure correct settings this time?
I have found my problem.
We renamed our domain using rendom.exe, which changed settings in the forest. And then removed to zone in the DNS settings.
However! We failed to change the domain on the domain controllers DNS suffix through the system properties (System Properties > Advanced System Settings > Computer Name > "To rename this computer..." > "More..." > Change DNS there)
It's funny, here, how you seem to find the answer to your question right after you ask it.

Datastore admin - Unable to resolve the server's DNS address

I am trying to access Datastore Admin on Google App Engine but I get Unable to resolve the server's DNS address error.
The url that cannot be translated is: [https protocol]ah-builtin-python-bundle-dot-[myapp][myapp]&adminconsolecustompage
I tried with adding exceptions to coookies because when I try directly access it with [http protocol][myapp] I get error with redirect loop.
Any idea? Any workarounds are also welcomed - I just need to copy datastore to local environment.
Thank you, Patrick.
Your guess turned out to be the right one. The domain is not set up properly and this is the reason of problems.

GAE - Domain Verification producing error

I have been adding domains to apps without any issues for past couple months, following these instructions
Since past two days I have not been able to, when clicking Activate this service I get this error message "An error occurred while trying to install this application. Please try again later."
I have tried this also with older domains and with different apps and getting the same error, so the problem seems to be more widespread, not isolated to particular domains / apps.
Does anyone know how to solve?
This appears to be a problem on Google's end; it's not just you. I've filed a ticket with them for myself and am waiting to hear back. Your options are to:
File a ticket with them yourself, or
Do nothing, trusting that they'll fix it soon.
Unfortunately, there doesn't appear to be anything we can do from our end to resolve the issue.

Exception while accessing Active Directory and creating user [duplicate]

I need to read the Active Directory, search users and create user functionality.
I am able to use DirectoryEntry in C# and Domain is only physical server.
In my production environment, I have two physical domain servers with same domain name. When I try to search the AD user or create, I am getting the following exception.
Exception : "0000202B: RefErr: DSID-031007EF, data 0, 1 access points" [extended Error 8235]
Note that I have Domain Admin privileges on the domain but I'm still having the same issue.
0000202B: could mean wrong DN/searchbase like incorrect DC value etc.
Your problem looks like a DNS problem. I know writting that, I've got statisticaly 80% chance being right. Check the domain name resolution from your client. Check your DNS and verify that your two domain controlers are well registered.
The error you are getting is referall related:
8235 (0x202B)
A referral was returned from the server.
You can find the error codes linked at this MSDN Article.
