converting ppt/pptx to pdf using C - c

I am not talking about exact conversion. If I could get just the text out of it, I am happy.
Any pointers? Anything I can look at?

Look at unoconv . Its python based(and openoffice needs to be installed), just a pointer that might help.


How to store data from a .TIFF file to then modify it with my C program

I know few about this and i'm trying to keep building upon it. My goal is to do image stacking with some criteria using C language, as i came upon some cool ideas i think i should be capable of doing with my photos. My C background should be enough to understand what i may need. That being said...
So far i've learned how to read an existing .TIFF file and save it into a char array. The problem is i don't know in which way its data is contained so that i can then be able to analize individual pixels and modify them, or build another .TIFF file from data i previously read.
I've read some things about (a so called) libtiff.h which may be usefull but i can't find where to get it, neither how to install it.
Does anyone know how a .TIFF file data is stored so that i can read it and apply changes to it?
Does anyone have any experience with handling image files and editing in C? Where did you learn it from?
Do you know of any place i could search for information/tutorials?
Any help will be very usefull,
Thanks in advance.
You can do an enormous amount of very sophisticated processing on TIFFs, or any one of 190+ other formats with ImageMagick without any need to understand TIFF format or write any C. Try searching on Stack Overflow for [imagemagick]
If you want to do processing yourself, consider
Another option might be to convert your TIFFs to NetPBM which is much, much simpler to read and write in C. That would be as follows with ImageMagick:
magick INPUT.TIFF -compress none OUTPUT.PPM

Extract information from HTML document with C

In my quest to learn C (Plain C, not C#, nor C++. I have my reasons.), I have come across the need to extract some information from a HTML document, fetched from a URL. Namely, I want all href attributes from the links residing in a certain unordered list on the page, in an array of strings. These URLs point at images I want to download and store in a zip file.
Now, I've asked a few people I know are good at C, and they have either told me off with "C is the wrong tool", or pointed me at libXML, which is apparently famous for it's scarce documentation. I've also looked at libsoup and libtidy, but I can't seem to stitch the pieces together.
What approach/library should I pick? Does anyone know of some example code I could look at?
EDIT: Seeing that half the comments are telling me to use something other than C, I'll add that I'm not looking for the "right tool for the job". I'd probably use Ruby if I just wanted to get it done ASAP, simply because I'm comfortable with it. It's part of my quest to learn C, and as such, I'm looking for a pure C solution.
Since you are on a quest to learn C, then I would use the standard library and .
The easiest is to use something else to get the page, write it to a local file, then pass the file name into your program. Print your output to STDOUT.

Computed Tomography: Matlab to C/OpenCV code conversion error

I am working on a Computed Tomography problem, in which I have to simulate the generation of the raw data or sinogram that a CT apparatus generates.
Matlab has an in-built function "radon()" to simulate the same. I have successfully written a custom code in Matlab to generate the sinogram (ie: without using radon() ).
I have converted this code into C, using the OpenCV library to handle the loading/display/saving of images.
The problem is that though my matlab output generates the sinogram as expected, my C code does not. I have merely translated the Matlab code into C but the C output is oriented differently as well has black strips in between. The gray levels in the C output kind of resemble the Sinogram gray levels and pattern generated by the matlab code. Only thing it appears segmented in C.(I will send the images across if you gimme your mail id since i cannot attach them here.)
Could someone help me out as to why this is happening? I have peer-reviewed my code and checked for type cast errors, memory allocations etc. But They all seem correct.
Does matlab handle data that differently than C? What could be the explanation for the tilt?
Please Help me out. Do let me know if you need any more clarification regarding the problem statement or need to see the algorithm.
Very hard to help with a question like this, when we don't see either code, the output, or the expected output.
Perhaps you can upload the images to some public image hosting, and add links from the question?
If you're doing trigonometric function calls (sin() and friends), I would pay extra attention to the arguments used, and also check if maybe Matlab is delivering more precision in the result, somehow. Of course, this is a stab in the dark since I'm not familiar with your domain.
Here are the images related to the doubt I asked in the original post
The expected output:
The C Output:

How to display an image using c?

I want to display an image using c in linux platform.And now i have read the image file ( gif)into an array of char. But I don't know what to do next to display it? Can anybody help me?
This is a quite complicated question since you're not being very specific.
C in itself doesn't have a concept of an "image" or even a "display". You need to mix in some environment-specific details that add such concepts, for instance you could work with the Framebuffer in (console) Linux, the X11 window environment, GNOME/GTK+, KDE or perhaps Enlightenment.
All of these give radically different answers.
You need a graphic toolkit to do that. Plain old C language is not enough.
You can try these toolkits:
There are many others that will also do what you want, but these two are among the most populars I guess.

How to get motherboard type in C?

I want to create a small application which gets my motherboards type. How can i do this using C?
Thanks, kampi
You could get the information you want with GetSystemFirmwareTable Win32 System Call. Not sure if you will find the exact information you are looking for though. Check out the doc.
