PivotViewer V2 with CXML shows no images - silverlight

I used the PivotViewer V1, created a server, which sends CXML, DZC, DZI and the image tiles to the client.
Everything works just fine for PivotViewer V1.
Now I want to switch to V2 of the PivotViewer. To get started I downloaded the CXML example here ("HELLO OLD WORLD!").
When I ran the example without any modification to the code, all the meta is loaded but there are no pictures anyway:
As I took a look at the source I see that a CXML from http://www.xpert360.net/SQLBits/Collection.cxml is loaded. So I set up my Fiddler. As expected, there is that CXML request, but still no request to any DZC, DZI or ImageTile:
As I inspect the object structure of the PivotViewerItems generated by the CXML parser, I was wondering about, why the tile count is equal to zero:
I also tried with my own collection (which, works for PivotViewer V1), without any success.
Any idea what to do?

What does your code behind look like when you are mapping the CxmlCollectionSource to the PV? Here is another sample for you to compare against: http://tonychampion.net/blog/index.php/2011/09/to-cxml-or-not-to-cxml/

I randomly got the solution, by testing some other stuff...
I was using "C:\Users\Daniel Huhn\SL5Test\Bin\Debug\SL5TestPage.html" as my HTML page to host the site.
After using a ASP.NET web Project to host the App (http://localhost:5453/SL5TestPage.aspx), all images are displayed :)


RDLC External Image works in ASP.NET but not in WPF

I have lots of RDLC reports in an ASP.NET app, many generated dynamically (manual manipulation of .rdlc XML file).
Many have external images (EnableExternalImages=true, full https://... url of image passed to report as a parameter).
Reports and images work fine in ASP.NET app (via ReportViewer control).
I am now building a WPF app that uses the same code to generate PDF files from the .rdlc reports.
For the most part the reports work just fine in both ASP.NET and WPF. Both use LocalReport.Render("PDF") to generate a PDF file. The only exception is where external images are used - the report does not seem to be able to render external images in WPF. If I replace the external image with an embedded image it works fine. The URL is definitely correct in the WPF app (works if pasted into browser).
I have tried http and https, and "run as administrator" - same results. The actual error message is typically unhelpful and just seems to be a generic "something wrong" message ("The subreport 'Subreport1' could not be found at the specified location Custom1. Please verify that the subreport has Page 1").
Any ideas?
Doh! As usual the problem was my own stupid mistake, made worse by unhelpful error messages.
LocalReport.Render("PDF", ..., out warnings) has a version that includes an output parameter for Warnings which in this case gave me a precise reason for the malfunction: EnableExternalImages was NOT set as I thought (test all your ASSumptions!) (why don't they show this message in the report instead of the useless generic message, would have saved me a lot of time!).
EnableExternalImages turned out to be set in aspx markup, and not in the RDLC generator code, thus it worked in ASP.NET but not in WPF. I now set it in the code and it works in both apps as expected.
I have read many posts about external images not working in PDF - they definitely work just fine in PDF (and Word), at least with Microsfot.ReportViewer2015.Runtime v12.0.2.2402. What often does not work however is displaying the images in IE in the online (in-browser) preview of the report - half the time they show and half the time they do not show, but they always show in the PDF.

How to find which file is serving ads in my application?

Ok, somehow I am serving ads in my NodeJS / AngularJS application, but I haven't include this myself.
There's some package or included link sending ads to the client, but the ads are not visible, and the adserve url changes with every request. (The url that can be seen in the screenshot below)
How do I find out which place in my application serves these ads?
PS: I am sure this doesn't come from my local dev pc, my other collegues have this issue as well.
A quick trick may be to search for the url in every files of your repository. If you use a cdn to load your librairies, try to look inside also (you can do that directly in chrome dev tool with ctrl/cmd f in the sources tab).
Hope it will help !
The "adserver" in my project turns out to be a tracking / analytics beacon included by the Realtime.co framework.
Thankfully, the author responded to my email very quickly, and they also provide a beacon-free version of their framework. So problem solved :)

Request.InputStream empty

A number of years ago I wrote a .aspx page that handled a HTTP POST Request which contained a piece of xml. The code read the xml using Request.InputStream - it worked fine for years until The DNN site that it was running in was updated to 5.6.8 now Request.InputStream is always empty. Note that the page is completely separate to DNN but located in site.com/Special/tlweb.aspx .
I've tested the same page on the same server using .net 4 but with a different IIS site and it works fine. Since another app POSTS data to the current URL I need to get it working in the existing location - changing the app is not an option.
I kind of think something was done in DNN 5.6.8 that was intended to stop cross site scripting attacks but I'm really having trouble figuring out what changed and what I can do to ensure that the specific page runs as it did previously.
Can anyone make any suggestions please?

richimage component src value does not work with uri value

When I set uri string value into richimage src property, I can not see the image on application ui.
If I try to paste the value into browser it shows the image
ie: file:/C:/Users/Dijitaluser/AppData/Roaming/JDeveloper/system11.
As a matter of fact, if i put the image file into the same project as you say image/thefile.png, that's ok. But I use distributed resources project and I get the uri by using resourceBundle. So this solution is useless for me.
I' m trying to test application on my integrated weblogic server, and this uri which is returned by resourceBundleHelper, is already validated by browser. Could you plz give me some suggestions about the issue.
I trasnformed my resources project to web project to use web.xml about defining resources servlet. Then moved my all images in META-INF/adf/images and added into my VisualResourceBundle(extends ListResourceBundle) class.
It works
hope it helps

Preview Pane Not Displaying Correct Formatting

I am using C1 3 and am having problems with the preview pane.
The C1 site uses master pages for templates, and works correctly when published. However, it is not displaying correctly in the preview pane. It visually appears to be ignoring CSS settings.
This site was copied from an original install, on another sever, that works correctly.
Any tips and or ideas would be greatly appreciated.
In the content view, which is not working, it is using this url
All other sites, including the published version of the site above use this url
I am assuming the same is happening for all images and style sheet references.
However, I cannot find where this is happening. In the master page items are referenced as follows:
Thats weird... have you somehow accidently configured the /Composite/Content folder as an application? Thats almost the only explanation why asp.net would expand ~ to /Composite/content/ instead of just /.
The preview-tab is handled through a wrapper-page that lives inside /Composite/content, unlike normal viewing of published pages which is handles by the root itself.
I think i found the problem...
I created a new app pool, used it, and now it works.
I guess the app pool somehow got corrupted...
